Divide N cake to M people with minimum wastes - algorithm

So here is the question:
In a party there are n different-flavored cakes of volume V1, V2, V3 ... Vn each. Need to divide them into K people present in the party such that
All members of party get equal volume of cake (say V, which is the solution we are looking for)
Each member should get a cake of single flavour only (you cannot distribute parts of different flavored cakes to a member).
Some volume of cake will be wasted after distribution, we want to minimize the waste; or, equivalently, we are after a maximum distribution policy
Given known condition that: if V is an optimal solution, then at least one cake, X, can be divided by V without any volume left, i.e., Vx mod V == 0
I am trying to look for a solution with best time complexity (brute force will do it, but I need a quicker way).
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
PS: It is not an assignment, it is an Interview question. Here is the pseducode for brute force:
int return_Max_volumn(List VolumnList)
maxVolumn = 0;
minimaxLeft = Integer.Max_value;
for (Volumn v: VolumnList)
for i = 1 to K people
targeVolumn = v/i;
NumberofpeoplecanGetcake = v1/targetVolumn +
v2/targetVolumn + ... + vn/targetVolumn
if (numberofPeopleCanGetcake >= k)
remainVolumn = (v1 mod targetVolumn) + (v2 mod targetVolumn)
+ (v3 mod targetVolumn + ... + (vn mod targetVolumn)
if (remainVolumn < minimaxLeft)
update maxVolumn to be targetVolumn;
update minimaxLeft to be remainVolumn
return maxVolumn

This is a somewhat classic programming-contest problem.
The answer is simple: do a basic binary search on volume V (the final answer).
(Note the title says M people, yet the problem description says K. I'll be using M)
Given a volume V during the search, you iterate through all of the cakes, calculating how many people each cake can "feed" with single-flavor slices (fed += floor(Vi/V)). If you reach M (or 'K') people "fed" before you're out of cakes, this means you can obviously also feed M people with any volume < V with whole single-flavor slices, by simply consuming the same amount of (smaller) slices from each cake. If you run out of cakes before reaching M slices, it means you cannot feed the people with any volume > V either, as that would consume even more cake than what you've already failed with. This satisfies the condition for a binary search, which will lead you to the highest volume V of single-flavor slices that can be given to M people.
The complexity is O(n * log((sum(Vi)/m)/eps) ). Breakdown: the binary search takes log((sum(Vi)/m)/eps) iterations, considering the upper bound of sum(Vi)/m cake for each person (when all the cakes get consumed perfectly). At each iteration, you have to pass through at most all N cakes. eps is the precision of your search and should be set low enough, no higher than the minimum non-zero difference between the volume of two cakes, divided by M*2, so as to guarantee a correct answer. Usually you can just set it to an absolute precision such as 1e-6 or 1e-9.
To speed things up for the average case, you should sort the cakes in decreasing order, such that when you are trying a large volume, you instantly discard all the trailing cakes with total volume < V (e.g. you have one cake of volume 10^6 followed by a bunch of cakes of volume 1.0. If you're testing a slice volume of 2.0, as soon as you reach the first cake of volume 1.0 you can already return that this run failed to provide M slices)
The search is actually done with floating point numbers, e.g.:
double mid, lo = 0, hi = sum(Vi)/people;
while(hi - lo > eps){
mid = (lo+hi)/2;
if(works(mid)) lo = mid;
else hi = mid;
final_V = lo;
By the end, if you really need more precision than your chosen eps, you can simply take an extra O(n) step:
// (this step is exclusively to retrieve an exact answer from the final
// answer above, if a precision of 'eps' is not acceptable)
foreach (cake_volume vi){
int slices = round(vi/final_V);
double difference = abs(vi-(final_V*slices));
if(difference < best){
best = difference;
volume = vi;
denominator = slices;
// exact answer is volume/denominator

Here's the approach I would consider:
Let's assume that all of our cakes are sorted in the order of non-decreasing size, meaning that Vn is the largest cake and V1 is the smallest cake.
Generate the first intermediate solution by dividing only the largest cake between all k people. I.e. V = Vn / k.
Immediately discard all cakes that are smaller than V - any intermediate solution that involves these cakes is guaranteed to be worse than our intermediate solution from step 1. Now we are left with cakes Vb, ..., Vn, where b is greater or equal to 1.
If all cakes got discarded except the biggest one, then we are done. V is the solution. END.
Since we have more than one cake left, let's improve our intermediate solution by redistributing some of the slices to the second biggest cake Vn-1, i.e. find the biggest value of V so that floor(Vn / V) + floor(Vn-1 / V) = k. This can be done by performing a binary search between the current value of V and the upper limit (Vn + Vn-1) / k, or by something more clever.
Again, just like we did on step 2, immediately discard all cakes that are smaller than V - any intermediate solution that involves these cakes is guaranteed to be worse than our intermediate solution from step 4.
If all cakes got discarded except the two biggest ones, then we are done. V is the solution. END.
Continue to involve the new "big" cakes in right-to-left direction, improve the intermediate solution, and continue to discard "small" cakes in left-to-right direction until all remaining cakes get used up.
P.S. The complexity of step 4 seems to be equivalent to the complexity of the entire problem, meaning that the above can be seen as an optimization approach, but not a real solution. Oh well, for what it is worth... :)

Here's one approach to a more efficient solution. Your brute force solution in essence generates an implicit of possible volumes, filters them by feasibility, and returns the largest. We can modify it slightly to materialize the list and sort it so that the first feasible solution found is the largest.
First task for you: find a way to produce the sorted list on demand. In other words, we should do O(n + m log n) work to generate the first m items.
Now, let's assume that the volumes appearing in the list are pairwise distinct. (We can remove this assumption later.) There's an interesting fact about how many people are served by the volume at position k. For example, with volumes 11, 13, 17 and 7 people, the list is 17, 13, 11, 17/2, 13/2, 17/3, 11/2, 13/3, 17/4, 11/3, 17/5, 13/4, 17/6, 11/4, 13/5, 17/7, 11/5, 13/6, 13/7, 11/6, 11/7.
Second task for you: simulate the brute force algorithm on this list. Exploit what you notice.

So here is the algorithm I thought it would work:
Sort the volumes from largest to smallest.
Divide the largest cake to 1...k people, i.e., target = volume[0]/i, where i = 1,2,3,4,...,k
If target would lead to total number of pieces greater than k, decrease the number i and try again.
Find the first number i that will result in total number of pieces greater than or equal to K but (i-1) will lead to a total number of cakes less than k. Record this volume as baseVolume.
For each remaining cake, find the smallest fraction of remaining volume divide by number of people, i.e., division = (V_cake - (baseVolume*(Math.floor(V_cake/baseVolume)) ) / Math.floor(V_cake/baseVolume)
Add this amount to the baseVolume(baseVolume += division) and recalculate the total pieces all volumes could divide. If the new volume result in less pieces, return previous value, otherwise, repeat step 6.
Here are the java codes:
public static int getKonLagestCake(Integer[] sortedVolumesList, int k) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = k; i >= 1; i--) {
double volumeDividedByLargestCake = (double) sortedVolumesList[0]
/ i;
int totalNumber = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(
sortedVolumesList, volumeDividedByLargestCake);
if (totalNumber < k) {
result = i + 1;
return result;
public static int totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(
Integer[] sortedVolumnsList, double givenVolumn) {
int totalNumber = 0;
for (int volume : sortedVolumnsList) {
totalNumber += (int) (volume / givenVolumn);
return totalNumber;
public static double getMaxVolume(int[] volumesList, int k) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i : volumesList) {
Collections.sort(list, Collections.reverseOrder());
Integer[] sortedVolumesList = new Integer[list.size()];
int previousValidK = getKonLagestCake(sortedVolumesList, k);
double baseVolume = (double) sortedVolumesList[0] / (double) previousValidK;
int totalNumberofCakeAvailable = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if (totalNumberofCakeAvailable == k) {
return baseVolume;
} else {
double minimumAmountAdded = minimumAmountAdded(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if(minimumAmountAdded == 0)
return baseVolume;
baseVolume += minimumAmountAdded;
int newTotalNumber = totalNumberofCakeWithGivenVolumn(sortedVolumesList, baseVolume);
if(newTotalNumber == k)
return baseVolume;
}else if (newTotalNumber < k)
return (baseVolume - minimumAmountAdded);
public static double minimumAmountAdded(Integer[] sortedVolumesList, double volume)
double mimumAdded = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(Integer i:sortedVolumesList)
int assignedPeople = (int)(i/volume);
if (assignedPeople == 0)
double leftPiece = (double)i - assignedPeople*volume;
if(leftPiece == 0)
double division = leftPiece / (double)assignedPeople;
if (division < mimumAdded)
mimumAdded = division;
if (mimumAdded == Double.MAX_VALUE)
return 0;
return mimumAdded;
Any Comments would be appreciated.


Converting this recursive solution to DP

Given a stack of integers, players take turns at removing either 1, 2, or 3 numbers from the top of the stack. Assuming that the opponent plays optimally and you select first, I came up with the following recursion:
int score(int n) {
if (n <= 0) return 0;
if (n <= 3) {
return sum(v[0..n-1]);
// maximize over picking 1, 2, or 3 + value after opponent picks optimally
return max(v[n-1] + min(score(n-2), score(n-3), score(n-4)),
v[n-1] + v[n-2] + min(score(n-3), score(n-4), score(n-5)),
v[n-1] + v[n-2] + v[n-3] + min(score(n-4), score(n-5), score(n-6)));
Basically, at each level comparing the outcomes of selecting 1, 2, or 3 and then your opponent selecting either 1, 2, or 3.
I was wondering how I could convert this to a DP solution as it is clearly exponential. I was struggling with the fact that there seem to be 3 dimensions to it: num of your pick, num of opponent's pick, and sub problem size, i.e., it seems the best solution for table[p][o][n] would need to be maintained, where p is the number of values you choose, o is the number your opponent chooses and n is the size of the sub problem.
Do I actually need the 3 dimensions? I have seen this similar problem: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dynamic-programming-set-31-optimal-strategy-for-a-game/ , but couldn't seem to adapt it.
Here is way the problem can be converted into DP :-
score[i] = maximum{ sum[i] - score[i+1] , sum[i] - score[i+2] , sum[i] - score[i+3] }
Here score[i] means max score generated from game [i to n] where v[i] is top of stack. sum[i] is sum of all elements on the stack from i onwards. sum[i] can be evaluated using a separate DP in O(N). The above DP can be solved using table in O(N)
Edit :-
Following is a DP solution in JAVA :-
public class game {
static boolean play_game(int[] stack) {
return true;
int[] score = new int[stack.length];
int n = stack.length;
score[n-1] = stack[n-1];
score[n-2] = score[n-1]+stack[n-2];
score[n-3] = score[n-2]+stack[n-3];
int sum = score[n-3];
for(int i=n-4;i>=0;i--) {
sum = stack[i]+sum;
int min = Math.min(Math.min(score[i+1],score[i+2]),score[i+3]);
score[i] = sum-min;
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int[] stack = {12,1,7,99,3};
System.out.printf("I win => "+play_game(stack));
For getting a DP solution you need to visualize a problems solution in terms of the smaller instances of itself. For example in this case as both players are playing optimally , after the choice made by first one ,the second player also obtains an optimal score for remaining stack which the subproblem of the first one. The only problem here is that how represent it in a recurrence . To solve DP you must first define a recurrence relation in terms of subproblem which precedes the current problem in any way of computation. Now we know that whatever second player wins , first player loses so effectively first player gains total sum - score of second player. As second player as well plays optimally we can express the solution in terms of recursion.

Binary search is not efficient with traversal costs. What is?

Binary search let me down when I tried to apply it to the real world. The scenario is as follows.
I need to test the range of a device that communicates over radio.
Communication needs to occur quickly, but slow transmission is
tolerable, up to a point (say, about 3 minutes). I need to test
whether transmissions will be successful every 200 feet until failure, up to 1600
feet. Every 200 feet a test will be run which requires 3 minutes to
I naively assumed that a binary search would be the most efficient method of finding the failure point, but consider a travel speed of 200 ft/min and test time of 3 minutes. If failure to transmit occurs at 500 feet, binary search is not the most efficient means of finding the failure point, as shown below.
Simply walking along and testing every single point would have found the solution sooner, taking only 12 minutes, whereas binary search & testing would take 16 minutes.
My question: How do you calculate the most efficient path to the solution when traveling time matters? What is this called (e.g., binary-travel search, etc.)?
Binary search is indeed predicated on O(1) access times; there's little point binary searching a linked list, for example [but see Note 1], and that's essentially what you're doing, since you seem to be assuming that only discrete intervals are worth testing. If you were seeking a more accurate answer, you would find that the binary search allows an arbitrary precision, at the cost of one additional test per bit of precision.
Let's suppose you don't know even what the maximum value might be. Then you couldn't first test in the middle, since you wouldn't know where the middle was. Instead, you might do an exponential search for a limit (which is kind of a binary search inside out); you start by testing at x, then 2x, then 4x until you reach a point which is greater than the maximum (the signal doesn't reach that far). (x is the smallest answer you find interesting; in other words, if the first test at x shows the signal doesn't reach, you will then stop.) At the end of this phase, you'll be at 2ix, for some integer i, and you will know the answer is between 2i-1x and 2ix.
Now you can actually do the binary search, starting by going backwards by 2i-2x. From there, you might go either forwards or backwards, but you will definitely travel 2i-3x, and the next iteration you'll travel 2i-4x, and so on.
So in all, in the first phase (search for a maximum), you walked to 2ix, and did i tests. In the second phase, binary refinement, you walk a total of (2i-1-1)x and do i-1 tests. You'll end up at some point d which is between 2i-1 and 2i, so at worst you'll have walked 3d of the final point (and at best, you'll have walked 3d/2). The number of tests you will have done will be 2*ceil(log2(d/x)) - 1, which is within one test of 2*log2(d/x).
Under what circumstances should you do the binary search algorithm, then? Basically, it depends on the ratio of the travel time and the test time, and the desired precision of the answer. The simple sequential algorithm finds position d after d/x moves of size x and d/x tests; the binary search algorithm above finds position d after travelling at most 3d but doing only around 2 log(d/x) tests. Roughly speaking, if a test costs you more than twice the cost of travelling d/x, and the expected distance is sufficiently larger than the precision, you should prefer the binary search.
In your example, you appear to want the result with a precision of 200 feet; the travel time is 1 minute and the test time is 3 minutes, which is more than twice the travel time. So you should prefer the binary search, unless you expect that the answer will be found in a small number of multiples of the precision (as is the case). Note that although the binary algorithm uses four tests and 1000 feet of travel (compared with three tests and 600 feet for the sequential algorithm), improving the precision to 50 feet will only add four more tests and 150 feet of travel to the binary algorithm, while the sequential algorithm will require 20 tests.
Note 1: Actually, it might make sense to binary search a linked list, using precisely the above algorithm, if the cost of the test is high. Assuming the cost of the test is not proportional to the index in the list, the complexity of the search will be O(N) for both a lineary search and the binary search, but the binary search will do O(log N) tests and O(N) steps, while the sequential search will do O(N) tests and O(N) steps. For large enough N, this doesn't matter, but for real-world sized N it might matter a lot.
In reality, binary search can be applied here, but with several changes. We must calc not center, but an optimalPosition to visit.
int length = maxUnchecked - minChecked;
whereToGo = minChecked + (int)(length * factorIncrease) + stepIncrease;
Because we need find first position where communication failing, sometimes we must go back, after that can be optimal to use other strategy
int length = maxUnchecked - minChecked;
int whereToGo = 0;
if ( increase )
whereToGo = minChecked + (int)(length * factorIncrease) + stepIncrease;
whereToGo = minChecked + (int)(length * factorDecrease) + stepDecrease;
So, our task - to figure out such optimal factorIncrease, factorDecrease, stepIncrease, stepDecrease, that value of sum of f(failPos) will be minimal. How? Full bruteforce will help you if n (total length / 200.0f) is small. Else you can try use genetic algorithms or smth simple.
Step precision = 1, step limit = [0, n).
Factor eps - 1/(4*n), factor limit - [0,1).
Now, simple code (c#) to demonstate this:
class Program
static double factorIncrease;
static int stepIncrease;
static double factorDecrease;
static int stepDecrease;
static bool debug = false;
static int f(int lastPosition, int minChecked, int maxUnchecked, int last, int failPos, bool increase = true, int depth = 0)
if ( depth == 100 )
throw new Exception();
if ( maxUnchecked - minChecked <= 0 ) {
if ( debug )
Console.WriteLine("left: {0} right: {1}", minChecked, maxUnchecked);
return 0;
int length = maxUnchecked - minChecked;
int whereToGo = 0;
if ( increase )
whereToGo = minChecked + (int)(length * factorIncrease) + stepIncrease;
whereToGo = minChecked + (int)(length * factorDecrease) + stepDecrease;
if ( whereToGo <= minChecked )
whereToGo = minChecked + 1;
if ( whereToGo >= maxUnchecked )
whereToGo = maxUnchecked;
int cur = Math.Abs(whereToGo - lastPosition) + 3;
if ( debug ) {
Console.WriteLine("left: {2} right: {3} whereToGo:{0} cur: {1}", whereToGo, cur, minChecked, maxUnchecked);
if ( failPos == whereToGo || whereToGo == maxUnchecked )
return cur + f(whereToGo, minChecked, whereToGo - 1, last, failPos, true & increase, depth + 1);
else if ( failPos < whereToGo )
return cur + f(whereToGo, minChecked, whereToGo, last, failPos, true & increase, depth + 1);
return cur + f(whereToGo, whereToGo, maxUnchecked, last, failPos, false, depth + 1);
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 20;
int minSum = int.MaxValue;
var minFactorIncrease = 0.0;
var minStepIncrease = 0;
var minFactorDecrease = 0.0;
var minStepDecrease = 0;
var eps = 1 / (4.00 * (double)n);
for ( factorDecrease = 0.0; factorDecrease < 1; factorDecrease += eps )
for ( stepDecrease = 0; stepDecrease < n; stepDecrease++ )
for ( factorIncrease = 0.0; factorIncrease < 1; factorIncrease += eps )
for ( stepIncrease = 0; stepIncrease < n; stepIncrease++ ) {
int cur = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
try {
cur += f(0, -1, n - 1, n - 1, i);
catch {
Console.WriteLine("fail {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", factorIncrease, stepIncrease, factorDecrease, stepDecrease, i);
if ( cur < minSum ) {
minSum = cur;
minFactorIncrease = factorIncrease;
minStepIncrease = stepIncrease;
minFactorDecrease = factorDecrease;
minStepDecrease = stepDecrease;
Console.WriteLine("best - mathmin={4}, f++:{0} s++:{1} f--:{2} s--:{3}", minFactorIncrease, minStepIncrease, minFactorDecrease, minStepDecrease, minSum);
factorIncrease = minFactorIncrease;
factorDecrease = minFactorDecrease;
stepIncrease = minStepIncrease;
stepDecrease = minStepDecrease;
//debug =true;
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", 3 + i * 4, f(0, -1, n - 1, n - 1, i));
debug = true;
Console.WriteLine(f(0, -1, n - 1, n - 1, n - 1));
So, some values (f++ - factorIncrease, s++ - stepIncrease, f-- - factorDecrease):
n = 9 mathmin = 144, f++: 0,1(1) s++: 1 f--: 0,2(2) s--: 1
n = 20 mathmin = 562, f++: 0,1125 s++: 2 f--: 0,25 s--: 1
Depending on what you actually want to optimise, there may be a way to work out an optimum search pattern. I presume you don't want to optimise the worst case time, because the slowest case for many search strategies will be when the break is at the very end, and binary search is actually pretty good here - you walk to the end without changing direction, and you don't make very many stops.
You might consider different binary trees, and perhaps work out the average time taken to work your way down to a leaf. Binary search is one sort of tree, and so is walking along and testing as you go - a very unbalanced tree in which each node has at least one leaf attached to it.
When following along such a tree you always start at one end or another of the line you are walking along, walk some distance before making a measurement, and then, depending on the result and the tree, either stop or repeat the process with a shorter line, where you are at one end or another of it.
This gives you something you can attack using dynamic programming. Suppose you have solved the problem for lengths of up to N segments, so that you know the cost for the optimum solutions of these lengths. Now you can work out the optimum solution for N+1 segments. Consider breaking the N+1 segments into two pieces in the N+1 possible ways. For each such way, work out the cost of moving to its decision point and taking a measurement and then add on the cost of the best possible solutions for the two sections of segments on either side of the decision point, possibly weighted to account for the probability of ending up in those sections. By considering those N+1 possible ways, you can work out the best way of splitting up N+1 segments, and its cost, and continue until you work out a best solution for the number of sections you actually have.

finding the position of a fraction in farey sequence

For finding the position of a fraction in farey sequence, i tried to implement the algorithm given here http://www.math.harvard.edu/~corina/publications/farey.pdf under "initial algorithm" but i can't understand where i'm going wrong, i am not getting the correct answers . Could someone please point out my mistake.
eg. for order n = 7 and fractions 1/7 ,1/6 i get same answers.
Here's what i've tried for given degree(n), and a fraction a/b:
int A[100000];
ans = sum/b;
Your algorithm doesn't use any particular properties of a and b. In the first part, every relevant entry of the array A is a multiple of a, but the factor is independent of a, b and n. Setting up the array ignoring the factor a, i.e. starting with A[1] = 1, A[i] = i-1 for 2 <= i <= n, after the nested loops, the array contains the totients, i.e. A[i] = phi(i), no matter what a, b, n are. The sum of the totients from 1 to n is the number of elements of the Farey sequence of order n (plus or minus 1, depending on which of 0/1 and 1/1 are included in the definition you use). So your answer is always the approximation (a*number of terms)/b, which is close but not exact.
I've not yet looked at how yours relates to the algorithm in the paper, check back for updates later.
Addendum: Finally had time to look at the paper. Your initialisation is not what they give. In their algorithm, A[q] is initialised to floor(x*q), for a rational x = a/b, the correct initialisation is
for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
A[i] = (a*i)/b;
in the remainder of your code, only ans = sum/b; has to be changed to ans = sum;.
A non-algorithmic way of finding the position t of a fraction in the Farey sequence of order n>1 is shown in Remark 7.10(ii)(a) of the paper, under m:=n-1, where mu-bar stands for the number-theoretic Mobius function on positive integers taking values from the set {-1,0,1}.
Here's my Java solution that works. Add head(0/1), tail(1/1) nodes to a SLL.
Then start by passing headNode,tailNode and setting required orderLevel.
public void generateSequence(Node leftNode, Node rightNode){
Fraction left = (Fraction) leftNode.getData();
Fraction right= (Fraction) rightNode.getData();
FractionNode midNode = null;
int midNum = left.getNum()+ right.getNum();
int midDenom = left.getDenom()+ right.getDenom();
if((midDenom <=getMaxLevel())){
Fraction middle = new Fraction(midNum,midDenom);
midNode = new FractionNode(middle);
if(midNode!= null){
generateSequence(leftNode, midNode);
}else if(rightNode.next()!=null){
generateSequence(rightNode, rightNode.next());

mob picking - random selection of multiple items, each with a cost, given a range to spend

I am considering a random mode for a real-time strategy game.
In this mode, the computer opponent needs to generate a random group of attackers (the mob) which will come at the player. Each possible attacker has an associated creation cost, and each turn there is a certain maximum amount to spend. To avoid making it uninteresting, the opponent should always spend at least half of that amount.
The amount to spend is highly dynamic, while creation costs are dynamic but change slower.
I am seeking a routine of the form:
void randomchoice( int N, int * selections, int * costs, int minimum, int maximum )
Such that given:
N = 5 (for example, I expect it to be around 20 or so)
selections is an empty array of 5 positions
costs is the array {11, 13, 17, 19, 23}
minimum and maximum are 83 and 166
Would return:
83 <= selection[0]*11 + selection[1]*13 + selection[2]*17 + selection[3]*19 + selection[4]*23 <= 166
Most importantly, I want an uniformly random selection - all approaches I've tried result mostly in a few of the largest attackers, and "zergs" of the small ones are too rare.
While I would prefer solutions in the C/C++ family, any algorithmic hints would be welcome.
Firstly I suggest you create a random number r between your min and max number, and we'll try to approach that number in cost, to simplify this a bit., so min <= r <= max.
Next create a scheme that is uniform to your liking in dispatching your units. If I understand correctly, it would be something like this:
If a unit A has a cost c, then m_a = r / c is the rough number of such units you can maximally buy. Now we have units of other types - B, C, with their own costs, and own number m_b, m_c, etc. Let S = m_a + m_b + .... Generate a random number U between 0 and S. Find the smallest i, such that S = m_a + ... m_i is larger than U. Then create a unit of type i, and subtract the units cost from r. Repeat while r > 0.
It seems intuitively clear, that there should be a more efficient method without recomputations, but for a given meaning of the word uniform, this is passable.
Truly uniform? If the number of types of units (N=20?) and cost to max spend ratio is relatively small, the search space for valid possibilities is fairly small and you can probably just brute force this one. Java-esque, sorry (more natural for me, should be easy to port.
List<Integer> choose(int[] costs, int min, int max) {
List<List<Integer>> choices = enumerate(costs, min, max);
return choices.get(new Random().nextInt(choices.size()));
// Recursively computes the valid possibilities.
List<List<Integer>> enumerate(int[] costs, int min, int max) {
List<List<Integer>> possibilities = new ArrayList<List<List<Integer>>();
// Base case
if (costs.length == 1) {
for (int i = min / costs[0]; i < max / costs[0]; i++) {
List<Integer> p = new ArrayList<Integer>();
return possibilities;
// Recursive case - iterate through all possible options for this unit, recursively find
// all remaining solutions.
for (int i = 0; i < max / costs[0]; i++) {
// Pythonism because I'm lazy - your recursive call should be a subarray of the
// cost array from 1-end, since we handled the costs[0] case here.
List<List<Integer>> partial = enumerate(costs[1:], min - (costs[0] * i), max - (costs[0] * i));
for (List<Integer> li : partial) {
possibilities.add(li.add(0, i));
return possibilities;

Suggestion on algorithm to distribute objects of different value

I have the following problem:
Given N objects (N < 30) of different values multiple of a "k" constant i.e. k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k and 32k, I need an algorithm that will distribute all items to M players (M <= 6) in such a way that the total value of the objects each player gets is as even as possible (in other words, I want to distribute all objects to all players in the fairest way possible).
EDIT: By fairest distribution I mean that the difference between the value of the objects any two players get is minimal.
Another similar case would be: I have N coins of different values and I need to divide them equally among M players; sometimes they don't divide exactly and I need to find the next best case of distribution (where no player is angry because another one got too much money).
I don't need (pseudo)code to solve this (also, this is not a homework :) ), but I'll appreciate any ideas or links to algorithms that could solve this.
The problem is strongly NP-complete. This means there is no way to ensure a correct solution in reasonable time. (See 3-partition-problem, thanks Paul).
Instead you'll wanna go for a good approximate solution generator. These can often get very close to the optimal answer in very short time. I can recommend the Simulated Annealing technique, which you will also be able to use for a ton of other NP-complete problems.
The idea is this:
Distribute the items randomly.
Continually make random swaps between two random players, as long as it makes the system more fair, or only a little less fair (see the wiki for details).
Stop when you have something fair enough, or you have run out of time.
This solution is much stronger than the 'greedy' algorithms many suggest. The greedy algorithm is the one where you continuously add the largest item to the 'poorest' player. An example of a testcase where greedy fails is [10,9,8,7,7,5,5].
I did an implementation of SA for you. It follows the wiki article strictly, for educational purposes. If you optimize it, I would say a 100x improvement wouldn't be unrealistic.
from __future__ import division
import random, math
values = [10,9,8,7,7,5,5]
M = 3
kmax = 1000
emax = 0
def s0():
s = [[] for i in xrange(M)]
for v in values:
return s
def E(s):
avg = sum(values)/M
return sum(abs(avg-sum(p))**2 for p in s)
def neighbour(s):
snew = [p[:] for p in s]
while True:
p1, p2 = random.sample(xrange(M),2)
if s[p1]: break
item = random.randrange(len(s[p1]))
return snew
def P(e, enew, T):
if enew < e: return 1
return math.exp((e - enew) / T)
def temp(r):
return (1-r)*100
s = s0()
e = E(s)
sbest = s
ebest = e
k = 0
while k < kmax and e > emax:
snew = neighbour(s)
enew = E(snew)
if enew < ebest:
sbest = snew; ebest = enew
if P(e, enew, temp(k/kmax)) > random.random():
s = snew; e = enew
k += 1
print sbest
Update: After playing around with Branch'n'Bound, I now believe this method to be superior, as it gives perfect results for the N=30, M=6 case within a second. However I guess you could play around with the simulated annealing approach just as much.
The greedy solution suggested by a few people seems like the best option, I ran it a bunch of times with some random values, and it seems to get it right every time.
If it's not optimal, it's at the very least very close, and it runs in O(nm) or so (I can't be bothered to do the math right now)
C# Implementation:
static List<List<int>> Dist(int n, IList<int> values)
var result = new List<List<int>>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
result.Add(new List<int>());
var sortedValues = values.OrderByDescending(val => val);
foreach (int val in sortedValues)
var lowest = result.OrderBy(a => a.Sum()).First();
return result;
how about this:
order the k values.
order the players.
loop over the k values giving the next one to the next player.
when you get to the end of the players, turn around and continue giving the k values to the players in the opposite direction.
Repeatedly give the available object with the largest value to the player who has the least total value of objects assigned to him.
This is a straight-forward implementation of Justin Peel's answer:
M = 3
players = [[] for i in xrange(M)]
values = [10,4,3,1,1,1]
for v in values:
lowest=sorted(players, key=lambda x: sum(x))[0]
print players
print [sum(p) for p in players]
I am a beginner with Python, but it seems to work okay. This example will print
[[10], [4, 1], [3, 1, 1]]
[10, 5, 5]
30 ^ 6 isn't that large (it's less than 1 billion). Go through every possible allocation, and pick the one that's the fairest by whatever measure you define.
The purpose was to use the greedy solution with small improvement in the implementation, which is maybe transparent in C#:
static List<List<int>> Dist(int n, IList<int> values)
var result = new List<List<int>>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
result.Add(new List<int>());
var sortedValues = values.OrderByDescending(val => val);//Assume the most efficient sorting algorithm - O(N log(N))
foreach (int val in sortedValues)
var lowest = result.OrderBy(a => a.Sum()).First();//This can be done in O(M * log(n)) [M - size of sortedValues, n - size of result]
return result;
Regarding this stage:
var lowest = result.OrderBy(a => a.Sum()).First();//This can be done in O(M * log(n)) [M - size of sortedValues, n - size of result]
The idea is that the list is always sorted (In this code it is done by OrderBy). Eventually, this sorting wont take more than O (log(n)) - because we just need to INSERT at most one item into a sorted list - that should take the same as a binary search.
Because we need to repeat this phase for sortedValues.Length times, the whole algorithm runs in O(M * log(n)).
So, in words, it can be rephrased as:
Repeat the steps below till you finish the Values values:
1. Add the biggest value to the smallest player
2. Check if this player still has the smallest sum
3. If yes, go to step 1.
4. Insert the last-that-was-got player to the sorted players list
Step 4 is the O (log(n)) step - as the list is always sorted.
