Unexpected Non-Laziness - lazy-evaluation

I wrote this code for this weeks challenge to produce ugly numbers.
sub factors( $n ) {
if $n > 1 {
$_, |factors $n div $_
given ( grep $n %% *, 2..* ).first } }
.say for ( 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..* )[^150];
This works, in the sense it produces the correct ouput, but it does not behave lazily: The output does not start right away but 30 seconds after the start.
However when I remove the indexing and iterate over the bare sequence
.say for 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..*;
I get output immedeatly as expected.
This is a bug, yes?

This is not a bug (though could possibly be documented better). Indexing with [] reifies the elements it indexes over, so [^150] computes a (non-lazy) list of the first 150 elements. (The rest of the list remains lazy, but those initial elements do not).
If you want to iterate lazily, you can use &head instead, which would give you the following final line:
.say for ( 1, |grep *.&factors.all ∈ ( 2, 3, 5 ), 2..* ).head(150);


Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm corner-case

In the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm when the "substring" word is a sequence of the same letter, eg. "AAAAAAAA...", the failure table it something like this: "-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...".
This means if the test is something like "AAAAAAAB" When we will reach "B" we will go back X characters and start trying to match again, although we know we should start after B.
Am I missing something?
Edit (making the example specific):
Let's say the test is: AAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAA, that is (8 As, B, 9 As) and the word looking for is AAAAAAAAA, that is (9 As).
The fail table will be: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
At some point it will be m = 0, i = 8. This will fail, so m will become m = m + i - T[8] = 0 + 8 - 7 => m = 1 and i will be T[8] = 7.
This will fail again, so now we will have m = 2, i = 6, and then m = 3, i = 7, etc..
You will go back length(needle) characters, but you will only start matching at the offset given by the failure table. In this case, if there are 7 A's and you fail on the B, T[7] will say "skip 7 characters", so you check needle[7] vs. haystack[failed-length(needle)+7] (where failed is the index of haystack where the B in the needle compared to an A). Hence it'll run in linear time, always skipping comparison for the 6 of the 7 A's that you already matched. A smarter algorithm could probably skip ahead a little more, but only constants worth of more, as it can't be better than linear.

Number of different rolls of K N-sided dice

I needed to calculate the number of different possible rolls that could arise from rolling K dice, each with N-sides. My definition of roll is that something like {1, 1, 2, 3, 4} is equivalent to {1, 4, 3, 1, 2} (order doesn't matter), but not to {1, 1, 3, 3, 3} (they're not the same set of results). For example: Yahtzee is a game involving rolls of 5 6-sided dice—at least initially, before rerolls—and the number of different rolls is thus 252. The case when N = K leads to OEIS sequence A001700.
If I'm not horribly mistaken, this is given by "(N-1+K) choose (N-1)", or equivalently, "(N+K-1) choose K", which is K ! <: K + N in J. This leads me to four different tacit representations:
d =: ([ ! [: <: +). Simple train, without parentheses, though I need to use a cap.
d =: ([ (! <:) +). No cap, but parenthesizing the inner hook.
d =: (] !&<: +). Only a three verb train, but using a Compose. It uses the (<: N) ! <: K + N version.
d =: (([ ! +) * ] % +). This one rewrites "C(N+K-1, K)" as "C(N+K, K) * N / (N+K)". It's uglier, but in the 0 dice of 0 sides case, it gives 0 instead of 1, which is arguably a less nonsensical answer.
Which of these is the most "J-ish" solution?
Also, the monadic case for all of these is meaningless: 1 0 0 0 0 ... for the first three and 0 1 1 1 ... for the fourth. A more logical monad for this verb would be the reflexive, as given by d~, so would it be better to define this verb as (d~ : d)?
My preference would be:
d =: ([ (! <:) +)
and to add a monadic option to the dyadic
d =: d~ : ([ (! <:) +) NB. 4 d 5 ( 4 rolls of 5 sided dice : 70 possible combinations)
I would add the comment including sample arguments and an expected purpose to save me time were I to stumble across it later.
Of course, the final version would be the choice if 0 d 0 were to return 0, even if it does look a little more complicated.

Ruby: how to know depth of multidemensional array

This is my problem I have met in my assignment.
Array A has two elements: array B and array C.
Array B has two elements: array D and array E
At some point, array X just contains two elements: string a and string b.
I don't know how to determine how deep array A is. For example:
arrA = [
I have tested by: A[0][0][0] == nil which returns false. Moreover, A[0][0]..[0] == nil always returns false. So, I cannot do this way to know how deep array A is.
If this is not what you're looking for, it should be a good starting point:
def depth (a)
return 0 unless a.is_a?(Array)
return 1 + depth(a[0])
> depth(arrA)
=> 3
Please note that this only measures the depth of the first branch.
My solution which goes below answers the maximum depth of any array:
Example: for arr=[ [[1],[2,3]], [[[ 3,4 ]]] ], the maximum depth of arr is 4 for 3,4.
Aprroach - flatten by one level and compare
b, depth = arr.dup, 1
until b==arr.flatten
puts "Array depth: #{depth}" #=> 4
Hope it answers your question.
A simple pure functional recursive solution:
def depth(xs, n=0)
return case
when xs.class != Array
when xs == []
n + 1
xs.collect{|x| depth x, n+1}.max
depth([]) == 1
depth([['a']])) == 2
depth([1, 2, 3, 4, [1, 2, 3, [[2, 2],[]], 4, 5, 6, 7], 5, 5, [[[[[3, 4]]]]], [[[[[[[[[1, 2]]]]]]]]]]) == 10
Here's a one-liner similar to kiddorails' solution extracted into a method:
def depth(array)
array.to_a == array.flatten(1) ? 1 : depth(array.flatten(1)) + 1
It will flatten the array 1 dimension at the time until it can't flatten anymore, while counting the dimensions.
Why is this better than other solutions out there?
doesn't require modification to native classes (avoid that if possible)
doesn't use metaprogramming (is_a?, send, respond_to?, etc.)
fairly easy to read
works on hashes as well (notice array.to_a)
actually works (unlike only checking the first branch, and other silly stuff)
Also one line code if you want to use
def depth (a)

Combinations of numbers with weight

I have an array / list of numbers. Each number has a certain priority / importance.
I need an algorithm that generate all combinations of numbers, but begin form numbers with the most importance.
e.g. [number, priority]: [1,1], [2,3], [3,2]. Highest priority is 1.
1, 3, 2, 1 1, 1 3, 3 3, 3 1, 1 2, 3 2, 2 1, 2 2, 1 1 1, 1 1 3, 1 3 1...
Any idea how to do this?
Of course, I want to generate a certain number of combinations.
I changed my answer to an example code, this way you don't even need a recursion. You have to sort first the elements by the priority. The example is in Perl, which is not so far from Pseudocode
#numbers = (1, 3, 2, 4);
push(#result, #numbers);
push(#working_list, #numbers);
for ($i = 1; $i < #numbers; $i++) { # We loop exactly for the length of the array (-1 because the first iteration is already inside)
my #result_list;
for $result (#working_list) { # get the result of the last iteration of $i
for $number (#numbers) { # iterate the numbers
push (#result_list, "$result $number"); # adding the numbers
push(#result, #result_list); # push the last result to final result list
undef #working_list;
push(#working_list, #result_list); # use the last result as a start point for next $i iteration
print join(', ', #result);
It seems you are looking for all combinations not for all permutations(I do not see any set of numbers repeated so you only care about the set of numbers but not of the order within that set).
Here is a tip for you - first write down the code that will produce all the possible combinations of the numbers 1 to n and then do a simple bijection between those number and the ones you are given taking into account the weights.

Code Golf: Countdown Number Game

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Here is the task, inspired by the well-known British TV game show Countdown. The challenge should be pretty clear even without any knowledge of the game, but feel free to ask for clarifications.
And if you fancy seeing a clip of this game in action, check out this YouTube clip. It features the wonderful late Richard Whitely in 1997.
You are given 6 numbers, chosen at random from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100}, and a random target number between 100 and 999. The aim is to use the six given numbers and the four common arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; all over the rational numbers) to generate the target - or as close as possible either side. Each number may only be used once at most, while each arithmetic operator may be used any number of times (including zero.) Note that it does not matter how many numbers are used.
Write a function that takes the target number and set of 6 numbers (can be represented as list/collection/array/sequence) and returns the solution in any standard numerical notation (e.g. infix, prefix, postfix). The function must always return the closest-possible result to the target, and must run in at most 1 minute on a standard PC. Note that in the case where more than one solution exists, any single solution is sufficient.
{50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4}, target 203
e.g. 100 * 2 + 2 + (4 / 4) (exact)
e.g. (100 + 50) * 4 * 2 / (4 + 2) (exact)
{25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10}, target 465
e.g. (25 + 10 - 4) * (9 * 2 - 3) (exact)
{9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7}, target 241
e.g. ((10 + 9) * 9 * 7) + 8) / 5 (exact)
{3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7}, target 824
e.g. ((7 * 3) - 1) * 6 - 2) * 7 (= 826; off by 2)
Other than mentioned in the problem statement, there are no further restrictions. You may write the function in any standard language (standard I/O is not necessary). The aim as always is to solve the task with the smallest number of characters of code.
Saying that, I may not simply accept the answer with the shortest code. I'll also be looking at elegance of the code and time complexity of the algorithm!
My Solution
I'm attempting an F# solution when I find the free time - will post it here when I have something!
Please post all answers in the following format for the purpose of easy comparison:
Number of characters: ???
Fully obfuscated function:
(code here)
Clear (ideally commented) function:
(code here)
Any notes on the algorithm/clever shortcuts it takes.
Number of characters: 548 482 425 421 416 413 408
from operator import *
def C(N,T):
R=range(1<<n(N));M=[{}for i in R];p=1
for i in range(n(N)):M[1<<i][1.*N[i]]="%d"%N[i]
while p:
for i in R:
for j in R:
if not i&j:m.update((f(x,y),"("+s+o+t+")")for(y,t)in M[j].items()if y for(x,s)in M[i].items() for(o,f)in zip('+-*/',(add,sub,mul,div)))
return min((abs(x-T),e)for t in M for(x,e)in t.items())[1]
you can call it like this:
>>> print C([50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4], 203)
Takes about half a minute on the given examples on an oldish PC.
Here's the commented version:
def countdown(N,T):
# M is a map: (bitmask of used input numbers -> (expression value -> expression text))
M=[{} for i in range(1<<len(N))]
# initialize M with single-number expressions
for i in range(len(N)):
M[1<<i][1.0*N[i]] = "%d" % N[i]
# allowed operators
ops = (("+",lambda x,y:x+y),("-",lambda x,y:x-y),("*",lambda x,y:x*y),("/",lambda x,y:x/y))
# enumerate all expressions
while 1:
# test to see if we're done (last iteration didn't change anything)
for x in M: c +=len(x)
if c==n: break
# loop over all values we have so far, indexed by bitmask of used input numbers
for i in range(len(M)):
for j in range(len(M)):
if i & j: continue # skip if both expressions used the same input number
for (x,s) in M[i].items():
for (y,t) in M[j].items():
if y: # avoid /0 (and +0,-0,*0 while we're at it)
for (o,f) in ops:
# pick best expression
for t in M:
for(x,e) in t.items():
L.sort();return L[0][1]
It works through exhaustive enumeration of all possibilities. It is a bit smart in that if there are two expressions with the same value that use the same input numbers, it discards one of them. It is also smart in how it considers new combinations, using the index into M to prune quickly all the potential combinations that share input numbers.
Number of characters: 361 350 338 322
Fully obfuscated function:
p[]=[];p(a:w)=(a,w):a%p w
q[]=[];q(a:w)=[((a,b),v)|(b,v)<-p w]++a%q w
y=m z(zip[(-),(/),(+),(*)]"-/+*")++m flip(take 2 y)
r w=do{((a,b),v)<-q w;o<-y;c<-o a b;c:r(c:v)}
c t=snd.minimum.m(\a->(abs(fst a-f t),a)).r.m(\a->(f a,show a))
Clear function:
-- | add an element on to the front of the remainder list
onRemainder :: a -> [(b,[a])] -> [(b,[a])]
a`onRemainder`w = map (\(b,as)->(b,a:as)) w
-- | all ways to pick one item from a list, returns item and remainder of list
pick :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
pick [] = []
pick (a:as) = (a,as) : a `onRemainder` (pick as)
-- | all ways to pick two items from a list, returns items and remainder of list
pick2 :: [a] -> [((a,a),[a])]
pick2 [] = []
pick2 (a:as) = [((a,b),cs) | (b,cs) <- pick as] ++ a `onRemainder` (pick2 as)
-- | a value, and how it was computed
type Item = (Rational, String)
-- | a specification of a binary operation
type OpSpec = (Rational -> Rational -> Rational, String)
-- | a binary operation on Items
type Op = Item -> Item -> Maybe Item
-- | turn an OpSpec into a operation
-- applies the operator to the values, and builds up an expression string
-- in this context there is no point to doing +0, -0, *0, or /0
combine :: OpSpec -> Op
combine (op,os) (ar,as) (br,bs)
| br == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (ar`op`br,"("++as++os++bs++")")
-- | the operators we can use
ops :: [Op]
ops = map combine [ ((+),"+"), ((-), "-"), ((*), "*"), ((/), "/") ]
++ map (flip . combine) [((-), "-"), ((/), "/")]
-- | recursive reduction of a list of items to a list of all possible values
-- includes values that don't use all the items, includes multiple copies of
-- some results
reduce :: [Item] -> [Item]
reduce is = do
((a,b),js) <- pick2 is
op <- ops
c <- maybe [] (:[]) $ op a b
c : reduce (c : js)
-- | convert a list of real numbers to a list of items
items :: (Real a, Show a) => [a] -> [Item]
items = map (\a -> (toRational a, show a))
-- | return the first reduction of a list of real numbers closest to some target
countDown:: (Real a, Show a) => a -> [a] -> Item
countDown t is = snd $ minimum $ map dist $ reduce $ items is
where dist is = (abs . subtract t' . fst $ is, is)
t' = toRational t
Any notes on the algorithm/clever shortcuts it takes:
In the golf'd version, z returns in the list monad, rather than Maybe as ops does.
While the algorithm here is brute force, it operates in small, fixed, linear space due to Haskell's laziness. I coded the wonderful #keith-randall algorithm, but it ran in about the same time and took over 1.5G of memory in Haskell.
reduce generates some answers multiple times, in order to easily include solutions with fewer terms.
In the golf'd version, y is defined partially in terms of itself.
Results are computed with Rational values. Golf'd code would be 17 characters shorter, and faster if computed with Double.
Notice how the function onRemainder factors out the structural similarity between pick and pick2.
Driver for golf'd version:
main = do
print $ c 203 [50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4]
print $ c 465 [25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10]
print $ c 241 [9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7]
print $ c 824 [3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7]
Run, with timing (still under one minute per result):
[1076] : time ./Countdown
(203 % 1,"(((((2*4)-2)/100)+4)*50)")
(465 % 1,"(((((10-4)*25)+2)*3)+9)")
(241 % 1,"(((((10*9)/5)+8)*9)+7)")
(826 % 1,"(((((3*7)-1)*6)-2)*7)")
real 2m24.213s
user 2m22.063s
sys 0m 0.913s
Ruby 1.9.2
Number of characters: 404
I give up for now, it works as long as there is an exact answer. If there isn't it takes way too long to enumerate all possibilities.
Fully Obfuscated
def b a,o,c,p,r
o+c==2*p ?r<<a :o<p ?b(a+['('],o+1,c,p,r):0;c<o ?b(a+[')'],o,c+1,p,r):0
w=a=%w{+ - * /}
4.times{w=w.product a}
b [],0,0,3,g=[]
catch(0){w.product(g).each{|c,f|k=f.zip(c.flatten).each{|o|o.reverse! if o[0]=='('};n.permutation{|m|h[x=eval(d=m.zip(k)*'')]=d;throw 0 if x==l}}}
puts c.gsub(/(\d*)\.\d*/,'\1')+"=#{k}"
Coming soon
Test script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
].each do |b|
start = Time.now
puts "{[#{b[0]*', '}] #{b[1]}} gives #{`echo "#{b[0]*' '} #{b[1]}" | ruby count-golf.rb`.strip} in #{Time.now-start}"
→ ./test.rb
{[50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4] 203} gives 100+(4+(50-(2)/4)*2)=203.0 in 3.968534736
{[25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10] 465} gives 2+(3+(25+(9)*10)*4)=465.0 in 1.430715549
{[9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7] 241} gives 5+(9+(8)+10)*9-(7)=241.0 in 1.20045702
{[3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7] 824} gives 7*(6*(7*(3)-1)-2)=826.0 in 193.040054095
The function used for generating the bracket pairs (b) is based off this one: Finding all combinations of well-formed brackets
Ruby 1.9.2 second attempt
Number of characters: 492 440(426)
Again there is a problem with the non-exact answer. This time this is easily fast enough but for some reason the closest it gets to 824 is 819 instead of 826.
I decided to put this in a new answer since it is using a very different method to my last attempt.
Removing the total of the output (as its not required by spec) is -14 characters.
Fully Obfuscated
def r d,c;d>4?[0]:(k=c.pop;a=[];r(d+1,c).each{|b|a<<[b,k,nil];a<<[nil,k,b]};a)end
def f t,n;[0,2].each{|a|Array===t[a] ?f(t[a],n): t[a]=n.pop}end
def d t;Float===t ?t:d(t[0]).send(t[1],d(t[2]))end
def o c;Float===c ?c.round: "(#{o c[0]}#{c[1]}#{o c[2]})"end
w=a=%w{+ - * /}
4.times{w=w.product a}
*n,l=$<.each(' ').map(&:to_f)
w.each{|y|r(0,y.flatten).each{|t|f t,n.dup;h[d t]=o t}}
puts h[k=h.keys.min_by{|i|(l-i).abs}]+"=#{k.round}"
Coming soon
Test script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
].each do |b|
start = Time.now
puts "{[#{b[0]*', '}] #{b[1]}} gives #{`echo "#{b[0]*' '} #{b[1]}" | ruby count-golf.rb`.strip} in #{Time.now-start}"
→ ./test.rb
{[50, 100, 4, 2, 2, 4] 203} gives ((4-((2-(2*4))/100))*50)=203 in 1.089726252
{[25, 4, 9, 2, 3, 10] 465} gives ((10*(((3+2)*9)+4))-25)=465 in 1.039455671
{[9, 8, 10, 5, 9, 7] 241} gives (7+(((9/(5/10))+8)*9))=241 in 1.045774539
{[3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 7] 824} gives ((((7-(1/2))*6)*7)*3)=819 in 1.012330419
This constructs the set of ternary trees representing all possible combinations of 5 operators. It then goes through and inserts all permutations of the input numbers into the leaves of these trees. Finally it simply iterates through these possible equations storing them into a hash with the result as index. Then it's easy enough to pick the closest value to the required answer from the hash and display it.
