Eloquent model getRawOriginal() returns new values in `updating` observer - laravel

I need to compare original model values with changes that are done when update occurs, but I am not able to do that.
My model update code looks like this:
public function update(array $user, int $userId): ?bool
return User::find($userId)->update($user);
I thought that the best way to capture changes is to use observer and observe updating event, because I assume it's called right before changes are stored in the database. Here is updating method code:
public function updating(User $user)
Log::info('Original user', ['original' => $user->getRawOriginal('status')]);
I've tried logging a bit and it seems that updating method gets called after the update happens and then when I try to retrieve original model values there it returns new ones, instead of the original ones.
If I use getChanges() method in updating it returns exactly what has changed, so it seems that changes are tracked somehow, but not the original values?
Can someone give me any pointers how to solve this and explain to me why my approach doesn't work?
Update: Code, where I call update, is wrapped with DB transaction methods. After removing them it seems that updating method gets called at the right time and getRawOriginal then returns expected results.
In this case, what are my options? Is there a way to do what I want without removing transactions?

You can add boot method in your model .Both updating and updated trigger while updating .
protected static function boot()
static::updating(function ($model){
echo "updating";
static::updated(function ($model){
echo "updated";


Laravel: restore() and update() in one query?

New to laravel, In my case, I have 3 actions (move to active, inactive, and deleted)
when moved to active/inactive, the status column in database is changed,
when deleted, it gets soft deleted (without changing the status column),
Now, when the deleted rows are being moved to active/inactive, I should use restore() and at the same it, update the status column as specified.
But I can't find any docs regarding this use case.
You may write some helper method for Model to do though
I know this is not exactly the answer of your question but using these you can active/inactive your model without knowing about how it works and also it prevents redundant codes all over the project.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
protected function toggleStatus($status) {
DB::transaction(function () use($status) {
$this->update(['status' => $status]);
public function active() {
public function inactive() {

Laravel Observer Updating/Updated

I am not sure how best to do this. I need access to is_dirty() to check if specific fields were changed which needs to be done in the 'Updating' method in the observer. But I only want to act on it if the update is successful.
If there a way within the 'Updating' method to tell it to try to save the changes and then see if it was successful?
If not, what would be the best way to pair Updating and Updated? Would I just save a cache value in Updating specifying if the relevant fields were modified, then pull that cache value in Updated? Or would there be a better way?
You could try something along these lines:
class ModelObserver
public function updated(Model $model)
* Listening inside 'updated' since we only care about model
* updated which have already happened
if ($model->wasChanged('my-special-field')) {
// Do something...
You can read more about the wasChanged method here.

Laravel deleting cache working in controller but not in model closure

I'd like to delete a specific model from the cache using its id. This works as expected in the controller, but not using the model closure.
What I have in App\Models\Post:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
protected static function booted()
static::updated(function ($post) {
If I do Cache::forget('post:'.$post->id); in the controller it works.
Something I'm missing?
Make sure that you are actually changing a value on your model, because the updated event only fires when the model was dirty, as you can see here.
The saved event however will fire whenever you call the save() method, as you can see here:
protected static function booted()
static::saved(function ($post) {
From the docs:
The retrieved event will fire when an existing model is retrieved from
the database. When a new model is saved for the first time, the
creating and created events will fire. If a model already existed in
the database and the save method is called, the updating / updated
events will fire. However, in both cases, the saving / saved events
will fire.

How to acces is_* property in laravel model?

I am working with laravel 4.2 and have table in db with property is_active.
When I try to access this model property:
I am getting following error:
Relationship method must return an object of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation
So question is how to access this property?
Please do not recommend to rename this field in the database if possible because this is already existing database in production.
Here is my model class:
class Position extends \Eloquent {
protected $table = "hr_positions";
protected $fillable = ['slug', 'info_small', 'info_full', 'is_active', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'tags', 'user_create_id', 'user_update_id'];
use \MyApp\Core\StartEndDateTrait;
public function postulations(){
return $this->hasMany('Postulation', 'position_id', 'id');
Latest notice:
All this error ocurrs on a page where I am creating my entity. In the controller before forwarding to the page I am doing:
$position = new \Position();
and then, for example, following code produce error as well:
but if I replace $position = new \Position(); with
$position = \Position::first();
error is gone?
What is going on here?????
Laravel does a lot of magic behind the scenes, as in, calls a lot of php magic methods.
If a called property is not defined, __call is invoked which in Eloquent calls getAttribute().
Steps taken by getAttribute($key) are
Is there a database field by this key? If so, return it.
Is there a loaded relationship by this key? If so, return it.
Is there a camelCase method of this key? If so, return it. (is_active looks for isActive method)
Returns null.
The only time that exception is thrown is in step 3.
When you create a new instance, eloquent has no idea what kind of fields it has, so if you have a method by the same name, it will always throw a relation error, this seems to be the case in both Laravel4 and Laravel5.
How to avoid it? Use the getAttributeValue($key) method. It has no relation checks and returns null by default.
Alternatively you can also add a get mutator for your field.
I have found a hack for this. Still not ideal but at least I have some solution. Better any than none.
So This code produce problem:
$position = new \Position();
and this one works fine, this is solution even hacky but solution:
$position = new \Position(['is_active' => 0]);
I will wait if someone give better, cleaner solution. If no one comes in next few days I will accept mine.

Is there any decent way to Decorate models returned from a Magento `[model]_load_after`event?

I'm trying to overwrite some methods in models, and I'm on a mission to avoid overwrites and rewrites of models for maximum compatibility with other modules.
I figured the best way would be to simply decorate models after they are loaded from Magento, however as far as I can tell because of the way the observer pattern in Magento is written it's impossible to accomplish this. ( As Magento always returns the reference to $this ), and the lack of interfaces might also cause trouble later down the road? See this partial of Mage/Core/Model/Abstract.php
* Processing object after load data
* #return Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
protected function _afterLoad()
Mage::dispatchEvent('model_load_after', array('object'=>$this));
Mage::dispatchEvent($this->_eventPrefix.'_load_after', $this->_getEventData());
return $this;
My question boils down to the title, is there a decent way of accomplishing this?, or am I simply stuck with rewrites :(?
The path I would like to take is;
On event [model]_load_after
return new Decorator($event->getObject())
Where the decorator class in my case would be something like;
public function __construct(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice $model)
parent::__construct($model); // sets $this->model on parent class, see below
// overwrite the getIncrementId method
public function getIncrementId()
return '12345';
// partial of parent class
public function __call($method, array $args)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->model, $method), $args);
And just some pseudo-code for extra clarification;
$model = Mage::getModel('sales/order_invoice')->load(1);
echo get_class($model);
Namespace_Decorator **INSTEAD OF** Mage_Sales_Model_...
echo $model->getIncrementId();
'12345' **INSTEAD OF** '1000001' ( or whatever the format might be )
Thanks for your time reading / commenting, I really hope there actually is a way to accomplish this in a clean fashion without making use of code overrides or rewrites of models.
Edit: extra clarification
Basically what I would like is to return an instance of the Decorator in a few cases, the sales_invoice being one of them and customer the other. So when any load() call is made on these models, it will always return the instance of the Decorator instead of the Model. Only method calls that the decorator overrides would be returned, and any other method calls would "proxied" through __call to the decorated object.
I'm not sure if I got your question right but here goes.
I think you can use the event [model]_load_after and simply do this:
$object = $event->getObject();
Or if you want to use a decorator class make it look like this:
public function __construct(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Invoice $model)
public function getIncrementId()
return '12345';
I know that this is not exactly a decorator pattern but it should work.
I know that when adding a new method to the 'decorator' class you need to add it to attach data to the main model.
This is just my idea. I haven't got an other.
You can try to rewrite the load method on the object to make it return what you need. But I wouldn't go that way. You can end up screwing a lot of other things.
I don't think there is an other way to do it because load always returns the current object no mater what you do in the events dispatched in the method. see Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::load()
public function load($id, $field=null)
$this->_beforeLoad($id, $field);
$this->_getResource()->load($this, $id, $field);
$this->_hasDataChanges = false;
return $this;
By making it return new Decorator($this), you might achieve what you need, but just make sure that when calling $model->doSomething() and doSomething() is not a method in your decorator you still end up calling the original method on the model.
