How to allocate total resources (RBs) when the number of users=1 in Simu5G (or SimuLte)? - omnet++

I am running the single-cell standalone example (simu5G), and in the reference environment, there is only one UE. I want to allocate the total resource (all the RBs) to the UE; however, from the results, I could find that it is not happening. It seems the UEs are limited somewhere and not able to use the entire resource block.
What to do if I want to use all the resource blocks for a single user? Or divide the RBs almost equally among the UEs (in case all UEs are identical) rather than limiting their usage of the RBs?
Is there any parameter to change such that this mode can be activated?


Are cache ways in gem5 explicit or are they implied/derived from the number of cache sets and cache size?

I am trying to implement a gem5 version of HybCache as described in HYBCACHE: Hybrid Side-Channel-Resilient Caches for Trusted Execution Environments (which can be found at
A brief summary of HybCache is that a subset of all the cache is reserved for use by secure processes and are isolated. This is achieved by using a limited subset of cache ways when the process is in 'isolated' mode. Non-isolated processes uses the cache operations normally, having access to the entire cache and using the replacement policy and associativity given in the configuration. The isolated subset of cache ways uses random replacement policy and is fully associative. Here is a picture demonstrating the idea.
The ways 6 and 7 are grey and represent the isolated cache ways.
So, I need to manipulate the placement of data into these ways. My question is, since I have found no mention of cache ways in the gem5 code, does that mean that the cache ways only exist logically? That is, do I have to manually calculate the location of each cache way? If cache ways are used in gem5, then were are they used? What is the file name?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This answer is only valid for the Classic cache model (src/mem/cache/).
In gem5 the number of cache ways is determined automatically from the cache size and the associativity. Check the files in src/mem/cache/tags/indexing_policies/ for the relevant code (specifically, the constructor of
There are two ways you could tackle this implementation:
1 - Create a new class that inherits from BaseTags (e.g., HybCacheTags). This class will contain the decision of whether it should work in secure mode or not, and how to do so (i.e., when to call which indexing and replacement policy). Depending on whatever else is proposed in the paper, you may also need to derive from Cache to create a HybCache.
The new tags need one indexing policy per operation mode. One is the conventional (SetAssociative), and the other is derived from SetAssociative, where the parameter assoc makes the numSets become 1 (to make it fully associative). The derived one will also have to override at least one function, getPossibleEntries(), to only allow selecting the ways that you want. You can check for an example of a more complex location selection.
The new tags need one replacement policy per operation mode. You will likely just use the ones in the replacement_policies folder.
2 - You could create a HybCache based on the Cache class that has two tags, one conventional (i.e., BaseSetAssoc), and the other based on the FALRU class (rewritten to work as a, e.g., FARandom).
I believe the first option is easier and less hardcoded. FALRU has not been split into an indexing policy and replacement policy, so if you need to change one of these, you will have to reimplement it.
While implementing you may encounter coherence faults. If it happens it is much likely a problem in the indexing logic, and I wouldn't look into trying to find issues in the coherence model.

what's the memory allocation functions can be called from the interrupt environment in AIX?

xmalloc can be used in the process environment only when I write a AIX kernel extension.
what's the memory allocation functions can be called from the interrupt environment in AIX?
The network memory allocation routines. Look in /usr/include/net/net_malloc.h. The lowest level is net_malloc and net_free.
I don't see much documentation in IBM's pubs nor the internet. There are a few examples in various header files.
There is public no prototype that I can find for these.
If you look in net_malloc.h, you will see MALLOC and NET_MALLOC macros defined that call it. Then if you grep in all the files under /usr/include, you will see uses of these macros. From these uses, you can deduce the arguments to the macros and thus deduce the arguments to net_malloc itself. I would make one routine that is a pass through to net_malloc that you controlled the interface to.
On your target system, do "netstat -m". The last bucket size you see will be the largest size you can call net_malloc with the M_NOWAIT flag. M_WAIT can be used only at process time and waits for netm to allocate more memory if necessary. M_NOWAIT returns with a 0 if there is not enough memory pinned. At interrupt time, you must use M_NOWAIT.
There is no real checking for the "type" but it is good to pick an appropriate type for debugging purposes later on. The netm output from kdb shows the type.
In a similar fashion, you can figure out how to call net_free.
Its sad IBM has chosen not to document this. An alternative to get this information officially is to pay for an "ISV" question. If you are doing serious AIX development, you want to become an ISV / Partner. It will save you lots of heart break. I don't know the cost but it is within reach of small companies and even individuals.
This book is nice to have too.

Is it possible to associate data with a running process?

As the title says, I want to associate a random bit of data (ULONG) with a running process on the local machine. I want that data persisted with the process it's associated with, not the process thats reading & writing the data. Is this possible in Win32?
Yes but it can be tricky. You can't access an arbitrary memory address of another process and you can't count on shared memory because you want to do it with an arbitrary process.
The tricky way
What you can do is to create a window (with a special and known name) inside the process you want to decorate. See the end of the post for an alternative solution without windows.
First of all you have to get a handle to the process with OpenProcess.
Allocate memory with VirtualAllocEx in the other process to hold a short method that will create a (hidden) window with a special known name.
Copy that function from your own code with WriteProcessMemory.
Execute it with CreateRemoteThread.
Now you need a way to identify and read back this memory from another process other than the one that created that. For this you simply can find the window with that known name and you have your holder for a small chunk of data.
Please note that this technique may be used to inject code in another process so some Antivirus may warn about it.
Final notes
If Address Space Randomization is disabled you may not need to inject code in the process memory, you can call CreateRemoteThread with the address of a Windows kernel function with the same parameters (for example LoadLibrary). You can't do this with native applications (not linked to kernel32.dll).
You can't inject into system processes unless you have debug privileges for your process (with AdjustTokenPrivileges).
As alternative to the fake window you may create a suspended thread with a local variable, a TLS or stack entry used as data chunk. To find this thread you have to give it a name using, for example, this (but it's seldom applicable).
The naive way
A poor man solution (but probably much more easy to implement and somehow even more robust) can be to use ADS to hide a small data file for each process you want to monitor (of course an ADS associated with its image then it's not applicable for services and rundll'ed processes unless you make it much more complicated).
Iterate all processes and for each one create an ADS with a known name (and the process ID).
Inside it you have to store the system startup time and all the data you need.
To read back that informations:
Iterate all processes and check for that ADS, read it and compare the system startup time (if they mismatch then it means you found a widow ADS and it should be deleted.
Of course you have to take care of these widows so periodically you may need to check for them. Of course you can avoid this storing ALL these small chunk of data into a well-known location, your "reader" may check them all each time, deleting files no longer associated to a running process.

Measure script memory usage in GWAN for each request

how to measure memory usage on gwan application (each request made)?
for the memory usage consumed by /csp script and /handlers script.
You can use the server_report function.
Check out for an example.
To measure the memory consumed by a G-WAN script (either handler or servlet), you will have to consider two things:
code size (see the gwan.log file which dumps it along with an MD5 checksum)
data size (which is dependant on your code so it can only be reported at runtime)
As Paulo suggested it, you can check what every malloc() / calloc() / strdup(), etc. does in your code but you will miss whatever memory used by G-WAN, system or third-party library calls.
The worker thread stack is also dynamically growing when needed... so, unless you know what you do there is no obvious way to precisely check what amount of memory is used by any given script.

freebsd shpgperproc what is responsible for?

i've googled a lot about what is "page share factor per proc" responsible for and found nothing. It's just interesting for me, i have no current problem with it for now, just curious (wnat to know more). In sysctl it is:
Thanks in advance
The first thing to note is that shpgperproc is a loader tunable, so it can only be set at boot time with an appropriate directive in loader.conf, and it's read-only after that.
The second thing to note is that it's defined in <arch>/<arch>/pmap.c, which handles the architecture-dependent portions of the vm subsystem. In particular, it's actually not present in the amd64 pmap.c - it was removed fairly recently, and I'll discuss this a bit below. However, it's present for the other architectures (i386, arm, ...), and it's used identically on each architecture; namely, it appears as follows:
TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("vm.pmap.shpgperproc", &shpgperproc);
pv_entry_max = shpgperproc * maxproc + cnt.v_page_count;
and it's not used anywhere else. pmap_init() is called only once: at boot time as part of the vm subsystem initialization. maxproc, is just the maximum number of processes that can exist (i.e. kern.maxproc), and cnt.v_page_count is just the number of physical pages of memory available (i.e. vm.stats.v_page_count).
A pv_entry is basically just a virtual mapping of a physical page (or more precisely a struct vm_page, so if two processes share a page and both have them mapped, there will be a separate pv_entry structure for each mapping. Thus given a page (struct vm_page) that needs to be dirtied or paged out or something requiring a hw page table update, the list of corresponding mapped virtual pages can be easily found by looking at the corresponding list of pv_entrys (as an example, take a look at i386/i386/pmap.c:pmap_remove_all()).
The use of pv_entrys makes certain VM operations more efficient, but the current implementation (for i386 at least) seems to allocate a static amount of space (see pv_maxchunks, which is set based on pv_entry_max) for pv_chunks, which are used to manage pv_entrys. If the kernel can't allocate a pv_entry after deallocating inactive ones, it panics.
Thus we want to set pv_entry_max based on how many pv_entrys we want space for; clearly we'll want at least as many as there are pages of RAM (which is where cnt.v_page_count comes from). Then we'll want to allow for the fact that many pages will be multiply-virtually-mapped by different processes, since a pv_entry will need to be allocated for each such mapping. Thus shpgperproc - which has a default value of 200 on all arches - is just a way to scale this. On a system where many pages will be shared among processes (say on a heavily-loaded web server running apache), it's apparently possible to run out of pv_entrys, so one will want to bump it up.
I don't have a FreeBSD machine close to me right now but it seems this parameter is defined and used in pmap.c,
