How to avoid "Apk from unknown source" grant without google play? - google-play

I have an APK that I don't want to publish into Google Play.
Is it possibile to sign it with my certificate and do not require the user to tick "Install from unknow source" option?
How is defined "The known source"?


Google Play Console Open test release error "You need to add a full description"

I'm trying to create an open test for my Android game on Google Play Console.
When I click to "Review and roll out release" button it shows me "You need to add a full description"
error. I can't find anywhere to write that description. How can I enter full description.
I asked to Google Play Developer Support, it answered like below
In order to add a full description to your application, kindly login to your Play Console account > Select an app > Grow > Store Presence > Main store listing.

Issue commiting to Genexus Server

I'm following this tutorial:
and i have the Genexus 16-trial version.
In the end of the "First Transaction design" lesson, you have to send the changes to Genexus server,
but this is what happens when i open the "Team Development" page
If i enter the link in the message, from my browser i can login normally, authenticating with Genexus Account and i can see my knowledge base in there.
I have pending commits, following the steps of the tutorial but i can't commit them. I wrote a commit message and pressed commit at the right bottom corner of the window and it rerturns a similar message:
error: GAM11: The user or password is incorrect.
Failed: Commit
The only 3 user and password i found were:
When creating the KB (if you disable Windows NT integrated security) but i couldn't find a valid user id and password for that, also the tutorial doesn't do this so i doubt this is it.
At tools -> Genexus Account, i can enter my email and password, and i think the IDE asks you to do this when sending the KB to the Server the first time, but when i fill it with the same credentials i use to login in to the website and press "sign in" now, it doesn't give any response.
Lastly There's the Windows Generic credential that is created but i don't even know how, just found it browsing at the genexus wiki and i have no idea what interaction it has with all this (if it does).
it is below preferences. If you do not have the view near KB explorer then you should go to the menu toolbar —> View —> Other tool windows --> preferences in order to activate it.
Team Development properties in Full Version
Note: Trial has no properties available below TeamDevelopment Tab
Team Development properties in Trial Version
Could you double check if you have the correct credentials below TeamDevelopment node?
Team Development

How do I deal with the APPX0501 error stating that "the element specified requires "runFullTrust" capability"?

Whilst trying to create a package (appx upload) to upload to the Windows Store, I am being told by Visual Studio 2017 that a "runFullTrust" capability is mandatory.
I have tried removing the "runFullTrust" tag along with the Capabilities tag, as my app requires no capabilities and the project won't build because it says "runFullTrust" is mandatory. So in order for the project to build, I added the necessary capability in my Package.appxmanifest file but then when I upload my successfully built package to the store, the store requires a privacy policy from me. I don't have a privacy policy and my app does not require absolutely anything from users. It's a Winforms app converted to UWP and it's a Tic Tac Toe game. Nothing is requested from my users. It's simply a grid onto which the user clicks. It has a couple text boxes, holds the player turns and keeps the score. The app does not access anything personal to the user or requests anything from the user.
I have referred to Microsoft Docs which are horrendous guides and I have looked up what "runFulltrust" is and why it's needed. I have also checked third party sites but no solution seems to be available. Microsoft Docs has a submission guide and app requirements but nothing like this seems to be covered. I have also checked this link Privacy Policy in UWP Store App ? Submission App Store Certification failed but it doesn't seem to cover my problem. Below is the tag I now have in my Package.appxmanifest with which the solution builds successfully.
<Capability Name="runFullTrust"/>
The build succeeds but the store requires a privacy policy from me. No privacy policy should be needed as I explicitly state that one isn't needed because I don't request anything from users but when the package uploads windows store changes this option to a Yes which means I need a privacy policy to submit. How do I get around this?
Converted Win32/Winforms/WPF apps run with the full privileges of the user (aka run at full trust), hence the capability 'runFullTrust' needs to be declared and disclosed to the end user.
Unlike UWP apps that run in the appcontainer, classic desktop apps (such as Winforms apps) can access all files, registry, location etc. without enforced user consent, therefore the store requires a privacy policy.
To solve it you have two options:
a) provide the required privacy policy for your app - or
b) rewrite the app as UWP
Just visit and fill up the form, copy the URL of the privacy policy, and paste it back in the app submission form. Done.

How to generate *.ipa file

First I apologise for my english.
could you help me with small problem :slight_smile:
I want to create *.ipa file from ionic project, but in indentify area xcode told me that I must "Fix Issue".
And if I click on the fix issue, so xcode show me modal window with text An App ID identifier "com.xxxxx.xxxxxx" is not available please enter the different sting, but I need use defined string, concretely defined string in "Bundle indentifier".
What can i do? Could somebody help me width this problem?
I try to change "Bundle indentifier" e.g. com.xxxxx.xxxxxx1. I add only 1 to end and it works but I need use Bundle identfier without 1 number in the end of bundle identifier string.
And one thing under Team item I have text "No provisionig profiles found", but if i add 1 to the end of identifier bundle and click to Fix Issue this text "No provisionig profiles found" disappear.
Thank you for any advice,
best regards Peter
You need to have an apple developer account with enough access to do the following:
Create a development/production certificate
Create provisioning profiles based on the above certificate
In order to be able to build an *.ipa file you need to do the following:
Create the development/production certificate
Add the UDID of all devices on which you want to run the *.ipa install
Based on your choice you need to create a provisioning profile for either Development or Ad Hoc distribution.
Archive your project
Time to create your distribution:
if you chose Development, it's rather straight forward, just follow the steps (disable "Rebuild from bitcode" for faster build) - after this you can e-mail the build, but the build will need to be installed through iTunes on a device whose UDID you've added above
if you chose Ad Hoc, you need to upload your build to a remote HTTPS location, along with the corresponding manifest (*.plist) file (if you need further instructions on this, I can help, don't want to go into too many details if this is not what you want)
The "Fix issue" shows every time when your device UDID has not been added to the provisioning profile of the app bundle ID that's been set within the app.

Application always asks for permission to access keychain

I have an application that stores username and password in the keychain. Everything was working fine when working on Xcode 3, I recently moved to Xcode 4 and now when I run the application, I get a prompt:
Application wants to use your confidential information stored in keychain" in your keychain.
After hitting always allow I see the application added to access control list of the keychain item, but I get every time I run the app.
Also after hitting Always allow again, I see that the access control has two instances of the same app. Seems like OS thinks this is a new application.
Any ideas appreciated.
I believe the problem is that your signature's designated requirement causes it to not accept itself as "the same app" as itself (for Keychain purposes).
One common cause for this—and I think it's yours—is using a Developer ID Application cert, with no designated requirement, and without the intermediate cert installed.
A standard Developer ID requirement looks like this:
designated => anchor apple generic and
identifier \"com.example.appName\" and
((cert leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists) or
(certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and
certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and
certificate leaf[subject.OU] = \"1AZBYCXDW9V\" ))
If you want to construct this yourself, you have to replace the identifier with your bundle identifier and the subject.OU with the value from your cert. (If you double-click it in Keychain Access, it should be listed as the Organizational Unit.) Then you can add to "Other Code Signing Flags":
--requirements "=designated ..." (the whole mess from above)
However, a much better way to do this is to use Xcode 4.3.2 or later. If it recognizes that you're using a Developer ID Application cert, and can see the intermediate cert in the keychain, it will generate this by default.
Also, if you use the Archive Organizer in Xcode to "Export Developer ID-signed Application", instead of just using the build from your target directory, it will make sure to sign your app and any other enclosed signables, and it will test that everything is setup properly. (The failures are pretty cryptic—e.g., your "Choose a Developer ID to sign with" step may just have no choices, with a message in the syslog that has no useful information—but at least the fact that it failed or succeeded narrows down where your problem is.)
Either way, you need to download and install (on your build machine) the intermediate cert, called "Developer ID Certification Authority", from the "Developer ID Intermediate Certificate" link at the Developer Certificate Utility site.
One last thing: Even if this solves your problem running on your build machine, you really want to test on the oldest OS version you support. For example, the requirements compiled by Lion's codesign sometimes can't be parsed on Leopard, or sometimes even on Snow Leopard. If that happens… see Gatekeeper vs. Leopard: an ongoing tale.
