Freemarker Out of memory - freemarker

I'm using springboot+freemarker.
Customer can modify the freemarker template.
If you add <#assign x><#list 1..9999999999999 as n>${n}</#list></#assign>${x}
The backend will throw out of memory error.
Is there any solution that can define the memory of the template.

You can increase the memory used for your application (not specifically for the template), using Xmx option.
For example:
java -Xmx20G -jar app.jar
would start app.jar with 20Gb of memory.
Unfortunately there is little chance that your template will work, as it tries to create a string with 10000 billion elements (1e13 elements), which would take at least 10 terabytes of memory. I'm not even sure that Java can deal with strings this size.

FreeMarker currently has no support/solution for it:
It's trivial to create templates that run practically forever (with a loop), or exhaust memory (by concatenating to a string in a loop). FreeMarker can't enforce CPU or memory usage limits, so this is something that has no solution on the FreeMarker-level.
You shouldn't blindly let customer handle freemarker templates

Also consider the security implications. FreeMarker templates can call the public methods of the objects you put into the data-model. See
If your user can't be trusted (and held accountable), you can't allow them to specify FreeMarker templates.


How to allocate total resources (RBs) when the number of users=1 in Simu5G (or SimuLte)?

I am running the single-cell standalone example (simu5G), and in the reference environment, there is only one UE. I want to allocate the total resource (all the RBs) to the UE; however, from the results, I could find that it is not happening. It seems the UEs are limited somewhere and not able to use the entire resource block.
What to do if I want to use all the resource blocks for a single user? Or divide the RBs almost equally among the UEs (in case all UEs are identical) rather than limiting their usage of the RBs?
Is there any parameter to change such that this mode can be activated?

Are cache ways in gem5 explicit or are they implied/derived from the number of cache sets and cache size?

I am trying to implement a gem5 version of HybCache as described in HYBCACHE: Hybrid Side-Channel-Resilient Caches for Trusted Execution Environments (which can be found at
A brief summary of HybCache is that a subset of all the cache is reserved for use by secure processes and are isolated. This is achieved by using a limited subset of cache ways when the process is in 'isolated' mode. Non-isolated processes uses the cache operations normally, having access to the entire cache and using the replacement policy and associativity given in the configuration. The isolated subset of cache ways uses random replacement policy and is fully associative. Here is a picture demonstrating the idea.
The ways 6 and 7 are grey and represent the isolated cache ways.
So, I need to manipulate the placement of data into these ways. My question is, since I have found no mention of cache ways in the gem5 code, does that mean that the cache ways only exist logically? That is, do I have to manually calculate the location of each cache way? If cache ways are used in gem5, then were are they used? What is the file name?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This answer is only valid for the Classic cache model (src/mem/cache/).
In gem5 the number of cache ways is determined automatically from the cache size and the associativity. Check the files in src/mem/cache/tags/indexing_policies/ for the relevant code (specifically, the constructor of
There are two ways you could tackle this implementation:
1 - Create a new class that inherits from BaseTags (e.g., HybCacheTags). This class will contain the decision of whether it should work in secure mode or not, and how to do so (i.e., when to call which indexing and replacement policy). Depending on whatever else is proposed in the paper, you may also need to derive from Cache to create a HybCache.
The new tags need one indexing policy per operation mode. One is the conventional (SetAssociative), and the other is derived from SetAssociative, where the parameter assoc makes the numSets become 1 (to make it fully associative). The derived one will also have to override at least one function, getPossibleEntries(), to only allow selecting the ways that you want. You can check for an example of a more complex location selection.
The new tags need one replacement policy per operation mode. You will likely just use the ones in the replacement_policies folder.
2 - You could create a HybCache based on the Cache class that has two tags, one conventional (i.e., BaseSetAssoc), and the other based on the FALRU class (rewritten to work as a, e.g., FARandom).
I believe the first option is easier and less hardcoded. FALRU has not been split into an indexing policy and replacement policy, so if you need to change one of these, you will have to reimplement it.
While implementing you may encounter coherence faults. If it happens it is much likely a problem in the indexing logic, and I wouldn't look into trying to find issues in the coherence model.

Does calling `writev` repeatedly with the same memory address allow hardware caching?

I've read some performance claims about how Elixir and Erlang use hardware, and I'm trying to see if I understand their basis. Some background:
First, Erlang supports writing nested lists of immutable strings (iolists) to IO (files, sockets, etc) and uses writev and the strings' memory addresses to do so (see Evan Miller's blog post on this).
Second, the docs for an Erlang web framework called Chicago Boss say:
Erlang Respects Your RAM!
Erlang is different from other platforms because when rendering a server-side template, it doesn't create a separate copy of a web page in memory for each connected client. Instead, it constructs pointers to the same pieces of immutable memory across multiple requests.
So if two people request two different profile pages at the same time, they're actually sent the same chunks of memory for the header, footer, and other shared template snippets. The result is a server that can construct complex, uncached web pages for hundreds of users per second without breaking a sweat.
Third, a book about an Elixir (Erlang VM) web framework called Phoenix says:
Templates are precompiled. Phoenix doesn’t need to copy strings for each rendered template. At the hardware level, you’ll see caching come into play for these strings where it never did before.
From looking at the source, I know that this framework uses iolists to represent a completed response template.
Putting all this together, I think what's being implied is that if a web framework uses writev to tell the OS to send the same header and footer strings from the same memory locations, one web request after another, the hardware will be able to say "oh, I know that value, it's already in CPU cache so I don't have to look in RAM for it."
Is that right? (I have very little understanding of system calls and hardware.) If not, any ideas on how hardware caching is involved?
(Bonus if you can tell me how to see or infer what's happening.)
Yes, it's mostly the processor caches that help you. The time needed to retrieve the data is smaller as it's in a faster memory (ie the CPU caches).
Some pointers for understanding what the caches are and how they work:
To see this, measure how much a request takes (client side) in the normal server operation. After that have a separate process within the same vm that constantly creates and writes to disk a very large string (it probably has to be megabytes in size - whatever the size of the L2/L3 caches on your process are). Remeasure how much the request takes - if done correctly this should be at least 1 order of magnitude slower.

Coldfusion/Railo: What's the most efficient way to output file contents - fileRead or include?

While I've always cached database calls and placed commonly used data into memory for faster access, I've been finding of late that simple processing and output of data can add a significant amount of time to page load and thus I've been working on a template caching component that will save parsed HTML to either a file, or in memory, for quicker inclusion on pages.
This is all working very well, reducing some page loads down to 10% of the uncached equivalent - however I find myself wondering what would be the most efficient way to output the content.
Currently I'm using fileRead to pull in the parsed HTML and save to a variable, which is output on the page.
This seems very fast, but I'm noticing the memory used by the Tomcat service gradually increasing - presumably because the fileRead operation is reading the contents into memory, and quite possibly, Tomcat isn't removing that data when its finished.
(Side question: Anyone know a way that I can interrogate the JVM memory and find details/stack traces of the objects that CF has created??)
Alternatively, I could use cfinclude to simply include the parsed HTML file. From all the information I can find it seems that the speed would be about the same - so would this method be more memory efficient?
I've had issues on the server before with memory usage crashing Tomcat, so keeping it down is quite important.
Is there anyone doing something similar that can give me the benefit of their experience?
cfinclude just includes the template into the one being compiled, whereas fileread has to read it into memory first and then output, so technically is going to consume more memory. I don;t expect the speed difference is much, but you can see the difference by just turning on debugging and checking the execution times.
The most efficient way would be to cached it with cachePut() and serve it from cacheGet(). What can be faster than fetching from RAM? Don't fetch it at all with proper Expire headers if it's the whole page, or smartly return 304 for Not Modified.
It turns out that CFInclude actually compiles the (already rendered in this case) content into a class, which itself has overhead. The classes aren't unloaded (according to CFTracker) and as such, too many of these can cause permgen errors. FileRead() seems to be orders of magnitude more efficient, as all we're doing is inserting content into the output buffer.

Infinispan+kyro/Google Protocol Buffers to achieve more space and time efficient serialization?

If I understand correctly, Infinispan/JBoss Cache uses Java's own serialization mechanism, which can be slow and takes relatively more storage space. I have been looking for alternatives which can achieve the following:
Automatic cached management, in other words objects that are used more frequently are automatically loaded into memory
More efficient serialization (perhaps object --> compact binary stores). The primary goal is less disk/memory space consumption without sacrificing too much performance
Is there a framework or library that achieves both?
JBoss Cache did use Java Serialization but Infinispan does not. Instead it uses JBoss Marshalling to provide tiny payloads and catching of streams. If you enable storeAsBinary in Infinispan, it will store Java objects in their marshalled form.
Re 1. Not in either products yet.
Re 2. Supported in Infinispan using storeAsBinary. More info in
Btw, if this does not convince you, you can always let Protobufs generate the byte[] that you need and you can stick it inside Infinispan.
