Error when trying to run Omnet++ simulation - omnet++

I am new to Omnet++ and I have downloaded some code from GitHub and I am just trying to run it on instant veins and I keep getting an errors with 'VeinsInetMobility.h'. The downloaded code has it's own 'veins_inet' folder, so when I replace 'VeinsInetMobility.h' from the downloaded code with the 'VeinsInetMobility.h' provided by instant veins, it still produces an error (see the 2 errors attached).
Anybody have any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks. Error Error
Link to code:


Flutter package - simple_barcode_scanner 0.0.5 not working on windows

Hi I am currently using the flutter package simple_barcode_scanner 0.0.5 in order to scan a QR code on my (flutter) windows application. The project compiles, camera permission is requested etc, however I am not receiving any result back when scanning a QR code. Can someone kindly confirm if they are experiencing the same result and/or if there is an additional setup/configuration step that I might be missing in order for this package to work.
Kind regards,
there is an open issue for that, you can add the error or issue which you are facing with steps to reproduce in the same thread.

React Native Production Build Error ('Build input file cannot be found: {path}ExpoModulesProvider.swift')

So I finished a React Native project and trying to get it into production mode. However, XCode is throwing me this error saying that it cannot find ExpoModulesProvider.swift
Here is the full error,
I have been trying to solve this error the past 2-3 hours. I searched everywhere however, I could't find anything related to this error. Even StackOverFlow doesn't have it.
Thank you
I had the same issue and in my case I solved it by removing the ExpoModulesProvider.swift source from Compile Sources

How to solve TwinCAT XAR C++ module instance error?

I have two PCs connected to each other in TwinCAT as shown in the picture.
Successful Connection
But, I am facing an error when I try to activate the configuration. Error AdsError 1792 is shown in the picture.
Error picture
For further reference, The compile outputs are added below.
Code Generation Output:
Code Publish Output
Code built Output
I was told to look in TcCOM but there was no subfolder in it. The Picture is added below.
TcCOM window
I hope this will help you understand the problem.

RCTFont.h file not found

Trying to run the simulator on xCode version 10.1 and this error is appearing. Error
The error also appears here Code segment
I am unsure as to find and link this file, or even create it. Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

error in Dundas Dashboard not working

I just installed Dundas dashboard 4.0.2 and it installed successfully. However when I try to open the program, the webpage shows me error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0009: Metadata file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.Services\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Web.Services.dll' could not be opened -- 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. '
Source Error:
{No relevant source lines]
Source File: Line: 0
Looks identical to the error message in the following link:
Based on that, it would seem like some prerequisite was not installed. Please post if the solution proposed there resolves your issue.
Hi i had the same problem not to long ago. I resolved it by uninstalling the latest release of Microsoft Silverlight and installing version 4 of it. Solved my problem instantly. There does seem to be an issue regarding the new version of Silverligh and Windows.
I would recommend re-installing the .NET 4.0 framework on the server.
After doing this, check IIS and make sure the application pool which is running Dundas Dashboard is set up to use ASP.NET 4.0 (not 2.0).
