Need a developer-friendly GraphQL-client code generator - graphql

A question about code generation based on a scheme, before that I worked with REST, for it there is a code generator (openapi codegen) that outputs a ready-made service (class) at the output, with the translation of fields from snake-style to camel-style, type checks, etc. P.
Is there such a thing for GraphQl, tried graphql-code-generator - it outputs not a class / service, but only type interfaces.


Entities or Models in NestJs code first GraphQl

I am new to NestJs and GraphQl, I am learning going over some tutorials. It appears to be an inconstancy in the usage of the terminology model or entity. The nestjs schematics resource generator for graphql code first produces entities, yet the example shown on their website use models.
produces entities:
nx generate #nestjs/schematics:resource generated --language=ts --type=graphql-code-first
uses models no mention of entities in code first approach
which one terminology is most appropriate?
Thank You,
Both are generally correct. It comes down to naming preferences.
I view entities as database entities, or database table maps. They map from your database data to a class representation that your code will understand. Models can also be used for this, which I believe is the term that sequilize and mongoose prefer to use.
Models, as described in the docs you linked, are generally your DTOs, your schema objects that you expect the API to accept and respond with.
You'll notice that the generator also generates two #InputType() files as well, which will be more closely tied to your incoming DTO while the entity.ts will be closer to your response DTO.
So, both are correct, and it comes down to naming preferencec.

is it possible to define an interface in prisma?

I am trying to have a "generic" info in my object.
Basically what I want to do is to have 2 different kinds of object, lets say image and document
Both have different fields except for the ID
I was wondering what would be the best approach to define my datamodel.prisma so when I use my graphql model (in GO) I can use a generic interface like data
Is it even possible? If not what solution could be the best?
I know in graphql there are interfaces but Im not sure how to define it in prisma.
Interface and union types are not currently supported in Prisma (see feature requests here and here).

Encapsulation of third party configuration structs

I am working on a Go project where I am utilizing some rather big third-party client libraries to communicate with some third-party REST apis. My intent is to decouple my internal code API from these specific dependencies.
Decoupling specific methods from these libraries in my code is straightforward as I only need a subset of the functionality and I am able to abstract the use cases. Therefore I am introducing a new type in my code which implements my specific use cases; the underlying implementation then relies on the third-party dependencies.
Where I have a problem to understand how to find a good decoupling are configuration structs. Usually, the client libraries I am using provide some functions of this form
createResourceA(options *ResourceAOptions) (*ResourceA, error)
createResourceB(options *ResourceBOptions) (*ResourceB, error)
where *ResourceA and *ResourceB are the server-side configurations of the corresponding resources after their creation.
The different options are rather big configuration structs for the resources with lots of fields, nested structs, and so on. In general, these configurations hold more options then needed in my application, but the overall overlap is in the end rather big.
As I want to avoid that my internal code has to import the specific dependencies to have access to the configuration structs I want to encapsulate these.
My current approach for encapsulation is to define my own configuration structs which I then use to configure the third party dependencies. To give a simple example:
import a ""
// MyClient implements my use case functions
type MyClient struct{}
// MyConfiguration wraps more or less the configuration options
// provided by the client-a dependency
type MyConfiguration struct{
Strategy StrategyType
StrategyAOptions *StrategyAOptions
StrategyBOptions *StrategyBOptions
type StrategyType int
const (
StrategyA StrategyType = iota
type StrategyAOptions struct{}
type StrategyBOptions struct{}
func (c *MyClient) UseCaseA(options *MyConfiguration) error {
cfg := &a.Config{}
if (options.Strategy = StrategyA) {
cfg.TypeStrategy = a.TypeStrategyXY
As the examples shows with this method I can encapsulate the third-party configuration structs, but I think this solution does not scale very well. I already encounter some examples where I am basically reimplementing types from the dependency in my code just to abstract the dependency away.
Here I am looking for maybe more sophisticated solutions and/or some insights if my approach is generally wrong.
Further research from me:
I looked into struct embedding and if that can help me. But, as the configurations hold non-trivial members, I end up importing the dependency in my calling code as well to fill the fields.
As the usual guideline seems to be Accept interfaces return structs I tried to find a good solution with this approach. But here I can end up with a rather big interfaces as well and in the go standard library configuration structs seem not to be used via interfaces. I was not able to find an explicit statement if hiding configurations behind interfaces is a good practice in Go.
To sum it up:
I would like to know how to abstract configuration structs from third-party libraries without ending up redefining the same data types in my code.
What about a very simple thing - redefining the struct types you need in your wrapper package?
I am very new to go, so this might be not the best way to proceed.
package myConfig
import a ""
type aConfig a.Config
then you only need to import your myConfig package
import "myConfig"
// myConfig.aConfig is actually a.Config
Not really sure if this helps a lot since this is not real decoupling, but at least you will not need to import "" in every place

Groovy pass request params between classes

If I want to handle many parameters from for example a web request and pass it between classes (layers) - what is the preferred way?
I know it is easy to pass optional numbers of parameters through the constructor as a map.
I can also pass a map directly and if the keys match the receiving objects property names it should work in a similar way
Or I could just pass the map and then instantiate for example domain classes from that
I could use a special class as data carrier with given number of properties
I have a domain class (not database domain but business domain) that needs data from the user interface.
What is the best way to pass data through the layers and how do I know that all required data is being passed if using a data structure - like a map - with key values? If I would have a more static constructor with a given number of parameters, then I would know that the parameters are being passed. But how do I secure this when using a more dynamic approach? With unit tests?
Well in Grails command objects are an excellent choice. You can pass them up to various layers without issues. They are pretty analogous to domain classes, only without the whole persistence functionality.
Otherwise I would recommend using plain old Groovy classes (POGOs). Groovy allows you to keep your code very short (compared to Java and many other languages as well) and offers very handy transforms for common design patterns you might need (e.g. Canonical, Immutable, IndexedProperty, DelegatesTo...).
Compared to command objects POGOs do require you to write e.g. validation code by yourself, but this can be as simple as
boolean isValid() {
name && lastName && countryCode in ['US', 'CA']
You can keep static factories in a POGO to help you construct them in the various circumstances. Plus you can define more than one class in a file so you can keep the POGO code wherever it makes most sense. I would definitely prefer this approach to simple maps because the code is better encapsulated, POGOs can be unit tested & documented.

Registering all types in Assembly for Unity

I'm working on a large Asp.Net MVC3 application (>50 views) and we are currently planning on using Unity for our dependency injection framework. For ease of maintenance, I would like to be able to query the assembly to find all of the base types, then register them with Unity.
Based on sample code from the Unity MVC3 Project for registering all controllers, I tried the following code -
var orchestratorTypes = (from t in Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetTypes()
where typeof(IOrchesratorBase).IsAssignableFrom(t) &&
select t).ToList();
orchestratorTypes.ForEach(t => container.RegisterType(t);
When I run the application I get the following error message
The current type, WwpMvcHelpers.BaseClasses.IOrchesratorBase, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?
If I register the class using individually, as below -
container.RegisterType<IOrchesratorBase, HomeOrchestrator>();
Everything works correctly. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to register each type individually?
Per request, my inheritance hierarchy is
HomeOrcestrator <- IOrchesratorBaseList<LocalModel>
<- OrchesratorBase<LocalModel> <- IOrchesratorBase
The usage in the controller is
public class HomeController : ControllerListBase <HomeOrchestrator, LocalModel>
public HomeController() {}
public HomeController(IOrchesratorBase homeOrchestrator) {
this.Orchestrator = (HomeOrchestrator) homeOrchestrator;
The LINQ to get the types appears to work. I don't think that's your problem.
You'll get a similar error if you just write
and call container.Resolve<IOrchesratorBase>().
In other words, RegisterType(t) is not the same as RegisterType<I, T>().
The real question is, what are you resolving and how do you want it resolved? Your query is finding implementors of IOrchesratorBase. Are your injection constructor parameters of that type? If so, what's Unity supposed to do when 20 types implement that interface?
Can you provide more information on your class/interface hierarchy, constructor parameters, and what you expect/want to happen?
(I'd refactor to change IOrchesratorBase to IOrchestratorBase, BTW.) :)
Based on the edited question, the problem is that, in order to resolve a HomeController, Unity is looking for a type registration for IOrchesratorBase. It determines the interface type by the parameter types of the constructor with the most parameters.
If you write container.RegisterType<IOrchesratorBase, HomeOrchestrator>() the answer is obvious - Unity will construct an instance of HomeOrchestrator and inject it.
Now, is there more than one type that implements IOrchesratorBase? If so, and you register both of them (explicitly), Unity will use whichever one you register last. That may not be what you want.
If you have multiple controllers, each taking a different interface type in their constructors (with only one implementation per interface), you'll need to figure out what each interface type is and re-run your LINQ registration for each one. That could be done via reflection - find the orchestrators or the controllers.
If you have multiple controllers, each taking the same interface type in their constructors and you want different implementations for each, you've got a problem. You'd have to register named types and determine the names somehow, or something similar.
Unity isn't magic. It can't figure out your intentions.
Unity can operate in a convention-over-configuration mode; see Using Unity With Minimal Configuration.
