RxJS-DOM - Cannot read property 'AbstractObserver' of undefined - rxjs5

I've just included RxJS 5.4.0 and RxJS-DOM 7.0.3 on a page and got this error in the console:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'AbstractObserver' of undefined
How can I resolve this error?

Rx-DOM is not fully compatible will RxJS 5.
See open tickets on github:
To avoid this error you need to use RxJS 4.


Octobercms : Undefined Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException

I know there is a lot similar questions of this one. But non of them fixed my issue.
I run php artisan serve without any issue but when i try to load the page I get this error with no explicit message:
I've got the same project file + php version + laravel version that my teamate but he does not get the error.
Do you have any more ideas please ?

'expect(...).withContext is not a function' error using Protractor

I use Protractor 7.0 and Jasemine 3.6.1, but when i use .withContext(), I get Failed: expect(...).toEqual(...).withContext is not a function error message.
I have searched the issue and the people suggest to update the Jasmine and Protractor, but it doesn't help.

laravel "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)"

i moved my laravel project from local to sharedhost
but the laravel give this error :
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)"
host php version : 7.0
That code only works from PHP 7.1 and up.
As of PHP 7.1.0 visibility modifiers are allowed for class constants.
Link to documentation.
Upgrade your PHP version or use an earlier version of Doctrine's DBal.

golang error: reference to undefined identifier ‘syscall.TUNSETIFF’

So, I have been trying to build flannel (https://github.com/coreos/flannel) with gccgo. Here is the error I am getting while building:
$ ./build
Building flanneld...
# github.com/coreos/flannel/pkg/ip
gopath/src/github.com/coreos/flannel/pkg/ip/tun.go:57:37: error: reference to undefined identifier ‘syscall.TUNSETIFF’
err = ioctl(int(tun.Fd()), syscall.TUNSETIFF, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr)))
I am using gccgo-5 and gcc-5. Can anyone please help me figure out what exactly is the issue here? TIA
So, I found the answer. The problem was that gccgo didn't define TUNSETIFF for my arch. I defined the value accordingly and I was able to make it work. Thanks #JimB

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModulesHelper::getActions()

When I create new module using Roksproket, I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModulesHelper::getActions() in C:\xampp\htdocs\pgocaribbeantv\administrator\components\com_roksprocket\views\module\view.html.php on line 139
What might the problem be?
This is a known issue with Joomla 3.2.2, the getActions function was meant to be depreciated and then removed.
For now you can try upgrading RockSprocket as they added a release to work around the bug (see their changelog):
