I am trying to empty a queue/buffer of unknown length that is limited by an empty string.
Example: in->["","P2","P1"]->out
There is a call that returns the next element in the queue. function getNext():Observable<string> This Observable is cold and short-lived. So the only thing that i could do is:
--> "P1"
--> "complete"
--> "P2"
--> "complete"
--> ""
--> "complete"
I would like to turn it into a semi-short-lived observable that emitts values until the empty string is emitted and then completes.
--> "P1"
--> "P2"
--> ""
--> "complete"
For a fixed length that would be easy. of(1,2,3).pipe(mergeMap(()=>getNext())) but I am struggeling with the unknown length. Could you please guide me to a solution?
I think repeatWhen is your operator:
const theBetterGetNext = () => getNext().pipe(
repeatWhen(value => value === "" ? EMPTY : of(null))
() => console.log("complete")
This should resubscribe to the source until the value is empty (=== "")
Edit: I'm making an assumption here: You don't need to call getNext again to get a new value, but you can reuse the initial observable...
I just found another solution if you need to call getNext():
const theBetterGetNext = () => getNext().pipe(
expand(value => value === "" ? EMPTY : getNext())
() => console.log("complete")
You could use the takeWhile operator to take values only while they are not an empty string.
Once you get an empty string, the observable will complete:
of(1, 2, 3)
mergeMap(() => getNext()),
takeWhile(val => val !== "")
() => console.log("complete")
I obtain my Ofertas here
getOfertasByYear(year:number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`)
añoPresentada:new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
}) as Oferta)
tap(data => console.log('OfertasService-getOfertasByYear(): ', data)
But I need to calculate his organismoId and that is here
getOrganismoDeOferta(ofertaId:string): Observable<Organismo> {
return this.http.get<Organismo>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/organismos/oferta/${ofertaId}`)
tap(//data=>console.log('OfertasService-getOrganismos(): ', data)
And I don't know how to pass the result of this Observable to te mapped property
getOfertasByYear(year:number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`)
añoPresentada:new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
}) as Oferta)
tap(data => console.log('OfertasService-getOfertasByYear(): ', data)
I subscribe to it but I don't know how to make the assignment
I have tried to obtain all Ofertas and All Concursos but neither
ofertas$ = this.dataService.getOfertas();
concursos$ = this.dataService.getConcursos();
ofertasConOrganismos$ = forkJoin([
map(([ofertas, concursos]) =>
ofertas.map(oferta => ({
organismoId: concursos.find(c => c.id == oferta.concursoId).organismoId
}) as Oferta))
But I get this error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'organismoId')
Any idea, please?
Instead of using a plain map and then calling .subscribe(), you can use a "Higher-Order Mapping Operator" to handle the inner subscription for you. In this case, let's use switchMap.
The idea is to return an observable inside switchMap that emits the data you need. Since you need to make multiple calls, we can leverage some help from forkJoin.
With forkJoin you pass in an array of observables, and it will emit an array of the results. So here below we map the array of Oferta to an array of observables that will each emit the Oferta with the organismoId appended:
getOfertasByYear(year: number): Observable<Oferta[]> {
return this.http.get<Oferta[]>(`${this.urlWebAPI}/ofertas/year/${year}`).pipe(
switchMap(ofertas => forkJoin(
ofertas.map(oferta => this.appendOrganismo(oferta))
Nothing too fancy for the definition of appendOrganismo(); we just make the http call, then map the result to the desired shape:
private appendOrganismo(oferta: Oferta) {
return this.getOrganismoDeOferta(oferta.id).pipe(
map(organismo => ({
añoPresentada: new Date(oferta.fechaPresentacionFulcrum).getFullYear(),
organismoId: organismo.id
I am trying to understand something Inside my epic
const loginEpic = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
switchMap((action: {payload:{email: string, password: string}}) =>
HttpService.PostAsync<apiModels.api_token_auth_request, apiModels.api_token_auth_response>('token-auth', action.payload).pipe(
switchMap(response => {
let token = response && response.data && response.data.token ? response.data.token : '';
return of(
UsersActions.setUserAuth({authKey: token}),
catchError((error: string) => {
return of(UsersActions.loginFailed({error}));
Why this works
switchMap(response => {
let token = response && response.data && response.data.token ? response.data.token : '';
return of(
UsersActions.setUserAuth({authKey: token}),
But this will not work
map(response => {
let token = response && response.data && response.data.token ? response.data.token : '';
return concat(
of(UsersActions.setUserAuth({authKey: token})),
Uncaught Error: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware
for async actions.
Isn't the second one also a first stream ?
switchMap will subscribe to the inner Observable returned (in this case of) and reemit all its items. So of emits 3 items that are propagated further.
On the other hand, map just takes the value returned from its "project" function and propagates it further. map doesn't care what the returned value is. No further logic is applied.
So in your case map is propagating an instance of Observable which is not a valid action.
I have an epic, that listens for a certain action.
Once it gets the action, it should do a ajax.post
If status code is good, then emit YES
If status bad, then emit pre, wait 1s, emit post
I am struggling mightily with the last bullet, here is my code in a playground - https://rxviz.com/v/WJxGMl4O
Here is my pipeline part:
flatMap(action =>
defer(() => ajax.post('foo foo foo')).pipe(
tap(res => console.log('succeeded:', res)),
retryWhen(error$ =>
tap(error => console.log('got error:', error)),
merge(of('pre')), // this isnt emiting
merge(of('post')) // this isnt emitting
I think you can achieve what you want by using catchError instead of retryWhen because retryWhen only reacts to next notifications but won't propagate them further. With catchError you get also the source Observable which you can return and thus re-subscribe. concat subscribes to all its source one after another only after the previous one completed so it'll first send the two messages pre and post and after that retry.
filter(action => action === 'hi'),
mergeMap(action =>
defer(() => resolveAfter(3)).pipe(
tap(res => console.log('succeeded:', res)),
catchError((error, source$) => {
console.log('retrying, got error:', error);
return staticConcat(
Your updated demo: https://rxviz.com/v/A8D7BzyJ
Here is my approach:
First, I created 2 custom operators, one that will handle 'pre' & 'post'(skipValidation) and one that will handle the logic(useValidation).
const skipValidation = src => of(src).pipe(
v => of('post').pipe(
What's important to notice in the snippet below is action$.next({ skip: true }). With that, we are emitting new values that will go through the iif operator so that we can emit 'pre' & 'post';
const useValidation = src => of(src).pipe(
filter(action => action === 'hi'),
mergeMap(action =>
defer(() => resolveAfter(3)).pipe(
tap(res => console.log('succeeded:', res)),
retryWhen(error$ =>
tap(error => { console.log('retrying, got error:', error); action$.next({ skip: true })}),
tap(v => console.log('v', v)), // Every emitted value will go through the `iif ` operator
mergeMap(v => iif(() => typeof v === 'object' && v.skip, skipValidation(v), useValidation(v))),
Here is your updated demo.
I'm trying to make multiple http requests and get returned data in one object.
const pagesToFetch = [2,3]
const request$ = forkJoin(
mergeMap(page => this.mockRemoteData(page)),
mockRemoteData() return a simple Promise.
After first Observable emits (the once created from first entry of pagesToFetch the request$ is completed, second value in not included. How can I fix this?
You can turn each value in pagesToFetch into an Observable and then wait until all of them complete:
const observables = pagesToFetch.map(page => this.mockRemoteData(page));
Or in case it's not that simple and you need pagesToFetch to be an Observable to collect urls first you could use for example this:
mergeMap(pages => {
const observables = pages.map(page => this.mockRemoteData(page));
return forkJoin(observables);
Try the below sample format...
URL 1,
).subscribe((responses) => {
error => {console.log(error)}
I want to resolve an observable but I don't want the return value to replace the previous value in the pipe. Is there any asynchronous tap()? I need an operator like a switchMap but I want to ignore the return.
of(1).pipe(switchMap(() => of(2))).subscribe(console.log); // expected: 1
I could create a custom operator but sure there's something built-in in rxjs.
I ended up with this custom operator. It is like tap but resolves observables (and should be updated to also support promises).
export function switchTap<T, R>(next: (x: T) => Observable<R>): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T>;
export function switchTap<R>(observable: Observable<R>): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<R>;
export function switchTap<T, R>(
arg: Observable<T> | ((x: T) => Observable<R>)
): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
const next: (x: any) => Observable<T | R> =
typeof arg === 'function' ? arg : (x: any): Observable<T> => arg;
return switchMap<T, T>(value => next(value).pipe(ignoreElements(), concat(of(value))));
of(1).pipe(switchTap(of(2))).subscribe(console.log) // 1
or with a function:
switchTap(value => {
console.log(value); // value: 1
return of(value + 1);
.subscribe(console.log); // 1
If you just want to simply ignore the values of the subscribe, then just don't pass in any arguments in the subscribe callback:
of(1).pipe(switchMap(() => of(2))).subscribe(()=>{
console.log('no arguments')
If you however want to retain the values of the first observable, things can get tricky. One way is to use Subject to retain the value:
//create a BehaviorSubject
var cache = new BehaviorSubject<any>(0);
of(1).pipe(switchMap((first) => {
return of(2);
})).subscribe(() => {
console.log(cache.value) //gives 1
Or you can use .map() to alter the values. This is kind of hacky and the code is harder to maintain:
of(1).pipe(switchMap((first) => {
return of(2).map(() => first);
})).subscribe((second) => {
console.log(second) //gives 1 because the values was mapped
I do it like so
switchMap( num => this.doSmtg(num), num => num)
).subscribe(num => console.log(num)); // 2
Second param of switchmap receives two value the one passed to this.doSmtg and the value returned by doSmtg(num)'s observable.
For anyone new having the same problem I would advise using the resultSelector parameter supported by switchMap and other RxJS mapping operators.
switchMap(1 => of(2), (one, two) => one)
For further reading: https://www.learnrxjs.io/operators/transformation/mergemap.html
I think you could use delayWhen operator to achieve a similar functionality.
delayWhen(value => {
console.log(value); // value: 1
return of(value + 1);
).subscribe(console.log); // 1