I have this graph:
digraph G{
rankdir = TB;
hyb[label="Hybrid calculation"];
// subgraph cluster_k1q {
{rank=same; k1q1;k1q2;k1qn}
// }
// subgraph cluster_k2q {
{rank=same; k2q1;k2q2;k2qm}
// }
// subgraph cluster_knq {
{rank=same; knq1;knq2;knql}
// }
hyb -> k1;
hyb -> k2;
hyb -> kn;
k1 -> k1q1;
k1 -> k1q2;
k1 -> k1qn;
k2 -> k2q1;
k2 -> k2q2;
k2 -> k2qm;
kn -> knq1;
kn -> knq2;
kn -> knql;
bands1 -> k1q2;
bands1 -> k2qm;
bands1 -> knq1
bands2 -> k1qn;
bands2 -> knq1;
bands3 -> knql;
bands3 -> k1q1;
{edge[ style=invis];
{ rank=min; hyb}
{ rank=same; k1;k2;kn}
{ rank=same; k1q1;k1q2;k1qn;k2q1;k2q1;k2qm;knq1;knq2;knql}
{ rank=max; bands1;bands2;bands3}
Resulting in this graph:
All the ks are on one level, all the qs are one level and so are the bands. Then I would like to draw some boxes around the qs using clusters. So if I uncomment the subgraph in above code I have to comment this line:
{ rank=same; k1q1;k1q2;k1qn;k2q1;k2q1;k2qm;knq1;knq2;knql}
and I get:
Here the bands get thrown in same level with the qs. How can I get the levels from the top graph with the nice boxes from the bottom graph?
add this: newrank=true
See: https://graphviz.org/docs/attrs/newrank/
(you could also probably accomplish it by changing the direction of the bandX->qY edges, like so: k1q2->bands1 [dir=back])
I made a graph and it looks like I want it to with one exception: the cluster containing nodes D and E should be placed between nodes B and C.
Here is the .dot:
digraph {
graph [
A -> B -> D;
D -> C[style=invis];
subgraph clusterSS {
D -> E[style="dashed"; dir = none];
Z -> A
Z -> B
Z -> D
Z -> C
A -> P[dir = back]
B -> S
S -> B[constraint = false];
C -> S
S -> E[constraint = false]
E -> S[label = "Label"]
I expected that having edges between nodes
A -> B -> D;
D -> C[style=invis];
would ensure correct ordering, but it doesn't.
The ordering becomes correct once I delete the edge label between S and E, but I do need to keep the labels.
[non-trivial, not guaranteed to work as desired in any other circumstance]
Added clusters, invisible nodes,and more. ugh
digraph {
graph [
A -> B -> D;
D -> C[style=invis];
subgraph clusterSS {
D [group=ss]
E [group=ss]
D -> E[style="dashed"; dir = none];
subgraph clusterAP {
A -> P[dir = back]
subgraph clusterB {
bogus [style=invis shape=plain]
B->bogus [style=invis]
Z -> A
Z -> B
Z -> D
Z -> C
S [group=ss]
B -> S:nw
B -> S:w [dir=back]
C -> S
S -> E[constraint = false]
E -> S[label = "Label"]
In the following example, the nodes in the subgraphs are ordered from the bottom to the top instead of from top to bottom. How can that be reversed, so that the start is top-left and the nodes in the subgraphs are ordered from top to bottom (A1-A4 and B1-B4)?
digraph ab
node[shape = record]
subgraph cluster_0
rank = "same"
state0_anchor [label="", style=invis, width=0]
state0_step0 [label="A1"]
state0_step1 [label="A2"]
state0_step2 [label="A3"]
state0_step3 [label="A4"]
state0_anchor->state0_step0[style = invis]
state0_step0 -> state0_step1 -> state0_step2 -> state0_step3
state0_step3 -> state0_step0 [constraint=false]
state0_step3 -> state1_step0 [constraint=false]
subgraph cluster_state1
rank = "same"
state1_anchor [label="", style=invis, width=0, height=0]
state1_step0 [label="B1"]
state1_step1 [label="B2"]
state1_step2 [label="B3"]
state1_step3 [label="B4"]
state1_anchor->state1_step0[style = invis]
state1_step0 -> state1_step1 -> state1_step2 -> state1_step3
state1_step3 -> state0_step0 [constraint=false]
state0_anchor -> state1_anchor[style = invis]
start -> state0_step0
In your example, when direction of the edges within the subgraphs are reversed, the nodes will be ordered the way you'd like. Something like this:
state0_step3 -> state0_step2 [dir=rev]
state0_step2 -> state0_step1 [dir=rev]
state0_step1 -> state0_step0 [dir=rev]
state0_step0 -> state0_anchor [style = invis]
The same for state1-nodes.
Details about transformations when going LR can be found in https://stackoverflow.com/a/9592856/63733
The graph I would like contains a top row; the rightmost node (T3) then points to A. A through E are in a vertical column, C and F are vertically aligned and H, I and J are vertically aligned. Additionally, C, F and H are horizontally aligned and E, G and J are horizontally aligned.
When I add subgraph cluster_0 in front of the already existing subgraphs, i.e. subgraph cluster_0 { rank=same; A -> B -> C-> D-> E; }, the subgraph becomes horizontally aligned...
How can I introduce the cluster without this occurring? Also, the edge from T3 to A is nearly straight. I would be nice if it went straight down, right angled to the left then right angled down to A.
Here is what works:
digraph G { rankdir = LR ranksep = 1.2 nodesep = 0.5
T1 -> T2 -> T3;
{ rank=same; A -> B -> C -> D -> E; }
C -> F
{ rank=same F -> G[style=invis] }
{ rankdir=LR rank=same H -> I -> J}
F -> H [style=dotted]
G -> J [style=invis]
edge [constraint=false]
And here is what doesn't work
digraph G { rankdir = LR ranksep = 1.2 nodesep = 0.5
T1 -> T2 -> T3;
subgraph cluster_0 { rank=same; A -> B -> C -> D -> E; }
C -> F
subgraph cluster_1 { rank=same F -> G[style=invis] }
subgraph cluster_2 { rankdir=LR rank=same H -> I -> J}
F -> H [style=dotted]
G -> J [style=invis]
edge [constraint=false]
This is about as close as I can get, but the clusters definitely introduce some differences. Also the "almost straight" lines I corrected with splines=ortho. I moved the ABCDE subgraph over with an invisible edge to T1.
digraph G { rankdir=TB ranksep = 0.5 nodesep = 0.5 splines=ortho
{rank=same T1 -> T2 -> T3;}
T1->A [style=invis]
subgraph cluster_0 {rank=min A -> B -> C -> D -> E; }
C -> F
subgraph cluster_1 { rank=same F -> G[style=invis] }
subgraph cluster_2 { rankdir=LR rank=same H -> I -> J}
F -> H [style=dotted]
G -> J [style=invis]
edge [constraint=false]
My structure has two main chains with side nodes in sub graphs. Every thing looks nice but when i close the two chains all the boxes in the sub graphs jumps to the right side.
At the end of my code you can remove the "I"->"J" then you can see the best what I mean.
I am not a native English speaker, sorry about my English and I am a graphviz newbie.
digraph G {
size ="6,6";
node [color=black fontsize=12, shape=box, fontname=Helvetica];
subgraph {
rank = same;
subgraph {
subgraph {
"e"->"E" [arrowhead=none];
subgraph {
rank = same;
subgraph {
rank = same;
"0" -> "A" -> "B" -> "C"->"D" -> "E" -> "F" -> "G" -> "H"->"I";
"0" -> "K"->"L"->"M"->"N"->"O" ->"P"->"1";
subgraph {
rank = same;
subgraph {
subgraph {
"N"->"n" [arrowhead=none];
subgraph {
rank = same;
subgraph {
rank = same;
and with "I"->"J"; removed:
This is how I'd go about it: Create a cluster for each main chain with its side nodes:
digraph G {
size ="6,6";
node [color=black fontsize=12, shape=box, fontname=Helvetica];
subgraph cluster0 {
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> G -> H -> I;
{rank = same; b->B;}
{rank = same; c->C;}
{rank = same; e->E;}
{rank = same; f->F;}
{rank = same; g->G;}
subgraph cluster1 {
K -> L -> M -> N -> O -> P -> 1 -> J;
{rank = same; L->l;}
{rank = same; M->m;}
{rank = same; N->n;}
{rank = same; O->o;}
{rank = same; P->p;}
0 -> A;
0 -> K;
I -> J;
Resulting in:
I'm trying to use graphviz on media wiki as a documentation tool for software.
First, I documented some class relationships which worked well. Everything was ranked vertically as expected.
But, then, some of our modules are dlls, which I wanted to seperate into a box. When I added the nodes to a cluster, they got edged, but clusters seem to have a LR ranking rule. Or being added to a cluster broke the TB ranking of the nodes as the cluster now appears on the side of the graph.
This graph represents what I am trying to do: at the moment, cluster1 and cluster2 appear to the right of cluster0.
I want/need them to appear below.
digraph d {
subgraph cluster0 {
A -> {B1 B2}
B2 -> {C1 C2 C3}
C1 -> D;
subgraph cluster1 {
C2 -> dll1_A;
dll1_A -> B1;
subgraph cluster2 {
C3 -> dll2_A;
dll1_A -> dll2_A;
The layout is an attempt by Dot to minimise the overall height.
One reason for the more compact than required layout is the use of the edge that goes in the reverse direction from dll1_a to B1. It tries to pull the cluster as close back to the destination node as possible. To avoid this edge affecting the graph, either relax the constraint on the upwards edges as shown, or draw the edge in the forward direction and use the dir attribute to reverse the arrow.
This will help with many layouts but it alone is not sufficient to fix the example given. To prevent Dot from maintaining the compact layout it prefers you can add a minlen attribute to edges that should remain (near) vertical. This may be difficult to calculate in general but is practical for manually tuned layouts.
digraph d {
subgraph cluster0 {
A -> {B1 B2}
B2 -> {C1 C2 C3}
C1 -> D;
subgraph cluster1 {
C2 -> dll1_A [minlen = 2];
dll1_A -> B1 [constraint = false];
/* B1 -> dll1_A [dir = back]; */
subgraph cluster2 {
C3 -> dll2_A;
dll1_A -> dll2_A;
My experience shows that constraint=false commonly gives unnecessarily convoluted edges. It seems that weight=0 gives better results:
digraph d {
subgraph cluster0 {
A -> {B1 B2}
B2 -> {C1 C2 C3}
C1 -> D;
subgraph cluster1 {
C2 -> dll1_A [minlen = 2];
dll1_A -> B1 [weight = 0];
/* B1 -> dll1_A [dir = back]; */
subgraph cluster2 {
C3 -> dll2_A;
dll1_A -> dll2_A;
This will produce the graph you are looking for:
digraph d {
subgraph cluster0 {
A -> {B1 B2}
B2 -> {C1 C2 C3}
C1 -> D;
subgraph {
subgraph cluster1 {
C2 -> dll1_A;
dll1_A -> B1;
subgraph cluster2 {
C3 -> dll2_A;
dll1_A -> dll2_A;
What this does is creat a subgraph that is used only for layout purposes to provide the top to bottom ordering that you desire.