Spring Security: get controller class in Preauthorize annotation - spring

Many of the controllers I use in a Spring application extend a common abstract class. The methods are thus declared in the abstract class.
I would like to apply a 'PreAuthorize' condition in the abstract method, but I need to get the name of the actual controller class being invoked to be passed to the EL evaluator.
Is there a way to do so?

In abstract class implement BeanNameAware interface.
public abstract class MyController implements BeanNameAware{
String beanName;
public void setBeanName(final String beanName) {
this.beanName = beanName;
public String getBeanName() {
return beanName;
You will get a hold of actual bean name instead regular proxy. If you need further customization implement BeanFactoryAware. You can than use that getBeanName method in SpEl of your preauthorize


Is there a way for #SpyBean to create spies for all types based on the interface type in a Spring Boot test?

I have a Spring Boot application where I would like to ensure that a list of decorators are verified to be executed. These decorators all extend from the same Abstract class, which in turn extend from the same interface, and they are autowired into a service class as a list of decorators. I would have thought that providing the #SpyBean(MyDecorator.class) at the class level of the test would have done the trick, but I got the error specifying that the decorator is not a spy. It looks like the MockitoPostProcessor class expects that we provide the individual concrete classes in the annotation as so #SpyBean(classes = {decorator1.class,decorator2.class}). I tried the latter, and it worked.
However, the issue that I have with this is that we have to add to this list every time we create a new decorator, which is not ideal. This is why I thought it makes sense to have the interface type be checked as well. Please let me know if there is a better way of doing this, or if I missed something. A thought that crossed my mind was to define my own post processor to wrap any bean from a defined type in a mockito spy, but I would like to check here first. Here is a skeleton definition of the classes to help you understand my dilemma.
public interface MyDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj);
public class AbstractDecorator implements MyDecorator{
//common decorator logic
public class Decorator1 extends AbstractDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj){
//decoration logic
public class Decorator2 extends AbstractDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj){
//decoration logic
public class DecorationService implements Service{
private List<MyDecorator> decoratorList;
public void processDecorators(){
//go through list of decorators and process some object
//#SpyBean(MyDecorator.class) //<-- This doesn't wrap the classes in a spy and errors out
#SpyBean(classes = {Decorator1.class, Decorator2.class}) //<-- This works
public class DecoratorServiceTest{
private List<MyDecorator> decoratorList;
public void testProcessDecorator(){
//verify that each decorator was processed
I posted a spring boot github issue here. Hopefully we would either see an improvement on it or we get an explanation as to why it is designed in this way.
I have a workaround in place that I'm using which is I've created a class that implements Spring's BeanPostProcessor interface, and I override the postProcessAfterInitialization method, and I check if the class is what I'm expecting, then I would wrap it in a mockito spy. Also, you would need to define the spring bean.
Here is a snippet of the class that I created.
public class SpyBeanPostProcessor<T> implements BeanPostProcessor{
* The class type to spy on.
private Class<T> typeToSpy;
* Construct a SpyBeanPostProcessor with a class type to wrap
* as a {#link org.mockito.Spy}
* #param typeToSpy The class type to spy on.
public SpyBeanPostProcessor(Class<T> typeToSpy) {
this.typeToSpy = typeToSpy;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (typeToSpy.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())){
return Mockito.spy(bean);
return bean;
I also needed to create a new spring bean that loads the BeanPostProcessor as shown below.
public static SpyBeanPostProcessor decoratorSpyBeanPostProcessor(){
return new SpyBeanPostProcessor(MyDecorator.class);

Spring Security and super class

fIn my app I'm using the Spring Security and have defined next classes.
public abstract class AbstractService {
public void save(){
publist class UserService extends AbstractService {
publist class XService extends AbstractService{
I need #PreAuthorize annotation from the child class to be applied to the super class methods( for example: save()).Is there any way to achieve it by avoiding to override super class methods?
AbstractService will have more than one child( > 10) wherein each have own #PreAuthorize value.
You can try to use SPEL for that.
Because AFAIK, you must annotate methods or the superclass or the superclass itself, and the annotation must be a plain string (or a static final which is the same). But the string may contain SPEL expressions that will reference the target object. Example if only roles were used :
public abstract class AbstractService {
public abstract String getRequiredRoles();
public void save(){
publix class UserService extends AbstractService {
public String getRequiredRoles() {
As the condition is evaluated by SPEL at runtime, it will use the overriden getter and the list of roles can be defined in child class.
Without knowing what are your requirements for authorization expressions, I cannot be sure if that will do the trick, but I successfully use that for caching methods in a superclass, with keys depending on values in child classes.

spring dependency interface injection with two implemented classes

consider a scenario of interface injection in spring, I have an interface which was implemented by two class. If we inject the Interface in another class using #Autowired. Now if we call a method in that interface then which class implemented method will be called? consider that we are not using #Qualifier annotation.
enter code here
public interface EmployeeDAOI{
void save();
public class Emp1 implements EmployeeDAOI{
public void save(){
//some logic
public class Emp2 implements EmployeeDAOI{
public void save(){
//some logic
now we inject EmployeeDAOI to some class
public class IterfaceEx{
private EmployeeDAOI edaoi;
public void setEmployeeDAOI(EmployeeDAOI edaoi){
edaoi.save(); // My question is here which class method will be called ?
You get an exception:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No unique bean of type [EmployeeDAOI] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: [emp1 , emp2]
Spring expects exactly one instance, unless the injection is done for a Collection of those instances or you use a way of differentiating (#Qualifier).

Spring - Specify Implementation class of Model within Controller methods

For the most part I'm trying to code to interfaces as much as possible. But I'm having problems with a Spring Controller method signature. If I actually write the signature using the Model's interface, I end up getting the following exception:
BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class[PageModel]: Specified class is an interface
Granted, I know that it's an interface, and if I change it to the actual implementation class, it works just fine. But is there no way to code to the interface? An annotation or something to tell Spring which bean to instantiate? btw, I'm using annotation configuration.
public interface PageController {
#RequestMapping({"", "/load"})
ModelAndView load(#ModelAttribute("model") PageModel model);
public class SpecificPageController implements PageController {
public ModelAndView load(final PageModel model) {
public interface PageModel {
... getters and setters...
public class ModelImpl implements PageModel {
... variables, getters, setters...
You can use #ModelAttribute on a controller method to get the implementation:
public PageModel getModel() {
return new SpecificPageModel();

Using both JSR-303 and Traditional Bean Validation?

Is it possible to use both JSR-303 bean validation and traditional validation (a single validator class for the type) in Spring? If so, what configuration is required to set this up?
I have tried the instructions on the reference.
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.setValidator(new DualEntryValidator());
#RequestMapping(value="/dualEntry.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView handlePost(#Valid DualEntryForm form, BindingResult result) {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("dualEntry", getCommonModel());
if (!result.hasErrors()){
//do logic
return modelAndView;
}else {
modelAndView.addObject("dualEntryForm", form);
return modelAndView;
I can get this to use my custom Validator or the JSR-303 validation, but not both. If I have the initBinder present as in the example it uses the custom Validator. If I remove it the JSR-303 bean validation is used. How can I use both?
I've done that following the instructions here:
See the "Enjoy both worlds" section. Shortly, you explicitly run a JSR303 validation from a Spring validator, "joining" the results of JSR303 validations based on annotations and your custom validation logic.
I realise this is quite old, but I got this to work with minimal disturbance to my code
Change binder.setValidator(new DualEntryValidator());
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.addValidators(new DualEntryValidator());
With setValidator() you're replacing the JSR-303 validator with your one. With addValidator(), the JSR-303 validator is called and so is yours.
You need to make sure that your validator does not overlap with your JSR-303 #NotNull, #Min, #Max, etc. annotations otherwise you'll get duplicate error messages added.
Spring provides three handle for bean validation.
1.abstract class AbstractPropertyValidationAnnotationHandler
2.abstract class AbstractMethodValidationAnnotationHandler
3.abstract class ClassValidationAnnotationHandler
In this example i am implementing custom annotation CustomAnnotationHandle
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
Class CustomAnnotationHandle extends Annotation{
public abstract String value();
To implement custom annotation for property validation we need to extend AbstractPropertyValidationAnnotationHandler Class.
AbstractPropertyValidationAnnotationHandler provides createValidationRule abstract method
protected abstract AbstractValidationRule createValidationRule(Annotation annotation, Class class1, String s);
So,the extended class must provide implementation of
protected abstract AbstractValidationRule createValidationRule(Annotation annotation, Class class1, String s)
public class CustomPropertyAnnotationHandler extends AbstractPropertyValidationAnnotationHandler
public CustomPropertyAnnotationHandler()
super(new Class[] {
XXX.XXX.PackageLevle.CustomAnnotationHandle // as it takes array of custom annotation ,so we can pass more than one
// overwriting abstract method
protected AbstractValidationRule createValidationRule(Annotation annotation, Class class1, String s){
CustomAnnotationHandle value = (CustomAnnotationHandle)annotation;
return TestValidationRule(value.getValue());
// as you can see it return AbstractValidationRule.So, we need a class to give our bean specific validation rule.In our case it is
public class TestValidationRule extends AbstractValidationRule
public TestValidationRule (String valuetest)
this.valuetest = valuetest;
Private String valuetest;
Spring provides AnnotationBeanValidationConfigurationLoader Class.This class is used for spring own annotation for bean validation.
DefaultValidationAnnotationHandlerRegistry class is used as defaultHandlerRegistry.But if we need to provide our own annotaion then we
need to extend AnnotationBeanValidationConfigurationLoader and set our specific handleregistry via method
setHandlerRegistry(new CustomPropertyAnnotationHandler());
Class DefaultValidationAnnotationHandlerRegistry is used to register spring own annotation for bean validation.It register bean by
calling registerPropertyHandler method of SimpleValidationAnnotationHandlerRegistry class.So for our custom annotation we need to
register CustomPropertyAnnotationHandler by calling registerPropertyHandler method of SimpleValidationAnnotationHandlerRegistry class
public class OurBeanSpecificValidationLoader extends AnnotationBeanValidationConfigurationLoader
public OurBeanSpecificValidationLoader ()
setHandlerRegistry(new OurSpecificAnnotationHandleRegistery ());
public class OurSpecificAnnotationHandleRegistery extends DefaultValidationAnnotationHandlerRegistry
public OurSpecificAnnotationHandleRegistery ()
registerPropertyHandler(new CustomPropertyAnnotationHandler() );
so you have your custom annotation for bean valiation.E.g
#CustomAnnotationHandle(value = "test")
private Object test;
