I need to regularly count the number of files in many subdirectories from many computers. I'm looking for a batch file that will output a recursive count of all files, and then output this to a text file. Ideally, I want this without having to type out the complex name for each subdirectory.
Here is an example of what I have:
Sub_directory_A. 1000 files
Sub_directory_B. 2000 files
Sub_directory_C. 3000 files
I've found this code online, but it only counts one subfolder, and I have to navigate into that subfolder first: attrib.exe /s /D *.*|find /c /v "" >> filecount.txt. Therefore, this is very close.
How can I start in my parent directory and get a count of the files in folders A, B, and C broken out individually and then copied to a .txt file?
I want to get only the number of files on my hard disk drive.
I tried:
DIR /S C:\
But it lists nearly forever all the files recursively and at the end I get what I want: the number of files.
How do I get only the number of files like 300 000?
List files in bare format and pipe to find, which simply counts all lines:
dir /s /b /A-D-L c:\* | find /c /v ""
lists all files (including hidden and system files) without folders. You can adapt which files to include/exclude. See dir /? for details
So i have one master folder with 2 sub folders , each sub folder contains 20 folders , All the 20 folders have 3 more sub folders. Each of these 3 folders have 4 to 5 text Files of 5 to 10 mb each.
I want to merge all these txt files into one single file and also bring all these files into one single folders eliminating all the sub folders
To move all files (for example, .txt) of a tree to a single folder, use the following command:
for /r "sourcedir" %F in (*.txt) do move "%F" "targetdir"
Substitute the appropriate source and target directory paths instead of sourcedir and targetdir.
To merge all .txt files into a single file:
copy *.txt target.txt
For binary files, add the /b option before source file template.
I'm trying to echo a list of files which are named with multiple string snippets. I have a folder with subfolders which contain PDFs named like:
A crucial point is that I can't be certain that the order of filename codes is always the same. For instance, it could be that there are some files named:
For context or if anyone cares the names contain a township (EDW), Lot (L1_) and concession (C3_) code and the files are land surveys.
I want to create a batch file to list the files recursively which have BOTH L1_ AND C3_ strings in filename. For just L1_ I have used the following successfully:
forfiles /S /M *L1_*.PDF /c "cmd /c echo #FILE"
However I am stuck at how to narrow that list to only include L1_ files which also have C3_ in filename. ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS?
My end goal after I get this code to work is to copy those filtered files to a specified folder. I'm just playing with code at this point to create a custom solution.
I have list of files in a folder A, I need to move the files from folder A to folder B using command prompt with some condition check. Each file named in the following format like,
I have a list contains the numbers say,
I need to move the files starting with this list of numbers to the folder B
So the result will have to be like this,
Folder A>> 111.asf.docx
Folder B >>
How can i use CMD command to do the same, please help..
Try do a batch file to loop your file list and copy file* to your location
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (myfile.txt) do move %%A* c:\my\location
thanks Stephan, I correct it
I have a .bat file that runs 7-zip to compress all files in a directory. The files range in size from 1mb to 500mb and there are 10 files. Every 15 mins a scheduled backup program overwrites 5 of the 10 files. Those 5 files are usually the smallest and the quickest to compress, but 7-zip starts with the largest file first thus missing the 5 files within the 15 minutes. How do I get 7-zip to start with the smallest file first. Any help would be much appreciated.
cd "\Program Files\7-Zip"
If all of the files are in the same directory, you can use the sort feature of the dir command to add files to the archive one at a time.
For example, if the files to back up are in a subdirectory called 'files':
for /f %%N in ('"dir /A-D /O:S /B files"') do (
7z a backup.7z files/%%N
Based on your description this should be sufficient, but if the files are in various locations you may need to get fancier. I haven't tried it myself, but I would expect you could loop through a list of directories, writing each size / filename to a temporary file, then using the sort command on that file.