Spring Access #RequestBody object outside Controller Method - spring

I have a component that should be able to access the #RequestBody object that is sent within a request and check if it’s of a certain type.
Is there a way to do this, without deserializing the object again and without manually saving the #RequestBody somewhere when the controller method (where the #RequestBody parameter is declared) is called?
I’d like a solution that works independently of the rest controller and without modifying it’s methods.

Using a class that extends RequestBodyAdviceAdapter, as explained here, solves the problem.
public class CustomRequestBodyAdviceAdapter extends RequestBodyAdviceAdapter {
public boolean supports(MethodParameter methodParameter, Type targetType,
Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) {
return true;
public Object afterBodyRead(Object body, HttpInputMessage inputMessage, MethodParameter parameter, Type targetType,
Class<? extends HttpMessageConverter<?>> converterType) {
return super.afterBodyRead(body, inputMessage, parameter, targetType, converterType);
The method supports should return true if the Class should be able to handle the request. And inside afterBodyRead you can access the object and process it.


Spring Security: get controller class in Preauthorize annotation

Many of the controllers I use in a Spring application extend a common abstract class. The methods are thus declared in the abstract class.
I would like to apply a 'PreAuthorize' condition in the abstract method, but I need to get the name of the actual controller class being invoked to be passed to the EL evaluator.
Is there a way to do so?
In abstract class implement BeanNameAware interface.
public abstract class MyController implements BeanNameAware{
String beanName;
public void setBeanName(final String beanName) {
this.beanName = beanName;
public String getBeanName() {
return beanName;
You will get a hold of actual bean name instead regular proxy. If you need further customization implement BeanFactoryAware. You can than use that getBeanName method in SpEl of your preauthorize

Spring MVC accessing Spring Security ConfigAttributes?

I want to produce HTTP Response Body with an error message referencing something like _"missing ... 'CUSTOM_AUTHORITY'"_ in addition to a 403 Forbidden HTTP Status code.
My application is Spring Boot with a Spring-Security-Secured #PreAuthorize method within a Spring-MVC-REST #Controller:
public FooController{
public Object getSomething(){ ... }
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public Object forbidden(AccessDeniedException exception){ ... }
What I want is to expose/inject Collection<ConfigAttribute>. The Spring Security docs reference it.
There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of accomplishing this. The AccessDecisionManager (which is AffirmativeBased) throws the AccessDeniedException with none of the information you want. So if you want to "expose/inject" the Collection<ConfigAttribute>, you'll want to provide your own AccessDecisionManager that throws a custom exception that holds the ConfigAttributes.
The easiest way to do this could be to wrap the default AccessDecisionManager with your own and delegate method calls to it:
CustomMethodSecurityConfig extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration
protected AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager() {
AccessDecisionManager default = super.accessDecisionManager();
MyCustomDecisionManager custom = new CustomDecisionManager(default);
You could define your custom AccessDecisionManager as follows:
public class MyCustomDecisionManager implements AccessDecisionManager {
private AccessDecisionManager default;
public MyCustomDecisionManager(AccessDecisionManager acm) {
this.default = acm;
public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, Collection<ConfigAttribute> configAttributes) throws AccessDeniedException, InsufficientAuthenticationException{
try {
default.decide(authentication, object, configAttributes)
} catch(AccessDeniedException ex) {
throw new CustomAccessDeniedException(ex.getMessage(), configAttributes);
// other methods delegate to default
Now whenever access is denied, you will get an exception that holds the Collection<ConfigAttribute>.
Your custom exception could look like this:
public class CustomAccessDeniedException extends AccessDeniedException {
private Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes;
public CustomAccessDeniedException(String message, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attr) {
this.attributes = attr;
public Collection<ConfigAttribute> getAttributes() {
return this.attributes;
Now your #ExceptionHandler could handle your CustomAccessDeniedException and have access to the ConfigAttributes.
I am not sure that will provide you with the error message you wanted. The ConfigAttribute interface only has one method:
String getAttribute();
And the javadoc states:
If the ConfigAttribute cannot be expressed with sufficient precision as a String, null should be returned.
Since we can't rely on the interface method, how you deal with each ConfigAttribute will be heavily dependent on the type of the particular object you're dealing with.
For example, the ConfigAttribute that corresponds to #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')") is PreInvocationExpressionAttribute, and to print something that resembles what you want, you could do:
PreInvocationExpressionAttribute attr = (PreInvocationExpressionAttribute)configAttribute;
String expressionString = attr.getAuthorizeExpression().getExpressionString();
System.out.println(expressionString); // "hasAuthority('CUSTOM_AUTHORITY')"
That's the major drawback. Also, you would get ALL the ConfigAttributes, not necessarily the ones that failed.

How to check security acess (#Secured or #PreAuthorize) before validation (#Valid) in my Controller?

here is my Controller code :
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public UserReturnRO createUser(#Valid #RequestBody UserRO userRO) throws BadParameterException{
return userService.createUser(userRO);
My need is when a client without the appropriate role tries to create a user, the controller responds "Not authorized" even if the data sent are not valid. Instead of that, if the client (without the appropriate role) tries to create a user with wrong data, my controller responds with the #Valid message (ex : "password cannot be empty"), while I want it responds "not authorized".
In the PreAuthorized Interface we can find this sentence :
Annotation for specifying a method access-control expression which will be evaluated to decide whether a method invocation is allowed or not.
but it seems that it's not the case.
You can not do this directly, since #Valid is processed before an actual method call and as a result before #PreAuthorize.
But what you can do instead is to inject BindingResult just right after your model (userRO) and in doing so - take control of validation process. Then check if BindingResult has some errors and if so return bad request response (similar to what spring does).
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> createUser(#RequestBody #Valid UserRO userRO, BindingResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(result.getAllErrors());
return ResponseEntity.ok(userService.createUser(userRO));
As already stated, Spring Security's #PreAuthorize is method advice, which means that it does not get to participate until the method and its arguments have already been resolved.
Aside from the answer already given, there are a few ways to move authorization before argument resolution, instead.
Filter Security
First, Spring Security checks URLs before the request is mapped to a method. And since this is a #Controller, it's reasonable to suppose that you could instead map the request to the role at that level instead of #PreAuthorize:
.mvcMatchers(POST, "/somepath").hasRole("CREATE_USER")
Handler Interceptor
Second, Spring MVC does ship with limited support for checking authorities before parsing method arguments. For example, you can do:
public static class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
UserRoleAuthorizationInterceptor userRole =
new UserRoleAuthorizationInterceptor();
This is much more basic than #PreAuthorize since it's a global setting, but I've included it for completeness.
Handler Interceptor, Part 2
Third (warning, some inelegance ahead), you can create your own HandlerInterceptor.
The flow is:
FilterSecurityInterceptor <== where .mvcMatchers(...).hasRole(...) lives
Then HandlerInterceptors
Then argument validation
Then MethodSecurityInterceptor <== where #PreAuthorize lives
So, your HandlerInterceptor would check before arguments are resolved. It doesn't have to be as involved as MethodSecurityInterceptor, though. It could, for example, simply be:
static class AuthorizationInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
SecurityMetadataSource securityMetadataSource;
AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager;
public void preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) {
Authentication authenticated = (Authentication) request.getUserPrincipal();
MethodInvocation mi = convert(handler);
Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes =
// throws AccessDeniedException
this.accessDecisionManager.decide(authenticated, mi, attributes);
return true;
Then you wire it together with:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
static class MethodConfig extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {
HandlerInterceptor preAuthorize() throws Exception {
return new AuthorizationInterceptor(
accessDecisionManager(), methodSecurityMetadataSource());
public static class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
AuthorizationInterceptor authorizationInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
It's inelegant because MethodSecurityInterceptor would still participate in authorized requests, which would ostensibly be the majority.

Why beans (with request scope) are not initialized in every request in controllers?

My ActionResponse code is :
#Scope(value = "request",proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class ActionResponse{
public int a;
My Controller:
public class DiscussionController extends AbstractController {
private ActionResponse actionResponse;
public void setActionResponse(ActionResponse actionResponse) {
this.actionResponse = actionResponse;
public #ResponseBody String test(){
String response=this.actionResponse.a+"";
return response;
I start the project and then the first time I request /ajax/discussion/test it shows 0
but after that for other requests it shows 10
It has to show 0 in every request because of request scope for ActionResponse
The question is:
Why the bean(ActionResponse) is created once not in every request?!!!
CGLIB works on class level.
CGLIB proxy is still a singleton, so it inherits the fields from the base class. When you change its public properties you change the values of the singleton.
You should encapsulate your data changes in public getters and setters.
Was a little late - Just adding on to Boris Treukhov's answer(have +1'd it):
The reason is that since you have annotated ActionResponse with #Scope(proxyMode=..) Spring ends up creating a CGLIB subclass of this ActionResponse which internally handles the scope appropriately.
Now when you inject ActionResponse into the DiscussionController it is the CGLIB proxy that gets injected, and since you are setting the fields directly with going through the setter, it just modifies the fields of the proxy and not the underlying scoped proxied object. The fix is simply to make state changes via the getters and setters not through fields.

JSF Generic Validator

I want to write a generic validator for checking name of a entity is exist or not.Currently i am doing this ,writing a new validator class for every Entity object,How can i specify Class type of entity bean dynamicly and write a generic validator for entity objects.
public class LemfValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent arg1,
Object name) throws ValidatorException {
This is balusc post .It solve my problem.
