Is there any best practice to make audit of Spring Rest application? - spring

I have to improve performance of spring boot app, which is quite classical rest API + hibernate + postgres. we have 250k active users and want to extract some requests to be on slave balanced instances, and probably cache some data. For now i have only suspect that some requests need to be cached, But i want to make some audit and report, that some request called so many times that we should use other strategy, or "this" sql request fired every rest call so it's eat a lot DB lifetime which could be worked out using cache. Is there any best practice to make this kind of audit/analytic? Request-rate, request rate per user, SQL rate per request, SQL rate per user per request, and some other metrics

Spring Boot's metrics should give you a good starting point. The Spring MVC metrics should allow you to identify if there are certain types of request that are taking longer than others. Depending on how you are accessing your database, there are also DataSource metrics, Hibernate metrics, and Spring Data Repository metrics (new in Spring Boot 2.5) that may be of interest.
These metrics will be for your application as a whole rather than per-user. With over 250k active users, tagging metrics on a per-user basis almost certainly won't be practical. Unless you suspect that there are specific users that are problematic, I would at least start with the application-wide metrics and see how things go.


Usage of micrometer-registry-prometheus slow down my Spring Boot application

I have Spring Boot application 2.5.7 where I set up a micrometer to scrape metrics
When I make a request locally http://localhost:8081/actuator/prometheus
There are no performance problems with my application
But when I make a request to the actuator on the server with a high load
it returns a lot more data in response and it also slows down all request that is currently running on my server.
The problem appears even after one request to /actuator/prometheus
Is there any way to optimize the micrometer work(while returning the same ammount of metrics), so it will not slow down my application?
Without sufficient data it is hard to give a recommendation. If the slowness is due to insufficient memory/garbage collection, try increasing the memory of your application.
Reviewing the metrics being returned may also give you some ideas, for example if you have a high thread count, I think there is a pause when Micrometer iterates over the thread statuses. You could look into disabling that metric.

Advisable to run a Kafka producer + consumer in same application?

Spring + Apache Kafka noob here. I'm wondering if its advisable to run a single Spring Boot application that handles both producing messages as well as consuming messages.
A lot of the applications I've seen using Kafka lately usually have one separate application send/emit the message to a Kafka topic, and another one that consumes/processes the message from that topic. For larger applications, I can see a case for separate producer and consumer applications, but what about smaller ones?
For example: I'm a simple app that processes HTTP requests => send requests to a third party service, but to ensure retryability, I put the request on a Kafka queue with a service using the #Retryable annotation?
And what other considerations might come into play since it would be on the Spring framework?
Note: As your question states, what'll say is more of an advice based on my beliefs and experience rather than some absolute truth written in stone.
Your use case seems more like a proxy than an actual application with business logic. You should make sure that making this an asynchronous service makes sense - maybe it's good enough to simply hold the connection until you get a response from the 3p, and let your client handle retries if you get an error - of course, you can also retry until some timeout.
This would avoid common asynchronous issues such as making your client need to poll or have a webhook in order to get a result, or making sure a record still makes sense to be processed after a lot of time has elapsed after an outage or a high consumer lag.
If your client doesn't care about the result as long as it gets done, and you don't expect high-throughput on either side, a single Spring Boot application should be enough for handling both producer and consumer sides - while also keeping it simple.
If you do expect high throughput, I'd look into building a WebFlux based application with the reactor-kafka library - high throughput proxies are an excellent use case for reactive applications.
Another option would be having a simple serverless function that handles the http requests and produces the records, and a standard Spring Boot application to consume them.
TBH, I don't see a use case where having two full-fledged java applications to handle a proxy duty would pay off, unless maybe you have a really sound infrastructure to easily manage them that it doesn't make a difference having two applications instead of one and using more resources is not an issue.
Actually, if you expect really high traffic and a serverless function wouldn't work, or maybe you want to stick to Java-based solutions, then you could have a simple WebFlux-based application to handle the http requests and send the messages, and a standard Spring Boot or another WebFlux application to handle consumption. This way you'd be able to scale up the former in order to accommodate the high traffic, and independently scale the later in correspondence with your performance requirements.
As for the retry part, if you stick to non-reactive Spring Kafka applications, you might want to look into the non-blocking retries feature from Spring Kafka. This will enable your consumer application to process other records while waiting to retry a failed one - the #Retryable approach is deprecated in favor of DefaultErrorHandler and both will block consumption while waiting.
Note that with that you lose ordering guarantees, so use it only if the order the requests are processed is not important.

Transaction management in microservices

We are rewriting legacy app using microservices. Each microservice has its own DB. There are certain api calls that require to call another microservice and persist data into both DBs. How to implement distributed transaction management effectively in this case?
Since we are not migrated completely to the new micro services environment, we still writeback data to old monolith. For this when an microservice end point is called, we call monolith service from microservice api to writeback same data. How to deal with the same problem in this case as well.
Thanks in advance.
There are different distributer transaction frameworks usually included and maintained as part of heavy application servers like JBoss and WebLogic.
The standard usually used by such services is Jakarta Transactions (JTA; formerly Java Transaction API).
Tomcat and Spring don't support distributed transactions out-of-the-box. You can add this functionality using third party framework like Atomikos (just googled, I've never used it).
But remember, microservice with JTA ist not "micro" anymore :-)
Here is a small overview over available technologies and possible workarounds:
If you can afford to write to the legacy system later (i.e. allow some latency between updating the microservice and the legacy system) you can use the outbox pattern.
Essentially that means that you write to the microservice database in a transactional way both to the tables you usually write and an additional "outbox" table of changes to apply and then have a separate process that reads that table and updates the legacy system.
You can also achieve something similar with a change data capture mechanism on the db used in the microservice(s)
Check out this answer on "Why is 2-phase commit not suitable for a microservices architecture?":

Message Aggregation using SQS and SpringBoot

I have a use case/situation wherein, SQS(standard) will be flooded with messages (north of 500k+), a microservice (spring boot based) listens to these events, consumes it, and makes a rest API call (batch-based) to 3rd party SaaS system (have attached a high-level diagram for the same)
The limitation here is that the spring boot consumer can receive a max of 10 messages from the SQS, transform the payload, and makes the rest API call with these 10 messages(records).
Is there a way to aggregate these messages to say 100 messages, before making the rest API call (assuming that the target SaaS System accepts 100 records of data)? Would spring batch helps in this case?
Should I have to look at a different stack for this kind of need? Any help/guidance is much appreciated.
What you are describing is actually the chunk-oriented processing model of Spring Batch: items could be read from the queue, accumulated in chunks of 100 items (that is the configurable chunk-size) and posted to your REST API in bulk mode.
Spring Batch handles the chunking of items (and much more) for you. So yes, even though I'm biased, I believe Spring Batch is a very good option for your use case.
Maybe you should try Spring Aggregator(Spring Integration).
The Aggregator combines a group of related messages, by correlating
and storing them until the group is deemed to be complete. At that
point, the aggregator creates a single message by processing the whole
group and sends the aggregated message as output.
And please refer to this GitHub repo for spring integration with AWS services
I'm assuming you are having multiple instances of your application and can scale up easily if required (since you have 500k+ messages). But still, your application is prone to data loss. So building a reliable system is always challenging. Since you are already on the cloud and maybe you should think about utilizing different cloud services.
I think for your case, you should have a look at the AWS Kinesis dataStream and Kinesis data fire hose.
You can refer this,

Thread model for Async API implementation using Spring

I am working on the micro-service developed using Spring Boot . I have implemented following layers:
Controller layer: Invoked when user sends API request
Service layer: Processes the request. Either sends request to third-part service or sends request to database
Repository layer: Used to interact with the
Methods in all of above layers returns the CompletableFuture. I have following questions related to this setup:
Is it good practice to return Completable future from all methods across all layers?
Is it always recommended to use #Async annotation when using CompletableFuture? what happens when I use default fork-join pool to process the requests?
How can I configure the threads for above methods? Will it be a good idea to configure the thread pool per layer? what are other configurations I can consider here?
Which metrics I should focus while optimizing performance for this micro-service?
If the work your application is doing can be done on the request thread without too much latency, I would recommend it. You can always move to an async model if you find that your web server is running out of worker threads.
The #Async annotation is basically helping with scheduling. If you can, use it - it can keep the code free of the references to the thread pool on which the work will be scheduled. As for what thread actually does your async work, that's really up to you. If you can, use your own pool. That will make sure you can add instrumentation and expose configuration options that you may need once your service is running.
Technically you will have two pools in play. One that Spring will use to consume the result of your future, and another that you will use to do the async work. If I recall correctly, Spring Boot will configure its pool if you don't already have one, and will log a warning if you didn't explicitly configure one. As for your worker threads, start simple. Consider using Spring's ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.
Regarding which metrics to monitor, start first by choosing how you will monitor. Using something like Spring Sleuth coupled with Spring Actuator will give you a lot of information out of the box. There are a lot of services that can collect all the metrics actuator generates into time-based databases that you can then use to analyze performance and get some ideas on what to tweak.
One final recommendation is that Spring's Web Flux is designed from the start to be async. It has a learning curve for sure since reactive code is very different from the usual MVC stuff. However, that framework is also thinking about all the questions you are asking so it might be better suited for your application, specially if you want to make everything async by default.
