Intellij cannot debug cucumber + serenity test run - debugging

I got java cucumber + serenity project in Intellij
I configured the maven run configure:
Working directory: xxxxx
Command line: clean verify "xxxxx"
The run configure works fine before, I can use it run test as well as fire up the debug mode.
However, one of sudden, I cannot run the debug mode anymore. Even though I clicked the debugged button (green little bug) it never stops at the break point.
It still stops if I added break point to java.lang Object class, but it never stops at any break point from actual test methods, very weird...any one can help? Thanks

Surefire starts a new jvm to run tests (a fork). You are debugging the jvm that starts the second jvm, not the jvm that runs the tests.
Either change the fork mode or attach a debugger to the forked jvm.


Cannot debug / stop a springboot app with IntelliJ Idea community

My Idea setup cannot stop on breakpoints and not even stop the launched/debugged process.
ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
openjdk version "1.8.0_275" 64 bit
IntelliJ Idea 2020.2
Steps to reproduce:
Create a maven "demo" application from (Spring Web dependency will suffice)
Download IntelliJ Idea and launch
Open pom.xml file to import the project in the IDE
Add a #RestController returning "Hello world" for #GetMapping("/")
Drop a couple of breakpoints in the App and in the newly created controller
Configure a maven launcher with spring-boot:run command line
Hit the debug button
The application launches and you can call http://localhost to see the "Hello world"; you can even change the code and the app nicely reloads but ... it does not stop on breakpoints.
When you hit the stop button the IDE detaches from the process but does not stop it.
What's wrong with my setup?
BTW: debugging works smoothly for a simple cli maven java application.
Thanks to the suggestion from I've worked out the solution:
Use spring-boot:run as your laucher command line
Ensure that "Delegate IDE build/run actions to Maven" in "Build ...> Build Tools > Maven > Runner" settings is NOT checked

Trying to debug an application that starts up via an "exec" gradle task

I have a gradle task (type - exec). In this task I start a WildFly server using a standart bat file (standalone.bat). The war file is already in deployments beforehand, so the server starts up and everything works fine.
The problem appears when I need to debug the actual application on the server. Running the gradle task in a debug mode doesn't help, as it can only debug the actual gradle task itself and not the application that it starts.
I know, there is a solution to this problem using an additional configuration that would allow me to debug a remote java application. However, the goal for me right now is to move eveything onto gradle tasks and not have any configurations set up in my IDE.
I need to be able to run a gradle exec task that would start up my server and than to debug whatever application it deploys. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance.
Note: I've never used Wildfly
Ultimately you'll want to edit standalone.bat so that you include an additional arguments to the java.exe invocation. Take a look inside standalone.bat many applications include a line commented out that you can uncomment to enable debugging.
Eg sample argument to add to the java.exe call
You may wish to take a copy of standalone.bat which you call standalone-debug.bat which you invoke via gradle

Running gradle test tasks in Microsoft App-V5.1 virtualized environment

I'm very new to App-V, which is evaluated in my office.
I have a Selenium test suite written in JUnit5 and can launch it as gradle test task using gradle-wrapper. My final goal is to run this on App-V5.1 virtualized environment, similar as this question.
As followed the link which was mentioned the answer, I tried to launch cmd.exe within the App-V environment, and it seeded works. Then, I tried to do this:
./gradlew --no-daemon clean test
Then the testClasses phase works perfectly, but in the test phase, I got an error like:
Could not write standard input into: Gradle Worker 1. The pipe is being closed
(Sorry I couldn't show you the actual error log due to security reason, but it is similar to this question.)
May I wrong something? What's the right way to launch a gradle test in App-V env?
Have you tried launching cmd.exe from within the virtual bubble? I find the best way to do this is to create a shortcut to cmd.exe during sequencing and use this to troubleshoot.
If your process works within the bubble, the solution may be as simple as allowing Local Interaction. Have a read here about that.

When running a gradle unit test from command line, how can I get a debugger?

I'm running unit tests from the gradle command line (because running them from IntelliJ was causing problems for some reason.)
So I'd like to turn on a debug port for remote debugging from the unit test. How can I do that? Is there a way to send the -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y into the unit test itself? I'm using Gradle daemon mode so I'm not sure how that all works and can't find any documentation about it.
Actually it turned out that there's no need to set the jvmArgs manually. Instead you just need to invoke (docs):
gradle someTestTask --debug-jvm
and it will stop execution and wait for debugger connection. Now when this process hangs, go to IntelliJ, Eclipse (or other IDE) and set up an remote debugging configuration (remember to set source module - red arrow):
After it's set, run the debugger and you're done. Breakpoints may be set in IntelliJ directly.
Previous answer below:
test {
jvmArgs '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y'

Launched gradle with a test with the --no-daemon parameter but the daemon is launched anyway

I'm trying to debug some unit tests I've written but the gradle daemon seems to always launch, ignoring any options I've set.
Using Mac OS X 10.9.5, Java 1.7, Gradle 2.2.1 and robolectric-gradle-plugin 0.14.1
Launching gradle with:
GRADLE_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5006"
./gradlew test --no-daemon -Dorg.gradle.debug=true
causes the following line to appear
To honour the JVM settings for this build a new JVM will be forked. Please consider using the daemon:
I've also tried setting the -Xdebug and Xrunjdwp as jvmArgs in build.gradle.
Nothing else happens but if I add -d and rerun, it turns out that the daemon has launched and is waiting on port 5005 for a debugger:
Finally, if I then launch a debugger attaching to port 5005 the tests run but none of the breakpoints are hit.
The is empty, I haven't set org.gradle.jvmargs.
You might have configure memory settings in your these can force gradle to launch a new jvm as these settings cannot be applied dynamically.
Keep in mind that unit tests are always executed in a separate jvm. The easiest way to debug tests executed by gradle is to run
>gradle :test --debug-jvm
this will automatically configure your test task to run with debug enabled.
