Recaptcha secret key, where is it in my Google Cloud Recaptcha account? - recaptcha

I am attempting to setup a google recaptcha on my site and the plugin I am using is asking for the site key AND a secret key. No idea what a secret key is, I cannot find it in my settings anywhere in Google Cloud. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Try going to and use that UI to set up your reCaptcha. With that process I was provided with two keys, a site key for the frontend and a secret key for the backend.
Google seems to have a couple of different ways to set up recaptcha and the documentation is out of sync with reality so there are many dead ends to get lost in. I spent a long time in the Google Cloud Platform and it was useless.

Even I faced the same confusion after trying to implement it by reading some online tutorials. The first confusion was why my Google Cloud console called it CAPTCHA "Enterprise". But I will leave that exploration to you, as it doesn't matter in our case.
But I was finally able to get it to work. I found the secret under,
Legacy reCAPTCHA secret key

It is now possible to find your secret key in the Google Cloud Console
If you go to the details page of your site key, the secret key will be available at the bottom.

The ReCAPTCHA Enterprise version does not use a secret key. You can still use recaptcha 3 or 2 and generate a api and secret key here:

Enterprise ReCaptcha is a bit different than the standard one.
Login to Google cloud platform and select your project from the top menu.
Search for reCAPTCHA Enterprise in the search box.
On that screen you can definite Enterprise keys (public site key) and their settings (allowed domains, etc...)
In order to create a secret key, go to: APIs and services menu. Select 'Credentials' and define a new API key (secret key).
Hope that helps.


How to get a secret-key reCaptcha for Contact Form 7

To integrate reCAPTCHA with Contact Form 7, you need to enter 2 codes Site key and The secret key.
Google gave only one key Id, where to get the second code?
From the screenshot provided it looks like you tried creating a key with reCaptcha enterprise (the payed version of reCaptcha).
reCaptcha enterprise typically does not authenticate the same way the free version of reCaptcha. Instead of a site key and a secret key, you usually get a site key and an authentication file.
Unless you have a business reason to use reCaptcha enterprise, I suggest you use the free version of reCaptcha, there you will get both a site key and a secret key:
You'll want to create a V3 reCaptcha if you want to use the secret score reCaptcha or V2 if you want to use the classic checkbox reCaptcha

Google API: How do I discover the client secret for an existing API Key?

A while back I created an API Key in Google API's.
I'm navigating around the API Key UI. I can see the API Key. But I can't see any way of revealing the client secret.
Is there a way to recover the secret?
Or do I have to regenerate the key and secret, thus breaking any existing application currently using it?
Go to google developer console find the credential you are after. Then click the pencil icon on that row. It will open a new window where you can see your client secret.

Can google recaptcha site and secret keys be created using api

Checked for apis in google for creating the site and secret keys which is required to form the recaptcha. Couldn't find one. Is there any way this can be done
i dont think its possible. the process to create new site and secret key is manual. i tried searching their api, but cant find anything which lets u automate or create site keys for any domain using api.

Google place API request denied issues

I am trying to use Google places api to search the location. But Unfortunately I am getting only 1 message in responce is REQUEST DENIED. I have created new API key, but the API ACCESS Menu shows some warning icons as shown in below image does it created any issues or any other issues belonging to API key ?
Please let me know how to overcome this issue.... thanks in advance!`
my request string is this
You should also never post your API Key on the Internet like in your request string above to prevent your key from being abused. Your API Key should be kept private like a password as any usage of your key will be logged against your account.
The request above works fine using my API Key, I would suggest generating another API Key on the API Access page of the APIs console. Also make sure that you have enabled the Places API under services, instructions are here.
The notification icons are there to notify you that you have not enabled billing on your account yet.
i have the same error. the error was resolved by append &sensor=false at the end of API
I've had this issue, turns out using the key for Android applications (the one used for the maps API) is wrong. I needed to create a key for browser applications. Once I used the browser key instead of the Android key everything worked fine.

Where can I get Google developer key

I am working on Google API like chat, contacts and so on...
I am stuck on developer_key as mentioned in gdata doc.
You can get this at
'developer_key' => ''
I have already:
// OAuth2 Settings, you can get these keys at
'oauth2_client_id' => '',
'oauth2_client_secret' => '',
'oauth2_redirect_uri' => ''
Where can I find developer key?
I found some thing like this
But I understand this to be only for youtube.
It's the API key as listed under 'API Access', the 'Simple API Access' box.
First activate Google+ API, then you will get "Simple API access" box, from there you can get
developer key as API key
or read this:
Update Nov 2015:
Sometime in late 2015, the Google Developers Console interface was overhauled again. For the new interface:
Select your project from the toolbar.
Open the "Gallery" using hamburger menu icon on the left side of the toolbar and select 'API Manager'.
Click 'Credentials' in the left-hand navigation.
Alternatively, you can click 'Switch to old console' under the the three-dot menu (right side of the toolbar), then follow the instructions below.
For the NEW (edit: OLD) Google Developers Console:
You get your 'Developer key' (a.k.a. API key) on the same screen where you get your client ID/secret. (This is the 'Credentials' screen, which can be found under 'APIs & auth' in the left nav.)
Below your client ID keys, there is a section titled 'Public API access'. If there are no keys in this this section, click 'Create new Key'. Your developer key is the 'API key' specified here.
Update no 3:
You can get a Developer_Key from here Get your Google Developer Key
Check this tutorial
{select as answered, if it answered.}
Update no 2:
"API key" is the DEVELOPER_KEY
if you check this code reference,
it states
Set DEVELOPER_KEY to the "API key" value from the "Access" tab of the Google APIs Console`
Wiki on step by step to get API Key & secret
Developer API Key! probably this is what you might be looking for
If say, for instance, you have a web app which would require a API key then check this:
Go to Google API Console Select you project OR Create your project.
Select APIs & Auths
API Project from the Dropdown on the left navigation panel
API Access
Click on Create another Client ID
Select Service application refer it here
The Service application that you have created can be used by your Web apps such as PHP, Python, ..., etc.
2017 Update
Open Google API -
Go to Credentials.
Click on the 'Create Credentials' button. At time of writing it's currently a blue coloured dropdown.
Select API Key.
You should get a dialog from where you can copy this API key to use in your project. Hope this helps.
In the old console layout :
Select your project
Select menu item "API access"
Go to the section below "Create another client ID", called "Simple API Access"
Choose one of the following options, depending on what kind of app you're creating (server side languages should use the first option - JS should use the second) :
Key for server apps (with IP locking)
Key for browser apps (with referers)
In the new cloud console layout :
Select your project
Choose menu item "APIs & auth"
Choose menu item "Registered app"
Register an app of type "web application"
Choose one of the following options, depending on what kind of app you're creating (server side languages should use the first option - JS should use the second) :
Key for server apps (with IP locking)
Key for browser apps (with referers)
In case of both procedures, you find your client ID and client secret at the same page. If you're using a different client ID and client secret, replace it with the ones you find here.
During my first experiments today, I've succesfully used the "Key for server apps" as a developer key for connecting with the "contacts", "userinfo" and "analytics" API. I did this using the PHP client.
Wading through the Google API docs certainly is a pain in the #$$... I hope this info will be useful to anyone.
Please use Google API console
Create a new project
For the created project goto API access
There you will find your Client ID and Secret.
And the API key in the last is your developer key.
Recent Update July 2017:
Go to Google Console
Click on Left most top panel and click credentials.
In the API keys table, you will find the API key in the key column.
API Key is your developer key.
Hit in your browser by enabling web fonts api and you will see result.
Refer this blog for more information
I explored the google docs and found that developer key and api is same thing.
in , in SERVICES, turn on YOUTUBE API, then click API ACCESS in the left menu.
"Public API access" the key generated there is the key you got to paste into your public static final String DEVELOPER_KEY as part of this writing 26.12.2013
It is not the clientID but you got take the steps mentioned above to obtain one and generate the public api access key.
Go to
Scroll down to where it says 'Visit the Google API Console to generate your developer key, OAuth2 client id, OAuth2 client secret, and register your OAuth2 redirect uri. Copy their values since your will need to input them in your application.'
Click on the 'Google API Console' link.
When it pops up and says 'Welcome to the new Google Developers Console! Prefer the old console? Go back | Dismiss' Click on 'GO BACK'
If you are only calling APIs that do not require user data, such as
the Google Custom Search API, then API keys might be simpler to use
than OAuth 2.0 access tokens. However, if your application already
uses an OAuth 2.0 access token, then there is no need to generate an
API key as well. Google ignores passed API keys if a passed OAuth 2.0
access token is already associated with the corresponding project.
Note: You must use either an OAuth 2.0 access token or an API key for
all requests to Google APIs represented in the Google Developers
Console. Not all APIs require authorized calls. To learn whether
authorization is required for a specific call, see your API
Developer Key = Api Key (any of yours)
find it in Google Console -> Google API -> Credentials
You should be able to generate a Youtube API key there.
The recommended way to authorize your API call is to use OAuth 2.0 (without API key), as pointed by the documentation an API key is only necessary when using OAuth 1.0 credentials.
The API key for your application can be found in the Google APIs Console in API Access > Simple API.
