What is attribute " createdDateTime " indicates in Mail message? - outlook

I'm currently working with mailbox messages using Graph API. I want to know what does the time in attribute "createdDateTime" indicates?. I'm finding that the attribute "sentDateTime" is ahead for few seconds or equal to "createdDateTime" for a mailbox message.
Graph API response of message:
"createdDateTime": "2021-06-17T13:02:21Z"
"sentDateTime": "2021-06-17T13:02:22Z"
Another response:
"createdDateTime": "2021-06-15T01:56:13Z"
"sentDateTime": "2021-06-15T01:56:13Z"
Another response:
"createdDateTime": "2021-06-15T01:52:30Z"
"sentDateTime": "2021-06-15T01:52:15Z"

It stands for the date and time of item creation. It seems items were sent out automatically by any software or macros.

This is a race condition. One states the date/time the message was sent over the wire, the other is the date/time the message was written to Exchange. If there is any delay between these two events, it could easily cause the two values to look like they're a full second off.
I say "looks like" because the resolution here is only to a second. If you increased the resolution to factional seconds, I suspect you'd find T13:02:21 was moments from flipping over to T13:02:22. In other words, they may actually only be fractionally apart rather than a full second.


In Substrate what does code: 1012 "Transaction is temporarily banned" mean?

The full text of the message is :
{code: 1012, message: "Transaction is temporarily banned"}
This would indicate that the transaction is held somewhere in Substrate Runtime mempool or something of that nature, but it is not entirely clear what possible causes can trigger this, and what the eventual outcome might be.
For example,
1) is it that too many transactions have been sent from a given account, IP address or other? Has some threshold been reached?
2) is the transaction actually invalid, or not?
3) The use of the word "temporary" suggests a delay in processing, not an outright rejection of the transaction. Therefore does this suggest that the transaction is valid, but delayed? If so, for how long?
The comments in the substrate runtime core/rpc/src/author/errors.rs and core/transaction-pool/graph/src/errors.rs is no clearer about what is the outcome.
In front of the mempool, exists a transaction blacklist, which can trigger this error. Specifically, this error means that a transaction with the same hash was either:
Part of recently mined block
Detected as invalid during block production and removed from the pool.
Additionally, this error can occur when:
The transaction reaches it's longevity, i.e. is not mined for TransactionValidation::longevity blocks after being imported to the pool.
By default longevity is set to u64::max so this normally should not be the problem.
In any case -ltxpool=log should reveal more details around this error.
A transaction is only temporarily banned because it will be removed from the blacklist when either:
30 minutes pass
There are more than 4,000 transactions on the blacklist
Check out core/transaction-pool/graph/src/rotator.rs.

how to get recent event recorded in event logs(eg: logged before about 10 seconds) in Windows using C++?

I need to collect event logs from Windows those are logged before 10 seconds. Using pull subscription I could collect already saved logs before execution of program and saving logs while program is running. I tried with the code available on MSDN:
Subscribing to Events
"I need to start to collect the event logged 10 seconds ago". Here I think I need to set value for LPWSTR pwsQuery to achieve that.
L"*[System/Level= 2]" gives the events with level equal to 2.
L"*[System/EventID= 4624]" gives events with eventID is 4624.
L"*[System/Level < 1]" gives events with level < 2.
Like that I need to set the value for pwsQuery to get event logged near 10 seconds. Can I do in the same way as above? If so how? If not what are the other ways to do it?
EvtSubscribe() gives you new events as they happen. You need to use EvtQuery() to get existing events that have already been logged.
The Consuming Events documentation shows a sample query that retrieves events beginning at a specific time:
// The following query selects all events from the channel or log file where the severity level is
// less than or equal to 3 and the event occurred in the last 24 hour period.
XPath Query: *[System[(Level <= 3) and TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 86400000]]]
So, you can use TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 10000] to get events in the last 10 seconds.
The TimeCreated element is documented here:
TimeCreated (SystemPropertiesType) Element
The timediff() function is described on the Consuming Events documentation:
The timediff function is supported. The function computes the difference between the second argument and the first argument. One of the arguments must be a literal number. The arguments must use FILETIME representation. The result is the number of milliseconds between the two times. The result is positive if the second argument represents a later time; otherwise, it is negative. When the second argument is not provided, the current system time is used.

Google Calendar API "The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past." after just one day

My code fetches calendar events using service.events().list() with the following parameters:
timeMax: 2015-11-13T04:12:44.263000Z
timeMin: 2014-05-17T04:12:44.263000Z
updatedMin: 2014-11-12T14:56:20.395000Z # = yesterday
I know there's a limit on the updatedMin param that prevents it to be too far in the past, but lately I get the following error even when updatedMin is yesterday:
The requested minimum modification time lies too far in the past.
Everywhere this error is mentioned, they are talking about a limit that is approx. 20 days in the past, certainly not one day.
Any ideas what is causing this error?
#Tzach, I tried the above query in API explorer with the same values and it returned the results without any error unless its greater than 20days. As Luc said, better to switch to syncTokens which saves the bandwidth.

How to get all message history from Hipchat for a room via the API?

I was using the Hipchat API (v2) a bit today and ran into an odd issue where I was not able to really pull up all of the history for a room. It seemed as though when I queried a specific date, for example, it would only retrieve a fraction of the history for that date given. I had had plans to simply iterate across all of the dates for a Room to extract the history in a format that I could use, but ended up hitting this and am now unsure if it is really possible to pull out the history fully.
I realize that this is a bit clunky. It is pulling the JSON as a string and then I have to form it into a hash so I know I'm not doing this as good as it could be done, but here is roughly what I quickly did just to test out the history method for the API:
api_token = "MY_TOKEN"
client = HipChat::Client.new(api_token, :api_version => 'v2')
history = client['ROOM_NAME'].history
history = JSON.parse(history)
history.each do |key, history|
if history.is_a? Array
history.each do |message|
if message.is_a? Hash
puts "#{message['from']['name']}: #{message['message']}"
Obviously then the extension to that was to just curse through the dates in the desired range (using: client['ROOM_NAME'].history(:date => '2010-11-19', :timezone => 'PST')), but again, I was only getting a fraction of the history for the room. Are there some additional parameters that I'm missing for this to make it work as expected?
I got this working but it was a big pain.
Start by sending a query with the current time, in UTC, but without including the time zone, as the start date:
This is very fiddly:
If you specify just the current date, without a timezone, as documented in the API, it is interpreted as midnight last night and you only get messages from yesterday or older.
If you try specifying tomorrow’s date instead, the response is 400 Bad Request This day has not yet come to pass.
If you specify the time as 2015-06-25T20:42:18.658439+00:00, which is the format that times come in HipChat API responses, HipChat’s parser seems to fail and interpret it as midnight last night.
When you get the response back, take the oldest items.date property, strip the timezone, and resubmit the above URL with an updated date parameter:
Be sure to include the microseconds, in case a notification posted multiple messages to the same room in the same second.
This will get you the next page of messages. Keep doing this until you get fewer than max-results messages back.
There is a start-index parameter I tried passing before I got the above working, and it will give you a few pages of results, with responses lacking a links.next property, but it won’t give you the full history. On a chatroom with 9166 messages in the history according to statistics.messages_sent, it only returned 3217 messages. So don’t use it. You can use statistics.messages_sent as a sanity check for whether you get all messages.
Oh yeah, and the last_active property in the /v2/room call cannot be trusted because it doesn’t update when notification messages are posted to the room.

Yammer JSON Feed returning only 20 messages

I am trying to get all the messages from a particular group. I am getting the json feed back. The only problem is, its returning only 20 messages. Is this set as default or something. Is there any way by by which while doing the request, I can specify whether I want all the messages, by default just 20 or even messages posted between the start and the end date?
My RestApi call is:
From Yammer Developer Documentation
Autocomplete: 10 requests in 10 seconds.
Messages: 10 requests in 30 seconds.
Notifications: 10 requests in 30 seconds.
All Other Resources: 10 requests in 10 seconds.
These limits are independent e.g. in the same 30 seconds period, you could make 10 message calls and 10 notification calls. The specific rate limits are subject to change but following the guidelines below will ensure that your app is not blocked.>>
I have tried using limit as the parameter to change the number of message more than 20. But it doesnt seem to be working?
Is this problem because of Rate Limit. If not, what's the problem?
Official documentation from Yammers Developer documentation
Messages - Viewing Messages
1) All public messages in the user’s (whose access token is being used to make the API call henceforth referred to as current user) Yammer network. Corresponds to “All” conversations in the Yammer web interface.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json
2) The user’s feed, based on the selection they have made between “Following” and “Top” conversations.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/my_feed.json
3) The algorithmic feed for the user that corresponds to “Top” conversations, which is what the vast majority of users will see in the Yammer web interface.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/algo.json
4) The “Following” feed which is conversations involving people, groups and topics that the user is following.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/following.json
5) All messages sent by the user. Alias for /api/v1/messages/from_user/logged-in_user_id.format.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/sent.json
6) Private messages received by the user.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/private.json
7) All messages received by the user.
GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages/received.json
The messages API endpoints return a similar structure and support the following query parameters:
older_than - Returns messages older than the message ID specified as a numeric string. This is useful for paginating messages. For example, if you’re currently viewing 20 messages and the oldest is number 2912, you could append “?older_than=2912″ to your request to get the 20 messages prior to those you’re seeing.
newer_than - Returns messages newer than the message ID specified as a numeric string. This should be used when polling for new messages. If you’re looking at messages, and the most recent message returned is 3516, you can make a request with the parameter “?newer_than=3516″ to ensure that you do not get duplicate copies of messages already on your page.
threaded=[true | extended] - threaded=true will only return the first message in each thread. This parameter is intended for apps which display message threads collapsed. threaded=extended will return the thread starter messages in order of most recently active as well as the two most recent messages, as they are viewed in the default view on the Yammer web interface.
limit - Return only the specified number of messages. Works for threaded=true and threaded=extended.
Noted the limit parameter that you can set on your GET request - so based on this documentation if it is correct (I'm not a Yammer Developer but I do use it) you should be able to do
That is in theory but reading through the documentation there is a section on Search that has
page - Only 20 results of each type will be returned for each page, but a total count is returned with each query. page=1 (the default) will return items 1-20, page=2 will return items 21-30, etc.
Which says to me they are limited to 20 results returned.
After testing this with https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?limit=50 and it not returning 50 messages but doing https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?limit=5 will return only 5 messages I would say that Yammer restrict the number of messages to 20 Also after reading through the documents a bit more I read
For example, if you’re currently viewing 20 messages and the oldest is number 2912, you could append “?older_than=2912″ to your request to get the 20 messages prior to those you’re seeing"
This says to me that they will only return a max of 20. So I think you are stuck with 20 messages at a time.
Hope this helps.
You need to use Parameters:
The messages API endpoints return a similar structure and support the following query parameters:
older_than - Returns messages older than the message ID specified as a numeric string. This is useful for paginating messages. For example, if you’re currently viewing 20 messages and the oldest is number 2912, you could append “?older_than=2912″ to your request to get the 20 messages prior to those you’re seeing.
newer_than - Returns messages newer than the message ID specified as a numeric string. This should be used when polling for new messages. If you’re looking at messages, and the most recent message returned is 3516, you can make a request with the parameter “?newer_than=3516″ to ensure that you do not get duplicate copies of messages already on your page.
threaded=[true | extended] - threaded=true will only return the first message in each thread. This parameter is intended for apps which display message threads collapsed. threaded=extended will return the thread starter messages in order of most recently active as well as the two most recent messages, as they are viewed in the default view on the Yammer web interface.
limit - Return only the specified number of messages. Works for threaded=true and threaded=extended.
Example : GET https://www.yammer.com/api/v1/messages.json?older_than=2912
while older can be ID of message number 20 and so on you can get 20 by 20
I solved by requesting subsequent pages in a recursive manner.
You can simply increase the page parameter until the response is empty, or update the older_than parameter until the property meta.older_available is false.
