RCTFont.h file not found - xcode

Trying to run the simulator on xCode version 10.1 and this error is appearing. Error
The error also appears here Code segment
I am unsure as to find and link this file, or even create it. Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated.


React Native Production Build Error ('Build input file cannot be found: {path}ExpoModulesProvider.swift')

So I finished a React Native project and trying to get it into production mode. However, XCode is throwing me this error saying that it cannot find ExpoModulesProvider.swift
Here is the full error,
I have been trying to solve this error the past 2-3 hours. I searched everywhere however, I could't find anything related to this error. Even StackOverFlow doesn't have it.
Thank you
I had the same issue and in my case I solved it by removing the ExpoModulesProvider.swift source from Compile Sources

Xcode Quick Help isn't showing up

This is the first time I have been facing this strange issue
Whenever I click on a variable, function name, etc., that is what shows up in the Quick Help section of Xcode:
Error Domain=com.apple.DNTDocumentationSupport Code=0 "disk I/O error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=disk I/O error}
I have no idea what might be causing this issue, but it seemed to have started to occur when I updated my Xcode to version 9.4.1.
On Stack Overflow, I have only found one Q&A with the same error message, but I have restarted Xcode many times, but to no avail. Does anyone know how to fix this error?
The main reason why this happens is usually because the Xcode documentation is missing or a new version of it is being downloaded in the background for you. For Xcode 9.4.1, you can check if the documentation has been downloaded and is in the correct place. Please do the following:
Open Terminal
Type cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DocumentationCache/
Type ls -al
Find the right directory for your documentation and Xcode versions, in this case v33 and 9.4.1, respectively.
Type cd v33/9.4.1/DeveloperDocumentation.index
Type ls -al
Find file store.db on the generated file list
This database file should have the size of 17960960 bytes or roughly 18 Mb.
If you don't find this, it is because your documentation is missing and/or your connection is too slow to download this database. Thus, you need to be patient and let Xcode download it to your disk.
To quit Xcode and relaunch it usually helps, because it forces the IDE to look for the cache and update its UI.

Bad File descriptor error in Xcode 9

I opened my xcode project today and pulled the latest version of the source. To my surprise, I recieved an error stating "(Xcode) encoutered read error on command output pipe (Bad file descriptor)"
I am totally confused by this error and I have no idea what caused it. Could anyone shed some light on why I might be seeing this error and a possible fix? I am running xcode v9
I looked on google and there didn't seem to be much on the issue. Still looking though.

Plugin failed error while opening xcode

I just downloaded and installed xcode from app store. But when i open it I get Plugin failed error. I tried searching on web about this problem. Found that it was some python related issues. SO i tried installing different versions of python, but still no success.
I dont know where is the actual problem... So i need ur help in troubleshooting this problem.
Thanx in advance....

Swift location program wont update

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this program?
I'm using swift and I'm trying to create an app which will give me values such as longitude/latitude etc. When I run the program, the build has 'succeeded' however, nothing prints to the logs or changes in the simulator.
However, the these are the errors that pop up.
Command /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1
Command /usr/bin/ditto failed with exit code 1
Can someone please tell me what I need to do. I already added the CoreLocation framework too and imported it into my program.
I recently updated to Version 7.1 beta.
thanks in advance.
First, try to clean the project: Product > Clean, or empty the DerivedData folder.
Then if it's not fixed, this error happened to me when I use functions with ambiguous declaration (for example, using .Case instead of MyEnum.Case).
Edit your message by adding your code if the issue still occurs.
