How to apply True/False operators in expressions - lambda-calculus

My class on lambda calculus never defined True/False operators and uses them in ways I can't reverse-engineer. Here are two examples:
Question 1. What does the following expression evaluate to?
(tru 2 3) (add 4) 2
My attempt: (tru 2 3) returns the first term which is 2. Then you add 4 twice which gives 10 total. So 6) is the answer.
Question 2. What does the following expression evaluate to?
fls succ plus 2 3
My attempt: plus 2 3 returns 5. succ 5 returns 6. And false doesn't do anything. So the answer is 5).
I'm less worried about the answer to these questions and would rather understand how to use tru fls in any expression. I just don't see how they can be used with numbers.

tru = λt. λf. t
tru v w
= (λt.λf.t) v w by definition
−→ (λf. v) w reducing the underlined redex
−→ v reducing the underlined redex
fls = λt. λf. f
fls v w
= (λt.λf.f) v w by definition
−→ (λf. f) w reducing the underlined redex
−→ w reducing the underlined redex
source (page 5)


Assignment regarding, dynamic programming. Making my code more efficient?

I've got an assignment regarding dynamic programming.
I'm to design an efficient algorithm that does the following:
There is a path, covered in spots. The user can move forward to the end of the path using a series of push buttons. There are 3 buttons. One moves you forward 2 spots, one moves you forward 3 spots, one moves you forward 5 spots. The spots on the path are either black or white, and you cannot land on a black spot. The algorithm finds the smallest number of button pushes needed to reach the end (past the last spot, can overshoot it).
The user inputs are for "n", the number of spots. And fill the array with n amount of B or W (Black or white). The first spot must be white. Heres what I have so far (Its only meant to be pseudo):
int x = 0
int totalsteps = 0
n = user input
int countAtIndex[n-1] <- Set all values to -1 // I'll do the nitty gritty stuff like this after
int spots[n-1] = user input
pressButton(totalSteps, x) {
if(countAtIndex[x] != -1 AND totalsteps >= countAtIndex[x]) {
FAILED } //Test to see if the value has already been modified (not -1 or not better)
if (spots[x] = "B") {
countAtIndex[x] = -2 // Indicator of invalid spot
else if (x >= n-5) { // Reached within 5 of the end, press 5 so take a step and win
countAtIndex[x] = totalsteps
pressButton(totalsteps + 1, x+5) //take 5 steps
pressButton(totalsteps + 1, x+3) //take 3 steps
pressButton(totalsteps + 1, x+2) //take 2 steps
I appreciate this may look quite bad but I hope it comes across okay, I just want to make sure the theory is sound before I write it out better. I'm wondering if this is not the most efficient way of doing this problem. In addition to this, where there are capitals, I'm unsure on how to "Fail" the program, or how to return the "Successful" value.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I should add incase its unclear, I'm using countAtIndex[] to store the number of moves to get to that index in the path. I.e at position 3 (countAtIndex[2]) could have a value 1, meaning its taken 1 move to get there.
I'm converting my comment into an answer since this will be too long for a comment.
There are always two ways to solve a dynamic programming problem: top-down with memoization, or bottom-up by systematically filling an output array. My intuition says that the implementation of the bottom-up approach will be simpler. And my intent with this answer is to provide an example of that approach. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to write the formal algorithm, and then implement the algorithm.
So, as an example, let's say that the first 11 elements of the input array are:
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
spot: W B W B W W W B B W B ...
To solve the problem, we create an output array (aka the DP table), to hold the information we know about the problem. Initially all values in the output array are set to infinity, except for the first element which is set to 0. So the output array looks like this:
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
spot: W B W B W W W B B W B
output: 0 - x - x x x - - x -
where - is a black space (not allowed), and x is being used as the symbol for infinity (a spot that's either unreachable, or hasn't been reached yet).
Then we iterate from the beginning of the table, updating entries as we go.
From index 0, we can reach 2 and 5 with one move. We can't move to 3 because that spot is black. So the updated output array looks like this:
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
spot: W B W B W W W B B W B
output: 0 - 1 - x 1 x - - x -
Next, we skip index 1 because the spot is black. So we move on to index 2. From 2, we can reach 4,5, and 7. Index 4 hasn't been reached yet, but now can be reached in two moves. The jump from 2 to 5 would reach 5 in two moves. But 5 can already be reached in one move, so we won't change it (this is where the recurrence relation comes in). We can't move to 7 because it's black. So after processing index 2, the output array looks like this:
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
spot: W B W B W W W B B W B
output: 0 - 1 - 2 1 x - - x -
After skipping index 3 (black) and processing index 4 (can reach 6 and 9), we have:
index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
spot: W B W B W W W B B W B
output: 0 - 1 - 2 1 3 - - 3 -
Processing index 5 won't change anything because 7,8,10 are all black. Index 6 doesn't change anything because 8 is black, 9 can already be reached in three moves, and we aren't showing index 11. Indexes 7 and 8 are skipped because they're black. And all jumps from 9 are into parts of the array that aren't shown.
So if the goal was to reach index 11, the number of moves would be 4, and the possible paths would be 2,4,6,11 or 2,4,9,11. Or if the array continued, we would simply keep iterating through the array, and then check the last five elements of the array to see which has the smallest number of moves.

Ilustrate the left-most derivation on a token stream

I am trying to understand the left-most derivation in the context of LL parsing algorithm. This link explains it from the generative perspective. i.e. It shows how to follow left-most derivation to generate a specific token sequence from a set of rules.
But I am thinking about the opposite direction. Given a token stream and a set of grammar rules, how to find the proper steps to apply a set of rules by the left-most derivation?
Let's continue to use the following grammar from the aforementioned link:
And the given token sequence is: 1 2 3
One way is this:
1 2 3
-> D D D
-> N D D (rewrite the *left-most* D to N according to the rule N->D.)
-> N D (rewrite the *left-most* N D to N according to the rule N->N D.)
-> N (same as above.)
But there are other ways to apply the grammar rules:
1 2 3 -> D D D -> N D D -> N N D -> N N N
1 2 3 -> D D D -> N D D -> N N D -> N N
But only the first derivation ends up in a single non-terminal.
As the token sequence length increase, there can be many more ways. I think to infer a proper deriving steps, 2 prerequisites are needed:
a starting/root rule
the token sequence
After giving these 2, what's the algorithm to find the deriving steps? Do we have to make the final result a single non-terminal?
The general process of LL parsing consists of repeatedly:
Predict the production for the top grammar symbol on the stack, if that symbol is a non-terminal, and replace that symbol with the right-hand side of the production.
Match the top grammar symbol on the stack with the next input symbol, discarding both of them.
The match action is unproblematic but the prediction might require an oracle. However, for the purposes of this explanation, the mechanism by which the prediction is made is irrelevant, provided that it works. For example, it might be that for some small integer k, every possible sequence of k input symbols is only consistent with at most one possible production, in which case you could use a look-up table. In that case, we say that the grammar is LL(k). But you could use any mechanism, including magic. It is only necessary that the prediction always be accurate.
At any step in this algorithm, the partially-derived string is the consumed input appended with the stack. Initially there is no consumed input and the stack consists solely of the start symbol, so that the the partially-derived string (which has had 0 derivations applied). Since the consumed input consists solely of terminals and the algorithm only ever modifies the top (first) element of the stack, it is clear that the series of partially-derived strings constitutes a leftmost derivation.
If the parse is successful, the entire input will be consumed and the stack will be empty, so the parse results in a leftmost derivation of the input from the start symbol.
Here's the complete parse for your example:
Consumed Unconsumed Partial Production
Input Stack input derivation or other action
-------- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------------
N 1 2 3 N N → N D
N D 1 2 3 N D N → N D
N D D 1 2 3 N D D N → D
D D D 1 2 3 D D D D → 1
1 D D 1 2 3 1 D D -- match --
1 D D 2 3 1 D D D → 2
1 2 D 2 3 1 2 D -- match --
1 2 D 3 1 2 D D → 3
1 2 3 3 1 2 3 -- match --
1 2 3 -- -- 1 2 3 -- success --
If you read the last two columns, you can see the derivation process starting from N and ending with 1 2 3. In this example, the prediction can only be made using magic because the rule N → N D is not LL(k) for any k; using the right-recursive rule N → D N instead would allow an LL(2) decision procedure (for example,"use N → D N if there are at least two unconsumed input tokens; otherwise N → D".)
The chart you are trying to produce, which starts with 1 2 3 and ends with N is a bottom-up parse. Bottom-up parses using the LR algorithm correspond to rightmost derivations, but the derivation needs to be read backwards, since it ends with the start symbol.

Minimize maximum absolute difference in pairs of numbers

The problem statement:
Give n variables and k pairs. The variables can be distinct by assigning a value from 1 to n to each variable. Each pair p contain 2 variables and let the absolute difference between 2 variables in p is abs(p). Define the upper bound of difference is U=max(Abs(p)|every p).
Find an assignment that minimize U.
Each variable appear at least 2 times in list of pairs.
A problem instance:
n=9, k=12
1 2 (meaning pair x1 x2)
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 6
3 5
3 7
3 8
3 9
6 9
8 9
1 2 5 4 3 6 7 8 9
(meaning x1=1,x2=2,x3=5,...)
Explaination: An assignment of x1=1,x2=2,x3=3,... will result in U=6 (3 9 has greastest abs value). The output assignment will get U=4, the minimum value (changed pair: 3 7 => 5 7, 3 8 => 5 8, etc. and 3 5 isn't changed. In this case, abs(p)<=4 for every pair).
There is an important point: To achieve the best assignments, the variables in the pairs that have greatest abs must be change.
Base on this, I have thought of a greedy algorithm:
1)Assign every x to default assignment (x(i)=i)
2)Locate pairs that have largest abs and x(i)'s contained in them.
3)For every i,j: Calculate U. Swap value of x(i),x(j). Calculate U'. If U'<U, stop and repeat step 3. If U'>=U for every i,j, end and output the assignment.
However, this method has a major pitfall, if we need an assignment like this:
x(a)<<x(b), x(b)<<x(c), x(c)<<x(a)
, we have to swap in 2 steps, like: x(a)<=>x(b), then x(b)<=>x(c), then there is a possibility that x(b)<<x(a) in first step has its abs become larger than U and the swap failed.
Is there any efficient algorithm to solve this problem?
This looks like (NP complete, even for special cases). It looks like people run when they need to do this to try and turn a sparse matrix into a banded diagonal matrix.

Combinational logic design question, what does it mean for input to be asserted

The question reads: consider a 4-input boolean function that is asserted whenever exactly two of its inputs are asserted, construct its truth table, and then other parts for the question.
I don't want an answer i would like to solve this myself, i just want to know the meaning of assert and how to start with the truth table. Any help is appreciated.
I think that in this context it means true (so you have 4 booleans and you must produce true when exactly 2 are true). Your textbook should make more sense of the issue. Usually you assert that something is true.
Edit. Here's a 3 variable example for Conjunctive normal form. I'm considering the function true whenever two of them are false. Notice how by reading the variables horizontally and then vertically you get the binary representation of numbers.
1 2 3 R
L1 0 0 0 0
L2 0 0 1 1
L3 0 1 0 1
L4 0 1 1 0
L5 1 0 0 1
L6 1 0 1 0
L7 1 1 0 0
L8 1 1 1 0
The theory is that you treat each line as a separate equation. If the variable value is 0, you write it as v, and if it is 1 you write it as ~v. You use the logical or (\/) between variables on one line, and logican and (^) between different lines. You only and together lines which are false.
So, considering column 1 - p, column 2 - q and column 3 - r, the first line is p \/ q \/ r and the result is false, so it is added to the final formula, the second one p \/ q \/ ~r but true so not added to the formula etc. You need to and (^) the lines together if and only if the formula for the line is false. So above, you would get the CNF by and-ing together lines L1, L4, L6, L7, L8. Once you have that gigantic formula, you can work on making it smaller.
It's been so long since I've done this I can't really remember the details as to why it is like this but I remember studying the proof at some point.
The other half of the question is the truth table. I'll help start that...
1 2 3 4 output
. . .

CodeGolf: Brothers

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I just finished participating in the 2009 ACM ICPC Programming Conest in the Latinamerican Finals. These questions were for Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, etc.
My team and I could only finish two questions out of the eleven (not bad I think for the first try).
Here's one we could finish. I'm curious to seeing any variations to the code. The question in full: ps: These questions can also be found on the official ICPC website available to everyone.
In the land of ACM ruled a greeat king who became obsessed with order. The kingdom had a rectangular form, and the king divided the territory into a grid of small rectangular counties. Before dying the king distributed the counties among his sons.
The king was unaware of the rivalries between his sons: The first heir hated the second but not the rest, the second hated the third but not the rest, and so on...Finally, the last heir hated the first heir, but not the other heirs.
As soon as the king died, the strange rivaly among the King's sons sparked off a generalized war in the kingdom. Attacks only took place between pairs of adjacent counties (adjacent counties are those that share one vertical or horizontal border). A county X attacked an adjacent county Y whenever X hated Y. The attacked county was always conquered. All attacks where carried out simultanously and a set of simultanous attacks was called a battle. After a certain number of battles, the surviving sons made a truce and never battled again.
For example if the king had three sons, named 0, 1 and 2, the figure below shows what happens in the first battle for a given initial land distribution:
The input contains several test cases. The first line of a test case contains four integers, N, R, C and K.
N - The number of heirs (2 <= N <= 100)
R and C - The dimensions of the land. (2 <= R,C <= 100)
K - Number of battles that are going to take place. (1 <= K <= 100)
Heirs are identified by sequential integers starting from zero. Each of the next R lines contains C integers HeirIdentificationNumber (saying what heir owns this land) separated by single spaces. This is to layout the initial land.
The last test case is a line separated by four zeroes separated by single spaces. (To exit the program so to speak)
For each test case your program must print R lines with C integers each, separated by single spaces in the same format as the input, representing the land distribution after all battles.
Sample Input: Sample Output:
3 4 4 3 2 2 2 0
0 1 2 0 2 1 0 1
1 0 2 0 2 2 2 0
0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0
0 1 2 2
Another example:
Sample Input: Sample Output:
4 2 3 4 1 0 3
1 0 3 2 1 2
2 1 2
Perl, 233 char
The map is held in a one-dimensional array. This is less elegant than the two-dimensional solution, but it is also shorter. Contains the idiom #A=map{...}#A where all the fighting goes on inside the braces.
Python (420 characters)
I haven't played with code golf puzzles in a while, so I'm sure I missed a few things:
import sys
M=(1,0), (0,1),(-1, 0),(0,-1)
l=[map(int,r.split())for r in sys.stdin]
n=[r[:]for r in l[:]]
def D(r,c):
a=[l[r+mr][c+mc]for mr,mc in M if 0<=r+mr<R and 0<=c+mc<C]
if x==0and H-1in a:n[r][c]=H-1
elif x-1in a:n[r][c]=x-1
for i in G(B):
for r in G(R):
for c in G(C):D(r,c)
l=[r[:] for r in n[:]]
for r in l:print' '.join(map(str,r))
Lua, 291 Characters
g=loadstring("return'*n')")repeat n=g()r=g()c=g()k=g()l={}c=c+1 for
i=0,k do w={}for x=1,r*c do a=l[x]and(l[x]+n-1)%n w[x]=i==0 and x%c~=0 and
g()or(l[x-1]==a or l[x+1]==a or l[x+c]==a or l[x-c]==a)and a or
l[x]io.write(i~=k and""or x%c==0 and"\n"or w[x].." ")end l=w end until n==0
F#, 675 chars
let R()=System.Console.ReadLine().Split([|' '|])|> int
let B(a:int[][]) r c g=
let n=Array.init r (fun i->Array.copy a.[i])
for i in 1..r-2 do for j in 1..c-2 do
let e=a.[i].[j]-1
let e=if -1=e then g else e
if a.[i-1].[j]=e||a.[i+1].[j]=e||a.[i].[j-1]=e||a.[i].[j+1]=e then
let mutable n,r,c,k=0,0,0,0
let i=R()
let mutable a=Array.init r (fun i->
if i=0||i=r-1 then Array.create c -2 else[|yield -2;yield!R();yield -2|])
for j in 1..k do a<-B a r c (n-1)
for i in 1..r-2 do
for j in 1..c-2 do
printf "%d" a.[i].[j]
printfn ""
Make the array big enough to put an extra border of "-2" around the outside - this way can look left/up/right/down without worrying about out-of-bounds exceptions.
B() is the battle function; it clones the array-of-arrays and computes the next layout. For each square, see if up/down/left/right is the guy who hates you (enemy 'e'), if so, he takes you over.
The main while loop just reads input, runs k iterations of battle, and prints output as per the spec.
3 4 4 3
0 1 2 0
1 0 2 0
0 1 2 0
0 1 2 2
4 2 3 4
1 0 3
2 1 2
0 0 0 0
Python 2.6, 383 376 Characters
This code is inspired by Steve Losh' answer:
import sys
def x(N,R,C,K):
if not N:return
m=[l()for _ in A(R)];n=[r[:]for r in m]
def u(r,c):z=m[r][c];n[r][c]=(z-((z-1)%N in[m[r+s][c+d]for s,d in(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)if 0<=r+s<R and 0<=c+d<C]))%N
for i in A(K):[u(r,c)for r in A(R)for c in A(C)];m=[r[:]for r in n]
for r in m:print' '.join(map(str,r))
Haskell (GHC 6.8.2), 570 446 415 413 388 Characters
import Monad
import Array
import List
d=getLine>>=return.f read.words
h m k=k//(f(\(a#(i,j),e)->(a,maybe e id(find(==mod(e-1)m)$f(k!)$filter(inRange$bounds k)[(i-1,j),(i+1,j),(i,j-1),(i,j+1)])))$assocs k)
main=do[n,r,c,k]<-d;when(n>0)$do g<-mapM(const d)[1..r];mapM_(\i->putStrLn$unwords$take c$drop(i*c)$f show$elems$(iterate(h n)$listArray((1,1),(r,c))$concat g)!!k)[0..r-1];main
The code above is based on the (hopefully readable) version below. Perhaps the most significant difference with sth's answer is that this code uses Data.Array.IArray instead of nested lists.
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.List
type Index = (Int, Int)
type Heir = Int
type Kingdom = Array Index Heir
-- Given the dimensions of a kingdom and a county, return its neighbors.
neighbors :: (Index, Index) -> Index -> [Index]
neighbors dim (i, j) =
filter (inRange dim) [(i - 1, j), (i + 1, j), (i, j - 1), (i, j + 1)]
-- Given the first non-Heir and a Kingdom, calculate the next iteration.
iter :: Heir -> Kingdom -> Kingdom
iter m k = k // (
map (\(i, e) -> (i, maybe e id (find (== mod (e - 1) m) $
map (k !) $ neighbors (bounds k) i))) $
assocs k)
-- Read a line integers from stdin.
readLine :: IO [Int]
readLine = getLine >>= return . map read . words
-- Print the given kingdom, assuming the specified number of rows and columns.
printKingdom :: Int -> Int -> Kingdom -> IO ()
printKingdom r c k =
mapM_ (\i -> putStrLn $ unwords $ take c $ drop (i * c) $ map show $ elems k)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n, r, c, k] <- readLine -- read number of heirs, rows, columns and iters
when (n > 0) $ do -- observe that 0 heirs implies [0, 0, 0, 0]
g <- sequence $ replicate r readLine -- read initial state of the kingdom
printKingdom r c $ -- print kingdom after k iterations
(iterate (iter n) $ listArray ((1, 1), (r, c)) $ concat g) !! k
main -- handle next test case
AWK - 245
A bit late, but nonetheless... Data in a 1-D array. Using a 2-D array the solution is about 30 chars longer.
&&[i+C]-b?X[i]:b}for(i in Y)X[i]=Y[i]}for(i=0;i<M;)printf"%s%d",i%C?" ":"\n",
