Lambda Proxy integration queryStringParameters special characters - aws-lambda

I'm in the midst of testing a new AWS SAM application, and I found a bug that i'm having trouble solving.
I have a route with a simple GET request
and this route support query params such as "mail"
so the full url looks something like this
aws is creating the proper event for me my problem lies when I have special characters inside my string params for example than what I'll actually get after aws-sam interpret the call is "mymail" with a space instead of the special character +.
Any ideas?

This isn't an issue with SAM, Lambda, or API Gateway. The + symbol indicates a space (see this answer on that subject). You should URL encode your query string parameters, and decode them in your Lambda. The + symbol is %2B.


Power Automate Escape '#' character

In Power Automate, I am using an HTTP activity with the following parameters:
Method: POST
This request works fine in Postman, but in Power Automate, it returns an error which says The power flow's logic app flow template was invalid. Unable to parse template language expression 'mycode': expected token 'LeftParenthesis' and actual 'EndOfData'. Which seems to me like it's unable to read the "#" sign because the password is supposed to be #mycode, not mycode
Is there an escape character I can use for this? Unfortunately I'm not able to change the password.
In Power Automate, special characters are always escpaed if you write them twice.
In your case it would look like this: "##mycode"
You can initialise a variable and store your data in it later pass in "send http action".
‘Send http action’
Screenshot link
Source video link

Ruby on Sinatra: Imitate a request based on a parameter

I am currently developing a Ruby API based on Sinatra. This API mostly receives GET requests from an existing social platform which supports external API integration.
The social platform fires off GET requests in the following format (only relevant parameters shown):
GET /{command}
Parameters: command and text
Where text is a string that the user has entered.
In my case, params[:text] is in fact a series of commands, delimited by a space. What I want to achieve is, for example: If params[:text]="corporate finance"
Then I want my API to interpret the request as a GET request to
instead of requesting /{command} with a string as a parameter containing the rest of the request.
Can this be achieved on my side? Nothing can be changed in terms of the initial request from the social platform.
EDIT: I think a better way of explaining what I am trying to achieve is the following:
GET /list?text=corporate finance
Should hit the same endpoint/route as
GET /list/corporate/finance
This must not affect the initial GET request from the social platform as it expects a response containing text to display to the user. Is there a neat, best practice way of doing this?
get "/" do {
text = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{text}"
might do the trick. Didn't check though.
EDIT: ok, the before filter was stupid. Basically you could also route to "/" and then redirect. Or, even better:
get "/:command" do {
text = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{text}"
There a many possible ways of achieving this. You should check the routes section of the sinatra docs (
The answer by three should do the trick, and to get around the fact that the filter will be invoked with every request, a conditional like this should do:
before do
if params[:text]
sub_commands = params[:text].split.join "/"
redirect "#{params[:command]}/#{sub_commands}"
I have tested it in a demo application and it seems to work fine.
The solution was to use the call! method.
I used a regular expression to intercept calls which match /something with no further parameters (i.e. /something/something else). I think this step can be done more elegantly.
From there, I split up my commands:
get %r{^\/\w+$} do
params[:text] ? sub_commands="/"+params[:text].split.join("/") : sub_commands=""
status, headers, body = call! env.merge("PATH_INFO" => "/#{params[:command]}#{sub_commands}")
[status, headers, body]
This achieves exactly what I needed, as it activates the correct endpoint, as if the URL was typed it the usual format i.e. /command/subcommand1/subcommand2 etc.
Sorry, I completely misunderstood your question, so I replace my answer with this:
require 'sinatra'
get '/list/?*' do
like this, the following routes all lead to the same
You need to add a routine for each command or replace the command with a * and depend your output based on a case when.
The params entered by the user can be referred by the params hash.

restful resource's name validation

since i'm using something like http://mywebsite.web/{nickname}/dostuff i was wondering if there's a standard validation for the "nickname" string so that it won't contain reserved characters and stuff like that
I haven't come across any such functionality in Restlet, but what you could do is to get the value of {nickname} in your resource that is handling that URL, and validate it with a regular expression.

Flex 4 - Sending string (such as JSON) using HTTPService

When I use HTTPService.send(paramter) as a POST request, the web server does not appear to see variable "parameter" if it is a string. The server sees the parameter if it's an Object, but I'm looking to use something like httpservice.send(JSON.encode(object)); Is this possible?
Why not use the actual request objects.
in your service define request objects and post them or send them as get if you please.
Sample code here:
Then just call .send on the service.
on the server you can simlpy process if with request.form (Asp)
Failing which why not append it to the url with a binding expression. (you would need to encode it since you would be more or less faking a url or a get behaviour).

Stop URITemplate expansion when using Spring RESTTemplate

I am using the Spring RestTemplate to make calls to a Apache Solr index. I form a request string manually and don't supply any intentional {variable_name} template expansion variables. Part of the query is the term {!lucene q.op=OR}. Unfortunately this gets processed by the URITemplate engine as part of a restTemplate.getForObject call.
Ideally i would like to stop this processing. Is there away of escaping the { } characters so that URITemplate doesn't process them? I have tried encoding the characters but RestTemplate assumes a non-encoded string so they are encoded twice and cause a 400: Bad Request on the backend.
Sample URL:
se_gb_create:* se_gb_update:*
I've found a work around in which i can use the template to expand one variable which contains the offending {!lucene q.op=OR}
restTemplate.getForObject(solrServer+"select?{query}" , String.class, requestString );
The problem here is that you're using RestTemplate for something it's not designed for. The sample URL you gave is not a REST-style URL, it's just a mass of query parameters, using encoded characters that you're not going to find in a REST scheme, hence the difficulty with unwanted substitutions.
How about using the overloaded method that accepts a URI?
