Oracle Financials GL Import - oracle

I'm working on importing data from our application into Oracle Financials GL.
It seems simple with the GL_INTERFACE table, and many resources online, but I don't seem to understand it.
A powerpoint presentation
An import API
I'm looking for a simple way to post a transaction of $X on a specific date, between 2 or more accounts. I'm terrified of incorrectly posting anything in the GL.

You may find some suitable documentation at the Oracle Integration Repository. From the site:
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the numerous service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner.
It does, however, require you to register an account (free). Once you're in, it should be found under the "Financials" category.


Export list of service connections from Oracle Service Bus in order to create a service model in EA

We have a complex landscape of web services on Oracle Service Bus (latest release). We use JDeveloper to maintain it and we are going to use Enterprise Architect (SparxSystems) to model it. Currently, we only have MS Visio drawings. To make sure our model matches with reality, we would like to have a list of services and service connections exported from the OSB. It would be sufficient to have a list of connections (i.e. which services call which other services) in any format, but it would be great to be able to import this information into Enterprise Architect. Is this possible?
Instead of using JDeveloper, I would suggest to query the Service Bus runtime with the Java API. The API documentation gives samples how to connect and retrieve service configuration, see the Querying resources paragraph when following the link above.
You can list all proxy services and the business services they call, i.e. get their dependencies. In addition you can obtain other service information, which can be handy in the EA model.

Oracle API: What APIs are used for the oracle iExpense application

I am trying to find out what API's are used for the iExpense application when creating an expense report. I tried looking for these online but no luck. I wish to use these APIs in my mobile application.
Can anyone suggest ways to find out the same
Oracle iExpense is a part of the whole Oracle Application suit of products i.e. an ERP. I don't think you would find an iExpense API anywhere other than on an existing licensed installation of Oracle Apps where iExpense is being used. Even if you find one, you would end up writing your own API with the logics driven off of the base API's in iExpense.

Data exchange between two Organization in MS CRM

Is there any way through which I can exchange data between two organization.
I want to do my coding in Plugin only. Can we write a code in plugin by which it accesses/manipulates the data of a different org through web services only and not directly hitting its database.
In know the orgs are different worker groups. Just wanted to know if its possible or if there is any other technique.
Thanks in advance.
The data for each CRM organisation is exposed via web services which differ slightly for CRM 2011 and CRM 4. The best thing to do is download the latest version of the SDK for the target platform as there are several examples in there for plugins and service based operations.
From your plugin you will be able to access the other organisation via this service and a connection to the service for the "local organisation in which the plugin is running will be available from the IExecutionContext parameter passed to your plugin. Any operations you carry out across both orgs will not be transactional though.
Also be sure to take a look at the sync and async options available for the plugins. If their use is appropriate for your scenario consider using an async plugin for the updates to the target org to minimise their effect on the source org.
Plug-ins will work. Hitting the database directly is actually not a supported model anyways. You can also think of using BizTalk as the middleware.

Reporting tables (state transition tables) for Websphere Process server

I am trying to find the necessary tables in Websphere Process Server to do some basic productivity reporting. I an completely UN-familiar with WPS, but I assume that there has to be a core set of tables that capture state transitions of workflows.
WPS flow data is managed internally by a DB2 Database, but i haven't seen any application that access directly to that data. WPS exposes a series of API's (EJB's, Web Services and RESTful Services) that allows applications to query WPS flow information but i don't think that approach is suitable for Reporting. More of that here:
What several companies does for Reporting and Monitoring is query WPS through IBM Websphere Business Monitor: it's a product designed to make reports about process instances in a very fancy way. It's a great product but it's also very expensive.
What are you trying to achieve by looking at the WPS database tables?
WPS tables should ideally be left alone. As suggested by Carlos look at the APIs exposed by WPS and use them for your purposes.
The database - "how it is used internally to store information" is not publicly exposed so you won't find a great deal of information. There is information available on the database views which you can query on:
I don't know the version of WPS that you are using. I am pointing you to the 6.2 docs. You should be able to locate them in 7.0 or what ever version you are using in your environment.
WB Monitor is a BAM tool that can be used for your BAM needs.

Applications that Integrate with Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management

I work with an engineering team that's built an enterprise-class web application. Currently, the application allows direct importing of business employees/users by uploading .csv files - but we're looking into alternative methods.
One alternative is somehow building an integration with Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Capital Management system. We have very little experience with Oracle products, has anyone attempted to integrate an application with PeopleSoft HCMS? Any advice/tips?
Oracle PeopleSoft allows several methods of integration including Web services (SOAP and, with PeopleTools 8.52, REST). The component is called Integration Broker.
I work with applications that have SOAP/REST services available and PeopleSoft sends web service calls to these applications to add/update users and other data. If you are able to build a web service and generate a WSDL, PeopleSoft can import that structure and use it to build the web service, however you will need PeopleSoft development in order to complete the integration.
Hope this helps
