Usage of micrometer-registry-prometheus slow down my Spring Boot application - spring-boot

I have Spring Boot application 2.5.7 where I set up a micrometer to scrape metrics
When I make a request locally http://localhost:8081/actuator/prometheus
There are no performance problems with my application
But when I make a request to the actuator on the server with a high load
it returns a lot more data in response and it also slows down all request that is currently running on my server.
The problem appears even after one request to /actuator/prometheus
Is there any way to optimize the micrometer work(while returning the same ammount of metrics), so it will not slow down my application?

Without sufficient data it is hard to give a recommendation. If the slowness is due to insufficient memory/garbage collection, try increasing the memory of your application.
Reviewing the metrics being returned may also give you some ideas, for example if you have a high thread count, I think there is a pause when Micrometer iterates over the thread statuses. You could look into disabling that metric.


Webflux: CancelledServerWebExchangeException appears in metrics for seemingly no reason

After upgrading to spring-boot 2.5, CancelledServerWebExchangeException started to appear in prometheus http_server_requests_seconds metrics quite frequently (up to 10% server responses end up with it, according to graphics). It appears in my own API metrics, as well as actuator endpoints metrics (health, info, prometheus).
http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="CancelledServerWebExchangeException",method="GET",outcome="UNKNOWN",status="200",uri="/actuator/health"} 137.0
Kind of strange combination of outcome="UNKNOWN" & status="200"
The problem is: all these requests have successful responses.
Questions: what is this exception for and why may it occur so often?
How to reproduce: start application locally and put some load on it (I used 50 threads in jmeter accessing actuator endpoints)

Is there any best practice to make audit of Spring Rest application?

I have to improve performance of spring boot app, which is quite classical rest API + hibernate + postgres. we have 250k active users and want to extract some requests to be on slave balanced instances, and probably cache some data. For now i have only suspect that some requests need to be cached, But i want to make some audit and report, that some request called so many times that we should use other strategy, or "this" sql request fired every rest call so it's eat a lot DB lifetime which could be worked out using cache. Is there any best practice to make this kind of audit/analytic? Request-rate, request rate per user, SQL rate per request, SQL rate per user per request, and some other metrics
Spring Boot's metrics should give you a good starting point. The Spring MVC metrics should allow you to identify if there are certain types of request that are taking longer than others. Depending on how you are accessing your database, there are also DataSource metrics, Hibernate metrics, and Spring Data Repository metrics (new in Spring Boot 2.5) that may be of interest.
These metrics will be for your application as a whole rather than per-user. With over 250k active users, tagging metrics on a per-user basis almost certainly won't be practical. Unless you suspect that there are specific users that are problematic, I would at least start with the application-wide metrics and see how things go.

Slow First call rest API springboot Jersey Eureka

My application is a Rest API springboot +jersey based on microservice architecture Eureka.
The first call after instance start is slow comparing to the following calls (even though I stubbed the results).
Example of first call: 500ms, the other calls about 60-100ms.
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
Most likely, this is related to JVM warm up. From
The first request made to a Java web application is often substantially slower than the average response time during the lifetime of the process. This warm-up period can usually be attributed to lazy class loading and just-in-time compilation.

How to ensure my Reactive application is running in event loop style

I am using spring boot 2.0.4.RELEASE. My doubt is whether my application is running in event loop style or not. I am using tomcat as my server.
I am running some performance tests in my application and after a certain time I see a strange behaviour. After the request reaches 500 req/second , my application is not able to serve more than 500 req/second. Via prometheus I was able to figure out max thread for tomcat were 200 by default. Looks like all the threads were consumed and that's why , it was not able to server more than 500 req/second. Please correct me if am wrong.
Can the tomcat server run in event-loop style ?
How can I change the event-loop size for tomcat server if possible.
Tried changing it to jetty still the same issue. Wondering if my application is running in event loop style.
Hey i think that you are doing something wrong in your project maybe one of your dependency does not support reactive programming. If you want to benefit from async programing(reactive) your code must be 100 reactive even for security you must use reactive spring security.
Normally a reactive spring application will run on netty not in tomcat so check your dependency because tomcat is not reactive
This is more of a analysis. After running some performance test on my local machine , I was able to figure out what was actually happening inside my application.
What I did was, ran performance test on my local machine and analysed the application through JConsole.
As I said I scheduled all my blocking dB calls to schedulers.elastic. What I realised that I it is causing the bottleneck. since my dB connections are limited and I am using hikari for connection pooling so it doesn’t matter the number of threads I create out of elastic pool.
Since reactive programming is more about consuming resource to the fullest with lesser number of threads, since the threads were being created in unbounded way so it was no different from normal application .
So what I did as part of resolution limited the number of threads to 100 that were supposed to be used by for dB calls. And bang number jumped from 500 tps to 2300 tps.
I know this is not the number which one should expect out of reactive application , it has much more capability. Since right now I do not have any choice but to bear with non reactive drivers .Waiting for production grade availability of reactive drivers for mssql server.

Spring boot service higher response times under heavy load

the response time of my spring boot rest service running on embedded tomcat sometimes goes really high. I have isolated the external dependencies and all of that is pretty quick.
I am at a point that I think that it is something to do with tomcat's default 200 thread pool size that it reserves only for incoming requests for the service.
What I believe is that all 200 threads under heavy load (100 requests per second) are held up and other requests are queued and lead to higher response time.
I was wondering if there is a definitive way to find out if the incoming requests are really getting queued? I have done an extensive research on tomcat documentation, spring boot embedded container documentation. Unfortunately I don't see anything relevant.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to check this
