How to attach id of table to request in laravel while validating? - laravel

The Laravel form request validator runs a query when using exists.
After validating for saving data I need to again run the same query and find
Can I prevent this extra query?
I'm using validation for 1000 rows in csv. Please suggest other optimization techniques if any.

I finally used collection of all items inside FormRequest constructor.
this would get huge amount of data but would prevent running query n times.
Inside witValidator function
public function withValidator(Validator $validator,Array $row): Validator
$validator->after(function ($validator)use($row) {
$exists = $this->item_collection->firstWhere('id',$this->id);
$validator->errors()->add('id','id not found');


How to make pagination API in laravel using POST method

Suppose i need to fetch user money transactions there are 100+ transactions in database and i need to send all the user transactions through the API to a android app, i have idea how to make using GET method but using GET method its not Dynamic.
In API i'm sorting data by 4-5 parameters in API input using post method
And i want to make this API for infinite Scrolling
And i'm using Stored Procedure for getting data
Then How can i achieve Laravel pagination in POST method?
my current response something like this
Actually, you can do it in multiple ways but the way I use most is like below
public function getTransaction(Request $request)
$transactions = Transactions::where('SOME-Condition', $request->Condition)->paginate(10);
$sorted = $transactions ->sortBy([
['name', 'asc'],
['age', 'desc'],
return $sorted;
or you can also do it like this
public function getTransaction(Request $request)
$transactions = Transactions::where('SOME-Condition', $request->Condition)
return $sorted;

Laravel Scout Datatable Updating

I am using Laravel Scout with Algolia for populating a datatable and have this intermittent issue where a record in the table after delete will still be visible. It happens when Algolia's index doesn't update quickly enough and the application fetches the data from Algolia prior to it showing as deleted. After refreshing the page and/or updating another record it shows the correct data. Below is my setup - does anyone have any ideas on how to better set this up so any live update will always have the correct data?
public function deleteSelected()
$truckings = Trucking::query()->whereKey($this->selected);
$truckings->each(fn ($trucking) => $trucking->delete());
event(new TruckingCreated);
$this->showDeleteModal = false;
$this->notify('You\'ve deleted ' . collect($this->selected)->count() . ' trucking slips.');
$this->selected = [];
As you can see I am calling $this->getRowsQueryProperty(); method after deleting records to force it to update - but there are still instances where this will happen.
Below is that method for reference which fetches the data.
public function getRowsQueryProperty()
$query = Trucking::search($this->filters['search'],
function (SearchIndex $algolia, string $query, array $options) {
$options['filters'] = $this->algoliaFilters();
return $algolia->search($query, $options);
return $this->applySorting($query);
Thank you for any help or advice.
It is because you're missing the get call from your query. Using each without get first chunks the results and runs a mass delete query, bypassing model events, thus not deleting indexes.
$truckings = Trucking::query()->whereKey($this->selected)->get();
$truckings->each(fn ($trucking) => $trucking->delete());

How to assert that Laravel Controller returns view with proper data?

I need to know how to assert that Laravel Controller returns view with proper data.
My simple controller function:
public function index() {
$users = User::all();
return view('user.index', ['users' => $users]);
I am using functions such as assertViewIs to get know if proper view file is loaded:
Also using asserViewHas to know that "users" variable is taken:
But I do not know how to assert if retrieve collection of users contain given users or not.
Thanks in advance.
In tests I would use the RefreshDatabase trait to get a clean database on each test. This allows you to create the data you need for that test and make assumptions on this data.
The test could then look something like this:
// Do not forget to use the RefreshDatabase trait in your test class.
use RefreshDatabase;
// ...
/** #test */
public function index_view_displays_users()
// Given: a list of users
factory(User::class, 5)->create();
// When: I visit the index page
$response = $this->get(route('index'));
// Then: I expect the view to have the correct users variable
$response->assertViewHas('users', User::all());
The key is to use the trait. When you now create the 5 dummy users with the factory, these will be the only ones in your database for that test, therefore the Users::all() call in your controller will return only those users.

Laravel6 WhereHas Error 500 when using AJAX

im new to Laravel and facing an interesting Issue right now in my App.
I have 3 tables.
Within my Producers Model I have defined the follwing Filter method:
public function scopeFilterByType($query, $type_id)
$query->whereHas('models', function($q) use $type_id { $q->where('device_type_id', $type_id );});
Using Tinker I can do the following:
And get full response with my Producers associated to my given type.
I created an Function so when a user select a device type Ajax will load all Producers from this type.
public function reqProducer(Request $request)
$producers = DeviceProducer::filterByType($request->type_id)->get();
return response()->json( $producers );
But when AJAX is calling my endpoint it gets HTTP500 error.
I figured out when using a request without WhereHas for example:
$producers = DeviceProducer::where('id', $request->producer_id)->get();
It just works fine and I get my results. So it seems have to do something with "WhereHas". I know I could Solve this by first asking Models Table and the creating an Foreach loop. But I this solution would be less readable then my first attempt.
Does anyone has an suggestion what im doing wrong or is it just like there is noch AJAX support for WhereHas querys?
Kind regards
I think this is your issue use $type_id
Please fix as
public function scopeFilterByType($query, $type_id)
$query->whereHas('models', function($q) use ($type_id) { $q->where('device_type_id', $type_id );});

Laravel form request duplicate query

I want to fetch a record and perform validation with that.
So I see two option using validation in the controller and using form request
I prefer using form request
So according to a document I can fetch a record in Form request and use it.
But the problem is I need that record in the controller too, So if I going this way I load one record twice.
I'm solving my problem with property in the form request
for example
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
$this->post = Post::find($this->input('id'));
return [
... // my rules base on $this->post
and then in the controller, I can access the post value
public function store(PostPublishCreate $request)
1.But I'm confused in this way, Is there a problem in my way? Is there a better solution to do it in laravel?
2.In this example I don't use dependency injection, So how I can approach this with dependency injection?
public function store(PostPublishCreate $request,Post $post)
// how to prevent to my record provided twice
// PostPublishCreate load post because of the rules
// Post loaded again with DI
I try to use the Rule class for my custom validation, But I'm not sure how to pass the record to Rule without reloading it
Form Request is not loading the record. It just validates the parameters present in the $request object. In the second example, $post is automatically retrieved by DI where then you can manipulate your record as you wish.
