Retrieving data from REST API - laravel

I am trying to implement my first project in Laravel that will contain APIs, more specifically the Sportmonks API. What is the best way to get the data and display it in my view?
I have managed to display some of the data, but I do not know the correct way to display the data from the "standings", as well as from the tables that it has in it (overall, home, away, total)
API returns
"data": [{
"id": 77447501,
"name": "1st Phase",
"league_id": 501,
"season_id": 17141,
"round_id": 195000,
"round_name": 33,
"type": "Group Stage",
"stage_id": 77447501,
"stage_name": "1st Phase",
"resource": "stage",
"standings": {
"data": [{
"position": 1,
"team_id": 62,
"team_name": "Rangers",
"round_id": 195000,
"round_name": 33,
"group_id": null,
"group_name": null,
"overall": {
"games_played": 33,
"won": 28,
"draw": 5,
"lost": 0,
"goals_scored": 78,
"goals_against": 10,
"points": 89
"home": {
"games_played": 16,
"won": 16,
"draw": 0,
"lost": 0,
"goals_scored": 47,
"goals_against": 2,
"points": 48
"away": {
"games_played": 17,
"won": 12,
"draw": 5,
"lost": 0,
"goals_scored": 31,
"goals_against": 8,
"points": 41
"total": {
"goal_difference": "68",
"points": 89
"result": "Championship Round",
"points": 89,
"recent_form": "WWWWD",
"status": null
public function index() {
$response = Http::get('apiurl');
$result = json_decode($response, true);
$matches = $result['data'];
return view('/api', compact('matches'));

Instead of returning json you can return object
$response = Http::get('apiurl');
return view('/api', compact('matches'));
then in your view
#foreach($matches as $match)
#foeach($match->standings->data as $standing)


Incomplete json response in a large eloquent-collection's ajax request

I'm having an error in my Laravel 8 app which uses yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle with server-side rendering, and I can't figure it out so far. What makes it frustating is the fact that this have been working just fine for the last couple of months, and suddenly I got a report about this error just this morning.
So I have a page which shows a table. The table itself is pretty large, with more than 25 columns shown, thousands of total records, and with some nested relationships as well. For this, I use the yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle package with ajax/server-side rendering as I mentioned above. The page has pagination option enabled, and is set to show 50 records by default. The page is functioning correctly when opened in its default condition.
However, an error will happen when user changes the table's page-length to "All". After checking the the route that handles the table's ajax rendering, turns out the error happened because the returned json is not a valid json. So instead of getting a valid json like these:
"data": [
{"id": 1, "name": "Foo"},
// ....
{"id": 999, "name": "Bar"}
I get:
"data": [
{"id": 1, "name": "Foo"},
// ....
{"id": 500,
// or...
"data": [
{"id": 1, "name": "Foo"},
// ....
{"id": 500, "name": "Ja
The point is that the returned response is incomplete, which makes it invalid as a json, which makes the datatables throws a json bad parsing error.
These are the things for you to know:
Remember, this thing have been working fine for the last couple of months.
Just like the example above, the json response (which is incomplete) is always changing everytime I refresh the url. Meaning that it's likely not related to "abnormal" record.
The error occurs only if the selected page-lenght pass a certain amount of number:
It's working when just being selected (up to) 180 items per page (each item has a total of >100 fields).
More than 180 and the error will occur. However, the incompleteness could be anywhere, not in the 181'th item. It could be in the 70th-ish, 90th-ish, etc. In fact, It never returns more than 100 records when the error occur.
I had thought that this might be caused by PHP's memory exhaustion. I tried to set the memory_limit of the PHP to -1 or 999999M, but nothing changes.
This is actually not just happening in one page, but many.
However, there are another pages, that's working totally fine without the error above. The size of the data that it has is roughly the same.
I really have no idea what's the cause of this. Is this because of the server's PHP config, the database (mysql), the ajax request, or what?
Please help. You're much appreciated.
Additional Info
This is one of the method's controller where the error appears.
use App\Models\Instansi;
use App\Models\InstrukturKelasPeriodeTahapan;
use App\Models\Tahapan;
use App\Models\Tahun;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Yajra\DataTables\Facades\DataTables;
public function datatable(Request $request) {
// validate request etc...
$jadwals = InstrukturKelasPeriodeTahapan::query()
->withTarifInTahunAndPeriodeOf($tahun, $periode)
->withPphInTahunAndPeriodeOf($tahun, $periode)
'pamongDalamKelasPeriodeTahapan as jumlah_pamong_yg_mengajar'
if ($request->instansi) {
if ($request->instansi == Instansi::NON_FOO) {
} else {
return DataTables::of($jadwals)
This should get a total of 1134 records and used to be working just fine. Now, when the error occurs, I get less than 100 records, and the last returned record is incomplete.
These different return syntaxes still giving me incomplete result.
return response()->json(
return DataTables::of($jadwals)
return $jadwals->get();
return response()->json($jadwals->get());
However, these sintaxes is returning the complete 1134 records. But I can't use it as it's not using datatable's response format.
return dd($jadwals->get());
return $jadwals->get()->toJson();
And this is a data example of how an item/record should look like when returned completely, with 120 lines in total:
"id": 9999,
"kelas_periode_tahapan_id": 999,
"instruktur_id": 999,
"jumlah_pamong_yg_mengajar": 9,
"instruktur": {
"id": 9999,
"id_ref": 9999,
"nama": "Dr. Xxxxx",
"email": "",
"tgl_lahir": "95-09-9977",
"nip": "999999999999999999",
"nik": "99999999999999999",
"npwp": "99999999999999999",
"golongan_id": 9,
"jab_fungsional_id": 9,
"instansi_id": 9,
"no_rek": "99999999999",
"nama_bank": "BANK XXXXXXXX",
"bank_cabang": "XXX",
"nama_rek": "Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx",
"is_active": 9,
"golongan": {
"id": 9,
"description": "XXXXX",
"periodes": [
"id": 9,
"tahun_id": 9,
"periode": 9,
"pivot": {
"golongan_id": 9,
"periode_id": 9,
"pph_npwp": 9,
"pph_non_npwp": 9
"jab_fungsional": {
"id": 9,
"description": "Xxxxxxxx",
"periodes": [
"id": 9,
"tahun_id": 9,
"periode": 9,
"pivot": {
"jab_fungsional_id": 9,
"periode_id": 9,
"tarif": 99999999
"instansi": {
"id": 9,
"description": "Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"kelas_periode_tahapan": {
"id": 999,
"kelas_id": 99,
"periode_tahapan_id": 99,
"is_verified": 9,
"is_locked": 9,
"kelas": {
"id": 99,
"periode_prodi_id": 9,
"description": "Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"nama_grup_wa": "Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx",
"link_grup_wa": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"periode_prodi": {
"id": 9,
"prodi_id": 9,
"periode_id": 9,
"prodi": {
"id": 9,
"nama": "Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"kode": "999",
"is_active": 9
"periode_tahapan": {
"id": 99,
"periode_id": 9,
"tahapan_id": 9,
"ket_hari_ke": 99,
"jadwal": "09-08-9099",
"materi": "Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"jp_full": 9,
"jp_pamong": 9,
"tahapan": {
"id": 9,
"description": "Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"akronim": "XXX",
"satuan": "XXX"
"periode": {
"id": 9,
"tahun_id": 9,
"periode": 9,
"tahun": {
"id": 9,
"tahun": 9099
"persentase_honor": {
"id": 9,
"periode_id": 9,
"full_dosen": 900,
"full_gpamong": 900,
"persentase_dosen": 99,
"persentase_gpamong": 99
"DT_RowIndex": 1

Laravel access JSON object in controller

I have this array in the controller after the submitted form holds in variable $product.
"id": 2,
"name": "nancy",
"cost": 34,
"quantity": 0,
"barcode": 12345,
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "2020-07-05T16:04:10.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-07-09T04:06:09.000000Z"
"id": 5,
"name": "jk",
"cost": 100,
"quantity": 2,
"barcode": 147258,
"category_id": 2,
"created_at": "2020-07-08T20:34:56.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-10-18T13:09:16.000000Z"
How can I access the properties in objects like id, name, barcode ?
If you want to make it as array of array.
$products = json_decode($products, true); // Return array of array.
foreach($products as $product){
echo $product['name'];
Just decode it, use json_decode
$products = json_decode($products, true); // When TRUE, JSON objects will be returned as associative arrays
foreach($products as $product){
echo $product['id'];

Laravel hasmany function returns nothing

When i m using has many without select it returns all fields from userTrancastion table
$invoice = UserInvoiceDetail::with('transaction')
return $invoice;
class UserInvoiceDetail extends Model
protected $table = 'user_invoice_details';
protected $primaryKey ='Id';
public function transaction()
return $this->hasMany(UserTransaction::class, 'InvoiceId');
"Id": 1,
"UserId": 5,
"TotalPrice": 110,
"transaction": [
"Id": 1,
"InvoiceId": 1,
"UserId": 5,
"ReferenceTransactionId": null,
"CategoryId": 1,
"ProductId": 140,
"Price": 5,
"Quantity": 5,
"CustomerId": 1,
"Id": 2,
"InvoiceId": 1,
"UserId": 5,
"ReferenceTransactionId": null,
"CategoryId": 2,
"ProductId": 3,
"Price": 15,
"Quantity": 3,
"CustomerId": 1,
But When i m using has many with select it returns nothing userTrancastion table
class UserInvoiceDetail extends Model
protected $table = 'user_invoice_details';
protected $primaryKey ='Id';
public function transaction()
return $this->hasMany(UserTransaction::class, 'InvoiceId')->select('user_transactions.Id','user_transactions.ProductId');
"Invoices": [
"Id": 1,
"UserId": 5,
"TotalPrice": 110,
"transaction": []
"Id": 2,
"UserId": 5,
"TotalPrice": 110,
"transaction": []
why this is happening, I want to use join in transaction() function, so i need only selective fields.
How can use select with hasmany()?
Thank you in advance.
The relation need to the column that by which it related so add InvoiceId
also, it doesn't need to add user_transactions
public function transaction()
return $this->hasMany(UserTransaction::class, 'InvoiceId')->select('Id','ProductId','InvoiceId');

How can I resolve the increase in index size when using nested objects in elasticsearch?

The total number of data is 1 billion.
When I configure an index by setting some fields of data as nested objects, the number of data increases and the index size increases.
There are about 20 nested objects in a document.
When I index 1 billion documents, the number of indexes is 20 billion, and the index size is about 20TB.
However, when I remove nested objects, the number of indexes is 1 billion, and the index size is about 5TB.
It's simply removed nested object and can not provide services with this index structure.
I know why nested objects have a higher index count than a simple object configuration.
But I ask why the index is four times larger and how to fix it.
version of elasticsearch : 5.1.1
The Sample Data is as follows:
nested object Mapping : idds, ishs, resources, versions
"fileType": {
"asdFormat": 1
"dac": {
"pe": {
"cal": {
"d1": -4634692645508395000,
"d2": -5805223225419042000,
"d3": -1705264433
"bytes": "6a7068e0",
"entry": 0,
"count": 7,
"css": {
"idh": 0,
"ish": 0,
"ifh": 0,
"ioh": 0,
"ish": 0,
"ied": 0,
"exp": 0,
"imp": 0,
"sec": 0
"ff": {
"field1": 23117,
"field2": 144,
"field3": 3,
"field4": 0,
"field5": 4,
"field6": 0,
"field7": 65535,
"field8": 0,
"field9": 184,
"field10": 0,
"field11": 0,
"field12": 0,
"field13": 64,
"field14": 0,
"field15": 40104,
"field16": 64563,
"field17": 0,
"field18": 0,
"field19": 0,
"field20": 0,
"field21": 0,
"field22": 0,
"field23": 0,
"field24": 0,
"field25": 0,
"field26": 0,
"field27": 0,
"field28": 0,
"field29": 0,
"field30": 0,
"field31": 224
"ifh": {
"mc": 332,
"nos": 3,
"time": 1091599505,
"ps": 0,
"ns": 0,
"soh": 224,
"chart": 271
"ioh": {
"magic": 267,
"mlv": 7,
"nlv": 10,
"soc": 80384,
"soid": 137216,
"soud": 0,
"aep": 70290,
"boc": 4096,
"bod": 86016,
"aib": "16777216",
"si": 4096,
"fa": 512,
"mosv": 5,
"nosv": 1,
"miv": 5,
"niv": 1,
"msv": 4,
"nsv": 0,
"wv": 0,
"si": 262144,
"sh": 1024,
"cs": 0,
"ss": 2,
"dllchart": 32768,
"ssr": "262144",
"ssc": "262144",
"ssh": "1048576",
"shc": "4096",
"lf": 0,
"nor": 16
"idds": [
"id": 1,
"address": 77504,
"size": 300
"id": 2,
"address": 106496,
"size": 134960
"id": 6,
"address": 5264,
"size": 28
"id": 11,
"address": 592,
"size": 300
"id": 12,
"address": 4096,
"size": 1156
"ishs": [
"id": 0,
"name": ".text",
"size": 79920,
"address": 4096,
"srd": 80384,
"ptr": 1024,
"ptrl": 0,
"ptl": 0,
"nor": 0,
"nol": 0,
"chart": 3758096480,
"ex1": 60404022,
"ex2": 61903965,
"ex": 61153993.5
"id": 1,
"name": ".data",
"size": 17884,
"address": 86016,
"srd": 2048,
"ptr": 81408,
"ptrl": 0,
"ptl": 0,
"nor": 0,
"nol": 0,
"chart": 3221225536,
"ex1": 27817394,
"ex2": -1,
"ex": 27817394
"id": 2,
"name": ".rsrc",
"size": 155648,
"address": 106496,
"srd": 135680,
"ptr": 83456,
"ptrl": 0,
"ptl": 0,
"nor": 0,
"nol": 0,
"chart": 3758096448,
"ex1": 38215005,
"ex2": 46960547,
"ex": 42587776
"resources": [
"id": 2,
"count": 3,
"hash": 658696779440676200
"id": 3,
"count": 14,
"hash": 4671329014159995000
"id": 5,
"count": 30,
"hash": -6413921454731808000
"id": 6,
"count": 17,
"hash": 8148183923057157000
"id": 14,
"count": 4,
"hash": 8004262029246967000
"id": 16,
"count": 1,
"hash": 7310592488525726000
"id": 2147487240,
"count": 2,
"hash": -7466967570237519000
"upx": {
"path": "xps",
"d64": 3570326159822345700
"versions": [
"language": 1042,
"codePage": 1200,
"companyName": "Microsoft Corporation",
"fileDescription": "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard",
"fileVersion": "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)",
"internalName": "Microsoft",
"legalCopyright": "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1999-2000",
"originalFileName": "calc.exe",
"productName": "Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System",
"productVersion": "5.1.2600.2180"
"import": {
"dll": [
"count": 14,
"d1": -149422985349905340,
"d2": -5344971616648705000,
"d3": 947564411044974800
"ddSec0": {
"d1": -3007779250746558000,
"d4": -2515772085422514700
"ddSec2": {
"d2": -4422408392580008000,
"d4": -8199520081862749000
"ddSec3": {
"d1": -8199520081862749000
"cdp": {
"d1": 787971,
"d2": 39,
"d3": 101980696,
"d4": 3,
"d5": 285349133
"cde": {
"d1": 67242500,
"d2": 33687042,
"d3": 218303490,
"d4": 1663632132,
"d5": 0
"cdm": {
"d1": 319293444,
"d2": 2819,
"d3": 168364553,
"d4": 50467081,
"d5": 198664
"cdb": {
"d1": 0,
"d2": 0,
"d3": 0,
"d4": 0,
"d5": 0
"mm": {
"d0": -3545367393134139000,
"d1": 1008464166428372900,
"d2": -6313842304565328000,
"d3": -5015640502060250000
"ser": 17744,
"ideal": 0,
"map": 130,
"ol": 0
"fileSize": 219136

Laravel - pivot data not available in email

I have the relations in the models as follows:
class HotelBooking extends Model
public function rooms(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Room', 'hotelbooking_room', 'hotelbooking_id')->withPivot(['quantity', 'addon_id']);
When I call $booking->rooms()->get();, I should get the following data:
"rooms": [
"id": 28,
"hotel_id": 89,
"type": "Double",
"quantity": 4,
"adults": 2,
"children": 1,
"description": null,
"created_at": "2016-05-15 12:24:39",
"updated_at": "2016-05-15 15:29:58",
"pivot": {
"hotelbooking_id": 30,
"room_id": 28,
"quantity": 1,
"addon_id": 386
Which is normally correct. What's weird is that when I send $rooms to the email data, the pivot attribute is not sent. It works well along the website but in case of sending it in the email it does not. Any idea why?!
