Finding optimal subsequence in a path - algorithm

A path for the context of this question is a collection of points with integer coordinates v1, v2, v3 ... vn such that v1 is connected to v2, v2 is connected to v3 and so on. The path is non-cyclic and does not have any branches.(By v and u are connected it means that the absolute difference between their either x or y coordinate is equal to 1)
We say there is a possible segment between vi and vj if they follow some criteria which is irrelevant to this question.
ci represents the farthest point on the path in the forward direction such that there is a possible segment between vi and ci. (ci lies ahead of vi)
di represents the farthest point on the path in the backward direction such that there is a possible segment between vi and di. (vi lies ahead of di)
Note: If there is a possible segment between u and v then there is a possible segment between any of its sub segments.
The values of ci and di are already calculated for each i.
For each pair vi and vj there is a penalty associated which also has been calculated for each i and j.
A sequence in a path is a collection of points of the path u1, u2, u3 ... um (not necessarily connected) such that u1 = v1, um = vn and there is a possible segment between each ui and ui+1.
Number of segments in such a cycle is (m-1).
The problem is to find the most optimal sequence which is a sequence having minimum number of segments possible and of all the such possible sequences have minimum sum of penalties of consecutive points in that sequence.
This problem is solved in a program called potrace which I am trying to implement but that implementation uses cyclic paths while my program uses non-cyclic.
I also cannot understand how the potrace implementation below works in the first place.
In the implementation below clip0[i] represents ci and clip1[i] represents di.
In potrace implementation cyclic means v1 and vn are also connected in the path.
Source Line 575
Documentation 2.2.4
/* calculate seg0[j] = longest path from 0 with j segments */
i = 0;
for (j=0; i<n; j++) {
seg0[j] = i;
i = clip0[i];
seg0[j] = n;
m = j;
/* calculate seg1[j] = longest path to n with m-j segments */
i = n;
for (j=m; j>0; j--) {
seg1[j] = i;
i = clip1[i];
seg1[0] = 0;
/* now find the shortest path with m segments, based on penalty3 */
/* note: the outer 2 loops jointly have at most n iterations, thus
the worst-case behavior here is quadratic. In practice, it is
close to linear since the inner loop tends to be short. */
for (j=1; j<=m; j++) {
for (i=seg1[j]; i<=seg0[j]; i++) {
best = -1;
for (k=seg0[j-1]; k>=clip1[i]; k--) {
thispen = penalty3(pp, k, i) + pen[k];
if (best < 0 || thispen < best) {
prev[i] = k;
best = thispen;
pen[i] = best;
pp->m = m;
SAFE_CALLOC(pp->po, m, int); // output
/* read off shortest path */
for (i=n, j=m-1; i>0; j--) {
i = prev[i];
pp->po[j] = i;
A sample input can be this.
So when I implemented the same code for my case the last loop was breaking the code, the index value j was either becoming negative (without self looping) or i = prev[i] was self looping.
The penalty values are positive.
I coded vaguely the Dijkstra's algorithm and it seems to be working.
I am providing my relevant bit of code below.
using Weight = std::pair<int, float>;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, Weight>>> graph;
/*This takes O(n^2).*/
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int j = clip1[i]; j <= clip0[i]; ++j) {
float pen = calculatePenalty(index, i, j);
graph[i].emplace_back(j, Weight(1, pen));
graph[j].emplace_back(i, Weight(1, pen));
std::vector<bool> vis(n, false);
std::vector<Weight> dist(n, {10e5 + 1, 0.0f});
std::vector<int> prev(n, 0);
dist[0] = {0, 0.0f};
std::multiset<std::pair<Weight, int>> set;
set.insert({{0, 0.0f}, 0});
while (!set.empty()) {
auto p = *set.begin();
int x = p.second;
Weight w0 = p.first;
if (vis[x]) continue;
vis[x] = true;
for (auto v : graph[x]) {
int e = v.first;
Weight w = v.second;
Weight w_ = {dist[x].first + w.first, dist[x].second + w.second};
if (w_ < dist[e]) {
prev[e] = x;
dist[e] = w_;
set.insert({dist[e], e});
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0;) {
i = prev[i];
If there are any errors in the above code then please correct it.
I think a number of improvements can be made in the above code.
The initialization of the graph itself has O(n^2) complexity. There should be an alternative way to do this part or the whole part.
Its also not so compact as the potrace counter part. A more compact implementation with better time complexity seems possible. If someone could provide some pseudocode in that direction than that would be appreciated.
Also in the potrace implementation it seems that the number of segments is precisely m. But when I compute m in my case and compare it with seg.size() - 1, it is not equal. (It is both greater and less in different cases but not by a large margin.)

The problem you're describing is the (single-source single-destination) shortest-path problem, where an edge's weight is (1, penalty) (and weights are summed elementwise and ordered lexically, so minimizing number of edges is first priority and minimizing total penalty is second priority). You can solve this problem in near-linear time with Dijkstra's algorithm if all your penalties are positive (or zero). In this case, you can prove that the shortest path will never repeat any vertices.
potrace's implementation looks roughly like Bellman-Ford's algorithm (in dynamic programming interpretation), which is a good approach if you have a mixture of positive and negative penalties (but unnecessarily slow if you have only positive penalties). In this case, the shortest path might repeat vertices, but when that happens, the path will actually repeat some vertices (a negative-weight cycle) infinitely many times, which is probably not what you want.


How to find all nodes distance k away from each other in directed graph (exploring every edge in a graph)?

I am working on a problem where I need to find all nodes at distance k from each other. So if k=3, then I need to find all nodes where they are connected by a path of distance 3. There are no self edges so if i has an edge pointing to s, s can't point back to i directly. I think I thought of two implementations here, both involving BFS. I noticed an edge case where BFS might not visit all edges because nodes might already be visited.
Do BFS at each node. Keep track of the "level" of each node in some array, where distance[0] is the root node, distance1 is all nodes adjacent to the root node, distance[2] are all nodes that are grandchildren of the root node and so on. Then to find all nodes at distance k we look at distance[i] and distance[i+k].
Do BFS once, using the same distance algorithm as above, but don't do BFS at each node. Reverse all of the edges and do BFS again to find any missed paths. This would have a much better time complexity than approach 1, but I am not sure if it would actually explore every edge and path (in my test cases it seemed to).
Is there a better approach to this? As an example in this graph with k = 2:
The paths would be 1 to 3, 1 to 5, 2 to 6, 2 to 5, 4 to 3, 1 to 4.
EDIT: The reversal of edges won't work, my current best bet is just do a BFS and then a DFS at each node until a depth of k is reached.
You may consider a basic adjacentry matrix M in which elements are not a 0 or 1 in order to indicate a connection but instead they hold the available paths of size k.
for 2->5 you would store M(2,5) = {1,2} (because there exists a path of length 1 and of length 2 between node 2 and 5)
let a and b two elems of M
a * b is defined as:
ab_res = {} //a set without duplicates
for all size i in a
for all size j in b
s = i+j
append(s) to ab_res
a + b is defined as:
ab_res = {}
for all size i in a
append(i) to ab_res
for all size j in a
append(j) to ab_res
This approach allows not to recompute paths of inferior size. It would work with cycles as well.
Below an unoptimized version to illustrate algorithm.
const pathk = 2;
let G = {
//init M
let M = Array(6).fill(0).map(x=>Array(6).fill(0).map(y=>new Set));
M[m-1][to-1] = new Set([1]);
function add(sums){
let arr = sums.flatMap(s=>[...s]);
return new Set(arr);
function times(a,b){
let s = new Set;
return s;
function prod(a,b, pathk){
//the GOOD OL ugly matrix product :)
const n = a.length;
let M = Array(6).fill(0).map(x=>Array(6).fill(0).map(y=>new Set));
for(let bcol = 0; bcol<n; ++bcol){
let sum = [];
for(let k = 0; k<n; ++k){
sum.push( times(a[i][k], b[k][bcol]) );
M[i][bcol] = add(sum);
console.log('got it ', i+1, bcol+1);
return M;
//note that
//1. you can do exponentiation to fasten stuff
//2. you can discard elems in the set if they equal k (or more...)
//3. you may consider operating the product on an adjency list to save computation time & memory..
let Mi =>>new Set([...x])));//copy
for(let i = 1; i<=pathk; ++i){
Mi = prod(Mi,M, pathk);

Divide N cake to M people with minimum wastes

So here is the question:
In a party there are n different-flavored cakes of volume V1, V2, V3 ... Vn each. Need to divide them into K people present in the party such that
All members of party get equal volume of cake (say V, which is the solution we are looking for)
Each member should get a cake of single flavour only (you cannot distribute parts of different flavored cakes to a member).
Some volume of cake will be wasted after distribution, we want to minimize the waste; or, equivalently, we are after a maximum distribution policy
Given known condition that: if V is an optimal solution, then at least one cake, X, can be divided by V without any volume left, i.e., Vx mod V == 0
I am trying to look for a solution with best time complexity (brute force will do it, but I need a quicker way).
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
PS: It is not an assignment, it is an Interview question. Here is the pseducode for brute force:
int return_Max_volumn(List VolumnList)
maxVolumn = 0;
minimaxLeft = Integer.Max_value;
for (Volumn v: VolumnList)
for i = 1 to K people
targeVolumn = v/i;
NumberofpeoplecanGetcake = v1/targetVolumn +
v2/targetVolumn + ... + vn/targetVolumn
if (numberofPeopleCanGetcake >= k)
remainVolumn = (v1 mod targetVolumn) + (v2 mod targetVolumn)
+ (v3 mod targetVolumn + ... + (vn mod targetVolumn)
if (remainVolumn < minimaxLeft)
update maxVolumn to be targetVolumn;
update minimaxLeft to be remainVolumn
return maxVolumn
This is a somewhat classic programming-contest problem.
The answer is simple: do a basic binary search on volume V (the final answer).
(Note the title says M people, yet the problem description says K. I'll be using M)
Given a volume V during the search, you iterate through all of the cakes, calculating how many people each cake can "feed" with single-flavor slices (fed += floor(Vi/V)). If you reach M (or 'K') people "fed" before you're out of cakes, this means you can obviously also feed M people with any volume < V with whole single-flavor slices, by simply consuming the same amount of (smaller) slices from each cake. If you run out of cakes before reaching M slices, it means you cannot feed the people with any volume > V either, as that would consume even more cake than what you've already failed with. This satisfies the condition for a binary search, which will lead you to the highest volume V of single-flavor slices that can be given to M people.
The complexity is O(n * log((sum(Vi)/m)/eps) ). Breakdown: the binary search takes log((sum(Vi)/m)/eps) iterations, considering the upper bound of sum(Vi)/m cake for each person (when all the cakes get consumed perfectly). At each iteration, you have to pass through at most all N cakes. eps is the precision of your search and should be set low enough, no higher than the minimum non-zero difference between the volume of two cakes, divided by M*2, so as to guarantee a correct answer. Usually you can just set it to an absolute precision such as 1e-6 or 1e-9.
To speed things up for the average case, you should sort the cakes in decreasing order, such that when you are trying a large volume, you instantly discard all the trailing cakes with total volume < V (e.g. you have one cake of volume 10^6 followed by a bunch of cakes of volume 1.0. If you're testing a slice volume of 2.0, as soon as you reach the first cake of volume 1.0 you can already return that this run failed to provide M slices)
The search is actually done with floating point numbers, e.g.:
double mid, lo = 0, hi = sum(Vi)/people;
while(hi - lo > eps){
mid = (lo+hi)/2;
if(works(mid)) lo = mid;
else hi = mid;
final_V = lo;
By the end, if you really need more precision than your chosen eps, you can simply take an extra O(n) step:
// (this step is exclusively to retrieve an exact answer from the final
// answer above, if a precision of 'eps' is not acceptable)
foreach (cake_volume vi){
int slices = round(vi/final_V);
double difference = abs(vi-(final_V*slices));
if(difference < best){
best = difference;
volume = vi;
denominator = slices;
// exact answer is volume/denominator
Here's the approach I would consider:
Let's assume that all of our cakes are sorted in the order of non-decreasing size, meaning that Vn is the largest cake and V1 is the smallest cake.
Generate the first intermediate solution by dividing only the largest cake between all k people. I.e. V = Vn / k.
Immediately discard all cakes that are smaller than V - any intermediate solution that involves these cakes is guaranteed to be worse than our intermediate solution from step 1. Now we are left with cakes Vb, ..., Vn, where b is greater or equal to 1.
If all cakes got discarded except the biggest one, then we are done. V is the solution. END.
Since we have more than one cake left, let's improve our intermediate solution by redistributing some of the slices to the second biggest cake Vn-1, i.e. find the biggest value of V so that floor(Vn / V) + floor(Vn-1 / V) = k. This can be done by performing a binary search between the current value of V and the upper limit (Vn + Vn-1) / k, or by something more clever.
Again, just like we did on step 2, immediately discard all cakes that are smaller than V - any intermediate solution that involves these cakes is guaranteed to be worse than our intermediate solution from step 4.
If all cakes got discarded except the two biggest ones, then we are done. V is the solution. END.
Continue to involve the new "big" cakes in right-to-left direction, improve the intermediate solution, and continue to discard "small" cakes in left-to-right direction until all remaining cakes get used up.
P.S. The complexity of step 4 seems to be equivalent to the complexity of the entire problem, meaning that the above can be seen as an optimization approach, but not a real solution. Oh well, for what it is worth... :)
Here's one approach to a more efficient solution. Your brute force solution in essence generates an implicit of possible volumes, filters them by feasibility, and returns the largest. We can modify it slightly to materialize the list and sort it so that the first feasible solution found is the largest.
First task for you: find a way to produce the sorted list on demand. In other words, we should do O(n + m log n) work to generate the first m items.
Now, let's assume that the volumes appearing in the list are pairwise distinct. (We can remove this assumption later.) There's an interesting fact about how many people are served by the volume at position k. For example, with volumes 11, 13, 17 and 7 people, the list is 17, 13, 11, 17/2, 13/2, 17/3, 11/2, 13/3, 17/4, 11/3, 17/5, 13/4, 17/6, 11/4, 13/5, 17/7, 11/5, 13/6, 13/7, 11/6, 11/7.
Second task for you: simulate the brute force algorithm on this list. Exploit what you notice.
So here is the algorithm I thought it would work:
Sort the volumes from largest to smallest.
Divide the largest cake to 1...k people, i.e., target = volume[0]/i, where i = 1,2,3,4,...,k
If target would lead to total number of pieces greater than k, decrease the number i and try again.
Find the first number i that will result in total number of pieces greater than or equal to K but (i-1) will lead to a total number of cakes less than k. Record this volume as baseVolume.
For each remaining cake, find the smallest fraction of remaining volume divide by number of people, i.e., division = (V_cake - (baseVolume*(Math.floor(V_cake/baseVolume)) ) / Math.floor(V_cake/baseVolume)
Add this amount to the baseVolume(baseVolume += division) and recalculate the total pieces all volumes could divide. If the new volume result in less pieces, return previous value, otherwise, repeat step 6.
Here are the java codes:
public static int getKonLagestCake(Integer[] sortedVolumesList, int k) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = k; i >= 1; i--) {
double volumeDividedByLargestCake = (double) sortedVolumesList[0]
/ i;
int totalNumber = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(
sortedVolumesList, volumeDividedByLargestCake);
if (totalNumber < k) {
result = i + 1;
return result;
public static int totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(
Integer[] sortedVolumnsList, double givenVolumn) {
int totalNumber = 0;
for (int volume : sortedVolumnsList) {
totalNumber += (int) (volume / givenVolumn);
return totalNumber;
public static double getMaxVolume(int[] volumesList, int k) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i : volumesList) {
Collections.sort(list, Collections.reverseOrder());
Integer[] sortedVolumesList = new Integer[list.size()];
int previousValidK = getKonLagestCake(sortedVolumesList, k);
double baseVolume = (double) sortedVolumesList[0] / (double) previousValidK;
int totalNumberofCakeAvailable = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if (totalNumberofCakeAvailable == k) {
return baseVolume;
} else {
double minimumAmountAdded = minimumAmountAdded(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if(minimumAmountAdded == 0)
return baseVolume;
baseVolume += minimumAmountAdded;
int newTotalNumber = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if(newTotalNumber == k)
return baseVolume;
}else if (newTotalNumber < k)
return (baseVolume - minimumAmountAdded);
public static double minimumAmountAdded(Integer[] sortedVolumesList, double volume)
double mimumAdded = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(Integer i:sortedVolumesList)
int assignedPeople = (int)(i/volume);
if (assignedPeople == 0)
double leftPiece = (double)i - assignedPeople*volume;
if(leftPiece == 0)
double division = leftPiece / (double)assignedPeople;
if (division < mimumAdded)
mimumAdded = division;
if (mimumAdded == Double.MAX_VALUE)
return 0;
return mimumAdded;
Any Comments would be appreciated.

finding the position of a fraction in farey sequence

For finding the position of a fraction in farey sequence, i tried to implement the algorithm given here under "initial algorithm" but i can't understand where i'm going wrong, i am not getting the correct answers . Could someone please point out my mistake.
eg. for order n = 7 and fractions 1/7 ,1/6 i get same answers.
Here's what i've tried for given degree(n), and a fraction a/b:
int A[100000];
ans = sum/b;
Your algorithm doesn't use any particular properties of a and b. In the first part, every relevant entry of the array A is a multiple of a, but the factor is independent of a, b and n. Setting up the array ignoring the factor a, i.e. starting with A[1] = 1, A[i] = i-1 for 2 <= i <= n, after the nested loops, the array contains the totients, i.e. A[i] = phi(i), no matter what a, b, n are. The sum of the totients from 1 to n is the number of elements of the Farey sequence of order n (plus or minus 1, depending on which of 0/1 and 1/1 are included in the definition you use). So your answer is always the approximation (a*number of terms)/b, which is close but not exact.
I've not yet looked at how yours relates to the algorithm in the paper, check back for updates later.
Addendum: Finally had time to look at the paper. Your initialisation is not what they give. In their algorithm, A[q] is initialised to floor(x*q), for a rational x = a/b, the correct initialisation is
for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
A[i] = (a*i)/b;
in the remainder of your code, only ans = sum/b; has to be changed to ans = sum;.
A non-algorithmic way of finding the position t of a fraction in the Farey sequence of order n>1 is shown in Remark 7.10(ii)(a) of the paper, under m:=n-1, where mu-bar stands for the number-theoretic Mobius function on positive integers taking values from the set {-1,0,1}.
Here's my Java solution that works. Add head(0/1), tail(1/1) nodes to a SLL.
Then start by passing headNode,tailNode and setting required orderLevel.
public void generateSequence(Node leftNode, Node rightNode){
Fraction left = (Fraction) leftNode.getData();
Fraction right= (Fraction) rightNode.getData();
FractionNode midNode = null;
int midNum = left.getNum()+ right.getNum();
int midDenom = left.getDenom()+ right.getDenom();
if((midDenom <=getMaxLevel())){
Fraction middle = new Fraction(midNum,midDenom);
midNode = new FractionNode(middle);
if(midNode!= null){
generateSequence(leftNode, midNode);
}else if(!=null){

Find all chordless cycles in an undirected graph

How to find all chordless cycles in an undirected graph?
For example, given the graph
0 --- 1
| | \
| | \
4 --- 3 - 2
the algorithm should return 1-2-3 and 0-1-3-4, but never 0-1-2-3-4.
(Note: [1] This question is not the same as small cycle finding in a planar graph because the graph is not necessarily planar. [2] I have read the paper Generating all cycles, chordless cycles, and Hamiltonian cycles with the principle of exclusion but I don't understand what they're doing :). [3] I have tried CYPATH but the program only gives the count, algorithm EnumChordlessPath in readme.txt has significant typos, and the C code is a mess. [4] I am not trying to find an arbitrary set of fundametal cycles. Cycle basis can have chords.)
Assign numbers to nodes from 1 to n.
Pick the node number 1. Call it 'A'.
Enumerate pairs of links coming out of 'A'.
Pick one. Let's call the adjacent nodes 'B' and 'C' with B less than C.
If B and C are connected, then output the cycle ABC, return to step 3 and pick a different pair.
If B and C are not connected:
Enumerate all nodes connected to B. Suppose it's connected to D, E, and F. Create a list of vectors CABD, CABE, CABF. For each of these:
if the last node is connected to any internal node except C and B, discard the vector
if the last node is connected to C, output and discard
if it's not connected to either, create a new list of vectors, appending all nodes to which the last node is connected.
Repeat until you run out of vectors.
Repeat steps 3-5 with all pairs.
Remove node 1 and all links that lead to it. Pick the next node and go back to step 2.
Edit: and you can do away with one nested loop.
This seems to work at the first sight, there may be bugs, but you should get the idea:
void chordless_cycles(int* adjacency, int dim)
for(int i=0; i<dim-2; i++)
for(int j=i+1; j<dim-1; j++)
list<vector<int> > candidates;
for(int k=j+1; k<dim; k++)
cout << i+1 << " " << j+1 << " " << k+1 << endl;
vector<int> v;
vector<int> v = candidates.front();
int k = v.back();
for(int m=i+1; m<dim; m++)
if(find(v.begin(), v.end(), m) != v.end())
bool chord = false;
int n;
for(n=1; n<v.size()-1; n++)
chord = true;
for(n=0; n<v.size(); n++)
cout<<v[n]+1<<" ";
vector<int> w = v;
#aioobe has a point. Just find all the cycles and then exclude the non-chordless ones. This may be too inefficient, but the search space can be pruned along the way to reduce the inefficiencies. Here is a general algorithm:
void printChordlessCycles( ChordlessCycle path) {
System.out.println( path.toString() );
for( Node n : path.lastNode().neighbors() ) {
if( path.canAdd( n) ) {
path.add( n);
printChordlessCycles( path);
path.remove( n);
Graph g = loadGraph(...);
ChordlessCycle p = new ChordlessCycle();
for( Node n : g.getNodes()) {
printChordlessCycles( p);
p.remove( n);
class ChordlessCycle {
private CountedSet<Node> connected_nodes;
private List<Node> path;
public void add( Node n) {
for( Node neighbor : n.getNeighbors() ) {
connected_nodes.increment( neighbor);
path.add( n);
public void remove( Node n) {
for( Node neighbor : n.getNeighbors() ) {
connected_nodes.decrement( neighbor);
path.remove( n);
public boolean canAdd( Node n) {
return (connected_nodes.getCount( n) == 0);
Just a thought:
Let's say you are enumerating cycles on your example graph and you are starting from node 0.
If you do a breadth-first search for each given edge, e.g. 0 - 1, you reach a fork at 1. Then the cycles that reach 0 again first are chordless, and the rest are not and can be eliminated... at least I think this is the case.
Could you use an approach like this? Or is there a counterexample?
How about this. First, reduce the problem to finding all chordless cycles that pass through a given vertex A. Once you've found all of those, you can remove A from the graph, and repeat with another point until there's nothing left.
And how to find all the chordless cycles that pass through vertex A? Reduce this to finding all chordless paths from B to A, given a list of permitted vertices, and search either breadth-first or depth-first. Note that when iterating over the vertices reachable (in one step) from B, when you choose one of them you must remove all of the others from the list of permitted vertices (take special care when B=A, so as not to eliminate three-edge paths).
Find all cycles.
Definition of a chordless cycle is a set of points in which a subset cycle of those points don't exist. So, once you have all cycles problem is simply to eliminate cycles which do have a subset cycle.
For efficiency, for each cycle you find, loop through all existing cycles and verify that it is not a subset of another cycle or vice versa, and if so, eliminate the larger cycle.
Beyond that, only difficulty is figuring out how to write an algorithm that determines if a set is a subset of another.

Pixies in the custard swamp puzzle

(With thanks to Rich Bradshaw)
I'm looking for optimal strategies for the following puzzle.
As the new fairy king, it is your duty to map the kingdom's custard swamp.
The swamp is covered in an ethereal mist, with islands of custard scattered throughout.
You can send your pixies across the swamp, with instructions to fly low or high at each point.
If a pixie swoops down over a custard, it will be distracted and won't complete its sequence.
Since the mist is so thick, all you know is whether a pixie got to the other side or not.
In coding terms..
bool flutter( bool[size] swoop_map );
This returns whether a pixie exited for a given sequence of swoops.
The simplest way is to pass in sequences with only one swoop. That reveals all custard islands in 'size' tries.
I'd rather something proportional to the number of custards - but have problems with sequences like:
C......C (that is, custards at beginning and end)
Links to other forms of this puzzle would be welcome as well.
This makes me think of divide and conquer. Maybe something like this (this is slightly broken pseudocode. It may have fence-post errors and the like):
retval[size] check()
bool[size] retval = ALLFALSE;
bool[size] flut1 = ALLFALSE;
bool[size] flut2 = ALLFALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < size/2; ++i) flut1[i] = TRUE;
for (int i = size/2; i < size; ++i) flut2[i] = TRUE;
if (flutter(flut1)) retval[0..size/2] = <recurse>check
if (flutter(flut2)) retval[size/2..size] = <recurse>check
In plain English, it calls flutter on each half of the custard map. If any half returns false, that whole half has no custard. Otherwise, half of the half has the algorithm applied recursively. I'm not sure if it is possible to do better. However, this algorithm is kind of lame if the swamp is mostly custard.
Idea Two:
int itsize = 1
bool[size] retval = ALLFALSE;
for (int pos = 0; pos < size;)
bool[size] nextval = ALLFALSE;
for (int pos2 = pos; pos2 < pos + size && pos2 < size; ++pos2) nextval[pos2] = true;
bool flut = flutter(nextval)
if (!flut || itsize == 1)
for (int pos2 = pos; pos2 < pos + size && pos2 < size; ++pos2) retval[pos2] = flut;
if (flut) itsize = 1;
if (!flut) itsize*=2;
In plain English, it calls flutter on each element of the custard map, one at a time. If it does not find custard, the next call will be on twice as many elements as the previous call. This is kind of like binary search, except only in one direction since it does not know how many items it is searching for. I have no idea how efficient this is.
Brian's first divide and conquer algorithm is optimal in the following sense: there exists a constant C such that over all swamps with n squares and at most k custards, no algorithm has a worst case that is more than C times better than Brian's. Brian's algorithm uses O(k log(n/k)) flights, which is within a constant factor the information-theoretic lower bound of log2(n choose k) >= log2((n/k)^k) = k Omega(k log(n/k)). (You need an assumption like k <= n/2 to make the last step rigorous, but at this point, we've already reached the maximum of O(n) flights.)
Why does Brian's algorithm use only O(k log(n/k)) flights? At recursion depth i, it makes at most min(2^i, k) flights. The sum for 0 <= i <= log2(k) is O(k). The sum for log2(k) < i <= log2(n) is k (log2(n) - log2(k)) = k (log2(n/k)).
