Deadlock-free locking multiple locks in Go - go

Is there a proven programmatic way to achieve mutual exclusion of multiple Mutexes / Locks / whatever in Golang?
defer mutex1.Unlock()
defer mutex2.Unlock()
defer mutex3.Unlock()
would keep mutex1 locked I guess while waiting for mutex2 / mutex3. For several goroutines, all using a different subset of several locks, this easily can get deadlocked.
So is there any way to acquire those locks only if all of them are available? Or is there any other pattern (using channels maybe?) in achieving the same?

So is there any way to acquire those locks only if all of them are available?
No. Not with standard library mutex at least. There is no way to "check" if a lock is available, or "try" acquiring a lock. Every call of Lock() will block until locking is successful.
The implementation of mutex relies on atomic operations which only act on a single value at once. In order to achieve what you describe, you'd need some kind of "meta locking" where execution of the lock and unlock methods are themselves protected by a lock, but this probably isn't necessary just to have correct and safe locking in your program:
Penelope Stevens' comment explains correctly: As long as the order of acquisition is consistent between different goroutines, you won't get deadlocks, even for arbitrary subsets of the locks, if each goroutine eventually releases the locks it acquires.
If the structure of your program provides some obvious locking order, then use that. If not, you can create your own special mutex type that has intrinsic ordering.
type Mutex struct {
id uint64
var mutexIDCounter uint64
func NewMutex() *Mutex {
return &Mutex{
id: atomic.AddUint64(&mutexIDCounter, 1),
func MultiLock(locks ...*Mutex) {
sort.Slice(locks, func(i, j int) bool { return locks[i].id < locks[j].id })
for i := range locks {
func MultiUnlock(locks ...*Mutex) {
for i := range locks {
a := NewMutex()
b := NewMutex()
c := NewMutex()
MultiLock(a, b, c)
MultiUnlock(a, b, c)
Each mutex is assigned an incrementing ID, and unlocked in order of ID.
Try it for yourself in this example program on the playground. To prevent the deadlock, change const safe = true.

You might as well just put all the Mutexes into an array or into a map and implement a function that will call Lock() method on each of those using range based loop, so the order of locking remains the same.
The function might also take an array containing indexes it shall skip(or not skip if you like).
This way there will be no way to change the order of locking the mutexes as the order of the loop is consistent.


Since len() for slice and map are O(1), why len() is not thread-safe?

I read some post(Are len(string) and len(slice)s O(1) operation in Go?, How to check if a map is empty in Golang?) and found that len() for slice and map are O(1), the implementation is get a member(e.g. size, length) of the structure.
But the test(Is len() thread safe in golang?) show len() is not thread-safe, why?
What you're referring to is called a benign data race. The map size is just an int, so one could assume that reading and writing a single int is atomic, right? Well, no.
The Go memory model is derived from the C memory model, in which accessing the same memory from two or more threads, at least one of which is writing, without synchronization is a data race - a form of undefined behavior. It does not matter if you're accessing a single int or a more complex structure.
There are two reasons why a benign data race does not actually exist:
1. Hardware. There are two types of CPU cache architectures: one with strong cache coherency (e.g. x86) and another with weak cache coherency (e.g. ARM). Regular writes to memory may not become "visible" on other cores immediately, depending on the hardware. Special "atomic" instructions are required to make data visible between cores.
2. Software. According to the memory model, each thread is assumed to execute in isolation (until a synchronization event with happens-before semantics occurs). The compiler is allowed to assume that reading the same memory location will provide the same result, and for example, hoist these reads of the loop (thus breaking your program). This is why synchronization must be explicit in the code, even when targeting hardware with strong cache coherency.
The following program may or may not ever finish, depending on the CPU and compiler optimization flags:
func main() {
x := 0
go func() {
x = 1
for x == 0 { // DATA RACE! also, the compiler is allowed to simplify "x == 0" to "true" here
// wait ...
To make it correct, use synchronization to let the compiler know there is concurrency involved:
func main() {
var mtx sync.Mutex
x := 0
go func() {
x = 1 // protect writes by a mutex
for {
x_copy := x // yes, also reads must be protected
if x_copy != 0 {
// wait ...
The locking and unlocking of the same mutex creates an acquire-release fence such that all memory writes done before unlocking the mutex are "released" and become visible to the thread that subsequently locks the mutex and "acquires" them.

Calling multiple functions with different signatures concurrently

I'd like some feedback on the implementation details of what I'm trying to build. What I want to achieve is have multiple functions with different signatures that can be called concurrently.
Calling the functions in coroutines sequentially works fine, but I'm wondering if there's a way to do this in a more idiomatic way, e.g. iterate over a slice of functions.
Since each function has different arguments and return values though, I have trouble figuring out what the best approach would be. An example that is a bit similar to my goal can be seen here: Golang - How do you create a slice of functions with different signatures?, but there the code just calls the functions and doesn't account for any return values.
Is what I have in mind even possible?
You can use code from linked question and just wrap the v.Call(params) into an anonymous function executing in its own goroutine like this:
// WaitGroup to wait on goroutines to finish their execution
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for a, v := range f {
v := reflect.TypeOf(v)
//calling the function from reflect
val := reflect.ValueOf(f[a])
params := make([]reflect.Value, v.NumIn())
if v.NumIn() == 1 {
params[0] = reflect.ValueOf(1564)
} else if v.NumIn() == 2 {
params[0] = reflect.ValueOf("Test FROM reflect")
params[1] = reflect.ValueOf(float32(123456))
// Run them in parallel
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
See it on Go Playground
As for return values Value.Call() returns []Value which is slice of return values - so you are covered here too. Your question doesn't specify what you intend to do with results but given they will be generated in parallel you'll probably need to send them through a channel(s) - you can do that in anonymous function (after processing return slice) too.
go func() { MyPackage.MyFunc(with, whatsoever, signature); }() - roughtly, that's what you need. You span as many goroutines (using the go keyword) as there are concurrent functions.
There is no notion of "returned value" from goroutine. For that you have to use channels. They are primary communication mechanism. So, you span a new goroutine with some function f of arbitrary signature and when it's done and you got some result, you send it to some channel shared between goroutines for communication.
Channels are thread-safe and were carefully designed to handle such a communication gracefully. Go, as programming language, provides few keywords that deal with reading/writing to/from channels. So there are pretty fundamental to (concurrent) programming in Go.
However, of course, you can handle it differently. Sharing some mutable memory protected by some kind of locking, or relying upon lockless compareAndSet fashion. Arguably, that's less idiomatic way and generally have to be avoided. Always prefer channels.

bounded 'mutex pools' for synchronized entity behaviour

I have a function
type Command struct {
id Uuid
handleCommand(cmd Command)
entity := lookupEntityInDataBase(cmd.Uuid)
However this function can be called in parallel, and the entities are assumed to be non-threadsafe leading to racyness in the entity's state and the state which will be saved in the database.
A simple mutex locking at the beginning and end in this function would solve this, but would result in overly pessimistic synchronisation, since entities of different instances (i.e. different uuid), should be allowed to handle their commands in parallel.
An alternative can be to keep a Map of map[uuid]sync.Mutex, and create a new mutex if a uuid is not encountered before, and create it in a threadsafe manner. However, this will result in a possibly endlessly growing map of all the uuids every encountered at runtime.
I thought of cleaning up the mutexes afterwards, but doing this threadsafe, and realising that another thread may already be waiting for the mutex opens so many cans of worms.
I hope I am missing a very simple and elegant solution.
There isn't really an elegant solution. Here's a version using channels:
var m map[string]chan struct{}
var l sync.Mutex
func handleCommand(cmd Command) {
for {
ch, ok:=m[cmd.Uuid]
if !ok {
ch=make(chan struct{})
defer func() {
entity := lookupEntityInDataBase(cmd.Uuid)
The Moby project has such a thing as a library, see
The one-line description is,
locker provides a mechanism for creating finer-grained locking to help free up more global locks to handle other tasks.

Attempting to acquire a lock with a deadline in golang?

How can one only attempt to acquire a mutex-like lock in go, either aborting immediately (like TryLock does in other implementations) or by observing some form of deadline (basically LockBefore)?
I can think of 2 situations right now where this would be greatly helpful and where I'm looking for some sort of solution. The first one is: a CPU-heavy service which receives latency sensitive requests (e.g. a web service). In this case you would want to do something like the RPCService example below. It is possible to implement it as a worker queue (with channels and stuff), but in that case it becomes more difficult to gauge and utilize all available CPU. It is also possible to just accept that by the time you acquire the lock your code may already be over deadline, but that is not ideal as it wastes some amount of resources and means we can't do things like a "degraded ad-hoc response".
/* Example 1: LockBefore() for latency sensitive code. */
func (s *RPCService) DoTheThing(ctx context.Context, ...) ... {
if s.someObj[req.Parameter].mtx.LockBefore(ctx.Deadline()) {
defer s.someObj[req.Parameter].mtx.Unlock()
... expensive computation based on internal state ...
} else {
return s.cheapCachedResponse[req.Parameter]
Another case is when you have a bunch of objects which should be touched, but which may be locked, and where touching them should complete within a certain amount of time (e.g. updating some stats). In this case you could also either use LockBefore() or some form of TryLock(), see the Stats example below.
/* Example 2: TryLock() for updating stats. */
func (s *StatsObject) updateObjStats(key, value interface{}) {
if s.someObj[key].TryLock() {
defer s.someObj[key].Unlock()
... update stats ...
... fill in s.cheapCachedResponse ...
func (s *StatsObject) UpdateStats() {
For ease of use, let's assume that in the above case we're talking about the same s.someObj. Any object may be blocked by DoTheThing() operations for a long time, which means we would want to skip it in updateObjStats. Also, we would want to make sure that we return the cheap response in DoTheThing() in case we can't acquire a lock in time.
Unfortunately, sync.Mutex only and exclusively has the functions Lock() and Unlock(). There is no way to potentially acquire a lock. Is there some easy way to do this instead? Am I approaching this class of problems from an entirely wrong angle, and is there a different, more "go"ish way to solve them? Or will I have to implement my own Mutex library if I want to solve these? I am aware of issue 6123 which seems to suggest that there is no such thing and that the way I'm approaching these problems is entirely un-go-ish.
Use a channel with buffer size of one as mutex.
l := make(chan struct{}, 1)
l <- struct{}{}
Try lock:
select {
case l <- struct{}{}:
// lock acquired
// lock not acquired
Try with timeout:
select {
case l <- struct{}{}:
// lock acquired
case <-time.After(time.Minute):
// lock not acquired
I think you're asking several different things here:
Does this facility exist in the standard libray? No, it doesn't. You can probably find implementations elsewhere - this is possible to implement using the standard library (atomics, for example).
Why doesn't this facility exist in the standard library: the issue you mentioned in the question is one discussion. There are also several discussions on the go-nuts mailing list with several Go code developers contributing: link 1, link 2. And it's easy to find other discussions by googling.
How can I design my program such that I won't need this?
The answer to (3) is more nuanced and depends on your exact issue. Your question already says
It is possible to implement it as a worker queue (with channels and
stuff), but in that case it becomes more difficult to gauge and
utilize all available CPU
Without providing details on why it would be more difficult to utilize all CPUs, as opposed to checking for a mutex lock state.
In Go you usually want channels whenever the locking schemes become non-trivial. It shouldn't be slower, and it should be much more maintainable.
How about this package: . It use channel and semaphore ( to solve your problem.
go-lock implements TryLock, TryLockWithTimeout and TryLockWithContext functions in addition to Lock and Unlock. It provides flexibility to control the resources.
package main
import (
lock ""
func main() {
casMut := lock.NewCASMutex()
defer casMut.Unlock()
// TryLock without blocking
fmt.Println("Return", casMut.TryLock()) // Return false
// TryLockWithTimeout without blocking
fmt.Println("Return", casMut.TryLockWithTimeout(50*time.Millisecond)) // Return false
// TryLockWithContext without blocking
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 50*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
fmt.Println("Return", casMut.TryLockWithContext(ctx)) // Return false
// Output:
// Return false
// Return false
// Return false
PMutex from package
PMutex implements RTryLock(ctx context.Context) and TryLock(ctx context.Context)
// ctx - some context
ctx := context.Background()
mx := mfs.PMutex{}
isLocked := mx.TryLock(ctx)
if isLocked {
// DO Something
} else {
// DO Something else

Goroutine only works when fmt.Println is executed

For some reason, when I remove the fmt.Printlns then the code is blocking.
I've got no idea why it happens. All I want to do is to implement a simple concurrency limiter...
I've never experienced such a weird thing. It's like that fmt flushes the variables or something and makes it work.
Also, when I use a regular function instead of a goroutine then it works too.
Here's the following code -
package main
import "fmt"
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
// If should block
if == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{Limit: 1}
go func() {
Clarification: Even though I've accepted #kaedys 's answer(here) a solution was answered by #Kaveh Shahbazian (here)
You're not giving c.Decrease() a chance to run. c.Block() runs an infinite for loop, but it never blocks in that for loop, just calling continue over and over on every iteration. The main thread spins at 100% usage endlessly.
However, when you add an fmt.Print() call, that makes a syscall, which allows the other goroutine to run.
This post has details on how exactly goroutines yield or are pre-empted. Note, however, that it's slightly out of date, as entering a function now has a random chance to yield that thread to another goroutine, to prevent similar style flooding of threads.
As others have pointed out, Block() will never yield; a goroutine is not a thread. You could use Gosched() in the runtime package to force a yield -- but note that spinning this way in Block() is a pretty terrible idea.
There are much better ways to do concurrency limiting. See for one example
What you are looking for is called a semaphore. You can apply this pattern using channels
The idea is that you create a buffered channel of a desired length. Then you make callers acquire the resource by putting a value into the channel and reading it back out when they want to free the resource. Doing so creates proper synchronization points in your program so that the Go scheduler runs correctly.
What you are doing now is spinning the cpu and blocking the Go scheduler. It depends on how many cpus you have available, the version of Go, and the value of GOMAXPROCS. Given the right combination, there may not be another available thread to service other goroutines while you infinitely spin that particular thread.
While other answers pretty much covered the reason (not giving a chance for the goroutine to run) - and I'm not sure what you intend to achieve here - you are mutating a value concurrently without proper synchronization. A rewrite of above code with synchronization considered; would be:
type ConcurrencyLimit struct {
active int
Limit int
cond *sync.Cond
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Block() {
for == c.Limit {
func (c *ConcurrencyLimit) Decrease() int {
defer c.cond.Signal()
defer c.cond.L.Unlock()
if > 0 {
func main() {
c := ConcurrencyLimit{
Limit: 1,
cond: &sync.Cond{L: &sync.Mutex{}},
go func() {
fmt.Println(, c.Limit)
sync.Cond is a synchronization utility designed for times that you want to check if a condition is met, concurrently; while other workers are mutating the data of the condition.
The Lock and Unlock functions work as we expect from a lock. When we are done with checking or mutating, we can call Signal to awake one goroutine (or call Broadcast to awake more than one), so the goroutine knows that is free to act upon the data (or check a condition).
The only part that may seem unusual is the Wait function. It is actually very simple. It is like calling Unlock and instantly call Lock again - with the exception that Wait would not try to lock again, unless triggered by Signal (or Broadcast) in other goroutines; like the workers that are mutating the data (of the condition).
