How to use cy.contains for a common method in cypress - cypress

I wanted to use a search box and enter an input text. Multiple search boxes exist in the different left panels. Once I click any link from the left panel, it takes me to a specific page that contains a search box. How to write one common search box identifier and use it everywhere
Following are search box identifiers on various pages.

Cypress uses CSS selectors, and your answer is available right in the Cypress documentation here
Though below works with both cy.contains() and cy.get(), you no need to use contains. Simply put, cy.get('[data-testid$=-searchInput]');

[data-testid*='leftpanel1'] this will select all elements or you can say it's common search box identifier


Add searchfield with recursive search to subpanel (similar to fixed searchfield with navbar)

I'm using the most recent version of mmenu and playing around with the search.
When adding a searchfield with navbars to the top of the menu, I am getting a great global, recursive search through all panels and subpanels.
However, I want the search to be only available for one of the submenus and not all of them. On the top level we have e.g. "catalogue, imprint, contact, terms&conditions, etc" and I only want the search to appear in the catalogue submenu which has lots of more submenus.
However, when adding a searchfield to the panel with the catalogue, it will not search any of the submenus anymore.
Apparently, the "showSubPanels" option does not work in this context. Any other suggestions how to get a recursive search like the one in the navbar on one of the subpanels (and only there)?
Thank you,

Drupal 8: Redirect from Default Taxonomy Term Page/Path to Custom Page Created in Panels/Pages

I am trying to redirect the Taxonomy term path/url to a custom panels/page, I found several posts from around the web about that and tried to implement the instructions but they did not work and I am doing something wrong. For example I tried what I thought was the closest to my situation found here and in the following quote but it did not work and the Taxonomy views was already disabled in the first place on my end.
Disable the Taxonomy term view.
Set the path on the panels page to /taxonomy/term/%.
Clear cache.
View page at taxonomy/term/{tid}.
I verified that this also works with URL aliases.
Can someone provide clear directions for the following
Pages/Panel screenshot
What do I enter in,
Page information
Page parameters
Page access
Variants: contexts
Variants: selection criteria
I've tried all kinds of different settings ("/taxonomy/term/{tid}", "/taxonomy/term/%", "/taxonomy/term/{taxonomy_term}", "/taxonomy/term/112") and changing Home>>Administration>>Configuration>>Search and metadata>>url alias settings but every link just goes back to the default taxonmy term page.
I solved the issue. If any body needs the answer here it is.
To change the page/layout of a taxonomy term first go to page manager (Home >> Administration >> Structure ).
You might see a page called "Taxonomy Term", that's where you want to start to make changes so click on that. If not you'll have to create on page. Both can be addressed by the following steps.
This example will show you how to create and use different layout for a different term page.
Go to Structure > Pages (/admin/structure/page_manager) and click on Edit button under Taxonomy Term row. On the right side you will see Default
These are variants. The Default variant at the bottom affects all the taxonomy/term pages. All other above variants overrides the Default variant using certain conditions a.k.a "Selection criteria".
Click the Add variant button to add a new variant.
Enter Label for the variant and choose "Panels" under the Type dropdown menu.
Choose "In-place Editor" for a Builder
Choose Layout for the page.
Enter [term:name] for Page title. This token holds the name of your taxonomy term. Now click on the Finish button, you will add block later.
Click on the Selection criteria.
Choose "Request Path" for a condition and click on the "Add condition" button.
Add taxonomy term page url's you wish to override (e.g. taxonomy/term/25).
Go to one of those pages (e.g. taxonomy/term/25) and add blocks.
Note that your variant must be positioned above the variant you override to work properly. Use the Reorder variants button to reorder your variants.
You can repeat this procedure if you wish to target a different terms also or a vocabulary. You can have as many variants you want.

Using AngularJS, which is optimal with regards to ng-repeat

I have a potentially long repeating list with lots of data associated with each reapeated list element. There is also a hidden panel that contains more data and interactive tools that can be used on each repeated element (comments, tags, etc.).
My question is: Is it more efficient to include a duplicate of this panel within each ng-repeat, already filled with the appropriate data, or have one panel outside of the ng-repeat scope, who's data get's fill after clicking the 'panel toggle' button?
Extra details: This is a responsive site, with an emphasis on mobile use, so we are trying to minimize data sent, and make the amount of Javascript short and sweet (so far it hasn't been a problem at all).
After typing it out, I think the best option would be to have one tools panel, and populate it depending on which 'panel toggle' button is clicked. Fewer DOM elements the better, right?
It also leave it open for lazy-loading of the extra details in the future.

Filemaker: List View: Different UI for each record

I am using the List View. Based on variables I want to display different groups of objects (buttons, text etc.) in different records (shown at the same time).
My first attempt for a solution was to use tabs that I control via scripts. The problem is, that all records in the list view always display the same tab
of a tab control. So if I go to one tab in a records all other records also go to this tab.
Unfortunatly there is also no hide option that allows to hide groups of objects.
Is there any solution? I have filemaker 11 and 12. Altough a solution for filemaker 11 would be prefered.
Thank you!
No. You can do this in form view (hidden tabs and a trigger) or in a report (sliding elements surrounded by portals), but not in the list view.
Well.. The way you say can not be done as far as I know.
What you can do to hide the fields is using some other element on top of it with "conditional formatting" so that it can be hidden.

How to Custom Search Panel In jQGrid

How Custom Search Panel In jQgrid example I Want translate search operation example equal to = or greaderthen > or ... or translate to arabic,
thanks all
I have perused the jqGrid wiki and found two pages which might help you.
This page talks about custom searching and its parameters. Notice that you can bind to the beforeSearch event and fire your own function, and parse the search text to accomplish whatever you want.
There is also toolbar searching, which allows custom filtering on each field in your data table. Depending on your solution, you may want to pursue this path. Again, this option also has events that you can bind to if the default search options don't fit your need.
