Why does Visual Studio sometimes run using old code? - visual-studio

I have (fairly large) C# solution in VS 2019, running with ReSharper. Since a few days - and I can't make out the trigger - the following happens:
I change code, add a breakpoint (not required, but makes the issue show nicely), click "Start" (triggering a build and a run) and the application runs, but using old code.
The breakpoint changes to "broken" after the build, which is quick. And the build log is unbelievably short, without any warnings, but also without errors. It lists that the project I made the change in was successfully rebuilt or at least that the build was started.
I thought I may have this issue, but the code executed is the old.
Is this a caching issue? Can I get better logs somewhere?
Is this (full re-install of VS) the only solution?
EDIT: It appears to be getting worse, by now I have to manually/explicitly rebuild my solution before running (almost) every time. And, if this is any hint: while trying to fix the issue, I deleted the hidden .vs folder (where the. suo files lives) - and it has not been re-created. Shouldn't it have been?
EDIT2: The link from dwcanillas below inspired me to search deeper in my solution folder for any nested .vs folders and, indeed, I found a few - not for every project, but for some. I deleted them all and today so far it appears to be better.
CURRENT SOLUTION (another visual studio voodoo recipe):
Clean top-level solution
Close Visual Studio
Delete all ".vs" folders (hidden, in every solution folder)
Open Visual Studio
Rebuild top-level solution
Observed side-effects: Previously unloaded projects will be loaded again. But there's probably more...

You may have to, though try rebuilding it first, and cleaning the solution as well.


Visual Studio doesn't see code changes at runtime

I recently noticed a strange behavior on Visual Studio (2022, enterprise): whenever I make code changes, I can't see those changes during runtime unless I do a clean + build of the solution.
This started to happen only in the last few days, and I can't understand why (previously, for the specific application on which I'm working on, I just had to do a solution build before running).
It's not the end of the world, but my work is quite slown down having to do a solution clean every time.
P.s. I already tried to delete both the bin and obj folders for every "inner" project inside the solution, but it didn't help.

Visual Studio (Community 2019) throwing errors which should be warnings regardless of settings in one project only

A couple of weeks ago I cleared the NuGet cache in Visual Studio... this broke everything for some time as it would not automatically restore all the NuGet packages for some reason.
After a lot of effort and manually restoring stuff, I have now got most projects in my (quite large) solution working, except one.
I am in the process of moving most of my code from .NETFramework projects, to .NETStandard and the websites to .NETCore, that in itself is a headache and may/may not be related to the problem, but I don't think so.
Anyway, this one project, which is a .NETFramework (4.7.2) web application and references many other projects in my solution, will not build properly.
Each time I build it, I get thousands of stupid errors from MSBuild, see the screenshot (ignore the top 4,they are genuine!). These are all errors which should be warnings, or ignored.
In the Project settings page I do NOT have "treat all warnings as errors" checked - in fact, in an effort to fix this, I have turned warnings off altogether as well.
The weird thing is, that if I build every individual project in the solution first, usually twice, and then build this one with out touching anything else, it then will build and launch in IIS (or publish)
So the site is actually working but something is wrong in MSBuild or VS that is breaking it.
I have tried running a Visual Studio repair, but that made no difference either.
EDIT also, it only does it on one PC, if I load the same solution onto my laptop, it will all build fine.
And from some of the errors, if seems that the you should change the Assembly Name of the SAM project to Sam. It is quite strange. Not sure whether you have install some extra Code Analysis extensions on your current PC but other PCs works well.
So please try the following steps:
1) disable any third party installed vs extensions under Extensions-->Manage Extensions-->Installed
It needs a restart.
2) run update-package -reinstall under Tools-->Nuget Package Manager-->Package Manager Console
3) close VS, delete .vs hidden folder under the solution folder, every bin and obj folder of the projects under the solution.
Besides, you could use devenv /safemode to start a initial VS without any third party tools to test whether the issue happens.

Visual Studio 2010 F5 Debugging C++ is not Rebuilding

I have a Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate C++ project (not managed or .NET). When I press F5 (i.e., start debugging), I want it to save all the files, rebuild those that changed, link the whole thing, and then run. Instead, it appears to use the last build. Thus, when I try to step into a function or something, I get the following error:
Based on my research, I have verified these options, the first three of which are in the Options dialog (can be reached under "Debug->Options and Settings"):
"Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run" is checked. Some research indicated that it should be unchecked, but in my case I actually do only want it to rebuild the startup project. For what it's worth, I've tried unchecking it, with no effect.
"Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->On Run, when projects are out of date:" is set to "Always build".
"Debugging->Edit and Continue->Enable Edit and Continue" is checked, though it's greyed out.
In the Configuration Manager ("Build->Configuration Manager"), all solution configurations and platforms have their "Build" checkbox checked.
I have also tried deleting all Debug and Release directories as well as the .sdf and ipch directory.
For completeness, I suppose I should mention that I'm using precompiled headers, though I kinda doubt it matters.
[EDIT: I should note that it only seems to be one file (a .h file) that's doing it. I tried renaming it and recompiling, and also removing it from the solution and adding it back in, but it didn't work. ]
I was able to bring my solution back into the right state after deleting all .suo and .csproj.user files. Answer led to this solution. Hope this saves someone time.
I fell into this state after installing Ultimate over Professional and running profiling tools.
Once I had similar problem with my C# project and I think I have tried every possible suggestion available on internet but none worked and then this is what I have done:
Created an empty Project
Added startup function to verify that it does not show any error
Imported all my source code manually one by one
So, Yes, it was the solution. You already have done a lot so I would say you can get lucky by trying here and there however having a new project and importing your individual source file would be faster.
Another solution could be that switching the platform. I noticed that when I when to project properties, the new project I had just created had a platform of 'win32' and my other projects in the same solution had it set at x64. After I switched my project to x64, everything worked just fine. This worked for my interop(C,C+, C#) project and hopefully works for other projects as well.
I have successfully resolved it, try the following:
remove all temporary and intellisense files
remove all project from solution and then add them back(most important)
check projects 'Frameworks and References' to ensure they are valid

VS2010 always rebuilds solution?

I have a solution with 40 projects in it. I've recently reconfigured output path for each of these projects to this value:
Change was made in *.csproj files for every build configuration.
This change did what was expected (gather all compiled assemblies into one folder) but unusual side effect is - every time I hit F5 Debug, portion of the (around 40%) assemblies always gets rebuilt. I have tested this several times without any changes to the projects themselves.
Once I undid changes build behaved as before.
I need help resolving this issue.
This issue is solved by changing the project files, cleaning solution, deleting all bin folders by hand, restarting Visual studio and rebuilding everything.
I would guess that the assemblies that get rebuilt are referenced from the project you are trying to build? Check the references in one of the projects, and see if this is correct. If so, you might try to adjust the properties for each reference, such as "Copy Local", and/or "Specific Version"; maybe each project "thinks" it needs to rebuild the other projects it references in order to achieve the same version number or something like that.

Recover a Visual Studio project that was never saved

I started a new project this morning and, after putting ~3 hours of work into it, I tried to open a file from another project to get some code from it. I got a warning about discarding an unsaved object. After telling it to go ahead, I realized that it was referring to the project I had just been working on and not another file that I had just opened.
Even though I never saved the project, the various files containing my code and dataset had to exist on the hard-drive. Are they still there, perhaps in a temp folder? I'm developing on a box running Server 2008 R2 (don't ask, not my decision :) ).
This may help:
Also check C:\Users{Username}\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects
You could try one of those undelete programs and see if it finds anything.
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions
and check the item
Save new projects when created
Save frequently. :)
Need to give one related input. Who the hell had the idea to implement this feature???
I used Visual Studio until 2003, then came back again to 2010 now.
After 2 days work, saving all the time, as I used to (Ctrl + S), I close the project and decide not to save the solution itself.
Done. All lost. Nothing can be recovered from anywhere in the computer.
How can a developer implement a dumb idea such as dropping all work in an "in memory" project.
You either know about it already or you will get screwed; like thousands found on Google during my desperate search.
Did Microsoft VS team look at it at least?
So frustrating...
It might be worth checking out the folder where AutoRecover files are saved.
You can find the default file location in Visual Studio on the Tools - Options menu. Look in the Projects and Solutions section - expand that and look in General to find the default file locations.
My files were under C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Backup Files.
I had this happen to me this morning. I worked on a new project yesterday and windows ran an update last night. Despite having debugged my program - the project had not saved - for some reason it didn't occur to me that the project might not be saved. I left the program running on my computer when I went to bed. This morning when I work up, I saw that windows had run an update. A few hours later, I saw that my computer had no trace of my program. I realize this is an old post, but I thought I would shed some light on what I did, since i was able to recover my files.
First I went here: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/recover-lost-or-deleted-files
In Visual Basic 2010 Express, a backup folder is created with your project name. Sure enough, my project backckup folder was there: Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Backup Files\MyProject. But, the folder was empty. I "restored this folder to a previous version" using the steps listed in the link above. After doing that, the folder was still empty, BUT, the temporary folder "C:\Users{Username}\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects" now contained my project's folder and files. Prior to running the "restore to previous version", the temporary projects folder was also empty.
So, I was able to copy the folder out of the Temporary Projects folder and I am as happy as one can be - or close to it.
Hope that helps someone out.
A note to the answers above, I had a mini jumpscare when i could not find my project anywhere, not in the recent projects nor in the visual studio projects folder.
I eventually found the project in the visual studio projects folder of the admin user;
I was looking at:
C:\Users\LocalUser\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects
Whilst the project was saved under:
C:\Users\LocalAdmin\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects
Bottom line is; also check the \documents of the admin user. This likely happend because i was testing an admin only application and visual studio was running with the admin's user profile loaded.
