restful resource's name validation - validation

since i'm using something like http://mywebsite.web/{nickname}/dostuff i was wondering if there's a standard validation for the "nickname" string so that it won't contain reserved characters and stuff like that

I haven't come across any such functionality in Restlet, but what you could do is to get the value of {nickname} in your resource that is handling that URL, and validate it with a regular expression.


Defining right API endpoint REST/RPC

I am developing an API in a microservice for Invoice entity that takes in input a list of Purchase Order Item (i.e. PO Item) identifiers for ex. PO# + productIdentifier together can be used to identify a POItem uniquely. The response of the API is the invoiced quantity of each PO Item.
Input Model -
input GetInvoicedQuantityForPOItemsRequest {
poItemIdentifierList : POItemIdentifierList
list POItemIdentifierList {
member : POItemIdentifier
structure POItemIdentifier {
purchaseOrderNumber : String,
productIdentifier : Long
Invoiced Quantity of a POItem = SUM of Quantity of Invoice Items created from that PO Item.
Note : A single PO can be used to create multiple Invoices. An Invoice can be created from multiple POs.
I am quite new to REST and so far we have been using RPC endpoints in our legacy service. But now i am building a new service where i am defining endpoints in REST format (for ex. CreateInvoice has been changed to POST /invoice) and I need some suggestions from Stack Overflow community what would be the right approach for defining the REST endpoint of this API or should we keep it in RPC format itself.
RPC endpoint for this API in legacy system : POST /getInvoicedQuantityForPOItems
Our first attempt on REST for this is : POST /invoice/items/invoicedQuantityForPOItems. But this URI does not look like a Noun it is a Verb.
this URI does not look like a Noun it is a Verb.
REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers.
Example: this URI works exactly the same way that every other URI on the web works, even though "it looks like a verb"
The explanation is that, in HTTP, the semantics of the request are not determined by parsing the identifier, but instead by parsing the method token (GET, POST, PUT, etc).
So the machines just don't care about the spelling of the identifier (besides purely mechanical concerns, like making sure it satisfies the RFC 3986 production rules).
URI are identifiers of resources. Resources are generalizations of documents. Therefore, human beings are likely to be happier if your identifier looks like the name of a document, rather than the name of an action.
Where it gets tricky: HTTP is an application protocol whose application domain is the transfer of files over a network. The methods in HTTP are about retrieving documents and metadata (GET/HEAD) or are about modifying documents (PATCH/POST/PUT). The notion of a function, or a parameterized query, doesn't really exist in HTTP.
The usual compromise is to make the parameters part of the identifier for a document, then use a GET request to fetch the current representation of that document. On the server, you parse the identifier to obtain the arguments you need to generate the current representation of the document.
So the identifier for this might look something like
An application/x-www-form-urlencoded representation of key value pairs embedded in the query part of the URI is a common spelling convention on the web, primarily because that's how HTML forms work with GET actions. Other identifier conventions can certainly work, though you'll probably be happier in the long term if you stick to a convention that is easily described by a URI template.

Customizing input validation in swagger ui

We are exposing swagger-ui from our webserver using the Swashbuckle package working on top of Asp.Net Core. We are hitting an input validation issue for our Guid input fields.
The GUIDs we are pasting in, which are read from other parts of the system, are formatted as deb83f8a3edc4b78a2ece3321f81b58b, note the missing dashes. The input validation rejects this as it expects dashes in the format (so it accepts deb83f8a-3edc-4b78-a2ec-e3321f81b58b).
The swagger document that we serve has the parameter as type: string and format: uuid. It calls to some internal validationGuid call that have a reg-ex that forces the dashes. From the browser Console it seems like it is looking for a component called JsonSchema_string_uuid but is not finding it.
So my question is how can I extend swagger-ui to override the validation of specific parameter type/formats?
I was made aware of the RFC that specifies a UUID as containing dashes and a workaround. However, I'm still interested in learning about ways to customize the validation of both custom formats and specifically uuid?
While the OpenAPI Specification and JSON Schema do not currently define format: uuid, RFC 4122 defines UUID as containing dashes, and some comments in the OpenAPI repository suggest that format: uuid is supposed to follow RFC 4122. This means your example without dashes is most likely not format: uuid.
Consider replacing format: uuid with pattern: '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$'.

Spring ServletUriComponentsBuilder and square brackets in query params

I'm trying to use Spring's ServletUriComponentsBuilder to create paging next and prev links from the current request.
The problem I'm having is that the ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest() is not unencoding percent-encoded values like:
The problem is uses could have called the page with unencoded square brackets like[number]=2 without any problems.
Spring Data is accepting both variants (both unencoded square brackets and encoded square brackets) in it's pageable argument resolver.
This to the fact that under water the Coyote web request get parameter is used which contains the unencoded param names.
Also Spring's #RequestParam("page[number]") accepts without any problem the encoded request like
From the server side I always want to return percent encoded url's as per RFC 3986.
But there does not seem a way to this as the UriComponents query params might contain both encoded en uncoded names. Because to that, if I would call encode() on the builder the already encoded query params get encoded another time, but if would contain unencoded names toURI() will fail as an unencoded [ is not allowed.
Note that the url's might contain multiple query params besides paging, e.g. for filtering.
A request could come in like:[category]=food
And would return a response with a encoded next link like:
My workaround it to ignore ServletUriComponentsBuilder and simply get the request url and do so custom regexp replacing.
I know this is an older question and you also found a workaround. But did you try to use ServletUriComponentsBuilder's build() method?
Some kind of the following:
I had some issues when handling JSON Strings and this helped.

Is it possible to specify parameters which go into the post body with blueprint?

I'd like to be able to document the parameters as if they were URL parameters, since I like how that bit of documentation renders a handy table. However, in my API, I would like those paremeters to plug into the JSON body rather than the URL. Is there a way to achieve this?
The dedicated syntax for describing, discussing (and thus also validating) message-body is in the making.
It will be based on the Markdown Syntax for Object Notation, similar to the actual URI Parameters description syntax (eventually these two should converge).
Also see related How to specify an optional element for a json request object and Is it possible to document what JSON response fields are? questions.

Passing multiple values as query string is good or bad practice in MVC

In my page I ve to pass multiple values to controller.
My URL looks something like :
Is Passing multiple values as query string good practice in MVC ? or We can have slash separated URL, by using introducing custom routing?
NB: Lets consider all the values in my query string, are not secure / sensitive data.
I wouldn't consider it a bad practice, as long as it's not senstive data. It just depends if you want to write a custom route in your global.asax to handle it or not. The custom routes provide a cleaner url forsure. Also, for more savy users if they understand the concept on your site, it's more intuitive.
So consider this:
http://baseballcards/topps/1980 // search for baseball cards made by topps in the 1980s
http://recipes/deserts/pies // search for a desert recipe that are pies
http://code/csharpe/linq // search for csharp code that has linq examples
In these examples we can almost read the url like a sentence, making it more intuitive, giving a user the ability to plug and play. It clearly denotes the query almost like a breadcrumb, indicating exactly what the context will be. I personally like this. But either way is a good approach.
To extend with more parameters:
new { controller = "Search", action = "Recipes", category = "all" , type = ""}
Some examples:
Select later (query string in route values) in case,
If you are concerned about header length.( By default get parameters are part of headers, and web server accept 1024 byte header length by default in IIS7).
Hide logical implementation of your code.
Url looks good and easier to remember.
Otherwise Both the approaches work equally.
I think passing search parameters in the query string is the way you should go, especially if all your parameters are optional. It also enables you to use normal method="get" forms without hassle.
I don't think "security/personal data" has anything to do with this since the query string is a part of the URL just like the path is.
IMO I think this is absolutely fine. I think it is actually preferable to use querystrings in MVC when the path represents the function and the querystring parameters represent the filters, e.g. as in a search.
However, I wouldn't use querystring parameters for data that represent information about the content retrieved. So I would include the year and month of an article in the path but not the page number if returning more than one page of articles for the year and month.
