How to remove book cover fold on Google Books API image covers - google-books

When searching the Google Books API with a basic title search query like this (trillion dollar coach), the results return images that look like the following:
(Notice the page fold at the bottom right of the image)
Does anyone know how to get book covers that never have a fold? Any help is appreciated 😁

Remove the Page-curl variable from the image link


Change image next to Website in Google search results

Good morning,
a customer of ours asked us if it was possible to change the image that Google shows next to his site in Google search results.
After several searches, we tried using different techniques all followed by re-indexing the page in order to instantly see the results.
We tried using structured data (both with ld+json and using microdata) and also of the attributes "og:image" and "og:title" in the "meta" tags, but none of these tests changed the image displayed on the right side next to the site in Google results.
We expected that with one of these methods would have changed the image, but nothing happened
Therefore, we wondered whether it was possible to change that image or whether Google chose the best image based on its search parameters.
Thank you for your valuable help,
Best regards

Setting the correct xpath

I'm trying to set the right xpath for using RSelenium, but I'm not very experienced in this area, so any help would be much appreciated.
Since I'm not allowed to post pictures yet I have tried to add a link to a screenshot of the html:
The html
I need R to scrape the dates (28-10-2020 - 13-11-2020), but so far I have not been able to set the correct xpath when using html.nodes.
I'm trying to scrape from sites like this one:
I usually do this on python rather than R
As you can see in this image when you right-click on the element concerned. You get a drop-down menu with an x-path to the element.
Other than that, the site orientation and x-path might change and a full x-path might be a good option in the short-run, so I rather prefer driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[contains(text(),"Login")]')\ .click()
In your case which would be find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(#class, 'u-pb-4 u-block')]')
I hope this helps and it is mostly the same across different languages

CEWP to show images (HTML) works until I use grouping. Then I see the DIV tag

I'm fairly new to Share Point so forgive me if this is to easy for you guys, but I could not seem to find the answer anywhere and I am rather stumped.
I am currently trying to make a website to track if particular tasks go over their due date. I have a calculated column that leaves a DIV tag to the image of a red/yellow/green circle which is displayed by the javascript for a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) made by Christophe on his site here:
I was able to put his code into the CEWP and everything looks great when it is in a standard list.
But I want a web part version of this on the homepage for easy view. When I make the web part (of a view grouping by the image tag) and place on the main site all I see is the DIV tag! I made sure to put an identical CEWP on the homepage as well but i get as grouping:
+[columnName] : DIV>img title=blahblahblah>/DIV> (2)
Needles to say when I expand this it stays the same for all entries below
Any Ideas?
Thanks for your time :D
Nobody has responded, but I found the answer so hopefully this will save someone the hours of grief I had. This will seem ridiculous but just go with it.
In the calculated column instead of returning the type as text, return it as a currency. Sounds ridiculous BUT IT WORKS!!

Link to a specific image/slide in gallerific

I'm having problems with something which seems like an easy task, and most probably a stupid question. It will probably be my all time low experience in programming but I would really appreciate any help!
I'm using Galleriffic to display my portfolio site, and I am looking for a way to directly link to an image+description not being the first in the gallery. I would like it to link from other webpages, or from plain text/pdf documents.
In short, I would like it to link to a webaddress of slide 5 with something like:
Slide 5
but doing it this way obviously doesn't work.
Although others have tried to explain:
jquery cycle link from external page to specific slide?
I can not seem to accomplish it, and it does not help at all that I am not a programmer.
not sure if it is too late, have been search the solutions for whole day, final found out the example 4 in the official website actually make the #link show on the you can actually link the specific image ('slide'') from external page...amazing!!!!!
check this out
You can find the script after all the or just before ... and place it to your works well for me, hope it helps, good luck

Bing Image Search API filter by image size

I'm working with Bing Image Search API using jsonp with jquery $.ajax. I'm able to retrieve the search results. But I'm unable to find a way to filter results by image size. I can't find anything about this in the documentation. Does anyone know if there is a way to filter results by image size or do any type of filtration for that matter.
You can do Image.Filters=Size:Small to filter by small images, you can also use medium and large.
Here's a more complete sample (The selected answer led to this) that might be helpful to someone who runs into this problem in the future:
request.Image = new ImageRequest();
request.Image.Filters = new string [1] {"Size:Small"};
More options to add to the "Filters" array can be found here.
