How to access the 'Comment' property of a fusion clip from a script on a tool inside that clip - davinci

In brief, how can I reference the 'Comment' property of a fusion clip from a script inside the clip. I imagine something like self.clip.comment perhaps.
In detail, I have added a HorizontalLineReveal to a composition. I want to set the text based on a text file. I have added a script to 'Start Render Scripts' in the uppertext_1_1_1 tool in the HorizontalLineReveal group that reads the text file and writes the value into the Text field. That all works.
However I want to be able to change the name of that file easily. So I thought I could put the text file name in the Comment field of the clip in the timeline and look at the Comment to get the filename. However I don't know how to reference the clip object or the property from the 'Start Render Scripts'.


Injecting VBA As Text Into A PowerPoint Presentation

I think the answer to this will be "no" but it doesn't hurt to ask - and get people thinking.
I'd like to be able to programmatically add VBA as a text string to a PowerPoint presentation I'm creating with python-pptx.
I know I can confect the XML to create a button that, when clicked, runs a macro that already exists in the .pptm file.
Because the macro is stored compiled I don't think I can inject it as text programmatically. (I checked the format of a .pptm file with a "Hello World" macro in and there is an extra file in it with non-text material in.)
I also don't know if I can write a .pptm (macro-enabled .pptx) file with python-pptx.
So, Has anyone experimented with this?
The best I think I might be able to do - in md2pptx - is allow the user to add buttons that call pre-existing macros in the template file when clicked on. Unless the user builds their own template file off one I supply I don't think that enables me to add general function (such as deleting the first slide or note taking).

How can I get a reference to the currently selected text in keynote into a variable in applescript

I would really like to drop MS Office and switch to the Apple apps but I have some applescripts for powerpoint that I need to replace. I need to do things like change the font or the opacity of the currently SELECTED text. I can't figure out how to get access to the selected text so that I can change its attributes.
Help would be appreciated.
For PowerPoint: the text range property, of the selection object, has a property called font that includes a transparency property described as a real number.
For Keynote: the slide object inherits from iWork container that contains text items that have an opacity property described as a percent.
I got this from the respective application dictionaries.
Upon further review based on comments, there does not seem to be an indicator in the Keynote app that delivers the currently selected object of a container (shape, text object, etc.) automagically.
What I'm thinking is that you could send the menu events to perform a copy of whatever is selected and then iterate through the properties and contained objects of the slide to find a match. This is ugly but I am at a loss otherwise.

Qtruby ListWidgetItem has blank icon after adding data

I am working on a GUI using qtruby. I have a ListWidget that I am filling with ListWidgetItems. So far these have just contained the text that I wanted to display and everything worked fine. I wanted these items to also hold some hidden data to use when they are clicked on. I used ListWidgetItem.setData() to set the data and I can get the data from it when it is clicked just fine. However once I add the data the text being displayed is now shifted over to the right about 4 spaces. When I click on it a little dotted box appears around the text but not the space that was added. It looks like it is a space for an icon but I have not set any icon and I don't want one. How do I get rid of this extra space so that items containing data are lined up with everything?
The code is very straight forward:
item = #grain_strings[index] )
item.setFont( #font )
# TODO this is causing the text to be indented, removing it removes the indent
item.setData( 1, Qt::Variant.from_value( grain.type ) )
#item_list.insertItem( #end_of_grains+1, item )
The first argument to setData is the role number and for some reason you chose to set it to 1. The documentation says: "The data to be rendered as a decoration in the form of an icon. (QColor, QIcon or QPixmap)". So you are telling Qt to display an icon but you are not giving it a valid icon object.
Try setting the role to Qt::UserRole, which is "The first role that can be used for application-specific purposes." I am not sure how to access that constant from Ruby. If it is not provided by the qtruby gem, you could use 0x100 I suppose.

Replacing form controls in vb6

We have an in house button control, and quite frankly it sucks. I'd like to replace it but I don't want to go onto every form in our project and delete/add a new control. It seems to me that if I design a new button that has all the same properties as the old one then I ought to be able to give it the same name as the old one and just replace all the reference lines in the vbp files to point to the new control.
Has anyone tried this (better yet have you heard of a tool that will do it for you) and if so what 'gotchas' should I be on the look out for?
The *.vbp files are one place you'll need to change. There are also references to the used control libraries in the files containing GUIs -- that's form (*.frm), control (*.ctl), and property page (*.pag) files. These files are in a plain text format and you can see the references at the top. They look like this:
Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx"
Those refs will need to be added or updated in all relevant files if the new control is a compiled OCX. If it's in the same project I don't think it needs any reference there, and if it's in a different project in the same project group I'm not sure. Save a test form with the new control to see.
Note that you don't have to keep the same control class name. Inside the *.frm/ctl/pag files, instances of individual controls on them are represented by a simple format like this:
Begin VB.CommandButton Command2
Caption = "Cancel"
Height = 375
Left = 2460
TabIndex = 1
Top = 2400
Width = 1455
The syntax of the first line there is "Begin LibraryOrProjectName.ClassName NameOfThisInstance". So, provided the offending control's name is distinctive it should be easy to search & replace references to it both in the BASIC source and in the GUI layouts. You might want a plain text editor that can perform search and replace across multiple files (Notepad++ is one).
Some control properties are stored like this:
Picture = "frmMain.frx":292F
These correspond to the *.frx, *.ctx, and *.pgx files, which contain binary data for the values of certain control properties. I don't think these files should need altering or cause any problems. They don't appear to contain control names.
Use a full compile (Ctrl+F5) to be sure no problems linger in parts of the source afterward.
Never tried it. Good luck.
There is only one tip to be added to the accepted answer.
If you need to replace any generic VB control with 3rd party or custom ActiveX control you must replace the:
BeginProperty Font
BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
Omiting to do so results with run-time error 713 when trying to edit/open the form.
If there is no BeginProperty statement in the block then control uses default font and this replacement is not needed.
An additional scenario to look for is if the classes in the OCX are referenced directly in code.
In other words, if the control class was ABCButton then you need to look for ABCButton in all .BAS and .CLS files as well, and make appropriate changes.

In matlab, how do you save a figure as an image in the same way as using "Save As..." in the figure window?

When saving a figure, what function does Matlab use? For example, when a user selects File > Save As... and then selects .png or another image format, what is going on behind the scenes?
I am asking because I am trying to automate saving, but when I use saveas or print, the resulting image is really pixelated. However, the image looks really good when I save the figure using the method described above.
What method should I use to save my figure from the command line? The actual method that the figure window uses would work, but if you guys have better solutions, I'd appricate it!
The callback for the "Save As..." menu item invokes the function FILEMENUFCN with the first input argument being the handle of the figure the menu is in and the second input argument being the string 'FileSaveAs'. If you have the figure handle stored in the variable hFigure, then the following command should be equivalent to clicking the "Save As..." menu item in that figure window:
>> filemenufcn(hFigure,'FileSaveAs');
A few notes...
The function FILEMENUFCN is only partially documented. You can do help filemenufcn in the command window, but there is no entry for it in the online documentation. In MATLAB 2009a, the function can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\matlab\uitools\filemenufcn.m
Looking through the function code, it appears that it ultimately calls either the function SAVEAS for .fig files or the function HGEXPORT (with additional input arguments) for other file types.
I was able to hunt down the callback for the "Save As..." menu item by searching through the children of the figure window and its menus. You can do this yourself by setting the root property 'ShowHiddenHandles' to 'on' and then traversing through the 'Children' properties of the figure window and its menus using the GET command. An alternative is to use the FINDALL command, assuming you know some properties of the objects you are looking for. For example, this will find the handle to the "File" menu for the current figure window:
>> hFileMenu = findall(gcf,'Label','&File');
And this will find the handle to the "Save As..." menu item and display its callback:
>> hSaveAs = findall(hFileMenu,'Label','Save &As...');
>> get(hSaveAs,'Callback')
ans =
I don't know about you, but for me the saved image looks nice.
Code example:
... create some figure ...
saveas(gcf, 'some_figure.png');
To set a user specified resolution use:
where SOMENUMBERis a parameter used for the resolution.
The final resolution is (SOMENUMBER*8) x (SOMENUMBER*6)
