I have an error Undefined type 'Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition' - cart

enter image description here
i have an error "Undefined type 'Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition'.". anyone can help me?

Your PHP version must be 7.4 or higher or
use Darryldecode\Cart\CartCondition;


I have an error in the climate of gnome manjaro extension, can someone help me?

hi i got this bug in gnome weather and i cant get it to work
The settings of extension weather-extension#xeked.com had an error:
TypeError: GWeather.Location.new_world is not a function
Stack trace:

Octobercms : Undefined Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException

I know there is a lot similar questions of this one. But non of them fixed my issue.
I run php artisan serve without any issue but when i try to load the page I get this error with no explicit message:
I've got the same project file + php version + laravel version that my teamate but he does not get the error.
Do you have any more ideas please ?

RxJS-DOM - Cannot read property 'AbstractObserver' of undefined

I've just included RxJS 5.4.0 and RxJS-DOM 7.0.3 on a page and got this error in the console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'AbstractObserver' of undefined
How can I resolve this error?
Rx-DOM is not fully compatible will RxJS 5.
See open tickets on github:
To avoid this error you need to use RxJS 4.

golang error: reference to undefined identifier ‘syscall.TUNSETIFF’

So, I have been trying to build flannel (https://github.com/coreos/flannel) with gccgo. Here is the error I am getting while building:
$ ./build
Building flanneld...
# github.com/coreos/flannel/pkg/ip
gopath/src/github.com/coreos/flannel/pkg/ip/tun.go:57:37: error: reference to undefined identifier ‘syscall.TUNSETIFF’
err = ioctl(int(tun.Fd()), syscall.TUNSETIFF, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr)))
I am using gccgo-5 and gcc-5. Can anyone please help me figure out what exactly is the issue here? TIA
So, I found the answer. The problem was that gccgo didn't define TUNSETIFF for my arch. I defined the value accordingly and I was able to make it work. Thanks #JimB

Linux compile error: undefined reference to `kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable'

I want to call function kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable() in tick-sched.c, but got the following error:
/usr/src/linux-3.13.9/kernel/time/tick-sched.c:213: undefined reference to `kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable'
how can I fix this?
Just find definition of this function in kernel and use:
I hope it help.
