What happens with recaptcha registration when google account is removed? - recaptcha

Our college has recaptcha v3 registered for company domain on his google account. He will go away soon. If his google accont will be removed or disactivated, is our recaptcha going to stop to work?

reCaptcha will continue to work as long as your site key is active. If your site key is disabled, reCaptcha will stop working until you re-activate or change the key.
According to Google, when an account is deleted, "You’ll lose all the data and content in that account"
Since reCaptcha is a Google service under an account, I would assume this means that google will delete your site key, as such your reCaptcha will stop working until you create a new key and change your code to include the new key.


is there a way to make events on google calendar into accounts signed with OAuthv2.0 on a CMS laravel website

sorry if this question is not sraightforward. I searched a lot and didn't find the result I want.
I have a CMS website which a specific role of user can link their account on the website to a google account by OAuth. I want to create event in user's calendar from by a form in my website. Now I have set the Oauth and I've created a form that creates events in my developer account.
All i found is creating events on developer account. I found one exactly like I want but in electron not laravel

Recaptcha settings recovery

The company I work for has discontinued signing with Google Workspace and the configuration of one of our systems that has registered its domains in reCaptcha 2 is not being seen even after creating a Google account with the same email.
Is it possible to retrieve these settings somehow, for example by presenting the private key?
A Google account was created with the same e-mail that used to access the console previously, so we believed that it would be possible to view these settings.

How to get a secret-key reCaptcha for Contact Form 7

To integrate reCAPTCHA with Contact Form 7, you need to enter 2 codes Site key and The secret key.
Google gave only one key Id, where to get the second code?
From the screenshot provided it looks like you tried creating a key with reCaptcha enterprise (the payed version of reCaptcha).
reCaptcha enterprise typically does not authenticate the same way the free version of reCaptcha. Instead of a site key and a secret key, you usually get a site key and an authentication file.
Unless you have a business reason to use reCaptcha enterprise, I suggest you use the free version of reCaptcha, there you will get both a site key and a secret key: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
You'll want to create a V3 reCaptcha if you want to use the secret score reCaptcha or V2 if you want to use the classic checkbox reCaptcha

Recaptcha secret key, where is it in my Google Cloud Recaptcha account?

I am attempting to setup a google recaptcha on my site and the plugin I am using is asking for the site key AND a secret key. No idea what a secret key is, I cannot find it in my settings anywhere in Google Cloud. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Try going to https://g.co/recaptcha/v3 and use that UI to set up your reCaptcha. With that process I was provided with two keys, a site key for the frontend and a secret key for the backend.
Google seems to have a couple of different ways to set up recaptcha and the documentation is out of sync with reality so there are many dead ends to get lost in. I spent a long time in the Google Cloud Platform and it was useless.
Even I faced the same confusion after trying to implement it by reading some online tutorials. The first confusion was why my Google Cloud console called it CAPTCHA "Enterprise". But I will leave that exploration to you, as it doesn't matter in our case.
But I was finally able to get it to work. I found the secret under,
Legacy reCAPTCHA secret key
It is now possible to find your secret key in the Google Cloud Console
If you go to the details page of your site key, the secret key will be available at the bottom.
The ReCAPTCHA Enterprise version does not use a secret key. You can still use recaptcha 3 or 2 and generate a api and secret key here:
Enterprise ReCaptcha is a bit different than the standard one.
Login to Google cloud platform and select your project from the top menu.
Search for reCAPTCHA Enterprise in the search box.
On that screen you can definite Enterprise keys (public site key) and their settings (allowed domains, etc...)
In order to create a secret key, go to: APIs and services menu. Select 'Credentials' and define a new API key (secret key).
Hope that helps.

Google Calendar API doesn't work with a calendars from Google Apps for Work

I'm using the Google Calendar API to synchronise calendars with Google Calendar.
It work fine with a normal Google account, but I can't get it to work with a Google for Work account.
I basically ask credential to create a new calendar and then define myself as an owner of the calendar to be able to update it in the future. This is working for both types of account, but when I try to add new events, with the Google for Work account, I get a 403 Forbidden error.
Since it's working fine for the normal Google account, I assume there is a security setting somewhere which prevent me to create events but I can find which one.
I tried to add my client ID and the scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar in the Admin console of the Google for Work account but it as no effect.
"External Sharing options for primary calendars" controls in what way accounts outside the domain can access calendars within the domain. The setting is in the Admin console: support.google.com/a/answer/60765?hl=en
