Visual Studio not applying colors - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 with F# Power Tools for programming F#.
I changed the colors for a few things, but my F#-files (fsx and fs) are still looking like they looked before.
I googled for a while, but cannot find any solution.
Since F# is missing parentheses, it would be really helpful to highlight function names and types.
Any ideas?

I don't know why, but disabling and enabling the F# Power Tools fixed it.


F# Intellisense in Visual Studio for Mac

Autocomplete and intellisense is TERRIBLE for visual studio for mac. It will literally autocomplete random objects in the middle of strings and will not work at all when in the middle of a function that doesn't have a valid return value yet (in for or let statements). I had to turn it off because it's way worse than being useless. Anyone have any tips on how to fix this or should I change IDE's? Or is this a problem unique to myself. For reference I am in a script file.
I would highly recommend Visual Studio Code with Ionide extension installed.

Can I change VS 2013 look & feel to be like 2010?

Just installed VS 2013 (was previously on 2010) and I deeply regret it. I'm so glad the company picked up the tab!
I've read around a bit and found that a lot of people hate the VS 2012/2013 look & feel, and there are tools and tips to bring back the 2010 look & feel in VS 2012. However I couldn't find something like that for 2013 and wondering if I missed it or it just wasn't invented yet.
Edit: Two things I did find which someone else might be interested in too:
Disabling the ALL CAPS menus (this is is another SO question and found easily)
Disabling the file contents expanding (this appears to be less known and god knows how this guy even found it...
Edit #2: In the end I didn't use the themes in the provided answer. It seems that the "close to 2010" theme comes built-in in 2013 under the "Blue" name. I decided not to bother with icons and colors beyond that, to try and get used to these icons. The hacks above, coupled with VSCommands proved sufficient for me.
Here's a great tool for customizing your VS UI. It works with 2012 or 2013. There's also quite a few different themes available around the web, some of which mimic the UI of 2010.
Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme Editor

"Scope Highlight" feature in Visual Studio? (same as seen in BlueJ for java)

I would like to know (as I've failed so far in finding such a feature in the VS's options),
if there is a feature which allow for scope highlighting same as seen in the BlueJ IDE for java,
here is an example:
Note how the code blocks are all highlighted with color,
when learning java using blueJ i found it to be extremely easy on the eye when looking at code,
and everything felt a lot more organized,
moving to C# and working on MS visual studio, its all text with some highlighting, Class names, keywords etc etc,
but in general it still feel like a black text on a white background and lacking that organized feeling i sorely miss from blueJ,
i noticed there is a similar question here referring to eclipse,
Eclipse IDE Scope Highlighting?
just to be on the safe side, ill ask again referring to Visual studio,
is there such a feature in VS? is there an add-on \ plugin for VS which allows it?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Microsoft provides a free Productivity Power Tools extension for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. This has a "Structure Visualizer" feature similar to the CodeRush plugin. Both are more subtle than the BlueJ style, but should make scopes a little clearer.
Productivity Power Tools 2013
Productivity Power Tools 2015
Visual Studio 2017 integrated a version of this into the core application for C#, Visual Basic, F#, and XAML (as Structure Guide Lines). However, C++ still requires an extension.
Look at the DevExpress CodeRush plugin, there is a 30-day trial version.
The function it provides is called "Structural highlighting", and I think its even better than what you want (and its customizable).
CodeRush Express
CodeRush Documentation

How to Write a Visual Studio Macro to "Collapse to Definition" without Collapsing Comments?

One of the thing that I would love in Visual Studio is when I collapse to definitions (or use other code-folding options in VS). I personally/humbly disagree with using the region directive, so I'm looking for an alternative to that.
There isn't anything built-in to VS (as far as I know in VS 2010), so I think the answer would be a macro. I have zero experience with macros. Can anyone give some idea on what this macro would look like, or ideas on how to write it? Thanks!

Syntax highlighting for domain-specific language in VS2008?

I have a domain-specific language with a certain syntax. Is it possible to make Visual Studio 2008 recognize custom languages in the usual editors? That is, associate a given file extension to a certain syntax-coloring scheme? If so, would you have any pointers as to how to do this?
I'm sorry if this is a duplicate. I searched but couldn't find a relevant answer, and yet it does sound like a simple question.
If the Implementing Color Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2008 seems like the deep end, you can download the Lua Lang Pack and see how they do it.
They use the Compiler Tools in C# which are quite neat.
Failing that you can download my prototype Erlang VS plugin that currently only has simple syntax highlighting, but is based on all the above.
This should help you out:
Implementing Color Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio 2008:
