Arguments to Dot(`.`)/Source Command in Shell Scripting [duplicate] - shell

I am attempting to work with an existing library of code but have encountered an issue. In short, I execute a shell script (let's call this one A) whose first act is to call another script (B). Script B is in my current directory (a requirement of the program I'm using). The software's manual makes reference to bash, however comments in A suggest it was developed in ksh. I've been operating in bash so far.
Inside A, the line to execute B is simply:
. B
It uses the "dot space" syntax to call the program. It doesn't do anything unusual like sudo.
When I call A without dot space syntax, i.e.:
it always errors saying it cannot find the file B. I added pwd, ls, whoami, echo $SHELL, and echo $PATH lines to A to debug and confirmed that B is in fact right there, the script is running with the same $SHELL as I am at the command prompt, the script is the same user as I am, and the script has the same search path $PATH as I do. I also verified if I do:
. B
at the command line, it works just fine. But, if I change the syntax inside A to:
instead, then A executes successfully.
Similarly, if I execute A with dot space syntax, then both . B and ./B work.
./A only works if A contains ./B syntax.
. A works for A with either ./B or . B syntax.
I understand that using dot space (i.e. . A) syntax executes without forking to a subshell, but I don't see how this could result in the behavior I'm observing given that the file is clearly right there. Is there something I'm missing about the nuances of syntax or parent/child process workspaces? Magic?
UPDATE1: Added info indicating that the script may have been developed in ksh, while I'm using bash.
UPDATE2: Added checking to verify $PATH is the same.
UPDATE3: The script says it was written for ksh, but it is running in bash. In response to Kenster's answer, I found that running bash -posix then . B fails at the command line. That indicates that the difference in environments between the command line and the script is that the latter is running bash in a POSIX-compliant mode, whereas the command line is not. Looking a little closer, I see this in the bash man page:
When invoked as sh, bash enters posix mode after the startup files are read.
The shebang for A is indeed #!/bin/sh.
In summary, when I run A without dot space syntax, it's forking to its own subshell, which is in POSIX-compliant mode because the shebang is #!/bin/sh (instead of, e.g., #!/bin/bash. This is the critical difference between the command line and script runtime environments that leads to A being unable to find B.

Let's start with how the command path works and when it's used. When you run a command like:
ls /tmp
The ls here doesn't contain a / character, so the shell searches the directories in your command path (the value of the PATH environment variable) for a file named ls. If it finds one, it executes that file. In the case of ls, it's usually in /bin or /usr/bin, and both of those directories are typically in your path.
When you issue a command with a / in the command word:
/bin/ls /tmp
The shell doesn't search the command path. It looks specifically for the file /bin/ls and executes that.
Running ./A is an example of running a command with a / in its name. The shell doesn't search the command path; it looks specifically for the file named ./A and executes that. "." is shorthand for your current working directory, so ./A refers to a file that ought to be in your current working directory. If the file exists, it's run like any other command. For example:
cd /bin
would work to run /bin/ls.
Running . A is an example of sourcing a file. The file being sourced must be a text file containing shell commands. It is executed by the current shell, without starting a new process. The file to be sourced is found in the same way that commands are found. If the name of the file contains a /, then the shell reads the specific file that you named. If the name of the file doesn't contain a /, then the shell looks for it in the command path.
. A # Looks for A using the command path, so might source /bin/A for example
. ./A # Specifically sources ./A
So, your script tries to execute . B and fails claiming that B doesn't exist, even though there's a file named B right there in your current directory. As discussed above, the shell would have searched your command path for B because B didn't contain any / characters. When searching for a command, the shell doesn't automatically search the current directory. It only searches the current directory if that directory is part of the command path.
In short, . B is probably failing because you don't have "." (current directory) in your command path, and the script which is trying to source B is assuming that "." is part of your path. In my opinion, this is a bug in the script. Lots of people run without "." in their path, and the script shouldn't depend on that.
You say the script uses ksh, while you are using bash. Ksh follows the POSIX standard--actually, KSH was the basis for the POSIX standard--and always searches the command path as I described. Bash has a flag called "POSIX mode" which controls how strictly it follows the POSIX standard. When not in POSIX mode--which is how people generally use it--bash will check the current directory for the file to be sourced if it doesn't find the file in the command path.
If you were to run bash -posix and run . B within that bash instance, you should find that it won't work.


What does . mean in bash? (As in ".")

I am used to running shell scripts with for example
I was surprised to learn recently that this also works
The single dot of course normally indicates the current directory so I am now confused. Can anyone explain this use of .?
Taken from IBM docs: ".(dot) runs a shell script in the current environment and then returns. Normally, the shell runs a command file in a child shell so that changes to the environment by such commands as cd, set, and trap are local to the command file. The . (dot) command circumvents this feature.
If there are slashes in the file name, . (dot) looks for the named file. If there are no slashes . (dot) searches for file in the directories specified in the PATH variable. This may surprise some people when they use dot to run a file in the working directory, but their search rules are not set up to look at the working directory. As a result, the shell does not find the shell file."
. (dot) and source mean the same thing in the bash language.
In fact the (dot) form is the standard form according to the POSIX Shell Specification. The source form is a bash extension, but not a bash invention. (The venerable Berkley C-shell (csh) used to use source rather than ..)
According to the POSIX Shell specification, source is a command name whose meaning is unspecified; see

Running executables without ./ or bash or source

I am learning the basics of bash and linux. To execute a script, I could type...
bash script1
source script1
The first two will run without chmod u+x and the last one requires it.
From my understanding, bash tries to run things in a subshell so it doesn't mess things up. When I add bash before the filename, it's executed in a subshell. source is just a way of telling the computer to run it in the current shell. I'm not sure why these don't require the execute permission though.
./ is pretty straightforward. However, I've seen people run scripts without the ./. One told me I could do this by doing something with PATH. I completely don't understand this PATH thing.
Can someone explain in the easiest way possible?
bash script1
you are executing bash (the one that needs execution permission) to read and process script1 (which needs read permission).
source script1
you are telling the current bash to read the file and process it as if it were typed on the current shell, so the current bash reads the script (read permission) and executes every line.
Finally, on
you are telling bash to try to run a file called ./script1, so it checks if it is executable (execute permission on ./script1) and passes this file to the kernel to be executed. The kernel opens the file and acts as needed (if it have a shebang line, it uses whatever is given, if it finds it is an ELF object, it prepares the binary in memory...).
Regarding PATH, check some documentation and come back with specific doubts, if any.
PATH is environmental variable. It is a list containing all directories that will be searched when you issue a command. So if your PATH is defined as PATH=/bin:/usr/bin these two dirs will be searched, if you redefine it as export PATH=./:$PATH it will also add current directory to search list.

How can I store and execute the command "export PATH=$PREFIX/bin" from a script?

I would like to write a script that has several commands of the kind
> export PATH=$PREFIX/bin
> $PREFIX = /home/usr
or something else. Instead of typing it into the the Shell (/bin/bash) I would run the script to execute the commands.
Tried it with sh and then with a .py script having the line,
> commands.getstatusoutput('export PATH=$PREFIX/bin')
but these result into the error "bad variable name".
Would be thankful for some ideas!
If you need to adjust PATH (or any other environment variable) via a script after your .profile and equivalents have been run, you need to 'dot' or 'source' the file containing the script:
. file_setting_path
source file_setting_path
The . notation applies to all Bourne shell derivatives, and is standardized by POSIX. The source notation is used in C shell and has infected Bash completely unnecessarily.
Note that the file (file_setting_path) can be specified as a pathname, or if it lives in a directory listed on $PATH, it will be found. It only needs to be readable; it does not have to be executable.
The way the dot command works is that it reads the named file as part of the current shell environment, rather than executing it in a sub-shell like a normal script would be executed. Normally, the sub-shell sets its environment happily, but that doesn't affect the calling script.
The bad variable name is probably just a complaint that $PREFIX is undefined.
Usually a setting of PATH would look something like
export PATH=$PATH:/new/path/to/programs
so that you retain the old PATH but add something onto the end.
You are best off putting such things in your .bashrc so that they get run every time you log in.

Why does this script work in the current directory but fail when placed in the path?

I wish to replace my failing memory with a very small shell script.
if ! [ –a $1.sav ]; then
mv $1 $1.sav
cp $1.sav $1
nano $1
is intended to save the original version of a script. If the original has been preserved before, it skips the move-and-copy-back (and I use move-and-copy-back to preserve the original timestamp).
This works as intended if, after I make it executable with chmod I launch it from within the directory where I am editing, e.g. with
./ filename
However, when I move it into /usr/bin and then I try to run it in a different directory (without the leading ./) it fails with:
*-bash: /usr/bin/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Text file busy*
My question is, when I move this script into the path (verified by echo $PATH) why does it then fail?
D'oh? Inquiring minds want to know how to make this work.
The . command is not normally used to run standalone scripts, and that seems to be what is confusing you. . is more typically used interactively to add new bindings to your environment (e.g. defining shell functions). It is also used to similar effect within scripts (e.g. to load a script "library").
Once you mark the script executable (per the comments on your question), you should be able to run it equally well from the current directory (e.g. ./ filename) or from wherever it is in the path (e.g. filename).
You may want to remove .sh from the name, to fit with the usual conventions of command names.
BTW: I note that you mistakenly capitalize If in the script.
The error bad interpreter: Text file busy occurs if the script is open for write (see this SE question and this SF question). Make sure you don't have it open (e.g. in a editor) when attempting to run it.

Replacement for source in sh

I need to set the environment variables, usually we do this by
But now, I am automating it during the boot process and it looks like the root boots by default with sh shell. How do I source this script in sh?
The dot command '.' is the equivalent of the C Shell (and Bash) source command. It is specified by POSIX (see dot), and supported by the Bourne and Korn shells (and zsh, I believe).
. somefile
Note that the shell looks for the file using $PATH, but the file only has to be readable, not executable.
As noted in the comments below, you can of course specify a relative or absolute pathname for the file — any name containing a slash will not be searched for using $PATH. So:
. /some/where/somefile
. some/where/somefile
. ./somefile
could all be used to find somefile if it existed in the three different specified locations (if you could replace . with ls -l and see a file listed).
Pedants of the world unite! Yes, if the current directory is the root directory, then /some/where/somefile and ./some/where/somefile would refer to the same file — with the same real path — even without links, symbolic or hard, playing a role (and so would ../../some/where/somefile).
tl;dr With sh (as opposed to bash) the argument must contain a slash: source ./, not just source Unless can be found in PATH.
Dot (.) command exists in both bash and sh. Additionally, bash aliases it as source. From bash manual:
source filename
A synonym for . (see Bourne Shell Builtins).
. (a period)
. filename [arguments]
Read and execute commands from the filename argument in the current shell context. If filename does not contain a slash, the PATH variable is used to find filename. When Bash is not in POSIX mode, the current directory is searched if filename is not found in $PATH.
If file does not contain a /, the shell shall use the search path specified by PATH to find the directory containing file. Unlike normal command search, however, the file searched for by the dot utility need not be executable.
