Cannot access other machines on remote network with OpenVPN - windows

I am trying to set up OpenVPN so that I can access machines inside an Azure subnet from my pc which is outside Azure.
I have successfully installed OpenVPN on both server (Windows Server 2019) and pc (Windows 10) using the instructions here:, and I can successfully connect from client to server, however, I cannot connect to any other machine on the Azure subnet upon which the server is sitting.
The server and the other machines I want to connect to are on a subnet, and the VPN is coming up on the network as I would expect from the examples.
I have enabled IP routing on the server as recommended in the OpenVPN FAQ but this has not fixed the issue.
I have also added a 'push "route"' line to the server config, and I can see from the client log (and the client routing table) that this has been executed, but I am still unable to connect to other machines in the subnet.
I was looking into using Tap instead of Tun, but when I dug into at what was actually being used, it looks as if as if both ends are using the Tap adaptor anyway, even though I have specified 'dev tun' in both the client and the server configs.
I have had bit of a trawl but can't find anything about the Tap adaptor when the Tun adaptor has been configured, so that is a bit of a mystery.
The only other thing that I have read is that it might be necessary to set up a route back to the OpenVPN subnet on the gateway server for, but that's not a server I control as it's part of the Azure infrastructure.
What do I have to do to get access to other machines on the subnet? And why is the Tap adaptor being selected despite the config specifying the Tun adaptor ?

I made a number of other changes before I finally got it sorted out - I do not know if they were all necessary but in addition to the above:
I changed 'dev tun' to 'dev tap' in the server and client configs.
I followed the instructions here NAT-hack to add NAT to the server.
And finally, I added 'route' to the
server config file.


SonarQube on windows - can only view locally

I have a windows server 2016 machine which I have Jenkins running on. I wanted to install SonarQube. So have downloaded v7.1
I have managed to start sonarqube on the machine and can view the webserver at http://localhost:9000
I tried to view the page on a different machine using the IP address and port 9000, but this doesn't connect. Looking in the file I can see
Binding IP address. For servers with more than one IP address, this property specifies which
address will be used for listening on the specified ports.
By default, ports will be used on all IP addresses associated with the server.
If I use http:// then sonarqube starts, but I can't see sonarqube from any other machine, if I don't use http:// (so just the ip) then it won't start with a bind error.
Has anyone experience of setting this up on windows?
Turns out it was something a lot simpler, the machine is being run on azure and there was no port 9000 endpoint

Laravel Homestead needs to access local web server

I have the following setup in my DEV environment which is running on Windows 10 (which should be irrelevant).
Homestead with Virtual box to develop my Laravel applications
on my local OS I have a IBM Domino server running as dev1.mydomain.local
I'm trying to access the REST API on the Domino server from my Laravel installations. At the moment I'm getting 404 errors when trying because the domino server is not available from within the VirtualBox of Homestead.
Here is the network configuration of the homestead virtual box
Both webservers Domino and nginx on the virtual box are running on standard ports
Here is the ifconfig output of the virtual box
How can I make that possible?
It just came to me that I am able to access the Domino server with LDAP, so perhaps changing the http and https port of the Domino server is already the answer...
I will test that and then get back here...
Changing the Port of the Domino server to 8080 enable me to access the server's REST API
The connection to the local machine seems to be enable through the VirtualBox's second network adapter and the my call to the REST API got confused with the 2 web servers listening to the same port on localhost(
although I was kind of able to connect to the server using the address above, still left me with the problem that authentication wasn't possible. In order to do so (and I have not the slightest idea why), I had to change to the local IP address of my PC to access the REST services
If someone could explain that I would be happy :-)

SSH connect from local windows VM to Azure windows VM

I want to have a SSH connection from my local windows machine or VM on my computer to Azure windows server VM. I tried Cygwin and Putty but both of them gave timeout connection. I used public ip address and opened port 22 on Azure VM.
I will appreciate if some one can give me any hints or links.
There are multiple firewalls that can be the reason here. Fist you must have a rule on the server to allow incoming SSH requests (port 22). Then you need to configure the NSG(Network security group) to allow incoming on port 22. If it still doesn't work, you need to verify that you are allowed to do an outgoing SSH request from your computer.
Thanks for suggestions, I found the problem which was the host machine IP address(ipconfig) (where is a local VM inside domain) was different from the IP address that communicate outside the domain to internet. I was set in NSG of Azure VM to only accept this IP and because of that it gave time-out error. After changing the IP it works.

vmWare Workstation External Accessibility Issue

I'm running Windows Server 2012 w/ vmWare Workstation. I've built a GitLab VM on Centos 7 that's totally setup and accessible on my local network. It's configured using Bridged Mode so it has it's own IP from the DHCP Server.
I use No-IP to connect to my Network externally which has been working great for several years now. I have port-forwarding setup within my router to forward traffic for the GitLab webUI to the GitLab VM, but it's not accessible externally. I even tried setting up the port forwarding to direct the traffic to the Windows Server and then setup internal port forwarding w/ netsh on the Windows Server to forward the traffic to the GitLab VM, making sure I opened the port on the Windows Firewall (even tried disabling it), but I still can't get to the GitLab VM externally. AFAIK running a VM w/ a Bridged adapter should essentially be like it is just another physical machine on the network.
Now, I am running IIS on the Windows Server, but when I specify a specific port using my public No-IP Domain, the router should detect the traffic on that port and forward it according to the rules that I have setup, correct? IIS shouldn't be interfering with any traffic on other ports with the external Domain.
I'm totally stumped on this on and searching around the web really hasn't helped much.
So it turns out that I did everything 100% correctly with setting up port forwarding right to the IP of the VM, but my workplace blocks just about every port except for 80 and 443. Tested connectivity from an AWS box and everything is accessible exactly as designed.
Now I just feel like an idiot, but hey, I figured it out.

Red5 Problem with connecting from remote client

So I have this issue. The issue is I am unable to connect to my red5 server from a remote client. I also have not found any tutorials on how to install red5 so that remote clients can connect to it. However, here is what I have done...
Inside My MXML Flex File I try to connect to the computers IP that the server is running on(My Server is running from within Eclipse). The line for connecting looks like this netConnection.connect(rtmp://, true);
All that happens is after a lot of minutes go by, I just get NetConnection.Connect.Failed and there is no log being output by Eclipse. Almost like it never even registers the connection that the remote client is trying to make.
The other interesting thing is that I am ABLE to connect to my Red5 Server using a different computer within my local home network just fine. But only when it is remote I am unable to connect.
I have changed my file and added this...
webapp.virtualHosts=*,, localhost,,
The 174 one is my website where the Flex Swf Resides on.
I think maybe somehow my computer is not setup or configured to allow these remote connections and is rejecting them or something, I'm not quite sure why a remote client can't connect. Does anyone have any idas?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
You may uninstall the red5 and reinstall it.
When it ask you the server ip address type your server's LAN adress (192.168.2.* or 10.0.0.* whatever). This solved my problem.
In my opinion, if you have at least one domain name that you own, the best way for you to go is to set up an Apache Http Server to your server machine, and create subdomains for both red5, rtmp and rtmpt. Make the Apache handle your incoming requests, and decide their correct routing there.
In case you don't own a domain, or the previous way is too time-taking to set up and get it work, you should just make sure that the ip address you're trying to connect to is not an internal IP.
In your example above you are trying to connect from the client to a 192.168... address. If you try to connect to it from within your LAN, it works, since that ip there is registered to your machine.
But when you take your notebook to your neighbor, and using his internet connection to access your site and connect to red5, the client (flex application) will also try to connect to that 192.168..., and your neighbor's router has no idea about your LAN, probably it doesn't have such an internal IP address either, but SURELY cannot connect to your server.
So instead of using 192.168... in your connection string, you should try using your external IP address (the 174... one):
netConnection.connect("rtmp://", true);
This will work always, as far as you have a static IP address.
Also make sure, that your red5 server is accessible over the 80 port, or if it's not, specify the correct port number there.
For that you can do following thing...
These steps I took and it's solved my problem...
1.During the installation, you must have given ip (localhost) and port :5080
2.firstly open the port (5080 and 1935) on firewall.
3.Now to go red5->conf-> and open this file in notepad++. (or any other editor)
4.repalce and ip with your ip address (ipv4)
5.start the red5 service.
6.Now check http://yourip:5080
It will start working, and you can access it from other system also (in the same network Obviously )
