#click showing ReferenceError: function is not defined with AlpineJS + Livewire + Laravel - laravel

Am totally lost here. I've made multiple applications with Livewire + AlpineJS + Laravel before, but for some reason I cannot get the #click functionality working for functions in this app.
I reduced the code to almost nothing and cannot see the issue. Have looked at other apps where I have #click working.
<div x-data="showAppSettings()">
<div #click="whatever(123)">Click here</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.showAppSettings = () => {
return {
showNav: false,
Upon clicking the click me and triggering the function, I get the error ReferenceError: whatever is not defined.
Works just fine if I do something like #click="alert('hey')"
What am I missing?

The issue was related to including <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>
That file was not even in use. But either way, the error was being triggered by app.js which I realized made no sense since the code was inline.
Upon removing that line, everything works as intended.

It's needed the defer attribute to load fine the alpine script:
<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/alpinejs#3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>


laravel livewire $wire is not defined

I think I have all my imports right, but I'm getting a $wire is not defined error.
This is at the bottom of my master layout blade file:
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>
In my livewire component I have this:
$(document).ready(function() {
I was reading that $wire is an Alpine directive, and here's where I'm including Alpine. I can also type Alpine in the console and it is registered, so I believe that's working.
in my bootstrap.js:
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
window.Alpine = Alpine
Also if I type Livewire in the console, it returns the Livewire object, so that seems to be getting loaded correctly as well. However, I added this bit to my code and it did nothing:
document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function() {
console.log('livewire loaded'); // Your JS here.

How to use Alpine.data() in #push within Laravel Blade components?

With Alpine.js 2 it was possible to develop Blade components with the following structure:
<div x-data="myApp()">
function myApp() {
return {
This was great in that it allowed all the code for the component to be defined together.
In Alpine.js 3 this approach of defining functions is deprecated (https://alpinejs.dev/upgrade-guide#alpine-data-instead-of-global-functions). Instead, they should be defined like this:
<div x-data="myApp">
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
Alpine.data('myApp', () => ({
However, it states "you need to define Alpine.data() extensions BEFORE you call Alpine.start()". This suggests that with the new approach it is impossible (or at best unreliable) to use #push to add data functions for use in Blade components and, therefore, impossible to keep all the code for a Blade component together.
My code all works fine with Alipne 3, if I use the deprecated approach. If I try to include the new syntax data function via #push, I get "myApp is not defined" JS error from my Blade component.
I am using Alpine.js 3.9 installed as an NPM module. I have also tried using Alpine.js 3 via <script src="https://unpkg.com/alpinejs#3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js" defer></script>. The result is the same in both cases.
Is there a way to keep all the code together in the Blade component?
UPDATE 25.02.2022
It seems I need to provide more details of what I am doing so here they are.
The relevant bits of my app.blade.php are:
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>
// HTML/Blade stuff here
My app.js is like:
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
window.Alpine = Alpine
I have also tried:
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
window.Alpine = Alpine
My Blade component is like this:
<div x-data="myApp">
document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
Alpine.data('myApp', () => ({
When I access a page that uses the Blade component, I get "Uncaught ReferenceError: myApp is not defined".
If I revert my Blade component to the old syntax (as follows) it works with no errors:
<div x-data="myApp()">
function myApp() {
return {
The only difference between the working and failing versions is the way in which myApp is defined. The deprecated method works but, with the new method, it doesn't.
Not sure why you would think that using #push is unreliable.
Since the #push directive (like any other blade directive) is evaluated by the blade engine on the server-side, by the time the page loads, anything you push is already there on the page.
One thing to note is that it is important to defer the execution of the javascript assets so that it is executed after the document has been parsed. You can do that by adding a defer attribute like so:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}" defer></script> {{-- or CDN here --}}
// resources/js/app.js
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
window.Alpine = Alpine
I'm already using Alpine v3 this way without any issues.

Dojo is submitting Extraneous Ajax Requests from disconnected/unrelated controls

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with checkboxes on a Dojo page. In the code below I have created a search form which makes an Ajax/xhrGet request when the search text is changed - this all works as expected.
However I also have a checkbox on the same page which, when clicked, is also submitting an Ajax request. Since I have not connected the checkbox to the search I have no idea why this is happening.
Is this a bug or is there something more subtle going on here?
Any ideas/suggestions?
<script type="text/javascript">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" splitter="false" region="trailing"
style="width: 200px;">
<script type="text/javascript"> var srch = dojo.byId ("djsearch"); dojo.connect(srch, "onchange", "getbyname"); </script>
<input dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox" name="dojosearch" value="Find"
trim="true" id="djsearch" propercase="true" style="width: 6em">
Tag Summary
<div id='tagsummary'></div>
I found the cause of my problem. Hopefully this will help someone else in the future.
Basically I did not issue the dojo.connect correctly - this needs to be done inside the 'addOnLoad' handler. In my initial code I was issuing the connect request on the page, but not in the required addOnLoad handler. The following code works correctly.
Hopefully this will help someone else in the future.
// Add the dojo.connect below
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
// Connection s/b in 'addOnLoad' to work correctly
var srch = dojo.byId ("djsearch");
dojo.connect(srch, "onchange", "getbyname");

tinymce jquery plugin error tinymce is not a function

I'm using tinymce jquery plugin and trying to access the api after initializing an instance of tinymce over a textarea.
In this example, I have a hide button, which when clicked on is supposed to hide the tinymce editor, but instead I get an error.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/test.js"></script>
<div><textarea id="textEditor" class="tinymce" disabled="disabled"></textarea></div>
<input type ="button" id="hide" value="Hide tinymce">
// Location of TinyMCE script
script_url : 'js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js',
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,",
theme_advanced_resizing : false
//... see below ...//
Update: I have 2 versions now, one that works by wrapping the $("#textEditor").tinymce().hide(); line in a click function, and one that gives me tinyMCE not defined with just the line itself.
Doesn't work:
$("#textEditor").tinymce().hide(); //error tinyMCE is not defined
You could try
To verify if you are useing the correct tinymce id can alert all tinymce ids present at your page using
for (var i = 0; i < tinymce.editors.length; i++) {
/** Option Block A error **/
// $("#textEditor").tinymce().hide(); //error tinyMCE is not defined
/** Option Block A error **/
does not work because it will get called before the tinymce editor is initialized. At this point there is no tinymce.get("textEditor").
I think that the path to your jquery plugin is not correct, because, the $.tinymce() method is provided there. If the file is not to be found, so is this method.
Also you should ensure that the path specified inside the *script_url* field is valid, as the plugin will try to load it on the fly.

Running a function in a jQuery implicit context

My html document looks like this:
<head> .. load jquery and other stuff </head>
<div id="cool_container">
<div class="cool">.. no script friendly markup ..</div>
<a id="cool_link">Link</a>
function installStuff(){
$(document).load(function(){ installStuff(); });
Of course, /anothercooldiv.html gives another <div class="cool"> .. etc ...</div> fragment.
So what's the best way to turn the fresh cool div into a coolPlugin without breaking everything (and writing some nasty hacks) ?
It'd would be great to be able to either:
Call installStuff with a default jQuery context '#cool_container', so I could call something like:
$.doThisInContext(function(){installStuff();}, $('#cool_container');
In the load callback.
Or, have an equivalent of 'live' (that would solve the problem of links if cool contains links), but on an element existence, that I could use like that in my function installStuff:
$('.cool').exists(function(what){ what.coolPlugin() };
Then the coolPlugin would be installed on all cool elements now and in the future.
I'd suggest the .livequery() plugin for this still:
$(function() {
$('.cool').livequery(function() {
The important bit:
$('.cool').livequery(function() {
Will run for every current and future .cool element as they're added, running the plugin on each.
Applying the plugin to the newly ajax loaded content shouldn't be too tricky:
$('#cool_container').load('/anothercooldiv.html', function() {
