Microsoft Bot Framework respond to Slack Block Kit UI Action Buttons - botframework

Using Microsoft Bot Framework Composer, I am sending a Slack Block Kit UI message that contains action buttons. Slack correctly displays the message, but pressing any of the action buttons results in a 400 error.
I have enabled Interactivity and set the Request URL to
Is this correct? I've tried updating to, but then get 401 not authorized.
Why doesn't the Azure Bot Service Slack connector forward Events and Interactive Messages?


Microsoft Teams no install event - can't send welcome message

Up until this Friday, MS Teams would always send a conversationUpdate event payload to our bot messaging endpoint whenever a user installed our app in Teams.
This stopped happening suddenly and now we only get a message when an app is added to a Team scope and not just personal scope.
Given that: how do we know to send a Welcome message via our bot to a user that installed our app if we receive no message, no payload. Nothing hits our bot messaging endpoint.

Microsoft Teams Bot not sending message Edit/Delete events to bot messaging endpoint

I set up an app using the App Studio within Teams and enabled a bot.
I set up the Messaging endpoint for the bot and am able to receive message and conversationUpdate events from the Teams client. This all works fine.
However, if I then edit a message in the Teams client, the messaging endpoint does not receive the text of the edited message at the messaging endpoint.
Similarly, if I delete a message, I do not receive an event indicating that a message has been deleted.
I'm wondering:
Is this expected behavior?
Is there somewhere these events have to be configured in order to receive them?
Is there an alternate way to integrate with Teams/BotFramework in order to receive these events?

Bot Framework receiving Facebook Messenger Event

Referral events should send an event according to the documentation here. See #2 for more information.
I am trying to receive this event, however, it does not seem as though the event is sent to the bot framework. We verified that the permission is granted with Facebook Messenger setup. I am using nGrok and can see all messages routed to the bot, however, this event does not show up when using an link
Are these events supported?
You need to subscribe to Referral Messages in the Facebook Messenger Developer Portal. Open the settings blade on the left, scroll down to webhooks, and hit edit events.
Then enable messaging referrals and click save.
When the user clicks on the link it will open the conversation and send a message activity to the bot. Note, I could only get this behavior to work if I added a ref parameter to the link -<PAGE_NAME>?ref=<VALUE>.
Hope this helps!

How can I handle Facebook likes, gifs and stickers inside of my Bot Framework chatbot?

I have created a chatbot using the Microsoft Bot Framework. The only channel I'm interested in right now it's Facebook. When doing some tests on Facebook I've noticed that when I click on the "Like" button, and when I send an gif or audio message, the bot crashes with the following message:
"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stringToEscape."
How can I handle this kind of message within my bot? I can't replicate this on the emulator, so I don't know what Facebook is sending to my bot when the user sends one of these kind of messages. I would like to just ignore them and avoid the bot crashing.

Microsoft Bot Web Chat Not working but Emulator work fine

I have created a bot application and published it to azure. When I test this bot using Emulator it works fine but when I use the web chat control it doesn't show anything . I am using the correct app-secret .
The link to web chat is here . My bot is hosted on azure .Here is the link of Message Endpoint=
The first thing to check: If you go into your bot management page on and press the blue "Test" button on the bottom left ("Test connection to your bot"), does it indicate that the bot accepts the connection by the bot framework middleware?
If not, then there might be something wrong with your bot. It will actually give you some indications. If it's "forbidden", then you might have a problem with authentication (check your appId and appPassword). If it's an error, then your bot might have a code issue / exception.
If the connection has been accepted, check if your web chat credentials have been validated. To do so, click on the "Edit" link next to the Web Chat channel on the bot management page. Try regenerating your credentials and (most importantly) make sure you checked "Enable this bot on Web Chat" and confirm.
