Incrementally writing Parquet dataset from Python - parquet

I am writing a larger than RAM data out from my Python application - basically dumping data from SQLAlchemy to Parque. My solution was inspired by this question. Even though increasing the batch size as hinted here I am facing the issues:
RAM usage grows heavily
The writer starts to slow down after a while (write throughput speed drops more than 5x)
My assumption is that this is because the ParquetWriter metadata management becomes expensive when the number of rows increase. I am thinking that I should switch to datasets that would allow the writer to close the file in the middle of processing flush out the metadata.
My question is
Is there an example for writing incremental datasets with Python and Parquet
Are my assumptions correct or incorrect and using datasets would help to maintain the writer throughput?
My distilled code:
writer = pq.ParquetWriter(
version='2.0', # Highest available schema
data_page_version='2.0', # Highest available schema
) as writer:
def writeout():
nonlocal data
duration = time.time() - stats["started"]
throughout = stats["candles_processed"] / duration"Writing Parquet table for candle %s, throughput is %s", "{:,}".format(stats["candles_processed"]), throughout)
data = dict.fromkeys(data.keys(), [])
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())"Flushed %s writer, the memory usage is %s", bucket, process.memory_info())
# Use massive yield_per() or otherwise we are leaking memory
for item in query.yield_per(100_000):
frame = construct_frame(row_type, item)
for key, value in frame.items():
stats["candles_processed"] += 1
# Do regular checkopoints to avoid out of memory
# and to log the progress to the console
# For fine tuning Parquet writer see
if stats["candles_processed"] % 100_000 == 0:

In this case, the reason was the incorrect use of Python lists and dicts as a working buffer, as pointed out by #0x26res.
After making sure the dictionary of lists is cleared correctly, the memory consumption issues become negligible.


Why does Dask's map_partitions function use more memory than looping over partitions?

I have a parquet file of position data for vehicles that is indexed by vehicle ID and sorted by timestamp. I want to read the parquet file, do some calculations on each partition (not aggregations) and then write the output directly to a new parquet file of similar size.
I organized my data and wrote my code (below) to use Dask's map_partitions, as I understood this would perform the operations one partition at a time, saving each result to disk sequentially and thereby minimizing memory usage. I was surprised to find that this was exceeding my available memory and I found that if I instead create a loop that runs my code on a single partition at a time and appends the output to the new parquet file (see second code block below), it easily fits within memory.
Is there something incorrect in the original way I used map_partitions? If not, why does it use so much more memory? What is the proper, most efficient way of achieving what I want?
Thanks in advance for any insight!!
Original (memory hungry) code:
ddf = dd.read_parquet(input_file)
meta_dict = ddf.dtypes.to_dict()
.map_partitions(my_function, meta = meta_dict)
append = False,
overwrite = True,
engine = 'fastparquet'
Awkward looped (but more memory friendly) code:
ddf = dd.read_parquet(input_file)
for partition in range(0, ddf.npartitions, 1):
partition_df = ddf.partitions[partition]
append = True,
overwrite = False,
engine = 'fastparquet'
More hardware and data details:
The total input parquet file is around 5GB and is split into 11 partitions of up to 900MB. It is indexed by ID with divisions so I can do vehicle grouped operations without working across partitions. The laptop I'm using has 16GB RAM and 19GB swap. The original code uses all of both, while the looped version fits within RAM.
As #MichaelDelgado pointed out, by default Dask will spin up multiple workers/threads according to what is available on the machine. With the size of the partitions I have, this maxes out the available memory when using the map_partitions approach. In order to avoid this, I limited the number of workers and the number of threads per worker to prevent automatic parellelization using the code below, and the task fit in memory.
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
cluster = LocalCluster(
n_workers = 1,
threads_per_worker = 1)
client = Client(cluster)

Go performance penalty in high number of calls to append

I'm writing an emulator in Go, and for debugging purposes I'm logging the cpu' state at every emulator's cycle to generate a log file later.
There's something I'm not doing properly because while the logger is enabled performance drops and makes the emulator unusable.
Profiler shows clearly the culprit resides in the logging routine (logStep method):
logStep method is very simple, it calls CreateState to snapshot current cpu state in a struct, and then adds it to a slice (in method Log).
I call this method at every emulated cpu cycle (around 30.000 times per second), and I suspect either Garbage Collector is slowing my execution or I'm doing something wrong with this data structure.
I get the profile graph is pointing me to runtime growslice caused by an append located in (*cpu6502Logger)Log, but I'm unable to find information on how to do this more efficiently.
Also, I scratch my head on why CreateState takes that long to just create a simple struct.
This is what CpuState looks like:
type CpuState struct {
Registers Cpu6502Registers
CurrentInstruction Instruction
RawOpcode [4]byte
EvaluatedAddress Address
CyclesSinceReset uint32
This is how I create a CPU Snapshot:
func CreateState(cpu Cpu6502) CpuState {
pc := cpu.Registers().Pc
var rawOpcode [4]byte
rawOpcode[0] = 0x00
instruction := cpu.instructions[rawOpcode[0]]
for i := byte(0); i < (instruction.Size() - 1); i++ {
rawOpcode[1+i] = cpu.memory.Read(pc+Address(i))
_, evaluatedAddress, _, _ := cpu.addressEvaluators[instruction.AddressMode()](pc)
state := CpuState{
return state
And finally, how I add this snapshot to a collection (log method in the profile graph). I've also addde how I initialize logger.snapshots:
func createCPULogger(outputPath string) cpu6502Logger {
return cpu6502Logger{
outputPath: outputPath,
snapshots: make([]CpuState, 0, 10024),
func (logger *cpu6502Logger) Log(state CpuState) {
logger.snapshots = append(logger.snapshots, state)
Disclaimer: following text contains grammar mistakes but i dont give a damn
why is it slow
Maintaining one gigantic slice to hold all data there is is wery costy mainly when it constantly extends. Each time you append few elements, whole memory section is copied to bigges section to allow expansion. with grownig slice, complexity grows and each realocation is slower and slower. You told us that you emulate tousands of cpu states per second.
The best way to deal with this is allocating fixed buffer of some length. Now we now that eventually we will run out of space. When that happens we have two options. First you can write all data ftom buffer to file then truncate the buffer and start filling again (then write again). Other option is to save filled buffers in a slice and allocate new one. Choos witch one fits your machine. (slow or small ram is not good for second solution)
why does this help
i think this also helps the emulator it self. There will be performance spikes when restoring buffer, but most of the time, performance will be at maximum. Allocating big memory is just slow as alocator is less likely to find fitting section on first try. Garbage collection is also wery unhappy with frequent allocations. By allocating buffer and filling it, we use one big allocation, (but not too big), and store data in sections. Sections we already saved can stey where they are. We can also say that in this case we are handling memory our selfs more then gc does. (no garbage memory produced)

Train RoBERTa from scratch where dataset is larger than the capacity of RAM?

I have a corpus that is 16 GB large and my ram IS around 16 GB ish. If I load the entire dataset to train the language model RoBERTa from scratch, I am going to have a memory issue. I intend to train my RoBERTa using the script provided from Huggingface's tutorial in their blog post:
However, their blog post suggests the usage of LineByLineTextDatase. However, this loads the dataset eagerly.
class LineByLineTextDataset(Dataset):
This will be superseded by a framework-agnostic approach
def __init__(self, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, file_path: str, block_size: int):
assert os.path.isfile(file_path)
# Here, we do not cache the features, operating under the assumption
# that we will soon use fast multithreaded tokenizers from the
# `tokenizers` repo everywhere =)"Creating features from dataset file at %s", file_path)
with open(file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
lines = [line for line in if (len(line) > 0 and not line.isspace())]
batch_encoding = tokenizer(lines, add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=block_size)
self.examples = batch_encoding["input_ids"]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.examples)
def __getitem__(self, i) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.tensor(self.examples[i], dtype=torch.long)
Unexpectedly, my kernel crashed on the part where they read the line. I wonder if there is a way to make it read lazily. It will be very desirable if the suggested answer can create minimum code change with the posted tutorial since I'm rather new with Huggingface and afraid I won't be able to debug it on my own.
I would recommend using HuggingFace's own datasets library. The documentation says:
It provides a very efficient way to load and process data from raw files (CSV/JSON/text) or in-memory data (python dict, pandas dataframe) with a special focus on memory efficiency and speed. As a matter of example, loading a 18GB dataset like English Wikipedia allocate 9 MB in RAM and you can iterate over the dataset at 1-2 GBit/s in python.
The quick tour has good explanations and code snippets for creating a dataset object with your own data and it also explains how to train your own model.

How to handle for loop with large objects in Rstudio?

I have a for loop with large objects. According to my trial-and-error, I can only load the large object once. If I load the object again, I would be returned the error "Error: cannot allocate vector of size *** Mb". I tried to overcome this issue by removing the object at the end of the for loop. However, I am still returned the error "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 699.2 Mb" at the beginning of the second run of the for loop.
My for loop has the following structure:
for (i in 1:22) {
VeryLargeObject <- ...i...
The VeryLargeObjects ranges from 2-3GB. My PC has RAM of 16Gb, 8 cores, 64-bit Win10.
Any solution on how I can manage to complete the for loop?
The error "cannot allocate..." likely comes from the fact that rm() does not immediately free memory. So the first object still occupies RAM when you load the second one. Objects that are not assigned to any name (variable) anymore get garbage collected by R at time points that R decides for itself.
Most remedies come from not loading the entire object into RAM:
If you are working with a matrix, create a filebacked.big.matrix() with the bigmemory package. Write your data into this object using var[...,...] syntax like a normal matrix. Then, in a new R session (and a new R script to preserve reproducibility), you can load this matrix from disk and modify it.
The mmap package uses a similar approach, using your operating system's ability to map RAM pages to disk. So they appear to a program like they are in ram, but are read from disk. To improve speed, the operating system takes care of keeping the relevant parts in RAM.
If you work with data frames, you can use packages like fst and feather that enable you to load only parts of your data frame into a variable.
Transfer your data frame into a data base like sqlite and then access the data base with R. The package dbplyr enables you to treat a data base as a tidyverse-style data set. Here is the RStudio help page. You can also use raw SQL commands with the package DBI
Another approach is to not write interactively, but to write an R script that processes only one of your objects:
Write an R script, named, say processBigObject.R that gets the file name of your big object from the command line using commandArgs():
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Process a big object
# Usage: Rscript processBigObject.R <FILENAME>
input_filename <- commandArgs(trailing = TRUE)[1]
output_filename <- commandArgs(trailing = TRUE)[2]
# I'm making up function names here, do what you must for your object
o <- readBigObject(input_filename)
s <- calculateSmallerSummaryOf(o)
writeOutput(s, output_filename)
Then, write a shell script or use system2() to call the script multiple times, with different file names. Because R is terminated after each object, the memory is freed:
system2("Rscript", c("processBigObject.R", "bigObject1.dat", "bigObject1_result.dat"))
system2("Rscript", c("processBigObject.R", "bigObject2.dat", "bigObject2_result.dat"))
system2("Rscript", c("processBigObject.R", "bigObject3.dat", "bigObject3_result.dat"))

Windows (ReFS,NTFS) file preallocation hint

Assume I have multiple processes writing large files (20gb+). Each process is writing its own file and assume that the process writes x mb at a time, then does some processing and writes x mb again, etc..
What happens is that this write pattern causes the files to be heavily fragmented, since the files blocks get allocated consecutively on the disk.
Of course it is easy to workaround this issue by using SetEndOfFile to "preallocate" the file when it is opened and then set the correct size before it is closed. But now an application accessing these files remotely, which is able to parse these in-progress files, obviously sees zeroes at the end of the file and takes much longer to parse the file.
I do not have control over the this reading application so I can't optimize it to take zeros at the end into account.
Another dirty fix would be to run defragmentation more often, run Systernal's contig utility or even implement a custom "defragmenter" which would process my files and consolidate their blocks together.
Another more drastic solution would be to implement a minifilter driver which would report a "fake" filesize.
But obviously both solutions listed above are far from optimal. So I would like to know if there is a way to provide a file size hint to the filesystem so it "reserves" the consecutive space on the drive, but still report the right filesize to applications?
Otherwise obviously also writing larger chunks at a time obviously helps with fragmentation, but still does not solve the issue.
Since the usefulness of SetEndOfFile in my case seems to be disputed I made a small test:
char buf='A';
DWORD written=0;
DWORD tstart;
std::cout << "creating file\n";
tstart = GetTickCount();
size.QuadPart = 100000000LL;
SetFilePointerEx(f, size, &a, FILE_BEGIN);
printf("file extended, elapsed: %d\n",GetTickCount()-tstart);
printf("writing 'A' at the end\n");
tstart = GetTickCount();
SetFilePointer(f, -1, NULL, FILE_END);
WriteFile(f, &buf,1,&written,NULL);
printf("written: %d bytes, elapsed: %d\n",written,GetTickCount()-tstart);
When the application is executed and it waits for a keypress after SetEndOfFile I examined the on disc NTFS structures:
The image shows that NTFS has indeed allocated clusters for my file. However the unnamed DATA attribute has StreamDataSize specified as 0.
Systernals DiskView also confirms that clusters were allocated
When pressing enter to allow the test to continue (and waiting for quite some time since the file was created on slow USB stick), the StreamDataSize field was updated
Since I wrote 1 byte at the end, NTFS now really had to zero everything, so SetEndOfFile does indeed help with the issue that I am "fretting" about.
I would appreciate it very much that answers/comments also provide an official reference to back up the claims being made.
Oh and the test application outputs this in my case:
creating file
file extended, elapsed: 0
writing 'A' at the end
written: 1 bytes, elapsed: 21735
Also for sake of completeness here is an example how the DATA attribute looks like when setting the FileAllocationInfo (note that the I created a new file for this picture)
Windows file systems maintain two public sizes for file data, which are reported in the FileStandardInformation:
AllocationSize - a file's allocation size in bytes, which is typically a multiple of the sector or cluster size.
EndOfFile - a file's absolute end of file position as a byte offset from the start of the file, which must be less than or equal to the allocation size.
Setting an end of file that exceeds the current allocation size implicitly extends the allocation. Setting an allocation size that's less than the current end of file implicitly truncates the end of file.
Starting with Windows Vista, we can manually extend the allocation size without modifying the end of file via SetFileInformationByHandle: FileAllocationInfo. You can use Sysinternals DiskView to verify that this allocates clusters for the file. When the file is closed, the allocation gets truncated to the current end of file.
If you don't mind using the NT API directly, you can also call NtSetInformationFile: FileAllocationInformation. Or even set the allocation size at creation via NtCreateFile.
FYI, there's also an internal ValidDataLength size, which must be less than or equal to the end of file. As a file grows, the clusters on disk are lazily initialized. Reading beyond the valid region returns zeros. Writing beyond the valid region extends it by initializing all clusters up to the write offset with zeros. This is typically where we might observe a performance cost when extending a file with random writes. We can set the FileValidDataLengthInformation to get around this (e.g. SetFileValidData), but it exposes uninitialized disk data and thus requires SeManageVolumePrivilege. An application that utilizes this feature should take care to open the file exclusively and ensure the file is secure in case the application or system crashes.
