how to pass validation test in AutoML Vision - google-cloud-automl

how to pass validation on AutoML?
i already upload 10 image with "Car" label.
still cant pass validation.

i was delete the dataset and reupload all the image at once and then drawing boundingbox again, i dont know waht it just works


Laravel elfinder resize and copy uploaded image to multiple dimensions

Hello I'm using backpack which uses elfinder as a file manager, and i want to achive te following:
when an image is uploaded I want to create 3 copies of it
one with it real dimension
the second is 200x200
and the third 50x50
Note: Like WordPress which has this mechanism built in (uploading multiple sizes of the image)
Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do that thanks to elFinder itself. The PHP package for elFinder doesn't have events or anything like that, for you to customize its upload behaviour. And doing it in Javascript would probably not be a good idea.
But thanks to Backpack, there's one thing you could do, that could be useful. You can use Model Events inside your CrudControllers, to do stuff after the cretate/update form has been submitted. For example:
when the updated event happens, check if that file that was upload (with real dimensions) has thumbnails; if so, do nothing;
if not, create the thumbnails using a library like Intervention image that is already included in Backpack;
So it would looks something like this:
public function setup()
// ...
Product::saved(function($entry) {
if (!$entry->hasThumbnailsForAttachment()) {
Then in your Model you could create these two methods, hasThumbnailsForAttachment() and generateThumbnailsForAttachment().
Hope it helps!

How to overlap Label and Data fields over an image in BIRT

Using BIRT. Added Image in a Grid. Unable to put label and data fields over image in certain region. Please advise if you achieved it.
I think all you can do is use the image as background-url. AFAIK this only works for images that actually come from an URL, but not for images that come from e.g. a database BLOB (but you might download the BLOB to a temporary file and use the file name as URL).

Not enough images in validation set in AutoML when done automatically

I'm trying AutoML from GCP and I'm stuck at training: I get an error message saying there is not enough images having the "Italy" tag in the validation set. I have uploaded the images manually, and so I did not specify which image goes to which set (training, validation, test).
The weird thing is, "Italy" has more images than the other tags, so why is there a problem with it ? Can I fix it from the AutoML interface or do I really have to upload a CSV to fix the bug ?
I already tried to add some new images with the "Italy" tag and it didn't change, I still get "0" in validation...
If it helps, an image can have multiple tags (in my example: one sport + one country).
You can resolve that issue by manually reassigning some images to the VALIDATE dataset, see this answer.

aberezkin/ng2-image-upload how can I prepopulate the image

In angular2 using aberezkin/ng2-image-upload
I have in my template
[buttonCaption]="'Select Images!'"
[dropBoxMessage]="'Drop your images here!'"
This is part of a larger form for an e-commerce site's product capture/edit screen including this image upload
It's all great for a new product and a new image but if I have to edit an existing product and thus have the data from the server for that product, including the image, how can I pre-populate image-upload with this image thus allowing a user to keep it or delete it/change it?
Also is there a way to filter file type allowed?
So you want to let user select the image and able to change it befor Uploading
I made a simple example of preview and uploading image I think it will be helpful for you
Preview and uploade image angular2

How to control the dimension of an image during the upload with symfony2

i check in the doc and everywhere i could but i didn't find any solution.
So i have a form and i upload an image in this form. I would like an error message if user is submiting a too large image or a too tall one. I need to do this for a proper display for my image.
I would like if possible do this with #assert but i dont think it's possible so i can add a validation.yml file if it's needed but it has to be check on the client-side
Thx if you have any clue to do this !
