Why can´t I build the same app which I had built before with MIT App Inventor? - app-inventor

I had designed and built an App using MIT App Inventor 9 months ago. Now, I was trying to build the same App again to download the apk file but I receive this error. I have really no idea about it. I hope you help me fix it.

your error message is DX execution failed
#Boban would say, "you have too much of something"...
here is #SteveJG’s monster list of things to check https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/fLiMEfPh09Q/1Ia0AaQEXogJ
each point on the monster list might be the issue, why someone gets a DX execution failed error… that thread is a collection of several possibilities, which have been collected by #SteveJG during the years while answering questions like that… hope that helps… if not, please ask in the MIT App Inventor community...


Why does HandlePIChanges appear in my video editing app?

I am NOT a programmer, but rather a videographer. I googled HandlePIChanges and the only hit I got was from a posting on this web site entitled, "WCF Web Socket Service - lock not working correctly". In it the author lists some code that contains the verbiage HandlePIChanges, which comes up in a requestor box when I run the video editing program Vegas Pro 19 Build 550. While you probably are not interested in such an app, perhaps you might be able to clue me what HandlePIChanges means with respect to a Win 10 pro 64-bit user. It would be nice if someone could help out an outsider such as myself in trying to cope with a much-needed app that now has my hands tied. Any help (in layman's terms, of course) would be MUCH appreciated! I thank you in advance.

Azure ioT hub/Raspberry Pi Remote monitoring hiccup

This is likely to be a lengthy one and I am really hoping someone has the time and patience to assist me before the 14th June 2017. I have jumped on an IoT opportunity at work for a customer that needs a solution built using Azure IoT suite. For those of you reading this that are keen on a pretty sweet project, feel free to follow the walkthrough to see if you end up on the same snag. The walkthrough is pretty detailed, see below:
1) azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/samples/iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-getstartedkit/#section2.8
So what I have done is I have setup an Rpi3 with Raspian Lite (headless). The walkthrough suggests using an Adafruit BME280 multi-sensor which I haven't connected yet, but I will be buying one this week to do that. I didn't think it would be necessary to have it connected upfront as the majority of the steps in the walkthrough are about getting the Azure IoT Suite remote monitoring solution setup. The pi setup is straight forward and for me to connect to it I used raspi-config to enable SSH and are able to connect to the device without a glitch.
Everything in the walkthrough goes as expected on the pi up until the point where I get to step 1.6. In this step there is a line that suggests running the following code:
See the following image:
Image 1: This is where build.sh code initially fails
Image 2: This is where build.sh continues to fail and then quits
So, considering I am a sales guy with very limited technical expertise, and consider myself more of a tinkerer than a seasoned coder, the C code in this build.sh, seems to hit a snag and my problem is that I cannot seem to understand what the failure reason is trying to tell me. I'd really appreciate anyone's assistance here as I'm scrambling for time to have this up and running for my customer meeting before the 14th June 2017. If anyone has the capacity to assist me, I'd really appreciate it more than you know :-)

App Inventor 2 emulator issue

Firstly sorry if this place does not deal with questions like this, I have tried the tutorials online for App Inventor and I cannot seem to find anything relevant.
Basically I am downloading App Inventor 2 which has given me no issues, however when I try and connect to the emulator it fails. It states that 'Your companion is out of date', the tutorials online told me for this I would have to download the latest software (which I already had but I uninstalled and tried again). After getting the same response a few times I managed to get through to another screen that stated 'Unable to send update through to device/emulator' and on the actual emulator it just states 'Parse error - There is a problem parsing the package'
Does anyone know what is happening here?

Apples TestFlight Crashlogs

I am kind of stuck here, Ive been trying to test my app update with the external testers using Apples newly bought TestFlight.
I've been testing it myself and with friends who've never had it crash on them(on 7.1+ or 8.0+ which is what the update is supporting)
I've submitted 3 times now, each with the response of rejected due to crash on launch.
Which I use parse and crashlytics, neither of them give me any proof the app was installed or that it crashed.
Is there a way to get a crashlog from apple, I've emailed them, but they dont seem to have a lot of contact info for speaking to someone about this.

universal app target for iphone & ipad - 2 app error

Really would appreciate it if you can help me with something. I have searched every websites and apple documentation but cannot find an answer for the following issue I have:
I have upgraded an iphone app with the intention of having 1 universal 'target' for the iphone and ipad. The problem is that I have 2 products. i.e. Perk.app and Perk-Upgraded.app
How can I combine these to 1 or can I add a new product app that will differentiate the device (I can do that part) and then launch the relevant iphone or ipad product? (this is the part I cant do).
I have been looking at this for months... believe me im pulling my hair out.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You cannot actually have two distinct apps and then launch the appropriate one. If I understand you correctly what you actually need is to be able to adapt your layout according to the device. For this purpose I used the guide here: http://www.devx.com/wireless/Article/44472
It helped me a lot.
