Unreadable Highlighting in Visual Studio - visual-studio

my highlighting colors in Visual Studio 2019 are off and i cant for the life of me find a way to correct it.
Maybe someone of you know the corresponding setting for this? See the screenshot below please.
Kind regards
Screenshot: Visual Studio - Unreadable highlighting

Found the solution:
The highlighting comes from Productivity Power Tools.
If anyone else have this problem here is the answer to solve this:


Visual Studio Intellisense suggestions disappears immediately after coming up

I am using Visual Studio Community and Visual GDB to code and debug STM32 projects.
The problem:
When I type something that is known to Intellisense, (path, variable or anything really), the suggestions come up briefly and then immediately disappear therafter. For that split second I can see that Intellisense has the correct suggestions, but TAB or ENTER does not work since the suggestions disappear very quickly.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you
You might try to disable any extensions in Visual Studio.
I had the same problem, surfed around and read in some places that disabling extensions would work.
So I disabled them one by one and the problem was gone.

The bulb like symbol in visual studio (vs) code what cause this to happen?

The bulb, I can't seem to explain what is causing this to happen.
enter image description here
These are code actions: suggestions of fixes provided by VS Code's AI. See: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/editingevolved#_code-action

Turning off auto-suggestions in Visual Studio 2019 without turning off IntelliSense

I am new to Visual Studio and would like to disable the IntelliSense automatic suggestions without disabling IntelliSense entirely. More precisely, I don't want popup hints continually covering the code I'm working on, but I'd still like to be able to use Ctrl-Space to request suggestions at times. I'm coding in C/C++.
I've seen information on how to do this for Visual Studio Code, but I haven't found anything similar for Visual Studio.
Or if this is just a matter of me not understanding how to properly use Visual Studio or IntelliSense, please help me understand or point me to a forum where true Microsoft devotees hang out.
The solution is to go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> General and uncheck Auto list members.
Credit goes to this answer in "Intellisense “Toggle Completion Mode” doesn't work with C++ in Visual Studio 2010 Professional".
Turning off auto-suggestions in Visual Studio 2019 without turning off
Edit Menu-->Intellisense-->click Toggle Completion Mode
After that, when you type, it will not cover the code you are working on automatically.
Hope it could help you.
Mabby this can help you this is a article i found about this

Visual Studio not applying colors

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 with F# Power Tools for programming F#.
I changed the colors for a few things, but my F#-files (fsx and fs) are still looking like they looked before.
I googled for a while, but cannot find any solution.
Since F# is missing parentheses, it would be really helpful to highlight function names and types.
Any ideas?
I don't know why, but disabling and enabling the F# Power Tools fixed it.

VIsual Studio 2010 colour schemes compatible with ReSharper?

Are there any colour schemes for VS 2010 (preferably dark schemes) that include settings for ReSharper 5.1?
All attempts at google-fu have failed me.
The one I'm using at the moment messes up when R# tries to highlight a line because the colours are too similar.
I know I could do this myself... and will if I have to. But if there are already some schemes to save me the effort, it would be great. Thanks!
I've been using this one lately in 2010:
Visual Studio Settings for the TDD Ninja
Are you looking for a dark theme? If so, ping me and I'll send you mine.
