Easiest way to remove dependency on certain ActiveX library in MFC project? - visual-studio

I am working on greatly simplifying an old MFC application, and I'd like to use that opportunity to remove a dependency on a certain third-party ActiveX library that has been causing headaches. I first simply tried to remove all references to these controls in the cpp code. It compiles fine, but when installed on a new computer, it crashes if the library .msm file is not included in the setup project.
The problem now is that I don't know where any remaining references to these objects in the project is, and therefore have no easy way of tracking them down and removing them. Simply using the Find-functionality in VS only returns results in cpp files which I've already cleaned up, not any control instances in f.ex. dialog resource files. Is there a way to search for all these objects in the project, or check for them compile-time so that I can use compile errors to see where any library objects remain?

First of all: CoCreateInstance, CoGetClassObject are the normal ways how COM Objects are created. Should be easy to set break points here or to set a hook to monitor what's going on.
Seams that you have a bad error handling in you software. Otherwise you application should show an error message if an object could not be created.
Try to debug.... use remote debugging, even a crash dump will lead you to the code location.
Easiest approach: In your development machine. Try to look into the output window and see if any of the old ActiveX DLLs gets loaded. Trigger down to the location were any of those objects is created.
You can do the same with remote debugging on the test machine.


How to share VB project with another programmer overcoming the vbp "reference" issue?

I have this old VB6 project that is composed of a few DLLs, OCXs, and GUIs.
There is a GUI component that includes this in it's VBP file:
Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
Object={EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}#1.1#0; ieframe.dll
Object={3050F1C5-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}#4.0#0; mshtml.tlb
Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.1#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX
Object={AB4F6C60-4898-11D2-9692-204C4F4F5020}#29.0#0; Ccrpsld.ocx
Object={48E59290-9880-11CF-9754-00AA00C00908}#1.0#0; msinet.ocx
Object={9C526969-AA6E-4D61-BAFA-117FD20C2B38}#3.0#0; SpeechMike.ocx
The Reference settings are a pain since they always change from one machine to the other. I mean, the GUID '9C526969-AA6E-4D61-BAFA-117FD20C2B38', for the last one as an example, will be something on my system, but something else on somebody else's machine.
For now, to make it work, I erase References to Crypt.dll and SpeechMike.dll. Also Object SpeechMike.ocx. Otherwise, Visual studio looks for something that does not exists. Then in "project > references" I check both Crypt and SpeechMike and the Reference goes back to the VBP with the proper GUID and version. Finally, in 'project > components' I add the OCX and I'm good to go.
Am I wrong about that? How can I share the project with some else without going through hoops and loops to start the project?
I'm using MS Visual Basic 6 (part of VS 6 enterprise).
This sounds like "failure to maintain binary compatibility." Normally you only do this to yourself, but of course it can be a bigger headache if multiple people are compiling your libraries from the source Project files.
When you create ActiveX EXEs, DLLs and OCXs you need to create a "base" version where type and class ID values (GUIDs) get assigned. The documentation even suggests that you do this leaving the procedures empty: just a comment line or something so the IDE does not remove the empty declarations.
You don't have to use an "empty" base reference library, it can be one with full code in it.
Once you have compiled this baseline library, you'd exit and save your Project. Then rename this "empty" library as something else and from there keep it along with your Project source files.
After this you re-open the Project and go into Project Properties and on the Component tab change the Compatibility setting to Binary Compatibility and in the box there enter the full path and name of your compiled baseline library. Save the Project. Now you can add code and compile the "real" library to be used by other programs.
When you distribute these libraries (DLLs, OCXs) to somebody else in source code form so that they can compile them you must provide this renamed compiled baseline library along with the source code files, VBP file, resource files, etc.
From there your GUIDs will be stable until you make a change to something that breaks binary compatibility (changing a method's argument list, etc.).
There is more detail on this in the online Help (MSDN Library). See:
Using Visual Basic|Component Tools Guide|Creating ActiveX Components|Debugging, Testing, and Deploying Components|Version Compatibility in ActiveX Components

Developing Reg-Free COM application with VB6

I'm maintaining a VB6 application with many COM components (DLLs and OCXs). In order to streamline development and deployment I'd like to use reg-free com. The problem with development is that the application runs within the VB6.EXE instance. How can I trick VB6 to use my (unregistered) components? It is very important for me to not have to go through registering/unregistering components when switching between branches. Generating a .manifest file for VB6 is not out of the question but is there some other, more optimal way, to specify a .manifest file when launching VB6.EXE?
Note: The Activation Context API doesn't seem to help, even if used from within the development environment.
Solutions I've thought:
A utility application that activates a context from a manifest and launches VB6 as a child process (doesn't work; processes don't inherit activation context)
Injecting context activation into the VB6 process at startup (too complicated; must hack the executable to do this)
Hosting VB6 in my own process after activating the right context (can't even find out if this is possible)
Using a VB6 Add-In or other utility that runs within VB6 to activate a context (tried that but it doesn't seem to work)
Update Jan. 16
As suggested by wqw, I did some testing with a VB.exe.manifest. The VB6.exe.manifest worked, with some caveats:
The SxS dll specified in the manifest would not appear in the references window on projects that didn't actually reference the component
On projects that did reference the component it would be shown to reside in the directory according to the following order:
The pathname recorded in the project file (if the file was still present)
A pathname as if it resided in the same folder as the project (vbp)
If the file was not in any of these folders, the project would not compile (just running the code causes an internal compile in VB6) with the message "Can't find project or library".
Obviously, VB6 actualy scans the registry to find COM components and verifies, during compilation, that they exist where they say they exist. I'm not sure what that might mean if I actually want to use VB6.exe.manifest to redirect COM component instantiation. Perhaps having dummy component files at some predefined location might trick VB6 into believing that everything is as it should be, although an entirely different set of components got loaded for use.
Further update:
I did a test on that last assumption and it proved to be false. The component has to actually be there in order for the project to compile. It must even properly load (no dummy, zero-length files accepted!). Now I'm not even sure if the manifest works. That's a more time-consuming test (requires a component with two versions that produce different results, one with the project, and one for the manifest).
Our approach to this problem was to write a build assist program that registered and unregistered components, run the VB6 compiler, and would even rewrite project files with updated GUIDs when interfaces changed. You would hand it a VBG project group and it would do the rest.
I suppose we could also have added a mode that unregistered components when you switched branches.
Are you following the practice of using "compatibility" binaries? You shouldn't use the binary at your build location for compatibility references - you should commit a separate copy to version control and configure your project to consider that the "compatible" version - only change this file when you break interfaces.

Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies

I have a VS2010 C# project, that references a large set of native .dll's (a commercial java runtime). These file are referenced as 'Content' files in the project, since the need to be copied with the project.
The code in these libraries is called using PInvoke, there is no assembly reference.
Every time I compile the solution, the Visual Studio testing framework tries to load all the referenced dll files, expecting to find .net assemblies which may contain unit tests. Since the are no .net assemblies, the following exception is thrown:
Error loading some.dll: Unable to load the test container 'e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. If you build your test project assembly as a 64 bit assembly, it cannot be loaded. When you build your test project assembly, select "Any CPU" for the platform. To run your tests in 64 bit mode on a 64 bit processor, you must change your test settings in the Hosts tab to run your tests in a 32 bit process. Error details: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///e:\some.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
This takes a whole lot of time, and I would like to tell Visual Studio to not try to load these files.
How can I tell Visual Studio to stop trying to load these files?
Correct me if I got this wrong:
You are including the P/Invoke target binaries in to the VS solution because you want the binaries to be copied over to the target directory when the solution is built. You want this because the project will execute from the target directory as soon as the VS solution is built. Correct?
Often times VS packages (both default and 3rd party) try to get smart about the solution content and will follow certain triggers (which are difficult to contain and control by ourselves) and load the solution and project content in their own ways. Fighting the battle in this area has poor ROI than employing a simpler work around (below).
While I can't provide you with an authoritative answer on how to tell VS's test package to not load all binaries, I suggest removing such binaries from the project as 'content' and leave them in your source control where they are today. Add a post-build task that will copy the said binaries over to the target. This will still give you the same result as it is working today but, takes those binaries out of reach for the test probes.
You must check out configuration settings by just right clicking on your solution name and click on "Configuration Manager"
It will open a pop up window for Configuration Manager.
Check not for the platform your projects are using it is better to choose any CPU.
Hope this can help.Give it a try:)
Because thats what your exeception says as you have quoted
I tried to repro this issue and found that the root cause is that you have set your test project to be compiled as !AnyCpu. Is there any particular reason why you would want this for managed test code?
So unless you change this you will continue to see this message.
If you want to continue using this configuration for your test project you would need to update your .testsettings file as suggested in the message.
Sorry if this seems remedial. I am including it for the sake of completeness.
General library behavior
A library can be referenced either in the project file (and so the compiler injects to code to load the references) or dynamically at runtime with LoadLibrary() or PInvoke calls. When a referenced library is loaded, a function at the entry point is run can in turn load any libraries it depends on. When loading the library, there is a well-known set of paths that Windows will search, including %WINDIR%\Assembly and the current directory. There's a lot of good conceptual information on Wikipedia about this. I recommend reading it.
Possible Root Causes
I can't tell from your question if you are having trouble building the application, building the tests, or executing either. Generally I would not expect PInvoke to cause compile errors.
Error during app build: VS generally will show you that you have a reference to a DLL it can't find. However, you may be missing a DLL that is needed to satisfy all the dependencies. To resolve, just add the reference to the missing DLL. (This is the simplest issue, so I'm guessing this isn't what you're seeing.)
Error during test build: Since your test will reference your application/library, it also needs to have the same reference. Usually the easiest way to ensure you are getting everything is to remove all references and add a reference to the project you are testing. It's possible you some additional libraries are necessary for some tests, but not your app/lib itself. These need to be added separately.
Error during app execution: This can happen when starting the application, or later when an call to the external library is made if late binding is used.
Error during test execution: This can happen the same as with app execution. However, tests can also be "partially built" to only execute a small number of tests. In these cases, some files may not be copied. Using the [DeploymentItem()] attribute, you can specify that a test requires the presence of certain files in the test or app/lib project to function. MSDN describes how this can be done.
For #1 & #2 the solution lies in adjusting the references in the project.
For #3 & #4, it may get trickier. There is a similar question to yours regarding Windows Mobile here which you may find useful, especially referring to using dumpbin to list out library dependencies. You can also use procmon from SysInternals to monitor file access during compile or load to see which files are not found. Then you can either include the missing file, or remove the library referencing it.
Good luck. Hope this helps.

Debugging across projects in VS2008?

We have a DLL which provides the data layer for several of our projects. Typically when debugging or adding a new feature to this library, I could run one of the projects and Step Into the function call and continue debugging code in the DLL project. For some reason, that is no longer working since we switched to Visual Studio 2008... It just treats the code from the other project as a DLL it has no visibility into, and reports an exception from whatever line it crashes on.
I can work around that by just testing in the DLL's project itself, but I'd really like to be able to step in and see how things are working with the "real" code like I used to be able to do.
Any thoughts on what might have happened?
Is the pdb file for the dll in the same directory as the dll? This should all work -- I do just this on a regular basis. Look in the Modules window which will show you whether it's managed to load symbols for the dll. If it hasn't then you won't be able to step into functions in that dll.
It sounds like you have "Just My Code" enabled and VS is considering the other projects to not be your code. Try the following
Tools -> Options -> Debugger
Uncheck "Just my Code"
Try again
I've gotten around this issue by opening a class that will be called in the project you need, placing a breakpoint, keep the file open, and run the debugger. The debugger will hit the breakpoint and the relative path that VS uses will be updated so that future classes will be opened automagically.

Should you build components every time you build a main app

We have started using Final Builder to create builds for our vb6 and .net projects. We are also using Visual Source Safe to manage our source. Some of our vb6 exe's are dependent on certain ocx's, such that a particular vb6 exe may require a particular version of an ocx.
The question is, should the final builder script for our exe project also re-build the ocx project, or is it better to simply pull a particular version of the already compiled ocx. My concern is that other developers could have broken the build (or created a bug) for the ocx which could then break the exe we are trying to build. Moreover, re-building the ocx project would result in the same version of the ocx but with a different date, resulting in confusion if dllhell(ocx hell) issues arise.
There is no difference in terms of building and maintaining your app between a ocx and a activex dll. The ocx should use binary compatibility and be part of your compile process.
This is however a general rule. You may have some components that rarely change if ever. In my own VB6 application I have a handful of components that reside at the bottomost level of my reference hierarchy that rarely get updated. They maybe get updated one or twice a year at best. Some haven't been updated for several years now.
However based on your description it sounds like the controls are still being modified. So I doubt the second case applies.
In the end use your best judgment.
There are two ways to use OCX/DLLs: code reusability vs. fragmentation of an over-large project.
Those meant for re-use would be absurd to build, build, and rebuild, and almost never should be customized to fit a new application. These are your crown jewels, and most people should have no ability to modify the source. They are the domain of your organization's "library writers" because that's what they are: libraries.
If you simply have large, monolithic, unweildy applications you may have to go the other route. Then OCXs and DLLs simply become an awkward extension of the "module" concept. This is why we have Project Groups.
Your library users should not be fiddling with libraries though. I'm sure they all fancy themselves able to "ensure they are up to date and performant" but that's a different debate entirely.
