Copy contents from host OS into Docker image without rebuilding image - image

I'm building a new image and copy contents from host OS folder D:\Programs\scrapy into it like so: docker build . -t scrapy
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN mkdir root
RUN cd root
RUN mkdir scrapy
COPY scrapy to /root/scrapy
Now when I add new contents to the host OS folder "D:\Programs\scrapy" I want to also add it to image folder "root/scrapy", but I DON'T want to build a completely new image (it takes quite a while).
So how can I keep the existing image and just overwrite the contents of the image folder "root/scrapy".
Also: I don't want to copy the new contents EACH time I run the container (so NOT at run-time), I just want to have a SEPARATE command to add more files to an existing image and then run a new container based on that image at another time.
I checked here: How to update source code without rebuilding image (but not sure if OP tries to do the same as me)
Checking What is the purpose of VOLUME in Dockerfile and docker --volume format for Windows
I tried the commands below, all resulting in error:
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: ''. See 'docker run --help'.
Where <pathiused> is for example D:/Programs/scrapy:/root/scrapy
docker run -v //D/Programs/scrapy:/root/scrapy scrapy
docker run -v scrapy:/root/scrapy scrapy
docker run -it -v //D/Programs/scrapy:/root/scrapy scrapy
docker run -it -v scrapy:/root/scrapy scrapy
UPDATE WITH cp command based on #Makariy's feedback
docker images -a gives:
scrapy latest e35e03c8cbbd 29 hours ago 5.71GB
<none> <none> 2089ad178feb 29 hours ago 5.71GB
<none> <none> 6162a0bec2fc 29 hours ago 5.7GB
<none> <none> 116a0c593544 29 hours ago 5.7GB ltsc2019 d1724c2d9a84 5 weeks ago 5.7GB
I run docker run -it scrapy and then docker container ls which gives:
1fcda458a14c scrapy "c:\\windows\\system32…" About a minute ago Up About a minute thirsty_bassi
If I run docker cp D:\Programs\scrapy scrapy:/root/scrapy I get:
Error: No such container:path: scrapy:\root
So in a separate PowerShell instance I then run docker cp D:\Programs\scrapy thirsty_bassi:/root/scrapy whichs show no output in PowerShell whatsoever, so I think it should've done something.
But then in my container instance when I goto /root/scrapy folder I only see the files that were already added when the image was built, not the new ones I wanted to add.
Also, I think I'm adding files to the container here, but is there no way to add it to the image instead? Without rebuilding the whole image?
My folder structure:
PS D:\Programs>docker build . -t scrapybase
Successfully built 95676d084e28
Successfully tagged scrapybase:latest
PS D:\Programs\image_addons> docker build -t scrapy .
Step 2/2 : COPY scrapy to /root/scrapy
COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat to: file does not exist
Dockerfile A
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
WORKDIR /root/scrapy
Dockerfile B
FROM scrapybase
COPY scrapy to /root/scrapy

You also can use docker cp, to manually copy files from your host to running container
docker cp ./path/to/file containername:/another/path

answer if you want it quick and dirty
docker run -it -v c:/programs/test:/root/test ubuntu:latest cat /root/test/myTestFile.txt
to update one file quickly:
If you don't have to build your code (I don't know what language you are using) you can build some base image with the initial code and when you want to change only one file (again I'm assuming you don't need to compile your project again for that, otherwise if you do that is not possible to due the nature of compiled programming language):
FROM previous-version-image:latest
COPY myfile dest/to/file
then because your CMD and ENTRYPOINT are saved from the previous stages no need to declare them. (if you don't remember use docker history <docker-image-name> to view virtual dockerfile for image to this stage).
Notice though not to repetitively use this method or you'll get a very big image with many useless layers. Use this only for quick testing and debugging.
Usually people use it for frontend development on docker containers but the basic idea persists, you create the basic working image with the dependencies installed and the directory layout setup with the last Dockerfile command being the development server start command.
# pull the base image
FROM node:slim
# set the working directory
# add `/app/node_modules/.bin` to $PATH
ENV PATH /app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
# copy dependencies files
COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
# install app dependencies
RUN npm install
# add app
COPY . ./
# start development server
CMD ["npm", "start"]
startup command:
docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}:/app \ <mount current working directory in host to container in path /app>
-v /app/node_modules \ <or other dependency directory if exists>
-p 80:3000 \ <ports if needs exposing>
I'm not sure if that use case will 100% work for you because it needs the code to be mounted using bind-mount all the time and when needed to be exported will have to be exported as the image and the source code directory, on the other hand, it allows you to make quick changes without waiting for the image to be built each time you add something new and in the end build the final image that contains all that's needed.
more relatable example to question provided code:
As you can see there is a file on the host machine that contains some text
the command that uses bind-mount to have access to the file:
docker run -it -v c:/programs/test:/root/test ubuntu:latest cat /root/test/myTestFile.txt
hope you find something that works for you from what I've provided here.
thanks to this tutorial and this example for starting examples and information.
Let's say your original Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM python:latest
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD python /app/
This will build your initial image on top of we'll add layers and change the python files.
The next Dockerfile we'd use (let's call it Dockerfile.fix file) would copy the file we want to change instead of the ones already in the image
FROM previous-image-name
Now with after building with this Dockerfile the final image Dockerfile would look (sort of) like so:
FROM python:latest
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD python /app/
FROM previous-image-name
And each time we'll want to change the file we'll use the second Dockerfile

There's no way you can change a Docker image without (at least partially) rebuilding it. But you don't have to rebuild all of it, you can just rebuild the layer copying your scrapy content.
You can optimize your build to have two images:
First image is your static image you don't want to rebuild each time. Let's call it scrapy-base.
Second and final image is based on first image scrapy-base and will only exist for the purpose of copying your dynamic scrapy content
scrapy-base's Dockerfile:
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN mkdir root
RUN cd root
RUN mkdir scrapy
And build it like:
docker build -t scrapy-base .
This command only needs to be run once. You won't have to build this image if you only change the content of local scrapy folder. (as you can see, the build does not use it at all)
scrapy's Dockerfile:
FROM scrapy-base
COPY scrapy /root/scrapy
With build command:
docker build -t scrapy .
This second build command will re-use the previous static image and only copy content without having to rebuild the entire image. Even with lots of files it should be pretty quick. You don't need to have a running container.

For your scenario :
docker run -v D:/test:/root/test your-image
A lots of valuable details available in this thread


Docker image error: The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists

I created a docker image using a script. The docker image got created successfully but when I am trying to run on the browser, I get the following message
I tried to resolve the error using webapps but it is popping up the same message.
It is happening probably because the directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps is empty. as you can see in the description in the Docker Hub official image:
You can then go to http://localhost:8888 or http://host-ip:8888 in a browser (noting that it will return a 404 since there are no webapps loaded by default).
To solve that, you can just create a new image and copy and paste what you want inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.
For example, you can find inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist files of the tomcat webapp manager. If you try to see what is that you can run:
$ docker run -it tomcat:10 ls /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist
ROOT docs examples host-manager manager
Now that you know what is inside of the folder /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist, create your own Dockerfile and copy and paste this folder to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps:
FROM tomcat
RUN cp -R /usr/local/tomcat/webapps.dist/* /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
CMD ["", "run"]
Build the image:
$ docker build . -t custom-tomcat
Execute the image:
$ docker run -d -P custom-tomcat
Check the port opened:
$ docker ps
58390eab3fec custom-tomcat " run" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>8080/tcp, :::49163->8080/tcp lucid_joliot
Open your browser and check if it works:

Running a Docker image on Windows 10 using a Makefile

I apologize if this a silly question but when I type inside PowerShell of Window 10:
docker run -it -v C:\Users\Bob\Documents\test:/usr/python -w /usr/python
It works just fine and I receive the following prompt:
To avoid repeating the command over and over, I build a makefile that has the following command
docker run -it -v C:\Users\Bob\Documents\test:/usr/python -w /usr/python bob/python
when I try to execute
make docker
I receive the following error
PS C:\Users\Bob\documents\test> make docker
docker run -it -v C:\Users\Bob\Documents\test:/usr/python -w /usr/python
c:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from
daemon: the working directory 'C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/python' i
s invalid, it needs to be an absolute path.
See 'c:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.
make.exe": *** [docker] Error 125
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
You do not have to use a Makefile. Docker compose is what you are looking for.
In brief, you need to create a docker-compose.yml file and inside it describe all the desired steps. I am not aware of your full setup but I will try to provide a skeleton for your docker-compose file.
version: '3.7'(depends on your docker engine version)
python_service(add a name of your choice):
build: build/ (The path of image's Dockerfile)
- C:\Users\Bob\Documents\test:/usr/python
working_dir: /usr/python
In the snippet above:
-v flag replaced with volumes section
-w flag replced with working_dir section
How to use:
Now that your docker-compose file is ready, you need to use it. So you do not need to remember/repeat the docker run command, you will simple execute docker-compose up in the directory where your compose file is located and you will have your container up and running.
Note that this is a simple example on how to use docker-compose. It is a powerful feature allowing to start containers from multiple images, creating networks and much more. I would recommend you to read the official documentation for additional information.

docker-compose up with volumes "no such file or directory"

I'm a beginner in working with docker especially docker compose. Currently, creation my initial easy docker environment, I run into the first error and I've no clue why.
I tried to search for a solution in stackoverflow but found nothing that could help me.
Starting my docker with "docker-compose up" I get the following error:
$ docker-compose up
Removing errorinstance_app_1
Recreating 8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_errorinstance_app_1 ...
Recreating 8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_errorinstance_app_1 ... error
ERROR: for 8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_8a358dfcb306_errorinstance_app_1 Cannot start service app: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "exec: \"./\": stat ./ no such file or directory"
ERROR: for app Cannot start service app: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused "exec: \"./\": stat ./ no such file or directory"
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
So. Following my folder structure:
Following my docker-compose.yml:
version: '2'
dockerfile: ./Docker/Java/Dockerfile
context: .
- ./src:/usr/local/etc/
working_dir: /usr/local/etc/
command: ./
And following my docker file:
FROM java:7-jdk-alpine
# WORKDIR /usr/local/etc
echo "Hello world."
Yes, I know that I could do that solution only in a docker-compose file. But in the future I need to extend the Dockerfile.
Can someone help me respectively does anyone see the issue?
The problem is with the base docker image you are using in dockerfile:
FROM java:7-jdk-alpine
You are trying to start container by running bash script. But the above image doesn't support bash itself
For reference, you can see the documentation of above image in docker hub page here. Quoting the necessary portion here:
To minimize image size, it's uncommon for additional related tools
(such as git or bash) to be included in Alpine-based images. Using
this image as a base, add the things you need in your own Dockerfile
(see the alpine image description for examples of how to install
packages if you are unfamiliar).
That's about the problem.
Now, I can think of 2 solutions:
Just use java:7-jdk as base image instead of java:7-jdk-alpine
Install bash on top of the base image java:7-jdk-alpine by changing dockerfile to:
FROM java:7-jdk-alpine
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash
#WORKDIR /usr/local/etc
*source of steps to install bash in alpine linux is here
It looks like docker compose can't find your file. This file needs to be included in your docker image.
Change your Dockerfile to the following, then rebuild the image with docker build -t <YOUR_IMAGE_NAME> ..
FROM java:7-jdk-alpine
ADD /usr/local/etc/
Once your image is rebuilt, run docker-compose up again.
The easiest way to tackle the problem is to execute a bash session in the container, then inside the container, you have to check if the file exists in the
indicated path if the file is not in the path, it must be included when you create the image into the docker file or through a volume inside de docker-compose.
Another thing to check is the relative path you are using. It will be clear when you check the existence of the file inside de docker container
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME bash
I recommend you to create a volume in the docker compose file, as it is the easier way, and also the best way.
there is a question that I want to do you, why are you putting the Dockerfile file inside a Java path?
It is not a good idea o guideline to follow
The correct way is to put your dockerfile file into an environment folder, in such a way the dockerfile file is not related to the java source of your application
I got this Error quite a lot and after a lot of investigation, it looked like some images were corrupted.
Deleting those and rebuilding solve the problem. It was not docker installation or configuration itself.

How to load a Docker image from a tar file

I have installed Docker for Windows. I have downloaded HDP_2.5_docker.tar from which is a 10 GB file.
How can I load an image tar file? I have tried this command:
docker import HDP_2.5_docker.tar
You can use docker load
Usage: docker load [OPTIONS]
Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
Git bash console:
docker load < HDP_2.5_docker.tar
Windows cmd:
docker load -i windowsservercore.tar
Firstly, put the tar file under your user folder: i.e: C:\Users\yourName\xxx.tar
Secondly, run the Docker load CMD:
docker load -i xxx.tar
After it is done, we could see the file is loaded as Docker images by running CMD:
docker images
you can do:
docker image import file.tar images_name:image_tag
Load the desired docker file, assuming you are in the same directory as the tar file, you can use -
$ docker load -i filename.tar
On successful import, you will see a success message along with the image ID
Check in the docker images for the image ID that you just received:
docker images
You will see the docker loaded successfully in the docker images list. However, there is one thing worth mentioning in case you might get confused; the date reflected in the command output might reflect the date when docker is created. Assuming, docker got created 5 days ago then the same will be shown in the output. Better way to confirm if your docker is loaded or not is to check for the image ID or repo and tag name (if you know).
You can finally run the docker using the command -
$ docker run -it image-ID

Cannot write into ~/.m2 in docker maven container

Why aren't files written in /root/.m2 in the maven3 docker image persistent during the build?
A simple dockerfile:
FROM maven:3-jdk-8
RUN touch /root/.m2/testfilehere && ls -a /root/.m2
RUN ls -a /root/.m2
CMD ["bash"]
Produces the following output.
$ docker build -t test --no-cache .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 1 : FROM maven:3-jdk-8
---> 42e3884987fb
Step 2 : RUN touch /root/.m2/testfilehere && ls -a /root/.m2
---> Running in 1c1dc5e9f082
---> 3da352119c4d
Removing intermediate container 1c1dc5e9f082
Step 3 : RUN ls -a /root/.m2
---> Running in df506db8c1dd
---> d07cc155b20e
Removing intermediate container df506db8c1dd
Step 4 : RUN stat /root/.m2/testfilehere
---> Running in af44f30aafe5
stat: cannot stat ‘/root/.m2/testfilehere’: No such file or directory
The command '/bin/sh -c stat /root/.m2/testfilehere' returned a non-zero code: 1
The file created at the first command is gone when the intermmediate container exists.
Also, this does not happen in the ubuntu image, just maven.
edit: using ADD hostfile /root/.m2/containerfile does work as a workaround, but is not what I want.
the maven docker image has an entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
On container started, entrypoint copy files from /usr/share/maven/ref into ${MAVEN_CONFIG} and erase your file
You can see script executed on startup by following this link
That's because /root/.m2 is defined as a VOLUME in the image. When a container runs with a volume, the volume storage is not part of the UnionFS - so its data is not stored in the container's writable layer:
A data volume is a specially-designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System.
The first RUN command creates a file in the volume, but that's in an intermediary container with its own volume. The file isn't saved to the image layer because it's in a volume.
The second RUN command is running in a new intermediary container which has its own volume. There's no content in the volume from the base image, so the volume is empty in the new container.
If you want to pre-populate the volume with data, you need to do it in the Dockerfile as you've seen.
There is a documentation for this in Docker Maven:
COPY settings.xml /usr/share/maven/ref/
After you run your Docker image, the settings.xml will appear in /root/.m2.
