OBIEE12c answers encounter an Odbc driver error - oracle

After migrating OBIEE from 11g to 12c, BI answers encounter the following error.
Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. (HY000)
State: HY000. Code: 43113. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL inside NQSConfig.INI is not set to support EVALUATE. (HY000)

The following workaround can fix the issue.
Go to the NQSConfig.INI file location
File location:$DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIS/
Open the NQSConfig.INI
Change the following line
Restart the OBIEE12c services

The error is saying that the analysis is using an evaluate function which is passing the function down to the database rather than using logical SQL that is interpreted by the BI server. By default the use of evaluate is disabled.
To enable it you set the EVALUATE_SUPPORT_LEVEL in NQSConfig.INI as per the other answer.


SSIS project not working when reading from Oracle

I've been trying to create an SSIS project to read from an Oracle 11.x database to an SQL Server database.
When I set this up in Visual Studio 10 Shell, I do not receive any logs . It gives me a successful message but nothing happens.
I tried to connect to an Oracle 12c database and the same happened.
I tried to get data from an Oracle 11.x project and dump it into an excel file. I also tried to get data from an Oracle 11.x table and dump it into a new Oracle 11.x table (in the same database) and in both cases I got the following error:
> TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Failed to start project
------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Exception deserializing the package "The package failed to load due to
error 0xC0011008 "Error loading from XML. No further detailed error
information can be specified for this problem because no Events object
was passed where detailed error information can be stored.". This
occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. ".
The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 "Error loading from
XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this
problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error
information can be stored.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML
fails. (Package)
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you
You haven't posted how you are trying to get data from oracle exactly so can say much about the error. I can only give my solution in 2008 r2:
create an oracle linked server in your sql server and then use an open query in the SSIS package to pull anything you need

AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager Oracle Connector failed

I have setup the connection manager from SSIS to Oracle as:
In the Oracle source:
I can preview the data successfully:
However, upon attempting to execute the packge, the erorr appears as:
SSIS package "C:\Users\kakah\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestExcel\TestExcel\INV_MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Warning: 0x802092A7 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [17]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "DESCRIPTION" with a length of 600 to database column "DESCRIPTION" with a length of 150.
Warning: 0x802092A7 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [17]: Truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column "LONG_DESCRIPTION" with a length of 2000 to database column "LONG_DESCRIPTION" with a length of 150.
Error: 0x2C0 at INV_MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL: OCI error encountered. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
Error: 0x20F at Data Flow Task, Oracle Source [62]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager Oracle Connector failed with error code 0x80004005. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Oracle Source failed validation and returned error code 0x80004005.
Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
SSIS package "C:\Users\kakah\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestExcel\TestExcel\INV_MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL.dtsx" finished: Failure.
What could I be missing? How can this be resolved?
If you right click on the project and go to properties --> Configuration Properties --> Debugging, did you make sure Run64BitRuntime is False? Sometimes that gets toggles to True and will break it.
What exactly do you mean by executing the package? Execute it from BIDS/SSDT or SQL Server agent?
Are there any configuration files/dynamic configurations that you are using? From what it appears, the tnsnames.ora file that your connection manager is using at run time has bad connection information.
SSDT 2017 connecting to Oracle 9i.
Issue : on my windows 10 laptop I had installed 10G 32 Bit and 11G 64 bit client installed
Resolution : Remove all the clients and install only one version of Client 11G both 32 and 64 bit client and SSIS worked like a charm

Informatica error database driver error

I have a question regarding a failure while executing my workflow. The workflow has existed for years and was working fine. But suddenly today I am facing an error while executing. The mapping has a stored procedure which is the reason for the failure. Please find the error message below and let me know if I can resolve this
"Message Code: CMN_1022
Message: Database driver error...
CMN_1022 [
ORA-02149: Specified partition does not exist
ORA-06512: at "schema_name.sp", line 9
ORA-06512: at line 2
Database driver error...
Function Name : ExecuteSP
Oracle Fatal Error
Database driver error...
Function Name : ExecuteSP
Oracle Fatal Error]"
The stored procedure (schema_name.sp) truncates some existing tables based on a condition. Unfortunately I don't have access to view the procedure.
When I tried searching about the fatal error, I found that the fatal error is because of connectivity problem. Let me know if that is true.

Netsuite JDBC query error

I am running a query with Netsuite's JDBC connection using DBeaver and I am getting the following error:
DBCException: SQL Error [400] [S1000]: [NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket# il83cpdt109jvbi4m45oo[400]
java.sql.SQLException: SQLException: [NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket# il83cpdt109jvbi4m45oo[400]
DBCException: SQL Error [400] [S1000]: [NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket# il83cpdt109jvbi4m45oo[400]
java.sql.SQLException: SQLException: [NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC Driver][OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine]Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket# il83cpdt109jvbi4m45oo[400]
Any idea of what it may be?
Unfortunately not, however you do have enough information to contact NetSuite support for assistance.
NetSuite has modified the standard database error messages to provide their own error, in your case Error ticket# il83cpdt109jvbi4m45oo If you contact support and reference that error code they'll be able to pinpoint the exact issue and help you out.
Now, with that said, a few things you may want to check:
have you setup SuiteAnalytics correctly using the JDBC driver?
What does your connection string look like? Mine is:
Are you authenticating with the correct role, and do you have permissions to perform the query you're attempting?

Setting up usage tracking with Direct insert set to No

I'm trying to set up OBIEE 10g usage tracking feature and dashboard reports, with Direct Insert equals to No i.e. with flat file.
I have deployed/merged usage RPD and catalog with my existing RPD/catalog and set NQSConfig.ini parameters accordingly (DIRECT_INSERT=NO).
However, I'm the usage tracking reports fail to run due to some ORA error. This is obvious since these reports are being redirected to database (probably these are setup for DIRECT_INSERT=Yes)
State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 12154, message: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified at OCI call OCIServerAttach. [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)
How can I configure these reports to work with the log file (DIRECT_INSERT=NO).
