Laravel Scout Datatable Updating - laravel

I am using Laravel Scout with Algolia for populating a datatable and have this intermittent issue where a record in the table after delete will still be visible. It happens when Algolia's index doesn't update quickly enough and the application fetches the data from Algolia prior to it showing as deleted. After refreshing the page and/or updating another record it shows the correct data. Below is my setup - does anyone have any ideas on how to better set this up so any live update will always have the correct data?
public function deleteSelected()
$truckings = Trucking::query()->whereKey($this->selected);
$truckings->each(fn ($trucking) => $trucking->delete());
event(new TruckingCreated);
$this->showDeleteModal = false;
$this->notify('You\'ve deleted ' . collect($this->selected)->count() . ' trucking slips.');
$this->selected = [];
As you can see I am calling $this->getRowsQueryProperty(); method after deleting records to force it to update - but there are still instances where this will happen.
Below is that method for reference which fetches the data.
public function getRowsQueryProperty()
$query = Trucking::search($this->filters['search'],
function (SearchIndex $algolia, string $query, array $options) {
$options['filters'] = $this->algoliaFilters();
return $algolia->search($query, $options);
return $this->applySorting($query);
Thank you for any help or advice.

It is because you're missing the get call from your query. Using each without get first chunks the results and runs a mass delete query, bypassing model events, thus not deleting indexes.
$truckings = Trucking::query()->whereKey($this->selected)->get();
$truckings->each(fn ($trucking) => $trucking->delete());


How to attach id of table to request in laravel while validating?

The Laravel form request validator runs a query when using exists.
After validating for saving data I need to again run the same query and find
Can I prevent this extra query?
I'm using validation for 1000 rows in csv. Please suggest other optimization techniques if any.
I finally used collection of all items inside FormRequest constructor.
this would get huge amount of data but would prevent running query n times.
Inside witValidator function
public function withValidator(Validator $validator,Array $row): Validator
$validator->after(function ($validator)use($row) {
$exists = $this->item_collection->firstWhere('id',$this->id);
$validator->errors()->add('id','id not found');

Laravel - can't get model after deleting related model records

I have a function postShippingmethods in which I delete, update or create new shipping methods depending what the user specified in the form. It works like it should , except that if any methods are deleted, I get empty result when trying to retrieve the user model with the updated methods.
To delete methods, I first get the user:
$user = \App\User::where('id',$id)->with(['shipping_profiles' => function($query) {
$query->where('default', 1);
}, 'shipping_profiles.methods' ])->first();
I compare the stored methods to the ones in the request; if any are missing , they should be deleted.
This code does the deletion:
foreach($non_included_ids as $id){
$method = \App\ShippingMethod::find($id);
Then I get the user once again, to get the updated data:
$user = \App\User::where('id',$id)->with(['shipping_profiles' => function($query) {
$query->where('default', 1);
}, 'shipping_profiles.methods' ])->first();
^^ this works well if nothing was deleted, but for some reason if something was deleted, the above code will return nothing. And when I try to use the $user to retrieve data I of course get "Trying to get property of non object".
So can anyone explain why this happen and what I should do to get the user with the updated data?
Use a different variable name in the loop:
foreach($non_included_ids as $non_included_id){
Otherwise, the loop changes the value of $id and \App\User::where('id',$id) fetches the wrong user.

Caching Eloquent models in Laravel 5.1

I've created an API using Laravel and I'm trying to find out how to cache Eloquent models. Lets take this example as one of the API endpoints /posts to get all the posts. Also within the method there are various filter options such as category and search and also gives the option to expand the user.
public function index()
$posts = Post::active()->ordered();
if (Input::get('category')) $posts = $posts->category(Input::get('category'));
if (Input::get('search')) $posts = $posts->search(Input::get('search'));
if ($this->isExpand('user')) $posts = $posts->with('user');
$posts = $posts->paginate($this->limit);
return $this->respondWithCollection($this->postTransformer->transformCollection($posts->all()), $posts);
I have been reading up and found in Laravel 4 you could cache a model like this
return Post::remember($minutes);
But I see this has been removed for Laravel 5.1 and now you have to cache using the Cache facade, but is only retrievable by a single key string.
$posts = Cache::remember('posts', $minutes, function()
return Post::paginate($this->limit);
As you can see, my controller method contains different options, so for the cache to be effective I would have to create a unique key for each option like posts_cagetory_5, posts_search_search_term, posts_category_5_search_search_term_page_5 and this will clearly get ridiculous.
So either I'm not coming across the right way to do this or the Laravel cache appears to have gone backwards. What's the best solution for caching this API call?
As the search is arbitrary, using a key based on the search options appears to be the only option here. I certainly don't see it as "ridiculous" to add a cache to for expensive DB search queries. I may be wrong as I came by this post looking for a solution to your exact problem. My code:
$itemId = 1;
$platform = Input::get('platform'); // (android|ios|web)
$cacheKey = 'item:' . $itemId . ':' . $platform;
$item = Item::find(1);
if( Cache::has($cacheKey) ) {
$result = Cache::get($cacheKey);
} else {
$result = $this->response->collection( $item, new ItemTransformer( $platform ) );
Cache::tags('items')->put($cacheKey, $result, 60); // Or whatever time or caching and tagged to be able to clear the lot in one go...
return $result;
I realise that my example has less complexity but it seems to cover all the bases for me. I then use an observer to clear the cache on update.

Laravel: two models in one controller method

Let me explain about my problem.
I am currently using Laravel 5.0. Here is my structure
Table: bgts, Model: Bgt, Controller: BgtController
Table: bgthistories, Model: BgtHistory
Now I want to do these:
Everytimes creating new item into bgts table, I want to make a copy and insert into bgthistories table. Then, everytimes that record is updated, i'll copy one more version, still insert into bgthistories.
Here is store() method.
public function store(Request $request) {
$bgt = new Bgt();
$history = $this->coppy($bgt);
$uploader = new UploadController('/data/uploads/bgt');
$bgt->name = $request['name'];
$bgt->avatar = $uploader->avatar($request);
return redirect('bgt');
And this is the coping:
public function coppy($bgt) {
$array = $this->$bgt->toArray();
$version = new BgtHistory();
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
$version->$key = $value;
return $version;
I create migration tables already. Everything is ready. But, when I call
It did not work. If I remove $history->save();, it create new record ok. I think the save() method that built-in in Model provided by Laravel is problem. Can anyone tell me how to solve this.
I tried to build the raw query then executed it by DB:statement but it did not work too. Every try to execute anything with DB is failing.
Please research before re-inventing the wheel.
(Same stuff different sites in case one is down)
Cheers and good luck ;)

How to increment a column using Eloquent Model in Laravel 4

I am not sure how to increment the value in a column using Eloquent Model in Laravel 4?
This is what I currently have and I am not sure how correct is this.
$visitor = Visitor::where('token','=','sometoken')->first();
With Query Builder we could do it using
Looks like the code that I posted worked after all
$visitor = Visitor::where('token','=','sometoken')->first();
Prior to a fix a few weeks ago the increment method actually fell through to the query builder and would be called on the entire table, which was undesirable.
Now calling increment or decrement on a model instance will perform the operation only on that model instance.
Laravel 5 now has atomic increment:
public function increment($column, $amount = 1, array $extra = [])
if (! is_numeric($amount)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Non-numeric value passed to increment method.');
$wrapped = $this->grammar->wrap($column);
$columns = array_merge([$column => $this->raw("$wrapped + $amount")], $extra);
return $this->update($columns);
which essentially works like:
->where('id', $customer_id)
'loyalty_points' => DB::raw('loyalty_points + 1')
Below is old answer for Laravel 4 where the built-in increment was a seperate select and then update which of course leads to bugs with multiple users:
If you'd like to accurately count your visitors by ensuring the update is atomic then try putting this in your Visitor model:
public function incrementTotalVisits(){
// increment regardless of the current value in this model.
$this->where('id', $this->id)->update(['totalVisits' => DB::raw('last_insert_id(totalVisits + 1)')]);
//update this model incase we would like to use it.
$this->totalVisits = DB::getPdo()->lastInsertId();
//remove from dirty list to prevent any saves overwriting the newer database value.
//return it because why not
return $this->totalVisits;
I'm using it for a change tag system but might work for your needs too.
Does anyone know what to replace the "$this->where('id',$this->id)" with because since dealing with $this Visitor it should be redundant.
