CreateObject("Outlook.Application") not working on some computers with Office 365 - windows

I have a client site running our Windows desktop software on a number of computers with 64 bit Office 365.
On most of their computers, our software is able to send email via Outlook.
However, two of their computers were upgraded to 365 last year (by their IT technician, not us), and both fail when they attempt to send email from our software.
Outlook works fine on its own, and so does our software - on both of these computers. But these two both can't send email from our software. (The other computers, which send email fine, are running exactly the same version of our software.)
When sending email, our software first checks for the existence of "Outlook.Application" or "Outlook.Application.*" keys in the Windows Registry to determine whether Outlook is installed. If not found, our program logic assumes that Outlook isn't installed, and attempts to use MAPI instead to send mail through another email client like Thunderbird (or through Outlook using MAPI). However, these computers both then crashed, because MAPI doesn't work on 64bit computers.
When I investigated these two problem computers, I found that they both had no "Outlook.Application" or "Outlook.Application.16" keys anywhere in their Windows Registry. I have never encountered this before. How and why would Office 365 install without creating these Registry entries? (I had just installed Office 365 on two computers here in my office, and they both had these keys and worked perfectly. And we have never encountered this before, at any of our other user sites.)
I discussed this with their IT technician. He did a complete uninstall of Office 365, and installed them from scratch, using the "on-line" install (that I had used on my computers - I sent him the URL to be sure). However, after this they were still unable to send email. When I investigated, I found that the Registry keys were still missing.
Their IT technician then asked me to export all the "Outlook.Application" and "Outlook.Application.16" keys in "Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" and send them to him. He imported these on both those computers, but it did not fix the problem.
However, because the keys now existed, our software then attempted to send email directly through Outlook, using OLE. However it crashed on the line where it tried to create an Outlook Application Object:
loApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application.16")
I built a special version with some extra test code in it. After failing to run the above line, it tried to run a line:
loApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
This also failed - presumably because some Outlook application components have not been installed.
I did some fairly extensive Google searches for posts that might identify a solution, but found nothing that seemed to fit. A couple of posts suggested running an Office "Repair" from the installation tool.
I mentioned this to their technician, and he did this. Interestingly, when I then checked (using RegEdit), it had created a lot more "Outlook.Application" and "Outlook.Application.16" Registry keys. But our software still fails on both the "CreateObject" lines in that test version, and single "CreateObject" line in the normal version.
Both their technician and I are completely mystified (and now out of our depth in the Microsoft black arts of Office 365 installation and Windows).
Has anyone encountered this scenario before, and / or can suggest where we might go from here?
OK, the original post was getting a bit long, and I didn't want to clutter it with too much information. So here is some further info:
In answer to Eugene's questions:
Using RegEdit, I searched the entire Registry - for one of the
computers that didn't work, and one that did (plus my own here,
which also worked fine).
Their technician installed the latest 64 bit 365. If I understand
correctly, the initial install was done from an ISO file. When that
didn't work, he tried again using the "on line" install (which I had
successfully used here). He used the "on line" install again for the "repair". I don't have current build numbers, but could obtain these later in the week if relevant. But they should be up-to-date.
No we can't reproduce the problem ourselves in-house, and have never
seen it before at any other client site.
The site is running the same antivirus software on all computers (those
that work, and those that don't). So I suspect that this won't be
the cause.
Registry keys that match perfectly on those two computers are:
Something that may be significant:
The Windows Registry on the computer that does not work has four extra keys (that are not in the computer that does work):
That computer (which doesn't work) also has a folder C:\ProgramData\Packages\Microsoft.Office.Desktop.Outlook_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ with 3 subfolders in it (with system generated names):
The first (created in 2019) has a subfolder "\SystemAppData" which is
The other two (both with same date/time in early 2020) are completely
empty (i.e. have no SystemAppData subfolder)
I wonder whether these keys may somehow be causing mischief. Early next week the technician and I plan to back up these keys, and then delete them.
Does anyone know what these keys are about?
(I found a blog that may be relevant: But then again, it may not be.)

Keep in mind that older version of Windows Store Outlook ran in a sandbox and was not externally accessible. Uninstall it and reinstall again from the store - you will get a regular C2R version.

Eureka!!! Deleting those extra legacy Registry keys did the trick.
Our software immediately was able to create Outlook Application objects, and send email via Outlook.
It seems that these extra keys dated back to an earlier attempted install by the client (before their current technician became involved). There were about 20 or so other 'Outlook*' keys in that part of the Registry with '8wekyb3d8bbwe' in their name. I subsequently deleted these too - on the the assumption that they were all legacy garbage. (As a rule, it is pretty dangerous to delete things you don't understand - but so far, so good. Although I am too chicken to delete a host of others in that location for Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word with with '8wekyb3d8bbwe' in their name too.)

I had the same problem; it came from a brand-new computer!
What worked for me was the early binding. Select: Tools > Reference > Microsoft Outlook 16 object library.
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Set objOL = New Outlook.Application
Set objOL = Nothing
At the end, setting objOL to Nothing is crucial, otherwise the instance stays open, and it causes problems with Outlook.


"Error 1324. Unable to update the password." message appears when running installer built using command line interface (ISCmdBld.exe) in InstallShield

We are using InstallShield 2020 Professional SP3, on Windows 10 Pro.
We have an automated build server that automates Install Shield (via its command line interface, 'ISCmdBld.exe') to build an Installer for our Internal Product on demand. To accomplish this, it calls a PowerShell (.ps1) script that gathers all the pertinent information (such as the Product Key GUID, binaries, etc.), and passes parameters for the paths and Product Key into IsCmdBld.exe. For the past few years, this process has been working more or less flawlessly, up until recently when our Installer is giving us the following error almost immediately after its launched. Looking thru the MSI Log file, it appears this occurs after the "ResolveSource" action.
There are two things to note here: 1. Our installer, in no way has any business changing any password in the system. When I google error, "1324", it appears to be a message from Windows when a user attempts to change a password that doesn't meet the complexity requirements. 2. If I build this installer manually using the Install Shield GUI application, everything works as intended.
As it turns out, there was a Linefeed ("\n") after the GUID in our ProductKey.txt file. Our PowerShell Script reads the string data in from this file and passes it to ISCmdBuild.exe. If there are any extraneous characters after the GUID that is passed into the "-z ProductCode " parameter, it causes the Install to engage into some questionable behavior, much like errors in Pointer arithmetic do when developing in unmanaged languages like, C or C++. I know this is likely rare, but I wanted to ask and answer the question up here on just in case anyone else encounters this issue. I have been working with Revenera (Flexera) software support and hopefully, this [now] known issue we experienced will be documented. This simple linefeed jammed me up for days.

VM & MS access - ExportWithFormatting PDF not working while in background

I have a problem that i have a difficult time explaining, which makes any online search very hard. Here is my dilema.
I'm migrating a VM. The purpose of this machine is to compile send out daily/weekly/monthly reports. I know there are other ways (like Power BI) but this is the situation we are in right now. The older machine has win10 pro and office 365 installed while the new has win10 enterprise version and office 2016 installed. This machine runs 24/7 in the background running specific tasks (via system scheduler app) at given times, that is it's a Virtual machine and has done so without issues since it was created. The reason for the migration is because we need to domain change and bring the machine under a new corporate policy and we don't want to do this on a live server.
We've set it the VM's the same way, same programs and same settings. Everything seams to be running smooth expect for this one thing, and here is the problem i have a hard time to explain or figure out:
MS Access will update the tables and the computer will run the tasks as set but it will not export the data to pdf unless i have a remote desktop connection open. Will not export the pdf's otherwise. MS Access uses a autoexec macro where the pdf export is set with ExportWithFormatting. This works without issues on the old server.
We thought this to be a permission or user specific issue at first but even re-creating the tasks did not work and changing paths. Otherwise also i expect we would have problems with tables updating, specially since it works when you have an active remote desktop conn running.
I'm lost and therefore hoping this community will be able to help or guide me to a solution.
I believe that we found the reason for this. It was caused by windows easy print and the printer drivers of the machine. It worked for some reason differently between the servers. after reinstalling the printer drivers and a few restarts it started working. It exports now from access again.
This is at least solved.

Visual Studio 2015 Community License update fails in Samba NT4 Domain due to proxy/firewall

First off, I read all other Questions, that relate to this, I did an extensive google search on this topic and could not get a working answer.
I installed the Community Version of Visual Studio 2015 in mid November and been using it since then. After finishing my project, I went back to pen and paper for new formulas and noe came back to implement all those neat things.
Now it says, that my trial license has expired and should be renewed. I already read, I should use my MicrosoftAccount to do that, and proceeded by doing that.
Now this happened
It says, I should check firewall and prxoy settings and I read about contactiong the administrator. So that, what I did, but he says, there is no proxy, no block by firewall or anything else.
When running VS as administrator (after entering my credentials) I can create new projects and debug existing ones, so no problem there. However I can not use the program as normal user.
I read somewhere here to try repair it via systemcontrol, but that did not work either.
Does anyone has a solution?
In addition: There is also no "Enter License Key here" field, so that is also not an option.
(several Days later)
Halleluja, I found the answer! After digging through some Microsoft Help-Forums, I came upon this Thread, that not only perfectly describes my problem, but also gives a solution. So dear visitor from the future, who googled the problem and came upen this Stackoverflow Question: Follow the link above!
So, after sniffing packets harder than a drug addict, trying to find a difference in TLS exchanges between my computer and VS licensing server when using a domain account and when a using local account, and noticing no difference, I recalled why I had pushed this hypothesis to the side: our network supports TLS 1.2 perfectly well, as I can connect to TLS 1.2-only remote hosts without any issue.
This means the issue lies elsewhere, and is caused by Visual Studio treating domain accounts and local accounts differently when trying to renew licensing information.
The good news is I've found why and how to fix it.
I recalled that earlier this year, when we upgraded our commercial department from Windows 7 to Windows 10, they all encountered issues while trying to configure their mail accounts on Microsoft Outlook: an unknown error 0x8004011c. If you search around for it you'll quickly find that this only happens when using domain accounts and not when using local accounts (sounds familiar, heh?). The fix to bypass this issue is to set a specific Windows cryptography-related registry key.
When digging a little deeper, you can find that this fix is related to KB 3000850 (which I sadly cannot link to due to my account not being verified) and is actually described in the "Known issues" section, as well as in Samba-related documentation ("Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains").
In short: Windows 8.1+ clients (with KB3000850) joined to an NT-Style domain are not able to use Windows Credential Manager. This doesn't occur when not using a NT-Style domain. The fix seems to globally authorize using Windows Credential Manager whatever the domain context.
So, to wrap it up, if:
You have a NT-Style domain (such as when using a Samba domain controller)
You have Windows 8.1 or later
vYou encounter issues when renewing your Visual Studio license
Then, set the following registry key:
This solved the issue on our domain, for all machines and accounts tested.
As to why Visual Studio 2015 needs to use Windows Credential Manager and not Visual Studio 2013, someone from Microsoft will have to chime in there to explain because I have no clue.
You are using a very old Samba server that uses unsupported features. NT4 came out in 1995. Active Directory didn't exist back then. A lot has changed in the last 20 years, including strengthening security and gradually removing older, less secure features like LanMan and NT4 domains.
Instead of weakening security, you should follow the advice posted in the page you linked, Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains:
Microsoft discontinued the official support for NT4 domains in their Windows operating systems. ... Anyway, consider migrating to a Samba Active Directory (AD) to avoid problems if a future update from Microsoft disables or removes the unsupported NT4 features.

Show only CN as Publisher Name for signed *.msi in Windows 10 SmartScreen Dialog

We are using SignTool.exe with a ComodoSSL certificate to sign our *.msi-packages on Windows. While Windows 7 only displays the company name (say "My Company Inc.") when executing an MSI which has a "mark of the web", Windows 10 SmartScreen shows "DE, 12345, My State, My City, Our Street 123, My Company Inc., My Company Inc.", which is not really readable.
Our certificate contains this information:
In Windows in certificate details, the field "applicant" [note: this is my own translation from german, maybe the field name is slightly different] shows the following: CN=My Company Inc., O=My Company Inc., ...)
It worked with the same certificate on Windows 10 before setting up the new build environment. I've already tried the Windows 7 SDK and the Windows 10 SDK, same result.
Does anyone know, if I can force Win10 SmartScreen to display only the certificates Common Name?
I'm having the exact same issue with my Comodo certificate. In my case it's an Adobe AIR app which I'm building in Flash Builder and then signing with signtool. (Flash Builder seemingly only uses the certificate to sign the internal AIR package, not the installer EXE.)
It worked perfectly about two weeks ago, but it seems the problem began after a recent Windows update, so I assume somehow it's related to that. I've had a support ticket in with Comodo for the past few days, but they're not responding in spite of my repeated requests via their chat support. I think they're stumped as well.
UPDATE: It definitely seems that a Windows update is the source of the issue. Over the weekend one of our test computers auto-updated. Last week this computer was showing only our company name as the publisher on SmartScreen. After the update, it shows the same long jumbled-up address string.
Four updates were installed: KB3176935, KB3176936, KB3176937, and KB3194496. I tried uninstalling them one by one to see if it would fix the issue. Nothing changed with *35, *37, or *96. KB3176936 is a service stack update and cannot be uninstalled, so I have to assume it is the culprit. However, since I can't uninstall, check, reinstall, and check again, there is no way to verify that.
Comodo Support was no help at all. I sent them a screenshot of the issue, and their reply was: "We don't see anything wrong. Maybe you should send us another screenshot?" :/
At any rate, yes, I would be very interested in hearing anything you get back from Microsoft Support. I might try putting in a ticket with them myself as well.

Time limited trial and Windows Certification

If you want to implement a time limited trial for an application you would probably want to leave behind some flag (registry key, file etc) so a program couldn't just be re-installed.
Are there any schemes that allow you to do this while still passing the various Windows Certification programs?
Generally :-
Applications must correctly and fully
uninstall from the machine. This
includes removing files, registry
keys, GAC assemblies, database tables,
metabase settings, active directory
accounts, etc. Anything left on the
system after uninstall, including
system components installed by the
application, must be documented and
justified - Windows Server 2008 Software Logo Secification - 2.3 Uninstall Cleanly
You are taking the philosophy of only allowing installation if a flag is NOT there, which means you need to leave the flag there after uninstall. Also this fails when the user finds the flag and deletes it themself.
Better is if you turn it around and only allow the program to work if a flag IS there. This flag would be a registration key that has the date of expiry encrypted into it. When the program expires or is uninstalled, you delete the flag.
I implement this by making my users come to my site to register and get a free trial key. There are probably other ways, but I like this one because it also allows me to collect info about who is trying my program.
If your app is connected to the Internet, then you could store information on your own server about whether it has been installed before or not. However, this almost certainly needs to be designed in from the start with potential investment in hosting your own server to be available to check against.
I'm sure there must be plenty of cases where files are left behind after an uninstall that are perfectly acceptable. For example, I wouldn't expect all my documents to be deleted when I uninstalled Word.
