Power BI Matrix Totals calculating incorrectly for - matrix

I am currently having an issue with the power bi Matrix Calculation when using dax. I need to calculate the Running total for overtime per fortnight, which I have achieved using the following
Lieu running total to Date = CALCULATE(SUM('Table1'[OT]),FILTER(ALLSELECTED('Calendar'[Date]),ISONORAFTER('Calendar'[Date], MAX('Calendar'[Date]), DESC)))
However I now need to calculate the excess hours (OT) which I have used the following to calculate people over 90 hours(additional 10 hours)
Excess Lieu2 = IF([Lieu running total in Date]>=160,[Lieu running total in Date]-160,0)
The issues is the the grand totals is calculating the entire total - 160
The the last few total rows as well as the grand total are aggregating incorrectly...ANy help is greatly appreciated. A Dax solution is needed as this will need to be dynamic as the employees names will be added

Add a new measure with below code and add that measure to your matrix.
Total_Lieu_running_total_to_Date =
table,//add the table from which the pay period end date is coming
table[pay period end date],//date column which you are using in matrix
[Lieu running total to Date] //measure which you using currently
Note:- Please add some sample data so it would help other to give you solution quickly.


Subtracting multiple cells on Google Sheets + the use of IF ELSE

It's been weeks since I've been trying to solve this problem, I tried various formulas for this (ArrayFormula, ABS, SUMPRODUCT, using a negative sign on the cells), but I can't seem to get it right.
The correct way will always be manually subtracting the cells one by one but this will cause too much delay or problem if we have more than 100 rows on the sheets.
Here's the link to the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fAPQHKupKglBAJpoxrcVqWP343m0P5QOj8zp1FvasEA/edit?usp=sharing
The overall idea for this is that the Total Purchased should be compared to the total sold. The 2201 value on the total sold is retrieved from another transactions sheet and it just totals every sold item, and then starting from E4 (170 in cell value) onwards, it decreases since we just need to know the number of sold items from that certain row.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I'm looking forward to getting help from this as this stresses me for weeks now.
use cumulative function
and include in your formula in E4 as follows

Power Bi matrix subtotal is not the sum of the values in the column

I am trying to create a "meetingroom occupancy" matrix in Power BI. The raw data contains bookings per day per Room. The maximum daily available time per room is 12 hours. I have created a Date Dimension Table for the dates.
I have tried to change datatypes, added the available time column in the query editor, added the available time as DAX column and as calculated measure, but all with no success. I have changed the available time for Room B to 1, and the result of the Subtotal was 13, so it looks like subtotals is only summing unique values, but I do not know how to solve this.
Could someone please explain to me what is happening and how I could solve this?
The input data is as follows:
And my Date_Dimension is as follows:
This is the current and desired result:

DAX to multiply two max date measures

I am fairly new to Power BI and was hoping to solve my total (multiplication problem).
I have running inventory table for supplies ordered. I need to have a breakdown of the cost of those supplies based on the last item ordered(prices constantly change). I have two measures, one for the latest cost, and the second for the latest units used.
Latest Unit/Cost =
VAR maxdate = MAX(InventoryJ[Date Ordered])
InventoryJ[Date Ordered]=maxdate)
Latest UnitsUsed =
VAR maxdate = MAX(InventoryJ[Date Ordered])
CALCULATE(SUM(InventoryJ[Unit Used]),
InventoryJ[Date Ordered]=maxdate)
In my matrix they work great, even though the total is incorrect in the table.
Now I am stuck on multiplying these two measures together for the latest units used and the latest cost per unit.
Best Regards
Latest Total Cost = [Latest Unit/Cost] * [Latest UnitsUsed]
Consider using this kind of test to fix your total row.
If ( HasOneValue ( InventoryType[Summary]), ...
Then put whatever high level aggreation you want into the FALSE condition of that IF statement.

SSRS Bring Total in to Matrix/Tablix

In the image below I need to calculate the two blank columns 'Percentage Total Pend' and 'Percentage Total NMI'. I need to divide the first column number by the total.
Ex: 1,326/4,491
I have researched how to get the Total value of the group inside and came across 'Inscope' but didn't fully understand the functionality. From what I have gathered this issue is because the Total or Subtotal is outside the grouping or Tablix. Any help would be greatly appreciated
enter image description here

Calculate cumulative total in DAX?

I'm calculating cumulative total in DAX like:
DEFINE MEASURE 'Sales'[Running Total] =
This should be well-estabilished pattern (at least it is referenced here: http://www.daxpatterns.com/cumulative-total/)
My problem is when I try to evaluate it like:
'Sales'[Running Total]
I'm running into error
The resultset of a query to external data source has exceeded the maximum allowed size of '1000000' rows.
I'm using tabular model with direct query. I know I can enlarge the limit, however the underlying tables are small - Date table has around 10000 rows, Sales table has around 10000 rows as well (it will be much larger on production), so something here doesn't scale well.
I have an idea how to get away with calculating running totals on SQL level, any idea how to tackle this on DAX level ?
Models created by Power BI desktop has default limit of 1 million rows.
This might help you,
