Horizontal Timeline in Vuetify 2 / ipyvuetify - vuetify.js

I'm working with ipyvuetify and trying to use the v-timeline component from Vuetify 2.x but I would like to get a horizontal timeline instead of the default vertical one.
I've tried going through the documentation here but couldn't find any information.
I am aware of the direction prop from Vuetify 3.x and the vue-horizontal-timeline packages but would like to do this in native Vuetify.


Vuetify - How can I add v-card actions to the right side of a card instead of the default bottom?

I'm creating a v-card component using vuetify and would like to find a way to position the v-card-actions button to the right side of the card instead of the bottom. How should I go about doing this?
Please refer to the image below for an example.
Thank you in advance!
Update: I've used the v-row component to perform this, specifically wrapping around 2 divs.

Ionic 4 + horizontal scroll + ion-split-pane causes error on Angular Material's drag and drop

In my Ionic 4 app there's an ion-split-pane. Inside the ion-split-pane there's a ion-router-outlet where goes my ionic page.
Inside the page we are trying to implement a kanban with columns. We are trying to implement the capacity to move itens among columns using drag and drop.
But when there is horizontal scroll, in the place where the columns are inside, we cannot drop the itens.
We are using Angular Material's drag and drop.
How can we implement a drag and drop inside a scrollpane in a ionic split pane?
Well, in GitHub I could find you 2 sample projects that make a simple Kanban Board with Angular 7 + MD Controls ;)
1-) GitHub - Kanban Board (works!)
2-) GitHub - kanban
These may not use the native components of Ionic, but the logic is the same: Only the controls vary from one another.
Check out the source and I hope you find it useful. ;)
Best regards.
It seems the problem is related/caused by ion-router-outlet. By replacing it with router-outlet the drag and drop started to work.

Nativescript gridview in horizontal direction

I want to display a large list of items in horizontal direction. I found GridView which uses UICollectionView (for iOS) or RecyclerView (for android) which is working properly in vertical direction. But I cannot find a way to make it horizontal.
I was wonder is there a way to use this component in horizontal direction or is there another component for this purpose?
PS: I don't want to use a normal ScrollView because it does not use lazy loading for items and for large lists, it will destroy performance of the app.
You may use RadListView here and set the scrollDirection to Horizontal on the item layout.
npm i --save nativescript-ui-listview

How to zoom on a Laravel AreaChart?

Is it possible to have an area Laravel chart on which we can zoom to have a closer look on it?
I have an area chart with three components to show, two of them having very close values i would like to zoom into onclick.
This has nothing to do with laravel. You should check the chart plugin's documentation if it support the zoom mechanism that you want. If it's not, You should find other plugin.

How to have only one brush show on page load when using multiple charts in dc.js/d3.js

I've created a page using dc.js/d3.js with multiple bar charts and a row chart, and when I hover over them and interact, the brush functionality works as expected in all charts.
I'm trying to get just one of the charts to have the brush and a range appear on page load, but when I try this using .filter on one chart, the other charts become disabled. I have also experimented with .extent.
Image of the two version of the charts:
I have looked at some related posts on SO, but they aren't quite what I need. The main crossfilter page has an example, but since the code is so different, I want to see if I can retain what I have, otherwise I'll use the crossfilter page code.
Here is a jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/jth32/22/
And here is a small sample of the bar chart code:
// Bar Chart 3-------------------------------
.domain([25, 40]))
// Bar Chart 4 -----------------------------------
.domain([0, 2050]))
//.filter([0,1000]) // Creates Brush, but disables other charts
I found out it had to do with the version of dc.js that I was using. The latest version on github (v2.0) is what I had, but the CDN link I used in jsfiddle used version 1.6.0, and that works fine as Ethan mentioned. Once I switched to 1.6.0 in my dev environment, that fixed my issue.
I posted a message to the dc-js google user group, and I'll add another message here if this is indeed a bug in dc.js v2.0.
